African Textiles Today

African Textiles Today PDF Author: Chris Spring
Publisher: Smithsonian Institution
ISBN: 1588343804
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Book Description
African Textiles Today illustrates how African history is read, told, and recorded in cloth. All artifacts or works of art hold within them stories that range far beyond the time of their creation or the lifetime of their creator, and African textiles are patterned with these hidden histories. In Africa, cloth may be used to memorialize or commemorate something - an event, a person, a political cause - which in other parts of the world might be written down in detail or recorded by a plaque or monument. History in Africa can be read, told, and recorded in cloth. Making and trading numerous types of cloth have been vital elements in African life and culture for at least two millennia, linking different parts of the continent with each other and the rest of the world. Africa's long engagement with the peoples of the Mediterranean and the islands of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans provides a story of change and continuity. African Textiles Today shows how ideas, techniques, materials, and markets have adapted and flourished, and how the dynamic traditions in African textiles have provided inspiration for the continent's foremost contemporary artists and photographers. With a concluding chapter discussing the impact of African designs across the world, the book offers a fascinating insight into the living history of Africa.

African Textiles Today

African Textiles Today PDF Author: Chris Spring
Publisher: Smithsonian Institution
ISBN: 1588343804
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Book Description
African Textiles Today illustrates how African history is read, told, and recorded in cloth. All artifacts or works of art hold within them stories that range far beyond the time of their creation or the lifetime of their creator, and African textiles are patterned with these hidden histories. In Africa, cloth may be used to memorialize or commemorate something - an event, a person, a political cause - which in other parts of the world might be written down in detail or recorded by a plaque or monument. History in Africa can be read, told, and recorded in cloth. Making and trading numerous types of cloth have been vital elements in African life and culture for at least two millennia, linking different parts of the continent with each other and the rest of the world. Africa's long engagement with the peoples of the Mediterranean and the islands of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans provides a story of change and continuity. African Textiles Today shows how ideas, techniques, materials, and markets have adapted and flourished, and how the dynamic traditions in African textiles have provided inspiration for the continent's foremost contemporary artists and photographers. With a concluding chapter discussing the impact of African designs across the world, the book offers a fascinating insight into the living history of Africa.

The African Today

The African Today PDF Author: Diedrich Westermann
ISBN: 9781138600294
Category : Ethnology
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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Originally published in 1934, and inevitably a product of the time in which it was published this book nevertheless remains an important volume in African sociology and psychology. Topics such as race, economics, family and kinship, tribal organization, ritual and the supernatural, language and education are discussed in a balanced way, especially given the era of publication.

Africa Today

Africa Today PDF Author: Heather Deegan
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134112807
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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In the post 9/11 global environment Africa is standing at a crossroads in international affairs as the combined issues of politics, religion and security attract renewed interest. While some countries seem to be moving forward with greater levels of confidence, democracy and stability, others continue to be mired in conflict, poverty and religious/ethnic division. This text focuses on key contemporary issues that the continent faces, providing a comprehensive introduction of current political, religious, developmental and security concerns. Features include: Individual chapters devoted to key issues including health, gender, corruption, religion and the newly emerging problems of human security. Case studies and detailed analysis of topical issues, including: Muslim/Christian clashes: Kano, Northern Nigeria Conflict, Arms and Reconstruction: Darfur and Sierra Leone Comprehensive range of countries discussed including: Zimbabwe, Botswana, Kenya Ethiopia, Uganda, Lesotho, Somalia, Namibia and Madagascar. Fully up-to-date statistics including primary research based on interviews conducted by the author, providing data for both individual countries and the continent as a whole. Boxed descriptions explaining clearly the ideas in important subject areas, such as Islamic law and society By drawing on the author’s empirical research and situating discussion within the context of wider debate, Africa Today is designed both to introduce and to develop a deeper understanding of this rapidly changing continent an essential text for all students of African politics and International Relations.

The African Vegan in Today’s Modern World

The African Vegan in Today’s Modern World PDF Author: Susan Zeppieri
Publisher: Susan Zeppieri
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 46

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In today’s modern world, there seems to be a new trending diet to try out or follow every week. Everyone wants to get the ideal body that society has sold us, and they want to get it quick. Our problem is that we view these dietary changes this way, as a means to an end rather than a lifestyle change. It can be discouraging to make lifestyle changes when the diets seem so complicated and expensive, especially for those people who don’t live in the first world. Things like Atkins and Keto just seem unrealistic. In this guide, you’ll be reintroduced to a lifestyle that has been around for centuries. This diet is just as trendy as Atkins and is steadily on the rise. We’re talking about Veganism. We shouldn’t be dieting to lose weight and keep up with the unrealistic body standards of the day. We should make lifestyle changes that better us and our health. Veganism is a lifestyle change. One that results in better health overall. The goal of this guide is to educate on Veganism as well as its origins in Africa, and its continuance throughout different African, and global, societies, and give tips and advice on how to transition into or maintain a vegan diet while living in Africa

African Theology Today

African Theology Today PDF Author: Emmanuel M. Katongole
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
ISBN: 1725232928
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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This book brings together twelve essays on a wide and rich range of topics, discussions and methodologies in African theology today. Even the book's limitations provide an insight into the situation: its variety also indicates the absence of comprehensive and sustained discussion flowing from the economic and institutional limitation of Africa where research in theology is often beyond the means of many theologians. Then there is the difficulty of staying abreast of continually changing contexts and events in Africa itself. For all of these reasons then, a compelling introduction to a dynamic analysis and conversation.

The African Renaissance

The African Renaissance PDF Author: Washington A. Jalango Okumu
Publisher: Africa World Press
ISBN: 9781592210138
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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An intellectual tour de force, this bold, imaginative and provocative analysis of Africa's striving for political stability and economic growth demonstrates the potential for an African Renaissance today. One of Africa's leading intellectuals, Okumu analyses new initiatives such as NEPAD and discusses their potential role in Africa's economic welfare and future, while putting forward his own practical, policy oriented programme for an African Renaissance.

South African Tribal Life Today

South African Tribal Life Today PDF Author: Jean Morris
Category : Afrique du Sud
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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African Americans and Africa

African Americans and Africa PDF Author: Nemata Amelia Ibitayo Blyden
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 0300244916
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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An introduction to the complex relationship between African Americans and the African continent What is an “African American” and how does this identity relate to the African continent? Rising immigration levels, globalization, and the United States’ first African American president have all sparked new dialogue around the question. This book provides an introduction to the relationship between African Americans and Africa from the era of slavery to the present, mapping several overlapping diasporas. The diversity of African American identities through relationships with region, ethnicity, slavery, and immigration are all examined to investigate questions fundamental to the study of African American history and culture.

African Customary Law

African Customary Law PDF Author: Casper Njuguna
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1498584411
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 89

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Africa is the emerging continent of the twenty-first century and will continue to play a major role in the world politics and trade. At the center of the African experience is customary law, which remains one of the most important and quintessential forms of legal, political, and social organization and regulation in the sub-Saharan landscape. Using qualitative and quantitative data, Casper Njuguna, sets a framework for understanding the hybrid nature of this law and creates an appropriate new moniker for it—Neo-Autogenous Sub-Saharan Law (NAS law). This systematic and empirical analysis addresses philosophical issues like human rights, property rights, women’s rights, individual rights and freedoms, family relations, social structures, and political loyalties, which span beyond Africa and African scholars.

The African Experience

The African Experience PDF Author: Roland Oliver
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 042997650X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 295

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This masterpiece of scholarship and compression, the second edition of The African Experience, covers the entire span of human history across the African continent, from the earliest emergence of hominids in eastern and southern Africa up to the present day. Drawing on more than forty years of teaching and research, Professor Oliver arranges the book thematically, beginning with the human colonization of the different regions of Africa, the origins of food production, and the formation of African languages.The achievements of Ancient Egypt are placed in context with the developments in the rest of the continent, and the spread of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - "peoples of the book." The tradition of urban settlement is traced, especially in western Africa, as well as the emergence of large and complex societies formed by the interaction of pastoralists and cultivators in eastern and southern Africa.The extent and nature of slavery in Africa is fully discussed, together with the external slave trade and the caravan trade in precolonial times. This leads to an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of African political systems and why, from the early nineteenth century onwards, these systems were unable to withstand political pressure from abroad and the ensuing colonization. The colonial partition of Africa saw the rapid amalgamation of small units, through which considerable modernization was achieved at the expense of the indigenous structures and through the exploitation of the African peoples. Later chapters describe the birth of modern African nation-states, at a time of widespread belief in state planning - now being questioned as the political elites of black Africa begin to review their single-party systems. This new edition sees a number of revisions, including a new chapter on the 1990s, when the end of the Cold War left Africa free at last to try to solve its own problems.