Author: Kees van Hattem
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 200
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Superfluous People describes Hannah Arendt's political and philosophical views on Nazi totalitarianism and the Shoah. In her contemplation of evil, Arendt initially spoke of the Shoah as a 'radical evil, ' a term used by Kant. However, unlike Kant, Arendt's radical evil cannot be explained by human motives. Many years later she changed her mind and spoke of 'the banality of evil, ' characterized by an inability to think and judge. Superfluous People seriously considers the question of whether thinking and judging can prevent ev
Author: Daniel Whitman
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438451229
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 472
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For almost forty years, under the watchful eye of the apartheid regime, some three thousand South Africans participated in cultural and educational exchange with the United States. Exposure to American democracy brought hope during a time when social and political change seemed unlikely. In the end the process silently triumphed over the resistance of authorities, and many of the individuals who participated in the program later participated in South Africa's first democratic elections, in 1994, and now occupy key positions in academia, the media, parliament, and the judiciary. In Outsmarting Apartheid, Daniel Whitman, former Program Development Officer at the US Embassy in Pretoria, interviews the South Africans and Americans who administered, advanced, and benefited from government-funded exchange. The result is a detailed account of the workings and effectiveness of the US Information Agency and a demonstration of the value of "soft power" in easing democratic transition in a troubled area.
Author: Paul Wright
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135342563
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 345
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Prison Nation is a distant dispatch from a foreign and forbidden place--the world of America's prisons. Written by prisoners, social critics and luminaries of investigative reporting, Prison Nation testifies to the current state of America's prisoners' living conditions and political concerns. These concerns are not normally the concerns of most Americans, but they should be. From substandard medical care the inadequacy of resources for public defenders to the death penalty, the issues covered in this volume grow more urgent every day. Articles by outstanding writers such as Mumia Abu-Jamal, Noam Chomsky, Mark Dow, Judy Green, Tracy Huling and Christian Parenti chronicle the injustices of prison privatization, class and race in the justice system, our quixotic drug war, the rarely discussed prison AIDS crisis and a judicial system that rewards mostly those with significant resources or the desire to name names. Correctional facilities have become a profitable growth industry, for companies like Wackenhut that run them and companies like Boeing that use cheap prison labor. With fascinating narratives, shocking tales and small stories of hope, Prison Nation paints a picture of a world many Americans know little or nothing about.
Author: Joseph Frank
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 9780691115696
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 806
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This fifth and final volume of Joseph Frank's biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky details the last decade of the writer's life, a time that won him the universal approval towards which he always aspired.
Author: Vladimir Brajuc
Publisher: Pero Publishers
ISBN: 5002443966
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 148
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This monograph deals with the figurative and symbolic system in the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov: it presents different interpretations of the image of Oblomov, demonstrates its complexity, organic combination of the typical and the individual. The author reveals the most significant artistic techniques of creating characters, typical for the novel and for the writer’s individual style in general. The study gives aesthetic characteristics of the novel characters, defines their artistic role and reveals polysemanticism in the novel structure. The “Supplement” presents a reflective hero in Russian literature and Soviet cinema (from Onegin and Oblomov to Zilov). The characteristic features of the literary type of “superfluous person” are highlighted in N. Mikhalkov’s film “A Few Days from the Life of I. I. Oblomov,” as well as in A. Vampilov’s play “Duck Hunting” and in its film adaptation “Vacation in September,” directed by V. Melnikov. The monograph is addressed to teachers and pupils, professors and students of philological faculties, as well as to everyone who reads and loves literature.
Author: Nikolay Tatarov
Publisher: Litres
ISBN: 5041408556
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 219
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Theory of Seven I am psychology, what it should be: simple, clear, without clever words.This is the doctrine of the seven inner self, from which the character of man is formed, 7 psychical types and 7 team roles are born.The theory of seven I is a powerful tool for knowledge the inner world: it allows you to understand yourself and others beings, find in the depths of the soul hidden self, turn the peculiarities of his nature to competitive advantage.
Author: Manfred Oberlechner-Duval
Publisher: Verlag Barbara Budrich
ISBN: 3847416251
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 103
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Welchen Beitrag kann eine humanistische Pädagogik im Kontext einer Migrationsgesellschaft leisten? Den defizitorientierten Assimilationszwang, dem Fremde häufig ausgesetzt sind, zeigt der Autor an drei Beispielen auf: der Chicagoer Schule der Immigrationsforschung, des Salzburger Landesintegrationskonzeptes 2008 sowie Hartmut Essers Integrationsstufenplans. Die an diesen Modellen exemplarisch geübte Kritik stützt sich auf Edward W. Saids Othering-Theorem, Zygmunt Baumans Diagnosen zur Moderne sowie auf gesellschaftskritische Überlegungen von Max Horkheimer und Theodor W. Adorno. Auf diese Weise gelingt es dem Autor, Bausteine für eine humanistische Pädagogik in der Migrationsgesellschaft zu entwickeln und als universalistische Alternative zu den vorherrschenden partikularistischen Ansätzen in der zeitgenössischen Pädagogik darzustellen.
Author: Andrey Platonov
Publisher: New York Review of Books
ISBN: 1681377683
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 593
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A sort of Soviet Don Quixote, this novel about a craftsman who wanders the U.S.S.R. hoping to ease human misery with his inventions is considered one of the most important novels of the Soviet era, and is now available in its full version in English for the first time. Chevengur is a revolutionary novel about revolutionary ardor and despair. Zakhar Pavlovich comes from a world of traditional crafts to work as a train mechanic, motivated by his belief in the transformative power of industry. His adopted son, Sasha Dvanov, embraces revolution, which will transform everything: the words we speak and the lives we live, souls and bodies, the soil underfoot and the sun overhead. Seeking communism, Dvanov joins up with Stepan Kopionkin, a warrior for the cause whose steed is the fearsome cart horse Strength of the Proletariat. Together they cross the steppe, encountering counterrevolutionaries, desperados, and visionaries of all kinds. At last they reach the isolated town of Chevengur. There communism is believed to have been achieved because everything that is not communism has been eliminated. And yet even in Chevengur the revolution recedes from sight. Comic, ironic, grotesque, disturbingly poetic in its use of language, and profoundly sorrowful, Chevengur—here published in a new English translation based on the most authoritative Russian text—is the most ambitious of the extraordinary novels that the great Andrey Platonov wrote in the 1920s and 1930s, when Soviet Russia was moving from revolutionary euphoria to state terror.
Author: Zachary Kaiser
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1350245267
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 201
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We're all familiar with smart TVs making suggestions on our future watching, real-world exercise data being transferred into stats and infographics on our workout apps and turning up our home heating before we start our commute – but how does this world of technological interfaces affect our actions and perceptions of self?When society relies on computer models and their interfaces to explain and predict everything from love to geopolitical conflicts, our own behaviour and choices are artificially changed. Zachary Kaiser explores the harmful social consequences of this idea - balanced against speed and ease for the user - and how design practice and education can respond positively. - Concepts of freedom vs convenience - Smart objects and manipulation - Real world information transformed into data - Technology's decisions made on our behalf
Author: Acidophilus Bifidus
ISBN: 1105675157
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 176
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14-year-old born blind Luciana and 28-year-old Russian emigrant Max; two romantic, intelligent and disadvantaged people in Australia, who struggle to find their place in society, but find themselves in rather awkward situations instead. They enjoy communicating with each other by email, but fail to meet in person, although the vicissitudes of fate confront them again and again... The book consists of two parts; Part One is narrated by Luciana, while Part Two contains Max's notes. The humour of the characters is sad and ironic, sometimes rising to outright sarcasm. Their comments are honest, though not void of certain controversy, bias and exaggeration. Complementing each other, they allow to observe the described events from different viewpoints and obtain impartial judgment about the heroes and their actions. The novel contains nude scenes and references to adult themes, however its scope is far wider than that.