The Little Red Book: Of Little-Read Jokes about the Enlightened Left

The Little Red Book: Of Little-Read Jokes about the Enlightened Left PDF Author: Hermann Observer
Publisher: Hermann Observer
ISBN: 1311798897
Category : Humor
Languages : en
Pages : 93

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Version 2.0 (2023). Much like Chairman Mao's compilation of zany one-liners published during Communist China's Cultural Revolution back in the day, this little red book is an uproarious collection of madcap humor and senseless drivel dedicated to the countless enlightened leftists still inexplicably omnipresent in our world today. Filled with pun-ridden put-downs and wise-ass wordplay, this remarkable anthology offers unenlightened readers like yourself a thorough introduction into the baffling realm of leftist confusion and a refreshing alternative to the more conventional fare of lowbrow humor you are undoubtedly accustomed to. Your fancy will be tickled with jeering jibes and sarcastic swipes taken at the expense of the leftist elites who rule over us in relentless pursuit of a more progressive and enlightened new world order. But just who are these enlightened leftists of the enlightened left, you ask? I’m glad you did. Enlightened leftists are those who believe that man is “perfectible” (woman too, if we stick to two genders). They believe in equality in a world in which equality does not and cannot exist (there is no equality in nature). They are the ones who always have the “solutions” to our problems, most of these problems being the direct or indirect result of one of their previous enlightened leftist solutions. The enlightened left are the all too optimistic and the all too naïve with the all too good intentions who seem to be the only ones unaware that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. They are also unaware of their inherent limitations as human beings. They refuse to recognize that we are simply not able to fully understand all the ramifications of our simplest actions, much less the ambitious enlightened leftist reforms they have and repeatedly tried and will try again to introduce. They are rationalists whose reason is not sufficiently able to point out the limitations of their reason. In other words, they are the nannies, the pro-collectivist, the anti-self-reliant, the redistributors and the interventionists who have become so intrusive in our lives today. They can’t accept the idea of government as a system of negation within which individuals can freely develop on their own under the rule of law (a “don't do this, don't do that” model). Enlightened leftists insist that government actively intervene in our lives (a “do this, do that” model), always open for the next “solution” that 1) never delivers the results promised and 2) creates new problems due to the inevitable Law of Unintended Consequences. Enlightened leftists are paternal. They are autocratic. They are above the law because what they do is for “the greater good” that they define. They believe that the ends justify the means. They are the people who say, “we are from the government and are here to help.” The enlightened left are those who refuse to leave the rest of us alone. Although not famous for their sense of humor (telling others how to live their lives and what to think is no laughing matter), enlightened leftists nevertheless provide us with a near endless source of comic delight. This little red book is a modest attempt to tap into that vital source. I hope you will enjoy reading it. I also hope you will remember to buy a few additional copies for your friends and family. I am told it makes a wonderful gift idea, perfect, even, for any perfect or near-perfect stranger you might unexpectedly bump into on the street. It is a very small book. This makes it very easy for you to carry several of them on your person. I carry three of them with me at all times, for instance. I am sitting on two right now as I write these very lines. In closing, please try to keep two things constantly in mind while reading: First of all, many if not most of the enlightened left mean well. Honestly. They really do. Secondly, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The Little Red Book: Of Little-Read Jokes about the Enlightened Left

The Little Red Book: Of Little-Read Jokes about the Enlightened Left PDF Author: Hermann Observer
Publisher: Hermann Observer
ISBN: 1311798897
Category : Humor
Languages : en
Pages : 93

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Book Description
Version 2.0 (2023). Much like Chairman Mao's compilation of zany one-liners published during Communist China's Cultural Revolution back in the day, this little red book is an uproarious collection of madcap humor and senseless drivel dedicated to the countless enlightened leftists still inexplicably omnipresent in our world today. Filled with pun-ridden put-downs and wise-ass wordplay, this remarkable anthology offers unenlightened readers like yourself a thorough introduction into the baffling realm of leftist confusion and a refreshing alternative to the more conventional fare of lowbrow humor you are undoubtedly accustomed to. Your fancy will be tickled with jeering jibes and sarcastic swipes taken at the expense of the leftist elites who rule over us in relentless pursuit of a more progressive and enlightened new world order. But just who are these enlightened leftists of the enlightened left, you ask? I’m glad you did. Enlightened leftists are those who believe that man is “perfectible” (woman too, if we stick to two genders). They believe in equality in a world in which equality does not and cannot exist (there is no equality in nature). They are the ones who always have the “solutions” to our problems, most of these problems being the direct or indirect result of one of their previous enlightened leftist solutions. The enlightened left are the all too optimistic and the all too naïve with the all too good intentions who seem to be the only ones unaware that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. They are also unaware of their inherent limitations as human beings. They refuse to recognize that we are simply not able to fully understand all the ramifications of our simplest actions, much less the ambitious enlightened leftist reforms they have and repeatedly tried and will try again to introduce. They are rationalists whose reason is not sufficiently able to point out the limitations of their reason. In other words, they are the nannies, the pro-collectivist, the anti-self-reliant, the redistributors and the interventionists who have become so intrusive in our lives today. They can’t accept the idea of government as a system of negation within which individuals can freely develop on their own under the rule of law (a “don't do this, don't do that” model). Enlightened leftists insist that government actively intervene in our lives (a “do this, do that” model), always open for the next “solution” that 1) never delivers the results promised and 2) creates new problems due to the inevitable Law of Unintended Consequences. Enlightened leftists are paternal. They are autocratic. They are above the law because what they do is for “the greater good” that they define. They believe that the ends justify the means. They are the people who say, “we are from the government and are here to help.” The enlightened left are those who refuse to leave the rest of us alone. Although not famous for their sense of humor (telling others how to live their lives and what to think is no laughing matter), enlightened leftists nevertheless provide us with a near endless source of comic delight. This little red book is a modest attempt to tap into that vital source. I hope you will enjoy reading it. I also hope you will remember to buy a few additional copies for your friends and family. I am told it makes a wonderful gift idea, perfect, even, for any perfect or near-perfect stranger you might unexpectedly bump into on the street. It is a very small book. This makes it very easy for you to carry several of them on your person. I carry three of them with me at all times, for instance. I am sitting on two right now as I write these very lines. In closing, please try to keep two things constantly in mind while reading: First of all, many if not most of the enlightened left mean well. Honestly. They really do. Secondly, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

The Left Frame of Mind: An Inquiry into the Nature of the Leftist Brain

The Left Frame of Mind: An Inquiry into the Nature of the Leftist Brain PDF Author: Hermann Observer
Publisher: Hermann Observer
Category : Humor
Languages : en
Pages : 150

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Do you have a healthy mental attitude and a positive outlook on life? Good for you. This means you are in the right frame of mind. But if you don’t, this means you are in the left frame of mind, and this is not so good. The left frame of mind is the wrong frame of mind. It means you have a Leftist Brain. And having a Leftist Brain means you are doomed to languish wretchedly in the left frame of mind mindset forever. Sorry. I don’t make up the rules. And life isn’t fair. That’s right. Once a Leftist Brain, always a Leftist Brain. And although leftist brains may come in a wide variety of flavors, historical classifications and toxicity, there is no fundamental difference between a Soviet communist Leftist Brain and a Wisconsin Democrat Leftist Brain. It is merely a matter of degree of Leftist Brain brainedness. For you see in the final analysis, all leftist brains share the following three basic characteristics: 1) Collectivism is good, individualism is bad. The Leftist Brain hungers for overprotective parental government promoting childlike dependency. It expects the State to run or regulate everything, from daycare to retirement. It doesn’t care that this cradle-to-grave infantilization undermines individuals’ freedoms, subverts their self-reliance and deters their self-determination. As long as assurance is given that this is being done in the name of “equality,” a wonderful sounding ideal that doesn’t exist in nature, all is forgiven. 2) Coercion is superior to voluntary cooperation. The Leftist Brain is magically drawn to policies and systems that restrict the individual’s freedom to choose. It does not trust voluntary action or believe in spontaneous order through mutual agreement because it does not understand human nature. Nor does it feel comfortable letting unique individuals (also known as “the masses”) decide things for themselves. They might not have “the greater good” in mind. This is why the Leftist Brain restricts free choice at every opportunity. This is why it is always prepared to call for government coercion. For the Leftist Brain, “the ends justify the means” and it only respects the rule of law if it is “interpreted” in the way it deems fit. 3) Sense of mission. The Leftist Brain sees itself as a chosen one “on the right side of history.” It is superior to ordinary brains that can never enjoy this higher, enlightened status. Believing this serves the psychological function of bolstering what is typically the weak self-esteem of a brain that is ungenerous and therefore unhappy. Its feigned altruism hides a lack of empathy that often leads to pronounced narcissist tendencies. Unchecked, these tendencies eventually lead to nihilism (narcissism and nihilism being functionally equivalent). This helps explain why the Leftist Brain is always so eager to resort to hysterical outbursts, violence and destruction. So, here we are. Unfortunately. We now live in a Leftist Brain world. They are in control, I am sorry to say. And this world is of course very far from the world the framers of the Constitution originally intended. Instead of thriving in a political system that protects individual liberties through the exercise of negative rights (don’t do this, don’t do that), the Leftist Brain’s eternal quest for its arbitrary “greater good” means we must endure coercive government direction through the exercise of positive rights (do this, do that). We must do as we are told, in other words. We are now indentured servants to the State. The following is a collection of thoughts and observations about the nature of the Leftist Brain, and our captivity. Most of them are meant to be humorous, although it cannot be denied that this type of humor may be seen as a subversive, bitter form of humor that is often cynical rather than laugh-out-loud funny. This is because it is a subversive, bitter form of humor that is often cynical rather than laugh-out-loud funny. Have a nice day anyway.

501 German Oddities

501 German Oddities PDF Author: Hermann Observer
Publisher: Hermann Observer
ISBN: 1790125766
Category : Humor
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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Do you often feel the uncontrollable urge to drive at ridiculously high speeds when out on the freeway? Does that constant, nagging struggle between the opposing sides of your inferiority-superiority complex keep you up at night? Are you brutally direct, painfully precise and sometimes feel like you’re speaking a foreign language because no one seems to understand you? Vorsicht (watch out)! You might be German. In that case you won’t have any use for this book. Have a nice day. If, on the other hand, you have always been puzzled by odd German Attitudes, Behavior or Cultural practices, then this is the book for you. You are not alone, you see. Nor is there anything wrong with you reacting that way. Your puzzlement is a perfectly healthy and normal human response to the cognitive dissonance and other psychological disrruptions that often dissonate and disrupt when foreigners make unprotected contact with high-grade Germanness. Or at least that’s what a specialist in Vienna told me. As Winston Churchill once said, “Germany is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” Actually, he said Russia when he said that but I’m pretty sure he meant Germany. He was Winston Churchill, after all, and he had been around a bit. I certainly would have said Germany. And I wouldn’t, much less couldn’t have said it better myself. Germany and the Germans are indeed enigmatic and, well, really weird sometimes. This collection of random personal observations and unsolicited opinion is an attempt to document just that. I cannot guarantee that this list of German oddities is complete, of course. I can assure you, however, that enjoying these oddities in the privacy of your own home is a relatively safe and effective way to partake in the German experience without any of the harmful side effects. Viel Glück dabei (and good luck with that).

Brain Quest

Brain Quest PDF Author: Hermann Observer
Publisher: Hermann Observer
ISBN: 1981462074
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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Mission Nemo simply must succeed. If the crew of the Super Small Miniaturized Nano-like Operations Wessel S. S. Minnow fails to destroy the inoperable anti-capitalist coagulum lodged in Morris Moore's progressive brain, how will General De Klein's Federal Department of Antidotes operatives at SUCFACE Mission Control find out if Leftylometazoline (aka LeftX) really works? Would this usher in the final stage of the liberal clerisy’s clandestine collectivist conspiracy to abolish our few remaining individual freedoms forever? That would not please President Thump one microscopic little bit. Join Major Miles Stone and his disturbingly alluring crew on their miniaturized mission through the left and lefter hemispheres of the progressive brain. Their fantastic voyage is a race against time that takes them through such redoubtable regions as the Clinton Vortex, the Che Guevara Gray Area and the Obama Trauma Center itself. Here they bravely confront such anatomical monstrosities as the fantasist frontalis, the hyperbolthalamus and the dreaded pious aspiration node. Their progressive brain journey only gets progressively worse as they are repeatedly attacked by repulsive swarms of nanny neurons, doomsday dendrons, robin hoodlums and the formidable radical egalitarian bacterium. If not for the courage of the fearless crew, and their deadly arsenal of passing phasers, millennial mindset missiles, moral busybody antibodies and Condescendium®, the Minnow would be lost. The Minnow would be lost. The tension never stops building during this thrilling tale of adventure, danger, suspense and romance. And lust. Will Captain Hanna Grenada's irresistible animal magnetism finally seduce the Major into experiencing something vaguely resembling basic human emotion? Can the all too communicative HAL 9999 super computer and his annoying eye drones really be trusted to operate the ship? And will the Minnow's political corrector deflectors and smug shields hold, allowing Stone and his crew to reach their target and ignite the liberal bombast bomb in time? I could tell you but that would ruin the suspense. Not your everyday dystopian science-fiction erotic horror political thriller, this bombastic bombshell of a book knows no shame when it comes to overwhelming you with its serious silliness, wanton wackiness and forthright, flat-out farce. Purchase it now before it is too late or something. Soon to be made into a major motion picture. Or maybe it has been already. There is also time travel involved here, after all.

Climate Crisis Fun Facts!

Climate Crisis Fun Facts! PDF Author: Hermann Observer
Publisher: Hermann Observer
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 167

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Take a deep breath. It’s time for Climate Crisis Fun Fact Number One: There is no Climate Crisis. The weather is not your fault. The climate (weather over time) is not your fault either. Yes, the climate is changing. It is changing because it has never not changed. But no, the “pollutant” CO2, anthropogenic or otherwise, is not driving this change. It is driving plant growth. The narrative you are being led to believe is false. The causes for climate change are all natural. Natural, although not yet fully understood. This book is an exercise in humility. It aims to offer those who feel uncomfortable with the arrogant CO2 Climate Crisis consensus of our age a chance to step back and doubt. It is a modest collection of well-documented facts and logical observations that will hopefully help you choose to refuse. Choose to refuse believing those who profit financially or in any other way from the CO2 narrative.

A Little Life

A Little Life PDF Author: Hanya Yanagihara
Publisher: Vintage
ISBN: 0804172706
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 833

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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A stunning “portrait of the enduring grace of friendship” (NPR) about the families we are born into, and those that we make for ourselves. A masterful depiction of love in the twenty-first century. NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FINALIST • MAN BOOKER PRIZE FINALIST • WINNER OF THE KIRKUS PRIZE A Little Life follows four college classmates—broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition—as they move to New York in search of fame and fortune. While their relationships, which are tinged by addiction, success, and pride, deepen over the decades, the men are held together by their devotion to the brilliant, enigmatic Jude, a man scarred by an unspeakable childhood trauma. A hymn to brotherly bonds and a masterful depiction of love in the twenty-first century, Hanya Yanagihara’s stunning novel is about the families we are born into, and those that we make for ourselves. Look for Hanya Yanagihara’s latest bestselling novel, To Paradise.

The Brothers K

The Brothers K PDF Author: David James Duncan
Publisher: Dial Press
ISBN: 030775524X
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 654

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A NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK Once in a great while a writer comes along who can truly capture the drama and passion of the life of a family. David James Duncan, author of the novel The River Why and the collection River Teeth, is just such a writer. And in The Brothers K he tells a story both striking and in its originality and poignant in its universality. This touching, uplifting novel spans decades of loyalty, anger, regret, and love in the lives of the Chance family. A father whose dreams of glory on a baseball field are shattered by a mill accident. A mother who clings obsessively to religion as a ward against the darkest hour of her past. Four brothers who come of age during the seismic upheavals of the sixties and who each choose their own way to deal with what the world has become. By turns uproariously funny and deeply moving, and beautifully written throughout, The Brothers K is one of the finest chronicles of our lives in many years. Praise for The Brothers K “The pages of The Brothers K sparkle.”—The New York Times Book Review “Duncan is a wonderfully engaging writer.”—Los Angeles Times “This ambitious book succeeds on almost every level and every page.”—USA Today “Duncan’s prose is a blend of lyrical rhapsody, sassy hyperbole and all-American vernacular.”—San Francisco Chronicle “The Brothers K affords the . . . deep pleasures of novels that exhaustively create, and alter, complex worlds. . . . One always senses an enthusiastic and abundantly talented and versatile writer at work.”—The Washington Post Book World “Duncan . . . tells the larger story of an entire popular culture struggling to redefine itself—something he does with the comic excitement and depth of feeling one expects from Tom Robbins.”—Chicago Tribune

The Sense of an Ending

The Sense of an Ending PDF Author: Julian Barnes
Publisher: Vintage
ISBN: 0307957330
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 158

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BOOKER PRIZE WINNER • NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A novel that follows a middle-aged man as he contends with a past he never much thought about—until his closest childhood friends return with a vengeance: one of them from the grave, another maddeningly present. A novel so compelling that it begs to be read in a single setting, The Sense of an Ending has the psychological and emotional depth and sophistication of Henry James at his best, and is a stunning achievement in Julian Barnes's oeuvre. Tony Webster thought he left his past behind as he built a life for himself, and his career has provided him with a secure retirement and an amicable relationship with his ex-wife and daughter, who now has a family of her own. But when he is presented with a mysterious legacy, he is forced to revise his estimation of his own nature and place in the world.

Rachel’s Homemade Holiday (Pudding Pantry, Book 2)

Rachel’s Homemade Holiday (Pudding Pantry, Book 2) PDF Author: Caroline Roberts
Publisher: HarperCollins UK
ISBN: 000838696X
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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This Christmas, home is where the heart is . . .

Harper's Weekly

Harper's Weekly PDF Author: John Bonner
Category : American periodicals
Languages : en
Pages : 868

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