Working Moms & The Rise Of A Lost Generation

Working Moms & The Rise Of A Lost Generation PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947159
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 124

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Book Description
Being a ‘devoted mother’ is not easy. It is more than a full-time job. A full-time job lasts only for 8 or 9 hours whereas a mother’s job lasts 24 hours, 7 days a week. There are no holidays or leaves. But of late, this most important job is becoming the least valued job. In a new book, The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World is Still the Least Valued, author Ann Crittenden looks at how a lack of social support for modern moms forces them to make bitter choices Crittenden’s research shows that despite the overall advancement of women, mothers’ work remains unappreciated in an economic sense, even though moms are cultivating “human capital.” Raising productive citizens directly contributes to the overall health of the economy and wealth of the society. But in our modern culture, “mothering” is substantially, but not uniquely, a woman’s role.

Working Moms & The Rise Of A Lost Generation

Working Moms & The Rise Of A Lost Generation PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947159
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 124

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Book Description
Being a ‘devoted mother’ is not easy. It is more than a full-time job. A full-time job lasts only for 8 or 9 hours whereas a mother’s job lasts 24 hours, 7 days a week. There are no holidays or leaves. But of late, this most important job is becoming the least valued job. In a new book, The Price of Motherhood: Why the Most Important Job in the World is Still the Least Valued, author Ann Crittenden looks at how a lack of social support for modern moms forces them to make bitter choices Crittenden’s research shows that despite the overall advancement of women, mothers’ work remains unappreciated in an economic sense, even though moms are cultivating “human capital.” Raising productive citizens directly contributes to the overall health of the economy and wealth of the society. But in our modern culture, “mothering” is substantially, but not uniquely, a woman’s role.

Mother’s Love Knows No Language

Mother’s Love Knows No Language PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947493
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 115

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In this material world, there is no comparison to a mother’s love, for a mother loves her child without any expectation of return. When you look at your mother, you are looking at the purest love available in the material realm. This is love at first sight, from the moment you open your eyes. Of all the gifts that life has to offer, a loving mother is the best one. A mother’s love is a treasure, lying deep in the core of our hearts and we know It will always be there to comfort us. Someone has rightly said, “A mother’s love begins before the child is born and lasts through time and difficulties and differences and many wounds and days of joy and days of sorrow, winding, wearing weeping, sharing, changing until, at the end what remains is that solid core that began as love before the child was born.

Cow Dung – For Food Security And Survival Of Human Race

Cow Dung – For Food Security And Survival Of Human Race PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947124
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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We have taken our food for granted and most of us have no idea where it comes from. Jennifer Hill from Bristol recalls, “Several years ago I took my daughter and her friend to our allotments. As we left I dug up a couple of bunches of my prized organic carrots and offered one of them to my daughter’s friend. With a look of absolute disgust, the young girl said, ‘My mommy doesn’t get food from the dirt! She goes to Tescos!’ Still, at least she knew what a carrot was.”Ask any child where their food comes from, and the chances are he or she will say the supermarket. And most adults don’t know a lot more about how food ends up on their plate either. Civilization survives on an ample supply of food and all previous civilizations developed near a food source. When farm productivity declined, usually as a result of soil mismanagement, civilizations also declined – and occasionally vanished entirely.

An Italian Did What British Could Not Do

An Italian Did What British Could Not Do PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947175
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 139

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An Italian Did What the British Could Not Do – There is an urgent need to frame the right strategy for the development of meat and poultry production in the country. This will certainly bring prosperity to millions of our rural citizens and create employment in rural India. Having achieved the Green Revolution, the white revolution and the Blue Revolution, it is time to ask the question can the Pink Revolution be far behind? Certainly, this will require a large investment in infrastructure, mainly in cold storage, and modern meat processing plants. Without a strong and dependable cold chain, a vital sector like the meat industry, which is based mostly on perishable products, cannot survive and grow.

True Equality

True Equality PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media Private Limited
ISBN: 8119582683
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 125

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True Equality – Modern nations are founded on the principles of justice, fairness, equality, and individual freedom of religion and speech, among others. According to the founding fathers of America, unalienable rights are those which God gave to man at the Creation, once and for all. By definition, since God granted such rights, governments could not take them away. In America, this fundamental truth is recognized and enshrined in the nation’s birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence: “All men are created equal… [and] are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Slaughterhouses must close down

Slaughterhouses must close down PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947183
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 173

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Slaughterhouses must close down – We are living in violent times and there is no disputing this fact. Wars are raging around the globe. There is war within the family, in the form of discontent, arguments, separation, and divorce; war in the community in the form of gang wars, crime, robberies, murders, and rape; there is internal war going on in almost half of the countries in the world. Then there are industrial and economic rivalries as well as international wars on terrorism. This era of war is entering a new phase, in which the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of international conflict will be cultural.

Soul Killing Jobs Of Modern Civilization

Soul Killing Jobs Of Modern Civilization PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947477
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 145

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Soul Killing Jobs Of Modern Civilization – Keynes, the father of modern economics predicted in 1930, “In the future, working hours would be short and vacations long. Our grandchildren would work around three hours a day—and probably only by choice.” Economic progress and technological advances had already shrunk working hours considerably by his day, and there was no reason to believe this trend would not continue. Faster cars and planes were taking us places and modern appliances were reducing drudgery in the home and the office. Concern was being raised in social circles: what are we going to do with all the free time in the future?

Peak Soil

Peak Soil PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947132
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Peak Soil – The foundation of any civilization is adequate availability of food and water. So anyone with common sense would think the top priority of nations throughout history would be taking good care of the land.

You Are What You Grow – Produce Your Own Food

You Are What You Grow – Produce Your Own Food PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947434
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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You Are What You Grow – Produce Your Own Food – We Are Humans. We Grow Food. Growing food is a sign of civilized life. The development of agriculture closely follows the development of civilization. Agriculture is our first big step toward a civilized life. Therefore Daniel Webster says, “When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.

Farmers Are A Dying Breed

Farmers Are A Dying Breed PDF Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das
Publisher: Golden Age Media
ISBN: 9382947523
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 139

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Book Description
Every 5 years the United States Department of Agriculture sends all the farmers a survey called the Agricultural Census. And every five years once all the results are tallied and without fail, an alarm bell goes off. The national average age in farming keeps climbing up and the trend is ever upward. Farmers around the world are getting old. Where have all the young farmers gone? Why youngsters are leaving the family farms and showing no interest in what’s supposed to be the oldest and the ‘noblest’ profession? This is because small-scale agriculture is being deliberately stifled. Pro-corporate policies are making farming non-viable and farmers are left with no other choice but to quit. Farmers are a dying breed and family farming will become history soon.