The Attainability of Heavenly Bodies

The Attainability of Heavenly Bodies PDF Author: Walter Hohmann
Category : Rockets (Aeronautics)
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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This work (originally published in 1925) contributes to recognition of the feasibility of space travel. Treated are problems associated with leaving the earth, return to earth, free-space flight, circumnavigation of celestial objects, and landing on other celestial objects.

The Attainability of Heavenly Bodies

The Attainability of Heavenly Bodies PDF Author: Walter Hohmann
Category : Rockets (Aeronautics)
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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This work (originally published in 1925) contributes to recognition of the feasibility of space travel. Treated are problems associated with leaving the earth, return to earth, free-space flight, circumnavigation of celestial objects, and landing on other celestial objects.

NASA Technical Translation

NASA Technical Translation PDF Author:
Category : Aeronautics
Languages : en
Pages : 770

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Technical Translations

Technical Translations PDF Author:
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1228

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Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications

Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications PDF Author: D.A. Vallado
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780792369035
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1002

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Fundamentals of Astrodynamics and Applications is rapidly becoming the standard astrodynamics reference for those involved in the business of spaceflight. What sets this book apart is that nearly all of the theoretical mathematics is followed by discussions of practical applications implemented in tested software routines. For example, the book includes a compendium of algorithms that allow students and professionals to determine orbits with high precision using a PC. Without a doubt, when an astrodynamics problem arises in the future, it will become standard practice for engineers to keep this volume close at hand and `look it up in Vallado'. While the first edition was an exceptionally useful and popular book throughout the community, there are a number of reasons why the second edition will be even more so. There are many reworked examples and derivations. Newly introduced topics include ground illumination calculations, Moon rise and set, and a listing of relevant Internet sites. There is an improved and expanded discussion of coordinate systems, orbit determination, and differential correction. Perhaps most important is that all of the software routines described in the book are now available for free in FORTRAN, PASCAL, and C. This makes the second edition an even more valuable text and superb reference.

Successful Composites Technology Transfer

Successful Composites Technology Transfer PDF Author: George N. Bullen
Publisher: Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME)
ISBN: 0872638804
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 314

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The ingenuity and visibility of NASA space programs, such as the max launch abort system (MLAs), are sparking the creativity, knowledge transfer, and unique applications of revolutionary technologies in areas such as aerospace, wind energy, transportation, oil, safety, and civil infrastructure. Lightweight, high-strength, carbon-fiber composites materials, vacuum-assisted resin transfer molding, smart sensors, out-of-autoclave curing of autoclave composites, unified structures, structural health monitoring systems, smart phone/RFID tracking, determinant assembly, forensic engineering, and the digital tapestry that ties everything together are just a few of the technological advances perfected in NASA’s programs. Successful composites technology transfer takes the discussion of these technologies to the next level — addressing the advantages and challenges to their more widespread industrial application. Readers will get insight into how high-strength, carbon-fiber composites and its related technologies are making inroads into products such as commercial airplane seats and carts, turbine blades, firefighting equipment, trucks, buses, lifting and support devices, and containers. The author shares breakthrough thinking on other potential applications, such as a new lighter than air ship, prototype vehicles, driver health and safety, firefighter safety, and bridge infrastructure safety and health monitoring. According to Foreword author, Tim Shinbara, vice president of manufacturing technology at AMT (Association for Manufacturing Technology), “ is of considerable value to search out, discover, and digest resources such as this book in an effort to continually improve the lens by which we innovate.” Aside from new product innovations, extension of the manufacturing technologies, and processes described herein have the potential to not only add new functionality or modify the existing functionality of existing products and systems, but in many cases, adoption would require minimal effort from the manufacturing enterprise.

Optimal Control with Aerospace Applications

Optimal Control with Aerospace Applications PDF Author: James M Longuski
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461489458
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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Want to know not just what makes rockets go up but how to do it optimally? Optimal control theory has become such an important field in aerospace engineering that no graduate student or practicing engineer can afford to be without a working knowledge of it. This is the first book that begins from scratch to teach the reader the basic principles of the calculus of variations, develop the necessary conditions step-by-step, and introduce the elementary computational techniques of optimal control. This book, with problems and an online solution manual, provides the graduate-level reader with enough introductory knowledge so that he or she can not only read the literature and study the next level textbook but can also apply the theory to find optimal solutions in practice. No more is needed than the usual background of an undergraduate engineering, science, or mathematics program: namely calculus, differential equations, and numerical integration. Although finding optimal solutions for these problems is a complex process involving the calculus of variations, the authors carefully lay out step-by-step the most important theorems and concepts. Numerous examples are worked to demonstrate how to apply the theories to everything from classical problems (e.g., crossing a river in minimum time) to engineering problems (e.g., minimum-fuel launch of a satellite). Throughout the book use is made of the time-optimal launch of a satellite into orbit as an important case study with detailed analysis of two examples: launch from the Moon and launch from Earth. For launching into the field of optimal solutions, look no further!

Index of NASA Technical Publications

Index of NASA Technical Publications PDF Author: United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Category : Aeronautics
Languages : en
Pages : 448

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Technical Publications Announcements

Technical Publications Announcements PDF Author: United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Category : Aeronautics
Languages : en
Pages : 448

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Index to NASA Technical Publications

Index to NASA Technical Publications PDF Author: United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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A Selected Listing of NASA Scientific and Technical Reports for ...

A Selected Listing of NASA Scientific and Technical Reports for ... PDF Author:
Category : Aeronautics
Languages : en
Pages : 450

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