The Glories of Mary

The Glories of Mary PDF Author: Saint Alfonso Maria de' Liguori
Category : Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Languages : en
Pages : 690

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The Glories of Mary

The Glories of Mary PDF Author: Saint Alfonso Maria de' Liguori
Category : Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint
Languages : en
Pages : 690

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The Life of Mary As Seen by the Mystics

The Life of Mary As Seen by the Mystics PDF Author: Raphael Brown
Publisher: TAN Books
ISBN: 0895559544
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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A masterpiece that combines the visions of four great Catholic mystics into one coherent story on the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Based primarily on the famous revelations of Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich and Ven. Mary of Agreda, it also includes many episodes described in the writings of St. Bridget of Sweden and St. Elizabeth of Schenau. To read this book, therefore, is to share in the magnificent visions granted to four of the most priviledged souls in the history of the Church. In complete harmony with the Gospel story, this book reads like a masterfully written novel. It includes such fascinating details as the birth and infancy of Mary, her espousal to St. Joseph and her Assumption into Heaven where she was crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth. For young and old alike, The Life of Mary As Seen by the Mystics will forever impress the reader with an inspiring and truly unforgettable understanding of the otherwise unknown facts concerning Mary and the Holy Family.

The Sorrows of Mary

The Sorrows of Mary PDF Author: Saint Alphonsus Ligouri
ISBN: 9781690168126
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 74

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WHO can have a heart so hard that it will not melt on hearing of a most lamentable event which once happened in the world? There was a noble and holy mother who had but one only Son; and he was the most amiable that could be imagined, innocent, virtuous, beautiful, and most loving towards his mother; so much so, that he never had caused her the least displeasure, but always had showed her all respect, obedience, and affection. Hence the mother had placed on this Son all her earthly affections. Now what happened? It happened that this Son, through envy, was falsely accused by his enemies and the judge, although he knew and confessed his innocence, yet, that he might not offend his enemies, condemned him to an infamous death, precisely as they had requested him to do. And this poor mother had to suffer the affliction of seeing that amiable and beloved Son so unjustly taken from her, in the flower of his age, by a barbarous death; for he was made to die in torment, drained of his blood before her own eyes in a public place, upon an infamous cross. Devout souls, what do you say? Is this case and this unhappy mother worthy of compassion? Already you know of whom I speak. This Son so cruelly slain was our loving Redeemer, Jesus, and his mother was the Blessed Virgin Mary, who, for love of us, was willing to see him offered up to the divine justice by the barbarity of men. This great pain, then, which Mary suffered for us a pain which was more than a thousand deaths, merits our compassion and gratitude. And if we can return nothing else for so much love, at least let us for a little time today stop to consider the severity of the suffering by which Mary became queen of martyrs; for her great martyrdom exceeded in suffering that of all the martyrs being, in the first place the longest martyrdom; and in the second place, the greatest martyrdom. This comes mainly from 'The Glories of Mary' by Saint Alphonsus Ligouri with additions from the Raccolta and other pious sources at the end.

The Secret of Mary

The Secret of Mary PDF Author: Saint Louis de Montfort
Publisher: Aeterna Press
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 56

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Secret of Mary is a book by Saint Louis de Montfort on the Roman Catholic theme of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. It complements de Montfort's other books the Secret of the Rosary and True Devotion to Mary. Saint Louis de Montfort's books attracted attention in the 20th century when in an address to the Montfortian Fathers, Pope John Paul II said that reading one of de Montfort's books had been a "decisive turning point" in his life. Aeterna Press

The Life and Glories of St. Joseph

The Life and Glories of St. Joseph PDF Author: Edward Healy Thompson
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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To Jesus Through Mary

To Jesus Through Mary PDF Author: Jean-Marie Texier
Publisher: Createspace Independent Pub
ISBN: 9781481120579
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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St. Louis-Marie de Montfort wrote in his True Devotion to Mary: “By this practice, faithfully observed, you will give Jesus more glory in a month than by any other practice, however difficult, in many years.” This newly-translated book, written by a Montfort Father, contains thirty-one essays, which show you precisely how to do this with in-depth information. This veritable goldmine is the most thorough explanation on how to apply the True Devotion. Among other things, you will happily discover: (1) how the True Devotion puts the power of Mary at our disposal; (2) why the True Devotion is the supreme and most perfect expression of our love for Mary; (3) how to live this devotion faithfully throughout the day; (4) how to increase your merit for Heaven at every moment of your day; (5) why every Saturday is dedicated to Mary; (6) much greater insights into the holiness, greatness, and dignity of Mary, and why they are beyond anything we can imagine; (7) a brief biography of St. Louis-Marie, and the history of the development of Marian devotion in his life; (8) the fullness of grace in Mary; (9) how Mary is the ideal Mother of God and men; (10) why this devotion is not only the best, but the easiest to practice; (11) how God wants this devotion; (12) the essence of the True Devotion; (13) the clearest explanation of Mary's dwelling in the faithful soul (answers many objections); (14) why this is the best and easiest devotion to deliver souls from Purgatory and for avoiding it altogether; (15) why this devotion to Mary surpasses all others; (16) why it is not necessary to do extraordinary things or great works in order to give the greatest glory to God; (17) the benefits that will come to you by living this devotion; (18) why Mary cannot be an obstacle to union with God, but the most efficacious way to attain it; (19) why the holy slavery is the supreme and most perfect expression of our love toward Mary; (20) how we can never have enough respect for Mary; and, (21) why to reject the practice of the True Devotion is to reject the foundations of Christianity. This book is very important because St. Louis-Marie describes the True Devotion as “a mystery of grace unknown to even the wisest and most spiritual among Christians,” “a mystery of grace, unknown to the reprobate, and but little known even to the predestinate,” “one of these secrets of grace, unknown by the greater number of Christians, known even to few of the devout, and practiced and relished by a far less number still,” and, “a secret unknown to almost all Christians even the most devout.” He found it necessary to stress this point FOUR times! Everyone, the beginners and the more advanced, those with a spiritual director, and especially those without, will find this book very helpful. This is the ultimate insider's guide to understanding the true devotion, and a perfect complement to the True Devotion to Mary.

True Devotion to Mary: With Preparation for Total Consecration

True Devotion to Mary: With Preparation for Total Consecration PDF Author: Catholic Way Publishing
ISBN: 1783790040
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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A Treatise on the True Devotion on the Blessed Virgin or True Devotion to Mary is considered the greatest book on the Blessed Virgin Mary ever written and has been recommended and practiced by eight Popes. This is the original "scrupulously faithful" translation by Father Frederick William Faber. The great Marian Pope, Blessed Pope John Paul II practiced this Devotion to Mary, in his Letter to the Monfort Fathers he says: "A work destined to become a classic of Marian spirituality was published 160 years ago. St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote the Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin at the beginning of the 1700s, but the manuscript remained practically unknown for more than a century. When, almost by chance, it was at last discovered in 1842 and published in 1843, the work was an instant success, proving extraordinarily effective in spreading the "true devotion" to the Most Holy Virgin. "When we praise her, love her, honor her or give anything to her, it is God who is praised, God who is loved, God who is glorified, and it is to God that we give, through Mary and in Mary (Treatise on True Devotion, n. 225)." Included is a supplementary 33-Day Preparation for Total Consecration. Paintings are by Bartolome Esteban Murillo.

The Twelve Steps to Holiness and Salvation

The Twelve Steps to Holiness and Salvation PDF Author: St. Alphonsus Liguori
Publisher: TAN Books
ISBN: 1618909185
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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The 12 Steps to Holiness is compiled from the writings of St. Alphonsus Liguori and is rated as one of the most beautiful and inspiring books by numerous TAN readers. St. Alphonsus develops, in the most simple language, yet with the greatest learning, the 12 key virtues necessary for salvation: faith, hope, love of God, love of neighbor, poverty, chastity, obedience, meekness or humility, mortification, recollection, prayer and self-denial or love of the cross. This book is written with such an encompassing view that its message is for all—religious or layman, the young or the old, the pious or the wayward. The reader will marvel at the balance, the simplicity, the learning, the interest, the calm and the holy unction that penetrate this work. And he will find himself repeatedly marking significant passage and returning to them again and again for instruction and edification. Here is a book, quite simply, for everyone who would save his soul.

The Complete Works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori

The Complete Works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori PDF Author: Saint Alfonso Maria de' Liguori
Category : Devotional literature
Languages : en
Pages : 488

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Sermons Upon Various Subjects

Sermons Upon Various Subjects PDF Author: Saint Alfonso Maria de' Liguori
Category : Sermons, Italian
Languages : en
Pages : 266

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