William Knox to John Maunsell on the French Revolution, 6 July 1791

William Knox to John Maunsell on the French Revolution, 6 July 1791 PDF Author: William Knox
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Reports that nothing new has taken place in France since he left. Wishes him a pleasant and speedy trip and hopes he gets to see his friends and family in New York and Philadelphia. Asks him to send his regards. Wants Maunsell to report to him on every thing public and domestic. Notes his address as 28 Great Titchfield Street, London. Address leaf says Manusell was on board the Sandwich Packet.

William Knox to John Maunsell on the French Revolution, 6 July 1791

William Knox to John Maunsell on the French Revolution, 6 July 1791 PDF Author: William Knox
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Reports that nothing new has taken place in France since he left. Wishes him a pleasant and speedy trip and hopes he gets to see his friends and family in New York and Philadelphia. Asks him to send his regards. Wants Maunsell to report to him on every thing public and domestic. Notes his address as 28 Great Titchfield Street, London. Address leaf says Manusell was on board the Sandwich Packet.

William Knox to Henry Knox on the French Revolution, 30 September 1791

William Knox to Henry Knox on the French Revolution, 30 September 1791 PDF Author: William Knox
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Mentions a letter he wrote to Henry on 7 September from Cork, Ireland. Says affairs in France have taken a turn since the King accepted the constitution. He was also given a 12,000 pound yearly allowance and was allowed to retain most of his palaces. After accepting, most of the anger about his flight from Paris was forgotten. Says vive le Roi after an interregnum of some months, is vociferated in the same notes as formerly at Paris. Says the Emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia have met to discuss the affairs of France and to give relief to King Louis. The King's recommendation to give a general pardon to refugees without exception was a made a law on a motion by Lafayette, which has already produced the effect of changing in a considerable degree the tone of that description of persons many of whom have for some time past seen the end of their resources and consequently will return to their Native country. Says Luzerne died recently in England, and believes the situation in France contributed to his demise. Says that Fran?ois-Marie, marquis de Barth?lemy, is slated to be advanced to the ambassadorship. States that George Hammond has probably already arrived in America, and the Duke of Leeds used his influence to get Hammond the job. Relates that Hammond began his diplomatic career with David Hartley in Paris in 1783. Mentions family life.

William Knox to Henry Knox on the Waldo Patent, the French Revolution and Family, 27 June 1791

William Knox to Henry Knox on the Waldo Patent, the French Revolution and Family, 27 June 1791 PDF Author: William Knox
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John Maunsell to Henry Knox about the European Political Scene, Includes Prints, 29 November 1790

John Maunsell to Henry Knox about the European Political Scene, Includes Prints, 29 November 1790 PDF Author: John Maunsell
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Acknowledges Knox's letter on 10 November. Says he is sending a packet of publick prints that will explain the latest European political scene. England is in the process of making a peace with Spain, and Maunsell predicts that France will accept its new constitution. Mentions that William Knox has gone to Ireland and that Maunsell and P. Brett have seen him often. Tells Knox our ministor has been so occupied with the Spanish business that he has not had time to attend to other affairs including the United States. All correspondence between William Knox and America will go through Brett for safety, and to save money. Asks Knox to give his regards to Horatio Gates and Robert Morris and his family.

John Maunsell to Henry Knox about a Meeting and about the U.S. Government's Attitude to Consuls, 7 June 1792

John Maunsell to Henry Knox about a Meeting and about the U.S. Government's Attitude to Consuls, 7 June 1792 PDF Author: John Maunsell
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Only recently found out Knox was in town. Has tried to make arrangements to see him but they keep missing each other. Went twice to 59 Maiden Lane, apparently where Knox was staying, to invite him to dinner. Relates that he gave William Knox a long letter. Writes, sorry I am that your confounded senators & congress are so narrow minded, as to make no provision for their foreign consuls for I hear that they do not I am materialy [sic] interested in your Brother William's fate.

John Maunsell to Henry Knox Regarding Correspondence and Plans to Visit Philadelphia, 6 October 1791

John Maunsell to Henry Knox Regarding Correspondence and Plans to Visit Philadelphia, 6 October 1791 PDF Author: John Maunsell
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Languages : en
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Reports that the letter Knox intended for his brother, William, was put in the mail for London at 10 p.m. the previous night. Before Maunsell dined with their friend Gates, the letter was safely put into the Office, under a cover to our good correspondent Brett, whose monthly political letter I transmitted to you... As I shall hear from him by every packet, it will enable me to furnish you, with the nouvelles of the times - what he writes, can be depended on. Plans to visit Philadelphia when Washington returns to that city. States that Knox probably already saw Lord Wycombe, who is an Elegant man.

John Maunsell to Henry Knox on Political Matters and Foreign Affairs, 22 August 1791

John Maunsell to Henry Knox on Political Matters and Foreign Affairs, 22 August 1791 PDF Author: John Maunsell
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Languages : en
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Says things have been so uninteresting in the hemisphere that he has remained silent since he left Philadelphia. Wrote to his brother William by the last packet. Told William that, some hopes were entertained, that the consular bill would be taken up this session in Congress, I hope it may, & that consuls may have a stipend granted to them, adequate to their support, & the dignity, as well as liberality of the 13 States. Wants to know about George Hammond. Asks if he will be plenipotentiary or ambassador. Inquires about the arrangements between America and Britain. Mentions that he is sorry that my old Lieut; Sinclair, has been checked by the Wabash Gentry - I hope that his next attempt, will be more successful. Has heard that Major [Thomas] Pinckney is appointed Ambassador to England. Reports I hear much in his favour, of his Amiable disposition, and ability, circumstances that please me much. Is expecting European news any minute and when he receives Brett's letter he will pass on any information. Wants an update on the consular bill and any European news Knox has. Is sending along two books from Mr. Bond that he wants returned after they have amused you.

John Maunsell to Henry Knox Reporting His Arrival in New York and a Delivery of Books, 22 August 1791

John Maunsell to Henry Knox Reporting His Arrival in New York and a Delivery of Books, 22 August 1791 PDF Author: John Maunsell
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Languages : en
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Says he arrived in New York 2 days ago after a passage of 39 days from Falmouth. Reports that he left London on 29 June and that William Knox and their friend Brett saw his post chaise off. Notes the enclosed letter is meant for him (not included) and that he has a large book for George Washington. The book is from the Spanish Ambassador and he will deliver it himself unless Knox can suggest a safe means to convey it. Comments Some matters of an interesting nature, connected with the discourse we held together, previous to my departure for london in June 1790, having occur'd, makes it necessary for me to have an interview with you. Wants to know how long Knox will be in Philadelphia.

Henry Knox to John Maunsell about the Public Debt and what the United States is Doing and Discussing Foreign Affairs, 6 April 1791

Henry Knox to John Maunsell about the Public Debt and what the United States is Doing and Discussing Foreign Affairs, 6 April 1791 PDF Author: Henry Knox
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Secretary of War Knox reports to Maunsell that our Country is busily employed in arranging the public debt, forming a national bank, proprietary canals and a number of other useful things. Knox goes on to say that Great Britain ... is about declaring to Russia, the terms upon which that power may make peace with the Turks. Knox asks Maunsell to give an enclosed letter to his brother William.

John Maunsell to Henry Knox Regarding His Health and a Book He Has for President Washington, 3 September 1791

John Maunsell to Henry Knox Regarding His Health and a Book He Has for President Washington, 3 September 1791 PDF Author: John Maunsell
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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