A chronology of 19th century writings on Formosa:from the Chinese Repository, the Chinese Recorder, and the China Review

A chronology of 19th century writings on Formosa:from the Chinese Repository, the Chinese Recorder, and the China Review PDF Author: Chang Hsiu-Jung
Publisher: Eculture Company Limited
ISBN: 9867602021
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 331

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十五世紀末,歐洲人開始駕著船,帶著航海家、冒險家、傳教士、商人、軍人等航向不知名的世界各地。影響所及非三言兩 語可以道盡。台灣的地理位置正處於歐洲人由印度洋東航太平洋尤其到遠東的必經之地。1544年葡萄牙航海家從台灣附近的海域 遙望這個連綿青山綠水的海島,給了它「Ilha Formosa」(美麗島)後,Formosa遂成為西方人對台灣的稱呼了。從此也影響了台灣 歷史的發展。 在歐洲對外擴張及殖民政策影響下,十七世紀荷蘭人(1624−1662)與西班牙人(1626−1642)先後在台灣南部、北部佔領並 統治過台灣。之後,世界霸權由英國人取代,而中國在經過清初盛世後衰象逐漸出現。所以,英國逐漸取代荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄 牙在遠東積極擴張勢力尋求打開中國門戶,終於爆發中英鴉片戰爭(1840)開啟了中國淪為世界列強的次殖民地國家的一頁。與 此並行發展的是西方人積極瞭解並介紹東方的民族、語言、習俗、歷史、地理、宗教等等給自己同胞,便於傳教、經商、辦 理外交甚至統治。所以在鴉片戰爭前後於中國境內或香港等地創辦了幾份英文報紙、期刊。其中包括The Chinese Repository (1832 −1851), The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (1867−1941)及The China Review (1872−1906)。 三種刊物均創刊於十九世紀。內容上,The Chinese Recorder比較偏向基督新教在中國的傳教活動報導與討論,其他兩種除了時 勢報導外,有比較多學術性的研究專文。三種刊物的體例不僅彼此間不同,各刊物的體例長期下來亦各自有所增減。無論如何, 這三種刊物為後世留下西方人以英文書寫當時有關中國或鄰近地區的紀實;也留下十九世紀西方人對這些地區各方面的研究成 果,而且從他們選擇的題材與用字遣詞也可觀察到他們對東方民族與文化所抱持的意識型態。然而,三種刊物有一共同現象及與 當時中國行政版圖各省作比較(包括1895年台灣割讓日本到1900年為止),Formosa的報導及研究專文佔著相當大的比重。似乎在 十九世紀西方人心目中,Formosa所代表的是一個非常特別而單獨的一個地理區域。本書即是此三種刊物中有關Formosa的相關 報導及研究專文的集子。為免浪費人力與紙張,三種刊物中有四篇G. Taylor的文章被G. Dudbridge收入Aborigines of South Taiwan in the 1880s , 另一篇Rev. W. Campbell,“The Early Dutch Missionin Formosa”是作者的An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa 的第一章,所以這五篇不再重覆編入本集子。 三本刊物中Formosa的資料,大致分為專題性文章,旅行或航行錄,關於Formosa的出版品介紹或書評,通訊(Correspon dence)與日誌(Journal)等四類。內容包括:台、澎的地理,台灣的歷史、物產,國姓爺的生平,原住民的族群、語言、宗教、迷信、醫病方式,台灣沿海發生的船難及交涉,天災與動亂,中法戰爭(1884)甲午戰爭(1894−95)期間及戰後台灣的狀況,基督 新教在台灣的傳教活動及遭遇的困難、信徒人數的統計、淡水偕醫館(Mackay Mission Hospital)與牛津學堂(Oxford college)的成 立與年度報告,有關Formosa的新書出版訊息與書評等等,堪稱包羅萬象可補台灣史研究資料不足。 The Chinese Repository, The Chinese Recorder及The China Review僅僅是十九世紀西方人探討東方之刊物的一部份。個人精力有 限,期待後進者能從其他西方刊物著手將Formosa的研究資料編輯出來,讓研究十九世紀台灣史的資料更集中,研究成果更客 觀、更豐碩。

A chronology of 19th century writings on Formosa:from the Chinese Repository, the Chinese Recorder, and the China Review

A chronology of 19th century writings on Formosa:from the Chinese Repository, the Chinese Recorder, and the China Review PDF Author: Chang Hsiu-Jung
Publisher: Eculture Company Limited
ISBN: 9867602021
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 331

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Book Description
十五世紀末,歐洲人開始駕著船,帶著航海家、冒險家、傳教士、商人、軍人等航向不知名的世界各地。影響所及非三言兩 語可以道盡。台灣的地理位置正處於歐洲人由印度洋東航太平洋尤其到遠東的必經之地。1544年葡萄牙航海家從台灣附近的海域 遙望這個連綿青山綠水的海島,給了它「Ilha Formosa」(美麗島)後,Formosa遂成為西方人對台灣的稱呼了。從此也影響了台灣 歷史的發展。 在歐洲對外擴張及殖民政策影響下,十七世紀荷蘭人(1624−1662)與西班牙人(1626−1642)先後在台灣南部、北部佔領並 統治過台灣。之後,世界霸權由英國人取代,而中國在經過清初盛世後衰象逐漸出現。所以,英國逐漸取代荷蘭、西班牙、葡萄 牙在遠東積極擴張勢力尋求打開中國門戶,終於爆發中英鴉片戰爭(1840)開啟了中國淪為世界列強的次殖民地國家的一頁。與 此並行發展的是西方人積極瞭解並介紹東方的民族、語言、習俗、歷史、地理、宗教等等給自己同胞,便於傳教、經商、辦 理外交甚至統治。所以在鴉片戰爭前後於中國境內或香港等地創辦了幾份英文報紙、期刊。其中包括The Chinese Repository (1832 −1851), The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal (1867−1941)及The China Review (1872−1906)。 三種刊物均創刊於十九世紀。內容上,The Chinese Recorder比較偏向基督新教在中國的傳教活動報導與討論,其他兩種除了時 勢報導外,有比較多學術性的研究專文。三種刊物的體例不僅彼此間不同,各刊物的體例長期下來亦各自有所增減。無論如何, 這三種刊物為後世留下西方人以英文書寫當時有關中國或鄰近地區的紀實;也留下十九世紀西方人對這些地區各方面的研究成 果,而且從他們選擇的題材與用字遣詞也可觀察到他們對東方民族與文化所抱持的意識型態。然而,三種刊物有一共同現象及與 當時中國行政版圖各省作比較(包括1895年台灣割讓日本到1900年為止),Formosa的報導及研究專文佔著相當大的比重。似乎在 十九世紀西方人心目中,Formosa所代表的是一個非常特別而單獨的一個地理區域。本書即是此三種刊物中有關Formosa的相關 報導及研究專文的集子。為免浪費人力與紙張,三種刊物中有四篇G. Taylor的文章被G. Dudbridge收入Aborigines of South Taiwan in the 1880s , 另一篇Rev. W. Campbell,“The Early Dutch Missionin Formosa”是作者的An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa 的第一章,所以這五篇不再重覆編入本集子。 三本刊物中Formosa的資料,大致分為專題性文章,旅行或航行錄,關於Formosa的出版品介紹或書評,通訊(Correspon dence)與日誌(Journal)等四類。內容包括:台、澎的地理,台灣的歷史、物產,國姓爺的生平,原住民的族群、語言、宗教、迷信、醫病方式,台灣沿海發生的船難及交涉,天災與動亂,中法戰爭(1884)甲午戰爭(1894−95)期間及戰後台灣的狀況,基督 新教在台灣的傳教活動及遭遇的困難、信徒人數的統計、淡水偕醫館(Mackay Mission Hospital)與牛津學堂(Oxford college)的成 立與年度報告,有關Formosa的新書出版訊息與書評等等,堪稱包羅萬象可補台灣史研究資料不足。 The Chinese Repository, The Chinese Recorder及The China Review僅僅是十九世紀西方人探討東方之刊物的一部份。個人精力有 限,期待後進者能從其他西方刊物著手將Formosa的研究資料編輯出來,讓研究十九世紀台灣史的資料更集中,研究成果更客 觀、更豐碩。

Language, Society, and the State

Language, Society, and the State PDF Author: Gareth Price
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 161451464X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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Using Taiwan as a case study, this book constructs an innovative theory of a political sociology of language. Through documentary and ethnographic data and a comparative-historical method the book illustrates how language mediates interactions between society and the state and becomes politicized as a result; how language, politics and power are intertwined processes; and how these processes are not isolated in institutions but socially embedded.


AROUND AND ABOUT FORMOSA PDF Author: Leonard Bluss(包樂史)
Publisher: 元華文創
ISBN: 9577111505
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 348

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Formosa PDF Author: George H. Kerr
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
ISBN: 0824880900
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Peking ceded Formosa to Japan in 1895, whereupon Japan became the first Asian power in modern times to possess a colony, and the island became a testing ground for imperial policies. For two centuries the Formosan Chinese had resisted authority imposed upon them by inefficient continental Chinese. Now, Tokyo extended to insular Formosa many organizing, modernizing measures characterizing Japan's own vigorous Meiji Revolution. During the next fifty years, as living standards rose to approach those of Japan proper, early leaderless Formosan resistance to alien rule developed into organized appeals for effective representation in local government and at Tokyo. With reversion to continental Chinese control at the end of World War II, Formosans expected to conserve and enhance gains made during the Japanese era. Bitter disappointment promptly led again to rebellious relations with the continent. The author, long resident in Formosa and exclusively concerned with Formosan affairs while in government service during and after World War II, is well qualified to comment upon Formosa's history and prospects. He concludes that the Japanese era left an ineradicable mark upon the island people, an understanding of which will illuminate developments when Peking later undertakes the formidable task of converting Formosa into a fully disciplined and integrated province of the People's Republic of China.

Cultural Discourse in Taiwan

Cultural Discourse in Taiwan PDF Author: I-Chun Wang
Category : Chinese literature
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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Sguardi Globali. Mappe Olandesi, Spagnole E Portoghesi Nelle Collezioni Del Granduca Cosimo III De' Medici. Catalogo Della Mostra (Firenze, 6 Novembre 2019-29 Maggio 2020). Ediz. Inglese

Sguardi Globali. Mappe Olandesi, Spagnole E Portoghesi Nelle Collezioni Del Granduca Cosimo III De' Medici. Catalogo Della Mostra (Firenze, 6 Novembre 2019-29 Maggio 2020). Ediz. Inglese PDF Author: Angelo Cattaneo
ISBN: 9788874614783
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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The History of Sumatra

The History of Sumatra PDF Author: William Marsden
Publisher: DigiCat
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 532

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DigiCat Publishing presents to you this special edition of "The History of Sumatra" (Containing An Account Of The Government, Laws, Customs And / Manners Of The Native Inhabitants) by William Marsden. DigiCat Publishing considers every written word to be a legacy of humankind. Every DigiCat book has been carefully reproduced for republishing in a new modern format. The books are available in print, as well as ebooks. DigiCat hopes you will treat this work with the acknowledgment and passion it deserves as a classic of world literature.

Asia and Western Dominance

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Publisher: Acls History E-Book Project
ISBN: 9781597406017
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters

Dutch Ships in Tropical Waters PDF Author: Robert Parthesius
Publisher: Amsterdam Studies in the Dutch Golden Age
ISBN: 9789053565179
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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The end of the 16th century saw Dutch expansion in Asia, as The Dutch East India Company (the VOC) was fast becoming an Asian power, both political and economic. By 1669, the VOC was the richest private company the world had ever seen. This landmark study looks at perhaps the most important tool in the Company' trading - its ships. In order to reconstruct the complete shipping activities of the VOC, the author created a unique database of the ships' movements, including frigates and other, hitherto ingored, smaller vessels. Parthesius's research into the routes and the types of ships in the service of the VOC proves that it was precisely the wide range of types and sizes of vessels that gave the Company the ability to sail - and continue its profitable trade - the year round. Furthermore, it appears that the VOC commanded at least twice the number of ships than earlier historians have ascertained. Combining the best of maritime and social history, this book will change our understanding of the commercial dynamics of the most successful economic organization of the period.


Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9460917682
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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This book is written at a time when our own field of adult education is under assault from a variety of capitalist and neoconservative forces pressuring us... to turn away from the causes of criticality, lifelong learning, and education for freedom. Rather than succumb to these pressures, we have hope that our long term goals of education for life and living can and will be accomplished alongside professional and vocational education. This book offers new insight into what is a very dark moment of our human civilization. From the preface by Dr Carlos Alberto Torres, Professor, GSEIS, Director, Paulo Freire Institute, University of California at Los Angeles The book offers decidedly critical and international perspectives on various aspects of adult education, especially on state, citizenship and neoliberal policies. Critical in both content and method, it is at the same time the part of the collective work needed to advance the Belém call to action by furthering awareness and capacity in the field of adult education. Dr Katarina Popovic, Professor,Universität Duisburg-Essen, University of Belgrade & DBB International, In the midst of diminishing resources and growing inequalities, English and Mayo provide an incisive and much needed critique of adult education in ways that highlight not only its historical and philosophical roots but also its major significance to the practice of democracy. In a direct challenge to the neoliberal accountability craze, Learning with Adults offers a rigorous political reading of the field—one that systematically challenges oppressive educational policies and practices, while affirming an emancipatory vision of civic engagement. Truly an informative treatise that sheds new light on the education of adults. Dr Antonia Darder Professor & Leavey Presidential Endowed Chair in Education Loyola Marymount University Los Angeles Leona English and Peter Mayo challenge hegemonic assumptions and ideas, while offering a constructive alternative based on the principle of working with learners and not just for them. Their analysis is accessible enough for newcomers to the field, while the authors’ wide-ranging coverage and radical approach provide refreshing and challenging messages for the most experienced adult educator. Up-to-date, genuinely international and passionately committed, Learning with Adults is a great book. Dr John Field, Professor,University of Stirling Cover design by Annemarie Mayo