Author: Johan Klarbring
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298559
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 93
Book Description
This thesis is a first-principles theoretical investigation of solid materials with high degrees of anharmonicity. These are systems where the dynamics of the constituent atoms is too complex to be well-described by a set of uncoupled harmonic oscillators. While theoretical studies of such systems pose a significant challenge, they are under increasing demand due to the prevalence of these sytems in next-generation technological applications. Indeed, very anharmonic systems are ubiquitous in envisioned materials for future solid-state batteries and fuel-cells, thermoelectrics and optoelectronics. In some of these cases, the anharmonicity is a “side-effect” that simply has to be dealt with in order to accurately model certain properties, while in other cases the anharmonicity is the origin of the high-performance of the material. There are two main parts to the thesis: The first is on materials with perovskite-related structures. This is a very large class of materials, members of which are typically highly anharmonic, not least in relation to a series of complex phase transformations between different structural modifications. In the thesis, I have studied a specific class of such phase-transformations that relate to tilting of the framework of octahedra that make up the structure. The oxide CaMnO3 and a set of inorganic halide perovskites were taken as model systems. The results shed some light on the experimentally observed differences between the local and average atomic structure in these systems. I have further studied Cs2AgBiBr6, a member of the so-called lead-free halide double perovskites. I rationalized its temperature induced phase transformation and found high degrees of anharmonicity and ultra-low thermal conductivity. Finally, I studied the influence of nuclear quantum effects, which are often ignored in computational modelling, on the structure and bonding in the hybrid organic-inorganic lead-halide perovskite, CH3NH3PbI3. The second part of the thesis deals with theoretical studies of the phase stability of dynamically disordered solids. These are solids which have some sort of time-averaged long-range order, characteristic of a crystalline solid, but where the anharmonicity is so strong that the basic concept of an equilibrium atomic position cannot be statically assigned to all atoms. Examples include certain solids with very fast ionic conduction, so called superionics, and solids with rotating molecular units. This absence of equilibrium atomic positions makes many standard computational techniques to evaluate phase-stability inapplicable. I outline a method to deal with this issue, which is based on a stress-strain thermodynamic integration on a deformation path from an ordered variant to the dynamically disordered phase itself. I apply the method to study the phase stability of the high-temperature ?-phase of Bi2O3, which is the fastest know solid oxide ion conductor, and to Li2C2, whose high temperature cubic phase contains rotating C2 dimers. The thesis exemplifies the need to go beyond many of the standard approximations used in first-principles computational materials science if accurate theoretical predictions are to be made. This is true, in particular, for many emerging material classes in the field of energy materials. I den konventionella teoretiska modellen för ett (kristallint) fast material antags varje atom kunna tillordnas en jämviktsposition. Rörelsen av atomerna runt dessa jämviktspositioner antags sedan ofta vara harmoniskt, d.v.s. hyfsat kunna beskrivs i termer av en samling (kvantmekaniska) fjädrar. Denna avhandling behandlar teori- och beräkningsstudier av material där ett eller båda av dessa antaganden inte är giltiga, så kallade anharmoniska material. En nogrann teoretisk behandling av sådana material är ofta ordentligt utmanande. I takt med en snabb teknologiska utveckling ställs allt mer specifika och stränga krav på de material som behövs för diverse applikationer. Inom flertalet områden dyker då denna typ av komplexa och anharmoniska material upp som potentiella kandidater. Till exempel som fastelektrolyter för batterier och bränsleceller eller som solcellsmaterial. Inom vissa applikationer är denna anharmonicitet en bieffekt som man helt enkelt måste ta hänsyn till för att kunna göra noggranna teoretiska förutsägelser om diverse materialegenskaper, i andra fall är anharmoniciteten själva ursprunget för materialets goda egenskaper. I den första delen av avhandlingen behandlar jag material som har, eller är nära relaterade till, den så kallade perovskitstrukturen. Detta är en väldigt stor klass av material, och strukturen dyker därför upp inom en mängd olika tillämpningar, inte minst i lovande solcellsmaterial. Dessa material är ofta mycket anharmoniska, vilket tar sig uttryck bland annat i en rad komplexa fastransformationer mellan olika typer av perovskitmodifikationer. I perovskitoxiden CaMnO3, samt i en samling halogenperovskiter, har jag har studerat en specifik typ av fastransformationer som tillkommer på grund av rotationer av de oktaedrar som utgör en del av strukturen. Jag har fortsatt studerat den väldigt kraftiga anharmoniciteten i den så kallade blyfria halogendubbelperovskiten Cs2AgBiBr6, och slutligen har jag studerat hur en kvantmekanisk behandling av atomkärnorna, något som oftast inte görs, påverkar materialegenskaper i CH3NH3PbI3, en så kallad hybrid organisk-inorganisk bly-halogenperovskit, som är ett extremt lovande solcellsmaterial. I den andra delen av avhandlingen studerar jag dynamiskt oordnade fasta material. I dessa material är atomernas rörelse för komplex för att varje atom ska kunna tilldellas en statisk jämviktsposition. Material i denna klass är, till exempel, lovande som fastelektrolyter i bränsleceller och batterier. Mer specifikt studerar jag en typ av fasövergång, från en ordnad fas till en fas med dynamisk oordning, som ofta sker när dessa material värms upp. Jag introducerar en beräkningsmetod för att utvärdera deras fasstabilitet. Metoden är baserad på en så kallad termodynamisk integration, utförd mellan en ordnad variant och den dynamiskt oordnade fasen själv. Metoden gör det möjligt att beräkna fastransformationstemperaturer i denna typ av material. Jag applicerar metoden på Bi2O3, som i sin ?-fas är det fasta material med högst känd syrejonledningsförmåga, samt på Li2C2 vars kubiska fas innehåller roterande C2 molekyler. Resultaten stämmer bra överens med kända experimentella mätningar.
A First-Principles Study of Highly Anharmonic and Dynamically Disordered Solids
Author: Johan Klarbring
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298559
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 93
Book Description
This thesis is a first-principles theoretical investigation of solid materials with high degrees of anharmonicity. These are systems where the dynamics of the constituent atoms is too complex to be well-described by a set of uncoupled harmonic oscillators. While theoretical studies of such systems pose a significant challenge, they are under increasing demand due to the prevalence of these sytems in next-generation technological applications. Indeed, very anharmonic systems are ubiquitous in envisioned materials for future solid-state batteries and fuel-cells, thermoelectrics and optoelectronics. In some of these cases, the anharmonicity is a “side-effect” that simply has to be dealt with in order to accurately model certain properties, while in other cases the anharmonicity is the origin of the high-performance of the material. There are two main parts to the thesis: The first is on materials with perovskite-related structures. This is a very large class of materials, members of which are typically highly anharmonic, not least in relation to a series of complex phase transformations between different structural modifications. In the thesis, I have studied a specific class of such phase-transformations that relate to tilting of the framework of octahedra that make up the structure. The oxide CaMnO3 and a set of inorganic halide perovskites were taken as model systems. The results shed some light on the experimentally observed differences between the local and average atomic structure in these systems. I have further studied Cs2AgBiBr6, a member of the so-called lead-free halide double perovskites. I rationalized its temperature induced phase transformation and found high degrees of anharmonicity and ultra-low thermal conductivity. Finally, I studied the influence of nuclear quantum effects, which are often ignored in computational modelling, on the structure and bonding in the hybrid organic-inorganic lead-halide perovskite, CH3NH3PbI3. The second part of the thesis deals with theoretical studies of the phase stability of dynamically disordered solids. These are solids which have some sort of time-averaged long-range order, characteristic of a crystalline solid, but where the anharmonicity is so strong that the basic concept of an equilibrium atomic position cannot be statically assigned to all atoms. Examples include certain solids with very fast ionic conduction, so called superionics, and solids with rotating molecular units. This absence of equilibrium atomic positions makes many standard computational techniques to evaluate phase-stability inapplicable. I outline a method to deal with this issue, which is based on a stress-strain thermodynamic integration on a deformation path from an ordered variant to the dynamically disordered phase itself. I apply the method to study the phase stability of the high-temperature ?-phase of Bi2O3, which is the fastest know solid oxide ion conductor, and to Li2C2, whose high temperature cubic phase contains rotating C2 dimers. The thesis exemplifies the need to go beyond many of the standard approximations used in first-principles computational materials science if accurate theoretical predictions are to be made. This is true, in particular, for many emerging material classes in the field of energy materials. I den konventionella teoretiska modellen för ett (kristallint) fast material antags varje atom kunna tillordnas en jämviktsposition. Rörelsen av atomerna runt dessa jämviktspositioner antags sedan ofta vara harmoniskt, d.v.s. hyfsat kunna beskrivs i termer av en samling (kvantmekaniska) fjädrar. Denna avhandling behandlar teori- och beräkningsstudier av material där ett eller båda av dessa antaganden inte är giltiga, så kallade anharmoniska material. En nogrann teoretisk behandling av sådana material är ofta ordentligt utmanande. I takt med en snabb teknologiska utveckling ställs allt mer specifika och stränga krav på de material som behövs för diverse applikationer. Inom flertalet områden dyker då denna typ av komplexa och anharmoniska material upp som potentiella kandidater. Till exempel som fastelektrolyter för batterier och bränsleceller eller som solcellsmaterial. Inom vissa applikationer är denna anharmonicitet en bieffekt som man helt enkelt måste ta hänsyn till för att kunna göra noggranna teoretiska förutsägelser om diverse materialegenskaper, i andra fall är anharmoniciteten själva ursprunget för materialets goda egenskaper. I den första delen av avhandlingen behandlar jag material som har, eller är nära relaterade till, den så kallade perovskitstrukturen. Detta är en väldigt stor klass av material, och strukturen dyker därför upp inom en mängd olika tillämpningar, inte minst i lovande solcellsmaterial. Dessa material är ofta mycket anharmoniska, vilket tar sig uttryck bland annat i en rad komplexa fastransformationer mellan olika typer av perovskitmodifikationer. I perovskitoxiden CaMnO3, samt i en samling halogenperovskiter, har jag har studerat en specifik typ av fastransformationer som tillkommer på grund av rotationer av de oktaedrar som utgör en del av strukturen. Jag har fortsatt studerat den väldigt kraftiga anharmoniciteten i den så kallade blyfria halogendubbelperovskiten Cs2AgBiBr6, och slutligen har jag studerat hur en kvantmekanisk behandling av atomkärnorna, något som oftast inte görs, påverkar materialegenskaper i CH3NH3PbI3, en så kallad hybrid organisk-inorganisk bly-halogenperovskit, som är ett extremt lovande solcellsmaterial. I den andra delen av avhandlingen studerar jag dynamiskt oordnade fasta material. I dessa material är atomernas rörelse för komplex för att varje atom ska kunna tilldellas en statisk jämviktsposition. Material i denna klass är, till exempel, lovande som fastelektrolyter i bränsleceller och batterier. Mer specifikt studerar jag en typ av fasövergång, från en ordnad fas till en fas med dynamisk oordning, som ofta sker när dessa material värms upp. Jag introducerar en beräkningsmetod för att utvärdera deras fasstabilitet. Metoden är baserad på en så kallad termodynamisk integration, utförd mellan en ordnad variant och den dynamiskt oordnade fasen själv. Metoden gör det möjligt att beräkna fastransformationstemperaturer i denna typ av material. Jag applicerar metoden på Bi2O3, som i sin ?-fas är det fasta material med högst känd syrejonledningsförmåga, samt på Li2C2 vars kubiska fas innehåller roterande C2 molekyler. Resultaten stämmer bra överens med kända experimentella mätningar.
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298559
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 93
Book Description
This thesis is a first-principles theoretical investigation of solid materials with high degrees of anharmonicity. These are systems where the dynamics of the constituent atoms is too complex to be well-described by a set of uncoupled harmonic oscillators. While theoretical studies of such systems pose a significant challenge, they are under increasing demand due to the prevalence of these sytems in next-generation technological applications. Indeed, very anharmonic systems are ubiquitous in envisioned materials for future solid-state batteries and fuel-cells, thermoelectrics and optoelectronics. In some of these cases, the anharmonicity is a “side-effect” that simply has to be dealt with in order to accurately model certain properties, while in other cases the anharmonicity is the origin of the high-performance of the material. There are two main parts to the thesis: The first is on materials with perovskite-related structures. This is a very large class of materials, members of which are typically highly anharmonic, not least in relation to a series of complex phase transformations between different structural modifications. In the thesis, I have studied a specific class of such phase-transformations that relate to tilting of the framework of octahedra that make up the structure. The oxide CaMnO3 and a set of inorganic halide perovskites were taken as model systems. The results shed some light on the experimentally observed differences between the local and average atomic structure in these systems. I have further studied Cs2AgBiBr6, a member of the so-called lead-free halide double perovskites. I rationalized its temperature induced phase transformation and found high degrees of anharmonicity and ultra-low thermal conductivity. Finally, I studied the influence of nuclear quantum effects, which are often ignored in computational modelling, on the structure and bonding in the hybrid organic-inorganic lead-halide perovskite, CH3NH3PbI3. The second part of the thesis deals with theoretical studies of the phase stability of dynamically disordered solids. These are solids which have some sort of time-averaged long-range order, characteristic of a crystalline solid, but where the anharmonicity is so strong that the basic concept of an equilibrium atomic position cannot be statically assigned to all atoms. Examples include certain solids with very fast ionic conduction, so called superionics, and solids with rotating molecular units. This absence of equilibrium atomic positions makes many standard computational techniques to evaluate phase-stability inapplicable. I outline a method to deal with this issue, which is based on a stress-strain thermodynamic integration on a deformation path from an ordered variant to the dynamically disordered phase itself. I apply the method to study the phase stability of the high-temperature ?-phase of Bi2O3, which is the fastest know solid oxide ion conductor, and to Li2C2, whose high temperature cubic phase contains rotating C2 dimers. The thesis exemplifies the need to go beyond many of the standard approximations used in first-principles computational materials science if accurate theoretical predictions are to be made. This is true, in particular, for many emerging material classes in the field of energy materials. I den konventionella teoretiska modellen för ett (kristallint) fast material antags varje atom kunna tillordnas en jämviktsposition. Rörelsen av atomerna runt dessa jämviktspositioner antags sedan ofta vara harmoniskt, d.v.s. hyfsat kunna beskrivs i termer av en samling (kvantmekaniska) fjädrar. Denna avhandling behandlar teori- och beräkningsstudier av material där ett eller båda av dessa antaganden inte är giltiga, så kallade anharmoniska material. En nogrann teoretisk behandling av sådana material är ofta ordentligt utmanande. I takt med en snabb teknologiska utveckling ställs allt mer specifika och stränga krav på de material som behövs för diverse applikationer. Inom flertalet områden dyker då denna typ av komplexa och anharmoniska material upp som potentiella kandidater. Till exempel som fastelektrolyter för batterier och bränsleceller eller som solcellsmaterial. Inom vissa applikationer är denna anharmonicitet en bieffekt som man helt enkelt måste ta hänsyn till för att kunna göra noggranna teoretiska förutsägelser om diverse materialegenskaper, i andra fall är anharmoniciteten själva ursprunget för materialets goda egenskaper. I den första delen av avhandlingen behandlar jag material som har, eller är nära relaterade till, den så kallade perovskitstrukturen. Detta är en väldigt stor klass av material, och strukturen dyker därför upp inom en mängd olika tillämpningar, inte minst i lovande solcellsmaterial. Dessa material är ofta mycket anharmoniska, vilket tar sig uttryck bland annat i en rad komplexa fastransformationer mellan olika typer av perovskitmodifikationer. I perovskitoxiden CaMnO3, samt i en samling halogenperovskiter, har jag har studerat en specifik typ av fastransformationer som tillkommer på grund av rotationer av de oktaedrar som utgör en del av strukturen. Jag har fortsatt studerat den väldigt kraftiga anharmoniciteten i den så kallade blyfria halogendubbelperovskiten Cs2AgBiBr6, och slutligen har jag studerat hur en kvantmekanisk behandling av atomkärnorna, något som oftast inte görs, påverkar materialegenskaper i CH3NH3PbI3, en så kallad hybrid organisk-inorganisk bly-halogenperovskit, som är ett extremt lovande solcellsmaterial. I den andra delen av avhandlingen studerar jag dynamiskt oordnade fasta material. I dessa material är atomernas rörelse för komplex för att varje atom ska kunna tilldellas en statisk jämviktsposition. Material i denna klass är, till exempel, lovande som fastelektrolyter i bränsleceller och batterier. Mer specifikt studerar jag en typ av fasövergång, från en ordnad fas till en fas med dynamisk oordning, som ofta sker när dessa material värms upp. Jag introducerar en beräkningsmetod för att utvärdera deras fasstabilitet. Metoden är baserad på en så kallad termodynamisk integration, utförd mellan en ordnad variant och den dynamiskt oordnade fasen själv. Metoden gör det möjligt att beräkna fastransformationstemperaturer i denna typ av material. Jag applicerar metoden på Bi2O3, som i sin ?-fas är det fasta material med högst känd syrejonledningsförmåga, samt på Li2C2 vars kubiska fas innehåller roterande C2 molekyler. Resultaten stämmer bra överens med kända experimentella mätningar.
Physics Briefs
Category : Physics
Languages : en
Pages : 1162
Book Description
Category : Physics
Languages : en
Pages : 1162
Book Description
Chemical Abstracts
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 2540
Book Description
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 2540
Book Description
Energy Research Abstracts
Category : Power resources
Languages : en
Pages : 820
Book Description
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Languages : en
Pages : 820
Book Description
X-Ray Absorption and X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy
Author: Jeroen A. van Bokhoven
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118844262
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 896
Book Description
During the last two decades, remarkable and often spectacular progress has been made in the methodological and instrumental aspects of x–ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. This progress includes considerable technological improvements in the design and production of detectors especially with the development and expansion of large-scale synchrotron reactors All this has resulted in improved analytical performance and new applications, as well as in the perspective of a dramatic enhancement in the potential of x–ray based analysis techniques for the near future. This comprehensive two-volume treatise features articles that explain the phenomena and describe examples of X–ray absorption and emission applications in several fields, including chemistry, biochemistry, catalysis, amorphous and liquid systems, synchrotron radiation, and surface phenomena. Contributors explain the underlying theory, how to set up X–ray absorption experiments, and how to analyze the details of the resulting spectra. X-Ray Absorption and X-ray Emission Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications: Combines the theory, instrumentation and applications of x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies which offer unique diagnostics to study almost any object in the Universe. Is the go-to reference book in the subject for all researchers across multi-disciplines since intense beams from modern sources have revolutionized x-ray science in recent years Is relevant to students, postdocurates and researchers working on x-rays and related synchrotron sources and applications in materials, physics, medicine, environment/geology, and biomedical materials
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118844262
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 896
Book Description
During the last two decades, remarkable and often spectacular progress has been made in the methodological and instrumental aspects of x–ray absorption and emission spectroscopy. This progress includes considerable technological improvements in the design and production of detectors especially with the development and expansion of large-scale synchrotron reactors All this has resulted in improved analytical performance and new applications, as well as in the perspective of a dramatic enhancement in the potential of x–ray based analysis techniques for the near future. This comprehensive two-volume treatise features articles that explain the phenomena and describe examples of X–ray absorption and emission applications in several fields, including chemistry, biochemistry, catalysis, amorphous and liquid systems, synchrotron radiation, and surface phenomena. Contributors explain the underlying theory, how to set up X–ray absorption experiments, and how to analyze the details of the resulting spectra. X-Ray Absorption and X-ray Emission Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications: Combines the theory, instrumentation and applications of x-ray absorption and emission spectroscopies which offer unique diagnostics to study almost any object in the Universe. Is the go-to reference book in the subject for all researchers across multi-disciplines since intense beams from modern sources have revolutionized x-ray science in recent years Is relevant to students, postdocurates and researchers working on x-rays and related synchrotron sources and applications in materials, physics, medicine, environment/geology, and biomedical materials
The Physics of Phonons
Author: Gyaneshwar P. Srivastava
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351409557
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 438
Book Description
There have been few books devoted to the study of phonons, a major area of condensed matter physics. The Physics of Phonons is a comprehensive theoretical discussion of the most important topics, including some topics not previously presented in book form. Although primarily theoretical in approach, the author refers to experimental results wherever possible, ensuring an ideal book for both experimental and theoretical researchers. The author begins with an introduction to crystal symmetry and continues with a discussion of lattice dynamics in the harmonic approximation, including the traditional phenomenological approach and the more recent ab initio approach, detailed for the first time in this book. A discussion of anharmonicity is followed by the theory of lattice thermal conductivity, presented at a level far beyond that available in any other book. The chapter on phonon interactions is likewise more comprehensive than any similar discussion elsewhere. The sections on phonons in superlattices, impure and mixed crystals, quasicrystals, phonon spectroscopy, Kapitza resistance, and quantum evaporation also contain material appearing in book form for the first time. The book is complemented by numerous diagrams that aid understanding and is comprehensively referenced for further study. With its unprecedented wide coverage of the field, The Physics of Phonons will be indispensable to all postgraduates, advanced undergraduates, and researchers working on condensed matter physics.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351409557
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 438
Book Description
There have been few books devoted to the study of phonons, a major area of condensed matter physics. The Physics of Phonons is a comprehensive theoretical discussion of the most important topics, including some topics not previously presented in book form. Although primarily theoretical in approach, the author refers to experimental results wherever possible, ensuring an ideal book for both experimental and theoretical researchers. The author begins with an introduction to crystal symmetry and continues with a discussion of lattice dynamics in the harmonic approximation, including the traditional phenomenological approach and the more recent ab initio approach, detailed for the first time in this book. A discussion of anharmonicity is followed by the theory of lattice thermal conductivity, presented at a level far beyond that available in any other book. The chapter on phonon interactions is likewise more comprehensive than any similar discussion elsewhere. The sections on phonons in superlattices, impure and mixed crystals, quasicrystals, phonon spectroscopy, Kapitza resistance, and quantum evaporation also contain material appearing in book form for the first time. The book is complemented by numerous diagrams that aid understanding and is comprehensively referenced for further study. With its unprecedented wide coverage of the field, The Physics of Phonons will be indispensable to all postgraduates, advanced undergraduates, and researchers working on condensed matter physics.
Electrons and Phonons
Author: J.M. Ziman
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198507796
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 572
Book Description
This is a classic text of its time in condensed matter physics.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780198507796
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 572
Book Description
This is a classic text of its time in condensed matter physics.
Physics, Uspekhi
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Languages : en
Pages : 752
Book Description
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Languages : en
Pages : 752
Book Description
Introduction to Lattice Dynamics
Author: Martin T. Dove
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521392934
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 288
Book Description
The vibrations of atoms inside crystals - lattice dynamics - is basic to many fields of study in the solid-state and mineral sciences. This book provides a self-contained text that introduces the subject from a basic level and then takes the reader through applications of the theory.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521392934
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 288
Book Description
The vibrations of atoms inside crystals - lattice dynamics - is basic to many fields of study in the solid-state and mineral sciences. This book provides a self-contained text that introduces the subject from a basic level and then takes the reader through applications of the theory.
Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion
Author: Gang Chen
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199774685
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 570
Book Description
This is a graduate level textbook in nanoscale heat transfer and energy conversion that can also be used as a reference for researchers in the developing field of nanoengineering. It provides a comprehensive overview of microscale heat transfer, focusing on thermal energy storage and transport. Chen broadens the readership by incorporating results from related disciplines, from the point of view of thermal energy storage and transport, and presents related topics on the transport of electrons, phonons, photons, and molecules. This book is part of the MIT-Pappalardo Series in Mechanical Engineering.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 9780199774685
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 570
Book Description
This is a graduate level textbook in nanoscale heat transfer and energy conversion that can also be used as a reference for researchers in the developing field of nanoengineering. It provides a comprehensive overview of microscale heat transfer, focusing on thermal energy storage and transport. Chen broadens the readership by incorporating results from related disciplines, from the point of view of thermal energy storage and transport, and presents related topics on the transport of electrons, phonons, photons, and molecules. This book is part of the MIT-Pappalardo Series in Mechanical Engineering.