The trans-Himalayan Mahatmas are men living on earth

The trans-Himalayan Mahatmas are men living on earth PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 19

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The trans-Himalayan Mahatmas are men living on earth

The trans-Himalayan Mahatmas are men living on earth PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 19

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Mahatmas and Chelas

Mahatmas and Chelas PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 22

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Part 1. Mahatmas and Chelas, by H.P. Blavatsky. Part 2. How a Chela found his Guru, by S. Ramaswamier. Part 3. The Sages of Himavat, by D.K. Mavalankar. Part 4. The Himalayan Brothers, do they exist? by M.M. Chatterji. Part 5. Interview with a Mahatma, by R.K. Brahmachari. Part 6. H.P. Blavatsky on the experiences of A.F. Tindall.

Toward the Brotherhood of Man

Toward the Brotherhood of Man PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 9

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No spiritual progress at all is possible except by and through Humanity at large, when all sense of separateness, all selfishness, all feeling of personal interest and desire, has been merged in the wider consciousness of Unity. It is only when the whole of Humanity has attained happiness that the individual can hope to become permanently happy for the individual is an inseparable part of the Whole. Food for thought and a warning He who is thoroughly imbued with altruistic feelings, with a willingness to forget self, and readiness to help his neighbour to carry the burden of life, is to become the object of ridicule, slander, and vilification. It is one of the most difficult yet necessary things in life to learn to disdain. Disdain protects and crushes.

That pure desire, of whom Love is born, is the progenitor of affection

That pure desire, of whom Love is born, is the progenitor of affection PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 20

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Kama-Deva is the first conscious all-embracing desire for universal good, love, and for all that lives and feels, needs help and kindness, the first feeling of infinite tender compassion and mercy that arose in the consciousness of the Creative Force, that came into life and being by a single ray of Light and Truth. That pure desire, of whom Love is born, is the progenitor of affection. Pythagoras’ Primeval Monad which, having flashed out like lightning from the Central Point and thrilled through the Germ retires into Darkness is the Rootless Root of all things. The Pythagorean system is based entirely upon sacred numbers, harmony, and correspondences or affinities. Space is filled with atoms actuated by ceaseless rotationary motion. Aggregated atoms, through mutual collisions, produce lateral movements of affinity. Sounds and colours are spiritual numerals. The cause of the splendour and variety of colours lies deep in the affinities of nature, for there is a singular and mysterious alliance between colour and sound. The Creative Force produces colours, sounds, and numbers, in the shape of rates of vibration, which compound and dissociate atoms and molecules. There is mutual sympathy between terrestrial and celestial things. Terrestrial natures receive the plenitude of the celestial; and celestial, of supercelestial essences, while every order of things proceeds gradually in a majestic descent from the highest to the lowest. True magic is firmly based on the mysterious affinities between organic and inorganic bodies, the visible productions of the four kingdoms, and the invisible powers of the universe. That which science calls gravitation, the ancients and the mediæval Hermetists called magnetism, attraction, affinity. Magnetism is attraction to the virtue of the substance, rather than blind attraction between two masses. Eastern Occultists bring down the properties of matter to attraction and repulsion; modern Scientists, to gravitation and phylogenetic relations. Affection is one of the most powerful attractions between two loving spirits — the embodied and the disembodied one — further enhanced by the harmony between the two and the magnetic purity of those left on earth. The attraction of the “shells” of the departed to places and persons is brought forth by the law of magneto-vital affinities. But the ascent of the higher Ego to the bliss of pure subjectivity will be impeded if its alter ego is weighted down with base feelings. The reincarnating Ego is drawn by magnetic attraction to the atmosphere of the parent or parents, whose vibrational frequency is most sympathetic to its own, and with whom its karmic affinities are strongest. The virtues of the Macrocosm are represented in the Microcosm or Man. The magnetic power of Man can thus draw those celestial virtues which correspond to his own. It is the science of Astrology that determines the nature of effects, by a knowledge of the law of magnetic affinities and attractions of the planetary bodies. But it is the Karma of the individual himself, which places him in that particular magnetic relation. The Occultist follows the ethnological affinities and their divergences in various nationalities, races, and sub-races, by observing the auric shades and gradations of colour of the inner man. He can thus unerringly pronounce to which of several distinct human families, and to what particular group or sub-group that man belongs. The secret of healing lies in the knowledge of the affinities between kindred atoms. Find that metal, wood, stone, or plant that has the most correspondential affinity with the body of the sufferer, and that particular agent will lead invariably to his cure. Strong will creates and sympathy attracts even adepts. In Europe, more than anywhere else, there is a Universal Brotherhood, an alliance of affinities, of strong magnetic yet dissimilar forces and polarities, centred around one dominant idea. The cause of spiritual failure lies in the egotism of the age, whether conscious or unconscious. And even western philanthropy, so often pervaded by selfish motives and worldly affinities, is unable to warm humanity with its beneficent rays. Blessed are the pure-hearted who have only intuition, for intuition is better than intellect.

The Legend of the Blue Lotus

The Legend of the Blue Lotus PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 11

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The Seven Mystic Sounds

The Seven Mystic Sounds PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 17

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1. The first is like the nightingale’s sweet voice chanting a song of parting to its mate. 2. The second comes as the sound of a silver cymbal of the Dhyanis, awakening the twinkling stars. Our body is an Aeolian harp chorded with two sets of strings: one made of pure silver, the other of catgut. 3. The next is as the plaint melodious of the ocean-sprite imprisoned in its shell. It is the Voice of Divine Wisdom and last word of the Secret Doctrine. 4. And this is followed by the chant of Vina, attuning fellow disciples to the harmonies of Wisdom. Even the memory of the sleeper is like the seven-stringed Aeolian harp, his mind sweeping over the chords. 5. The fifth like sound of bamboo-flute shrills in thine ear, bestowing knowledge of the awful mysteries and priceless secrets of initiation. 6. It changes next into a trumpet-blast, beckoning the Dragon of Esoteric Wisdom to come out of Darkness. 7. The last vibrates like the dull rumbling of a thunder-cloud. When the six are slain and at the Master’s feet are laid, then is the pupil merged into the One, becomes that One, and lives therein. The seventh swallows all the other sounds: they die, and then are heard no more. The two Opposing Forces are finally harmonised. The freed Spirit rises to its former glory. The Great Serpent uncoils. Only Sat remains. The Higher Self is swallowed up by the Great Serpent; the lower, disappears forever.

Commentary on the Gayatri

Commentary on the Gayatri PDF Author: William Quan Judge
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 6

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As the sun we see is not the true sun, so too the light of intellect is not the real sun of our moral being. Only by untiring devotion to the welfare of humanity, and unutterable aspiration to the Divine Self within, we can move closer to the true sun who is the source and object of our being, and the Light of Truth for All.

Madame Blavatsky and coevals on how the “Light on the Path” was written

Madame Blavatsky and coevals on how the “Light on the Path” was written PDF Author: Mabel Collins, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, William Quan Judge, Archibald Keightley, Bertram Keightley, Boris de Zirkoff
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 65

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“Light on the Path” is a treatise written for the personal use of those who are ignorant of the Eastern Wisdom, and who desire to enter within Its influence, authored by Mabel Collins, nom de plume of Kenningale R. Cook. Warning by Boris de Zirkoff: The use of the physical senses as a stepping-stone to spirituality is fraught with danger and disappointment. H.P. Blavatsky defends the Cause of Truth and its detractors. The sparkle of that precious jewel, “Light on the Path,” has been dimmed by an indelible dark stain. Madame Blavatsky is the origin and fountainhead of all Esoteric Knowledge, and has the means and the necessary knowledge to teach. Mabel Collins may have been “studying” Madame Blavatsky for a time but she never “studied under” her, as she claims to have done. See how those whom god wishes to destroy, he first deprives of reason. Firstly, out of the blue, Dr. Coues proudly proclaimed himself “Perpetual President of the Esoteric Theosophical Society of America.” He then began casting slurs upon Madame Blavatsky and upon the Section of which she is the Head, in order to destroy one through the other. Secondly, for a woman to confess to the world that she has been deliberately deceiving it for years, simply for the pleasure of fathering the cause of a deception upon a supposed enemy, is a psychic riddle in itself. While the latter publicly proclaimed her own untruthfulness in order to slander a hated enemy, the former jumped at the opportunity to gratify his wounded vanity at the cost of breaking the pledge and his word of honour to the Theosophical Society, which he took upon joining it.

A worthy life is a virtuous life of noble and heroic acts

A worthy life is a virtuous life of noble and heroic acts PDF Author: William Quan Judge
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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I am so far off the one who pointed out to me the way that must bring us, if followed, to the light and peace and power of truth. It is not membership of the Theosophical Society, or any other mystical body for that matter, that will bring us near to the Masters, but loving kindness and tender affection for suffering humanity — expressed with pure heart and unselfish mind. Doubt and despair are the bitter fruits of separateness, ruses and wiles of the lower mind to keep us back, among the mediocre of the race. “Doubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by action alone.” Duty (dharma) is the Royal Talisman. Steadfast devotion to duty is the true yoga, and infinetly better than mantrams and postures. Masters are Atma and therefore the very law of Karma itself. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. When not enlightened by the Higher Self, who alone is truly cosmopolitan, impartial, unsectarian, and pre-eminently altruistic, the good intentions of co-operative schemes are doomed to perish in the struggle of existence. They give utopia a bad name, for the personal element has a tendency to delude us as it hides behind various walls and clothes in the faults, real or imaginary, of others. It is not the cowl that makes the monk. Celibacy is not enforced either in the Theosophical Society or its inner circle any more than vegetarianism. Be that as it may, celibacy, vegetarianism, and especially total abstinence from wine and alcoholic beverages, are essential for the acquisition of Occult Knowledge. Even if the ethical scruples for the health and welfare of animals are dismissed, still vegetarianism is suggested to rich and poor for their own health, as well as the health of our planet. Great intellectual powers are no proof of, but are impediments to spiritual insight; witness most of the great men of science. We must rather pity than blame them. Each mind runs along idiosyncratic grooves of prejudice and suspicion, and is therefore unwilling to run in the grooves of another mind — hence friction and wrangle. And so the lives of our fellow men, and companions along the same journey, remain unnoticed and unused because of our dogmatic narrow-mindedness, which can do honour to no one. What is our object and what of the future? Our object is the enlightenment of oneself for the good of others. Our future comes from each moment, here and now. Future is a word for present not yet come. As we live in the moment, so we shift the future up or down for good or ill. If the present is full of doubt or vacillation, so will be the future; if full of confidence, calmness, hope, courage, and intelligence, thus also will be the future. When we begin awakening our spiritual consciousness, the Divine Ray will unveil to our highest perceptions a world entirely different from the world represented to us by our external senses. But before we become a centre of beneficent force, we should make an effort: 1. To overpower the stirring principle within us by detaching our mind from the allurements of the material world. 2. To accumulate as much merit as we can by unselfish thoughts and deeds of kindness, as directed by the power of a soul attuned with that of humanity. What we do now, in this transitional age, it will be like what the Dhyani-Chohans did in the midway point of evolution, when matter was in a critical semi-spiritual fluidic state. They then gave an impulse for new types, which resulted later in the vast varieties of nature. Let each one of us be a centre of light; a picture gallery from which shall be projected on the astral light such scenes, such influences, such thoughts, as may influence many for good, shall thus arouse a new current, which will draw back the great and the good from other spheres from beyond this earth.

Warnings to would-be Occultists

Warnings to would-be Occultists PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 10

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People will never conspire except against real Power. In their blind ignorance, the Mysteries and the Unknown have been, and ever will be, objects of Terror for them. Would-be aspirants must not lure themselves with the idea of any possibility of their becoming practical Occultists by mere book-knowledge. Study and you will believe. Be prepared to devote your whole life. Be prepared for martyrdom. Give up personal pride and all selfish purposes, and be ready for everlasting encounters with friends and foes. Beware of Public Opinion, this invisible, intangible, omnipresent, despotic tyrant; this thousand-headed Hydra (the more dangerous for being composed of mediocrities) is not an enemy to be scorned by any would-be Occultist, courageous as he may be. Barrier upon barrier, obstacles in every form and shape will present themselves to the student.