The New American Antiquarian, Volume II, Fall 2023

The New American Antiquarian, Volume II, Fall 2023 PDF Author: Robert Swanson
Publisher: The New American Antiquarian
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 97

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ISSN 2769-4100

The New American Antiquarian, Volume II, Fall 2023

The New American Antiquarian, Volume II, Fall 2023 PDF Author: Robert Swanson
Publisher: The New American Antiquarian
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 97

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ISSN 2769-4100

The New American Antiquarian, Volume III, Fall 2024

The New American Antiquarian, Volume III, Fall 2024 PDF Author: Ian Tonat
Publisher: The New American Antiquarian
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 95

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ISSN 2769-4100

The American Antiquarian

The American Antiquarian PDF Author: Stephen Denison Peet
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 336862881X
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 346

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Reprint of the original, first published in 1880.

Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society

Transactions and Collections of the American Antiquarian Society PDF Author: Anonymous
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 3368837133
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 726

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Reprint of the original, first published in 1874.

Underwriters of the United States

Underwriters of the United States PDF Author: Hannah Farber
Publisher: UNC Press Books
ISBN: 1469663643
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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Unassuming but formidable, American maritime insurers used their position at the pinnacle of global trade to shape the new nation. The international information they gathered and the capital they generated enabled them to play central roles in state building and economic development. During the Revolution, they helped the U.S. negotiate foreign loans, sell state debts, and establish a single national bank. Afterward, they increased their influence by lending money to the federal government and to its citizens. Even as federal and state governments began to encroach on their domain, maritime insurers adapted, preserving their autonomy and authority through extensive involvement in the formation of commercial law. Leveraging their claims to unmatched expertise, they operated free from government interference while simultaneously embedding themselves into the nation’s institutional fabric. By the early nineteenth century, insurers were no longer just risk assessors. They were nation builders and market makers. Deeply and imaginatively researched, Underwriters of the United States uses marine insurers to reveal a startlingly original story of risk, money, and power in the founding era.

Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society

Catalogue of the Library of the Massachusetts Historical Society PDF Author: Anonymous
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 3382306689
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 746

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Reprint of the original, first published in 1859. The publishing house Anatiposi publishes historical books as reprints. Due to their age, these books may have missing pages or inferior quality. Our aim is to preserve these books and make them available to the public so that they do not get lost.

Native American Resilience

Native American Resilience PDF Author: P. S. Streng
Publisher: Amazon Pro Hub
ISBN: 1958324728
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 423

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Many books written about Native Americans have focused in depth on a particular era or subject. “Native American Resilience: A Story of Racism, Genocide and Survival” differs in that it provides a more holistic history, as well as the author’s analysis, in the hope that readers will discover or reaffirm for themselves the truth of the past and present lives of the First Americans. The book has two parts. Part I focuses on the Cherokee People – their struggles and survival. Cherokee culture is the heart of this section, including their oral traditions from earliest time to the confrontation between peoples when the New World was discovered. Trade and treaties played important roles from the early 1600s, with several significant Cherokee leaders guiding their interaction with the Europeans. Starting in the 1700s, U.S. law stipulated that Indian children be educated in the white man’s ways. Native religions, languages and cultures were outlawed, with these basic rights only restored in 1990. The divergent views on the removal of Native people from their ancestral lands is also covered, focusing on the period from the early 1800s until Congress passed a law in 1872 declaring there would be no more treaties. The story of Cherokee removal to Indian territory, their involvement in the American Civil War and the period leading up to Oklahoma statehood in 1907 follows. In Part II, Native American life through modern times is explored, including issues Native people have within American society and with the government. Although there are treaties still in full force, unless changed by the specific Indian tribe and the U.S. government, many have been abrogated at the government’s convenience, resulting in numerous lawsuits with some significant settlements in money and rights for the Indian people. The government has admitted that terms of treaties have not been upheld and that, over the centuries, documents were lost or destroyed. Some tribes and/or their languages and cultures have ceased to exist. Yet Native Americans, the First Americans, continue their fight to gain justice for what has been done to them and taken away from them – equality and respect.

First Images of America, Volume II

First Images of America, Volume II PDF Author: Fredi Chiappelli
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520348125
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 571

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This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived makes high-quality, peer-reviewed scholarship accessible once again using print-on-demand technology. This title was originally published in 1976. This title is part of UC Press's Voices Revived program, which commemorates University of California Press’s mission to seek out and cultivate the brightest minds and give them voice, reach, and impact. Drawing on a backlist dating to 1893, Voices Revived

History of the Conquest of Mexico (Vol. 1-4)

History of the Conquest of Mexico (Vol. 1-4) PDF Author: William Hickling Prescott
Publisher: Good Press
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 1088

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William Hickling Prescott's 'History of the Conquest of Mexico' is a monumental work consisting of four volumes that meticulously details the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. Prescott's writing style is characterized by its thorough research, vivid descriptions, and engaging narrative, making this historical account a captivating read for both scholars and general readers. Set in the early 16th century, the book provides valuable insights into the clash of civilizations, military strategies, political intrigues, and cultural exchanges during this pivotal period in history. As a historian with a keen interest in Spanish and Latin American history, Prescott was inspired to write this magnum opus after extensive research and study of primary sources. His dedication to accuracy and detail is evident throughout the volumes, showcasing his expertise and passion for the subject matter. Prescott's scholarly approach ensures that 'History of the Conquest of Mexico' remains a definitive resource on this significant historical event. I highly recommend 'History of the Conquest of Mexico' to anyone interested in exploring the complexities of colonial conquest, cultural encounters, and the lasting impact of European colonization in the Americas. Prescott's masterful storytelling and profound historical insights make this opus a must-read for history enthusiasts.

The Conquest of Mexico

The Conquest of Mexico PDF Author: William Hickling Prescott
Publisher: Good Press
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 1084

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"The Conquest of Mexico" in 4 volumes is one of the best-known works by an American historian William Hickling Prescott. Contents: VIEW OF THE AZTEC CIVILIZATION: Ancient Mexico Aztec Empire Judicial System Military Institutions Mexican Mythology The Temples Astronomy Tezcucans Decline of their Monarchy... DISCOVERY OF MEXICO: Spain under Charles V. Colonial Policy Expeditions to Yucatan Hernando Cortés Conversion of the Natives Great Battle with the Indians Christianity introduced Voyage along the Coast Spaniards land in Mexico... Account of Montezuma Spanish Encampment Plan of a Colony Management of Cortés Foundation of Vera Cruz Conspiracy in the Camp The Fleet Sunk MARCH TO MEXICO: Republic of Tlascala Desperate Battles Decisive Victory Peace with the Republic Spaniards enter Tlascala Terrible Massacre Ascent of the Great Volcano Entrance Into the Capital... RESIDENCE IN MEXICO: Description of the Capital Montezuma's Deportment Further Measures of Cortes... Montezuma swears Allegiance to Spain Politic Conduct of Cortés Discontent of the Troops Insurrection in the Capital Rising of the Aztecs... EXPULSION FROM MEXICO: Desperate Assault on the Quarters Storming of the Great Temple Death of Montezuma Retreat of the Spaniards Great Battle of Otumba War with the surrounding Tribes Spaniards cross the Sierra... SIEGE AND SURRENDER OF MEXICO: Arrangement at Tezcuco Battles at Xochimilco Narrow Escape of Cortés Conspiracy in the Army Beginning of the Siege... Indian Flotilla defeated General Assault on the City Successes of the Spaniards Termination of the Siege... SUBSEQUENT CAREER OF CORTÉS: Submission of the Country Rebuilding of the Capital Settlement of the Country Christian Missionaries Voyages and Expeditions Cortés Returns to Spain Brilliant Reception of Cortés Cortés revisits Mexico His Voyages of Discovery Final Return to Castile Death of Cortés...