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Author: Jennifer Walinga
Publisher: Hasanraza Ansari
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 810
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This book is designed to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. The focus on behaviour and empiricism has produced a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books. The beginning of each section includes learning objectives; throughout the body of each section are key terms in bold followed by their definitions in italics; key takeaways, and exercises and critical thinking activities end each section.
Author: Jennifer Walinga
Publisher: Hasanraza Ansari
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 810
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Book Description
This book is designed to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. The focus on behaviour and empiricism has produced a text that is better organized, has fewer chapters, and is somewhat shorter than many of the leading books. The beginning of each section includes learning objectives; throughout the body of each section are key terms in bold followed by their definitions in italics; key takeaways, and exercises and critical thinking activities end each section.
Author: Rollo May
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 9780393318425
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 292
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The popular psychoanalyst examines the continuing tension in our lives between the possibilities that freedom offers and the various limitations imposed upon us by our particular fate or destiny. "May is an existential analyst who deservedly enjoys a reputation among both general and critical readers as an accessible and insightful social and psychological theorist. . . . Freedom's characteristics, fruits, and problems; destiny's reality; death; and therapy's place in the confrontation between freedom and destiny are examined. . . . Poets, social critics, artists, and other thinkers are invoked appropriately to support May's theory of freedom and destiny's interdependence."—Library Journal "Especially instructive, even stunning, is Dr. May's willingness to respect mystery. . . .There is, too, at work throughout the book a disciplined yet relaxed clinical mind, inclined to celebrate . . . what Flannery O'Connor called 'mystery and manners,' and to do so in a tactful, meditative manner."—Robert Coles, America
Author: Stephen Michael Kosslyn
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 9781292042527
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 544
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For introductory psychology courses at two-year and four-year institutions. This innovative, 13-chapter text examines psychological issues from the levels of the brain, person, and group (social world) to help students actively apply psychology to their lives. Offered in digital format or on-demand custom format. Through their own research, clinical work, and experiences as teachers, Stephen Kosslyn and Robin Rosenberg have found that exploring psychology from multiple perspectives further enhances learning. Examining psychological concepts from the levels of the brain (biological factors), the person (beliefs, desires, and feelings), and the group (social, cultural, and environmental factors) -- and by considering how events at these levels interact -- helps students organize and integrate topics within and across chapters and actively apply psychology to their lives.
Author: Wilhelm Max Wundt
Category : Psychophysiology
Languages : en
Pages : 412
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Author: Michael Wertheimer
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1848728743
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 328
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This edition approaches psychology as a discipline with antecedents in philosophical speculation and early scientific experimentation. It covers these early developments, 19th-century German experimental psychology and empirical psychology in tradition of William James, the 20th century dubbed "the age of schools" and dominated by psychoanalysis, behavioralism, structuralism, and Gestalt psychology, as well as the return to empirical methods and active models of human agency. Finally it evaluates psychology in the new millennium and developments in terms of women in psychology, industrial psychology and social justice
Author: Roger R. Hock
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 338
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1. Biology and Human Behavior. One Brain or Two, Gazzaniga, M.S. (1967). The split brain in man. More Experience = Bigger Brain? Rosenzweig, M.R., Bennett, E.L. & Diamond M.C. (1972). Brain changes in response to experience. Are You a Natural? Bouchard, T., Lykken, D., McGue, M., Segal N., & Tellegen, A. (1990). Sources of human psychological difference: The Minnesota study of twins raised apart. Watch Out for the Visual Cliff! Gibson, E.J., & Walk, R.D. (1960). The visual cliff. 2. Perception and Consciousness. What You See Is What You've Learned. Turnbull C.M. (1961). Some observations regarding the experience and behavior of the BaMuti Pygmies. To Sleep, No Doubt to Dream... Aserinsky, E. & Kleitman, N. (1953). Regularly occurring periods of eye mobility and concomitant phenomena during sleep. Dement W. (1960). The effect of dream deprivation. Unromancing the Dream... Hobson, J.A. & McCarley, R.W. (1977). The brain as a dream-state generator: An activation-synthesis hypothesis of the dream process. Acting as if You Are Hypnotized Spanos, N.P. (1982). Hypnotic behavior: A cognitive, social, psychological perspective. 3. Learning and Conditioning. It's Not Just about Salivating Dogs! Pavlov, I.P.(1927). Conditioned reflexes. Little Emotional Albert. Watson J.B. & Rayner, R. (1920). Conditioned emotional responses. Knock Wood. Skinner, B.F. (1948). Superstition in the pigeon. See Aggression...Do Aggression! Bandura, A., Ross, D. & Ross, S.A. (1961). Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models. 4. Intelligence, Cognition, and Memory. What You Expect Is What You Get. Rosenthal, R. & Jacobson, L. (1966). Teacher's expectancies: Determinates of pupils' IQ gains. Just How are You Intelligent? H. Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. Maps in Your Mind. Tolman, E.C. (1948). Cognitive maps in rats and men. Thanks for the Memories. Loftus, E.F. (1975). Leading questions and the eyewitness report. 5. Human Development. Discovering Love. Harlow, H.F.(1958). The nature of love. Out of Sight, but Not Out of Mind. Piaget, J. (1954). The construction of reality in the child: The development of object concept. How Moral are You? Kohlberg, L.., (1963). The development of children's orientations toward a moral order: Sequence in the development of moral thought. In Control and Glad of It! Langer, E.J. & Rodin, J. (1976). The effects of choice and enhanced responsibility for the aged: A field experiment in an institutional setting. 6. Emotion and Motivation. A Sexual Motivation... Masters, W.H. & Johnson, V.E. (1966). Human sexual response. I Can See It All Over Your Face! Ekman, P. & Friesen, V.W. (1971). Constants across cultures in the face and emotion. Life, Change, and Stress. Holmes, T.H. & Rahe, R.H. (1967). The Social Readjustment Rating Scale. Thoughts Out of Tune. Festinger, L. & Carlsmith, J.M. (1959). Cognitive consequences of forced compliance. 7. Personality. Are You the Master of Your Fate? Rotter, J.B. (1966). Generalized expectancies for internal versus external control of reinforcement. Masculine or Feminine or Both? Bem, S.L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Racing Against Your Heart. Friedman, M. & Rosenman, R.H. (1959). Association of specific overt behavior pattern with blood and cardiovascular findings. The One; The Many..., Triandis, H., Bontempo, R., Villareal, M., Asai, M. & Lucca, N. (1988). Individualism and collectivism: Cross-cultural perspectives on self-ingroup relationships. 8. Psychopathology. Who's Crazy Here, Anyway? Rosenhan, D.L. (1973). On Being sane in insane places. Learning to Be Depressed. Seligman, M.E.P., & Maier, S.F. (1967). Failure to escape traumatic shock. You're Getting Defensive Again! Freud, A. (1946). The ego and mechanisms of defense. Crowding into the Behavioral Sink. Calhoun, J.B. (1962). Population density and social pathology. 9. Psychotherapy. Choosing Your Psychotherapist. Smith, M.L. & Glass, G.V. (1977). Meta-analysis of psychotherapy outcome studies. Relaxing Your Fears Away. Wolpe, J. (1961). The systematic desensitization of neuroses. Projections of Who You Are. Rorschach, H. (1942). Psychodiagnostics: A diagnostic test based on perception. Picture This! Murray, H.A. (1938). Explorations in personality. 10. Social Psychology. Not Practicing What You Preach. LaPiere, R.T. (1934). Attitudes and actions. The Power of Conformity. Asch, S.E. (1955). Opinions and social pressure. To Help or Not to Help. Darley, J.M. & Latané, B. (1968). Bystander intervention in emergencies: Diffusion of responsibility. Obey at Any Cost. Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience.
Author: Harold Pashler
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262661560
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 516
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In the past two decades, attention has been one of the most investigated areas of research in perception and cognition. However, the literature on the field contains a bewildering array of findings, and empirical progress has not been matched by consensus on major theoretical issues. The Psychology of Attention presents a systematic review of the main lines of research on attention; the topics range from perception of threshold stimuli to memory storage and decision making. The book develops empirical generalizations about the major issues and suggests possible underlying theoretical principles. Pashler argues that widely assumed notions of processing resources and automaticity are of limited value in understanding human information processing. He proposes a central bottleneck for decision making and memory retrieval, and describes evidence that distinguishes this limitation from perceptual limitations and limited-capacity short-term memory.
Author: Celia Hodent
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000194760
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 110
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What impact can video games have on us as players? How does psychology influence video game creation? Why do some games become cultural phenomena? The Psychology of Video Games introduces the curious reader to the relationship between psychology and video games from the perspective of both game makers and players. Assuming no specialist knowledge, this concise, approachable guide is a starter book for anyone intrigued by what makes video games engaging and what is their psychological impact on gamers. It digests the research exploring the benefits gaming can have on players in relation to education and healthcare, considers the concerns over potential negative impacts such as pathological gaming, and concludes with some ethics considerations. With gaming being one of the most popular forms of entertainment today, The Psychology of Video Games shows the importance of understanding the human brain and its mental processes to foster ethical and inclusive video games.
Author: Jennings Bryant
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 113525740X
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 747
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As entertainment becomes a trillion-dollar-a-year industry worldwide, as our modern era increasingly lives up to its label of the "entertainment age," and as economists begin to recognize that entertainment has become the driving force of the new world economy, it is safe to say that scholars are beginning to take entertainment seriously. The scholarly spin on entertainment has been manifested in traditional ways, as well as innovative ones. Representing the current state of theory and research, Psychology of Entertainment promises to be the most comprehensive and up-to-date volume on entertainment. It serves to define the new area of study and provides a theoretical spin for future work in the area. Divided into three basic parts, this book: *addresses the fundamental mechanisms and processes involved in orienting to and selecting entertainment fare, as well as receiving and processing it; *explores the mechanisms and processes by which we are entertained by the media messages we select and receive; and *provides an opportunity for the application of well-established as well as emerging psychological and psychobiological theories to be applied to the study of entertainment in ways that seldom have been utilized previously. Psychology of Entertainment will appeal to scholars, researchers, and graduate students in media studies and mass communication, psychology, marketing, and other areas contributing to the entertainment studies area.
Author: Regan A. R. Gurung
Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA)
ISBN: 9781433834721
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 311
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This book presents recommendations for teaching the introductory psychology course, developed by the Introductory Psychology Initiative (IPI) task force appointed by APA's Board of Educational Affairs (BEA). Case studies illustrate the application of recommendations to learning goals and outcomes, course design, teacher training, and student transformation.