Second European Ministerial Conference on the Environment: Proceedings

Second European Ministerial Conference on the Environment: Proceedings PDF Author:
Category : Environmental protection
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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Proceedings of the European Ministerial Conference on the Environment

Proceedings of the European Ministerial Conference on the Environment PDF Author:
Category : Environmental policy
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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The Habitats Directive

The Habitats Directive PDF Author: Gregory Jones KC
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1782250212
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 366

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Biodiversity within the European Union is under threat. Almost a quarter of Europe's vascular plant species and 155 species of its native mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians are threatened with extinction. The Habitats Directive imposes a strict regime for environmental protection. But with the euro zone economy falling from 'stagnation' to 'contraction' in the second quarter of 2012 and the UK entering into a 'double dip' recession in April 2012, European governments face an economic crisis. The English courts have said that the Directive should not become a property developer's obstacle course. Yet the tensions between environmental protection and economic growth are all too readily apparent with the UK government stating both that we must 'arrest the decline in habitats and species and the degradation of landscapes' and later that 'gold plating of EU rules on things like habitats' was putting 'ridiculous costs' on business enterprise. Edited by Gregory Jones QC, The Habitats Directive: A Developer's Obstacle Course? brings together a unique combination of leading academics and practitioners in the field of European environmental and planning law to address and debate controversial issues arising from the Habitats Directive in an authoritative and practical manner. A must for anyone engaged in property development, planning and environmental law.

CM Env

CM Env PDF Author:
Category : Conservation of natural resources
Languages : en
Pages : 16

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The Aarhus Convention

The Aarhus Convention PDF Author:
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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United Nations publication sales no. E.13.II.E.3"--Page 4 of cover.

History of the Council of Europe

History of the Council of Europe PDF Author: Birte Wassenberg
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9287195056
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Immerse yourself in the history of the Council of Europe, from its creation in 1949 to the challenges it has to address today. This comprehensive book traces the development of this pioneering and emblematic organisation and invites you to discover the key moments and challenges it has faced. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the Council of Europe was established in Strasbourg with the objective of promoting and safeguarding human rights, democracy and the rule of law throughout Europe. It has created a common democratic and legal area by drawing up more than 200 conventions covering all aspects of daily life. At its heart is also the European Court of Human Rights, guardian of fundamental freedoms and a flagship institution whose judgments are binding on the member states. Find out more about the Court’s landmark decisions, major reforms and how it has responded to changes in society. The Council of Europe has forged close ties with the European Union, working in tandem on many projects to strengthen justice, safety and human rights. This work analyses the complementary and competitive nature of this strategic partnership and the expectations around it. Throughout the history of the Council of Europe, there have been many great achievements but also crises and controversies. This book provides a detailed analysis of the turbulent times the Organisation has faced, from integrating new members to dealing with internal challenges, political pressures and external conflicts, and delves into the strategies it has adopted to address them. History of the Council of Europe, 75 years of European co-operation is essential reading for anyone wishing to understand the development of this key European institution, its achievements, trials and tribulations, and the impact it has had on Europe and its people. The author: Birte Wassenberg is Professor of Contemporary History at the Institute of Political Studies (IEP), University of Strasbourg. A graduate of the College of Europe, she holds a Jean Monnet Chair and is Director of the Franco-German Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. Her research focuses on border studies and the history of European integration.

Europe's Environment

Europe's Environment PDF Author: European Environment Agency
Category : Environmental monitoring
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Workshop on Nature Conservation in Central and Eastern Europe

Workshop on Nature Conservation in Central and Eastern Europe PDF Author: Workshop on Nature Conservation in Central and Eastern Europe
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287124722
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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On title page: Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats

Texts Adopted

Texts Adopted PDF Author: Council of Europe. Standing Committee of the Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287131300
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 198

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Environmental Health Services in Europe 4

Environmental Health Services in Europe 4 PDF Author: Martin Fitzpatrick
Publisher: WHO Regional Office Europe
ISBN: 9789289013505
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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This publication is intended to serve as a practical guide to the development of relevant curricula for the education and training of environmental health professionals. This book aims to: (1) set out principles for developing policies on education and training for environmental health professionals at national and subnational levels; (2) formulate proposals for curricula that aid in conferring the necessary competencies to environmental health professionals; (3) support the upgrading of national capacities for education and training to facilitate national self-reliance in the prevention and control of environmental hazards; and (4) promote the harmonization of international efforts to upgrade the environmental health workforce in Europe. (WRM).