Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator to MC68020

Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator to MC68020 PDF Author: Øystein Santi
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator to MC68020

Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator to MC68020 PDF Author: Øystein Santi
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator

Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator PDF Author: Johnny Eckerland
ISBN: 9789173728546
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 79

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Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator to MC68020

Retargeting of an Incremental Code Generator to MC68020 PDF Author: Linkoeping University. Dept. of Computer and Information Science
Category : Code generators
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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The program development environment resides on a host computer, while the program under development resides on a separate target computer. The incrementality and the distributed configuration impose special constraints that must be taken into account when writing a code generator for a new machine. The administration of code and data on the target machine is discussed and analyzed. A new runtime environment in the target is provided by creating an interface to an existing one. In DICE, the traditional compile, link and load passes are integrated and interleaved."

Automatic Verification of Parameterized Systems by Over-Approximation

Automatic Verification of Parameterized Systems by Over-Approximation PDF Author: Vladislavs Jahundovics
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176859185
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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This thesis presents a completely automatic verification framework to check safety properties of parameterized systems. A parameterized system is a family of finite state systems where every system consists of a finite number of processes running in parallel the same algorithm. All the systems in the family differ only in the number of the processes and, in general, the number of systems in a family may be unbounded. Examples of parameterized systems are communication protocols, mutual exclusion protocols, cache coherence protocols, distributed algorithms etc. Model-checking of finite state systems is a well-developed formal verification approach of proving properties of systems in an automatic way. However, it cannot be applied directly to parameterized systems because the unbounded number of systems in a family means an infinite state space. In this thesis we propose to abstract an original family of systems consisting of an unbounded number of processes into one consisting of a fixed number of processes. An abstracted system is considered to consist of k+1 components—k reference processes and their environment. The transition relation for the abstracted system is an over-approximation of the transition relation for the original system, therefore, a set of reachable states of the abstracted system is an over-approximation of the set of reachable states of the original one. A safety property is considered to be parameterized by a fixed number of processes whose relationship is in the center of attention in the property. Such processes serve as reference processes in the abstraction. We propose an encoding which allows to perform reachability analysis for an abstraction parameterized by the reference processes. We have successfully verified three classic parameterized systems with replicated processes by applying this method.

Designing a Modern Skeleton Programming Framework for Parallel and Heterogeneous Systems

Designing a Modern Skeleton Programming Framework for Parallel and Heterogeneous Systems PDF Author: August Ernstsson
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179297722
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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Today's society is increasingly software-driven and dependent on powerful computer technology. Therefore it is important that advancements in the low-level processor hardware are made available for exploitation by a growing number of programmers of differing skill level. However, as we are approaching the end of Moore's law, hardware designers are finding new and increasingly complex ways to increase the accessible processor performance. It is getting more and more difficult to effectively target these processing resources without expert knowledge in parallelization, heterogeneous computation, communication, synchronization, and so on. To ensure that the software side can keep up, advanced programming environments and frameworks are needed to bridge the widening gap between hardware and software. One such example is the pattern-centric skeleton programming model and in particular the SkePU project. The work presented in this thesis first redesigns the SkePU framework based on modern C++ variadic template metaprogramming and state-of-the-art compiler technology. It then explores new ways to improve performance: by providing new patterns, improving the data access locality of existing ones, and using both static and dynamic knowledge about program flow. The work combines novel ideas with practical evaluation of the approach on several applications. The advancements also include the first skeleton API that allows variadic skeletons, new data containers, and finally an approach to make skeleton programming more customizable without compromising universal portability.

Spatio-Temporal Stream Reasoning with Adaptive State Stream Generation

Spatio-Temporal Stream Reasoning with Adaptive State Stream Generation PDF Author: Daniel de Leng
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176854760
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 153

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A lot of today's data is generated incrementally over time by a large variety of producers. This data ranges from quantitative sensor observations produced by robot systems to complex unstructured human-generated texts on social media. With data being so abundant, making sense of these streams of data through reasoning is challenging. Reasoning over streams is particularly relevant for autonomous robotic systems that operate in a physical environment. They commonly observe this environment through incremental observations, gradually refining information about their surroundings. This makes robust management of streaming data and its refinement an important problem. Many contemporary approaches to stream reasoning focus on the issue of querying data streams in order to generate higher-level information by relying on well-known database approaches. Other approaches apply logic-based reasoning techniques, which rarely consider the provenance of their symbolic interpretations. In this thesis, we integrate techniques for logic-based spatio-temporal stream reasoning with the adaptive generation of the state streams needed to do the reasoning over. This combination deals with both the challenge of reasoning over streaming data and the problem of robustly managing streaming data and its refinement. The main contributions of this thesis are (1) a logic-based spatio-temporal reasoning technique that combines temporal reasoning with qualitative spatial reasoning; (2) an adaptive reconfiguration procedure for generating and maintaining a data stream required to perform spatio-temporal stream reasoning over; and (3) integration of these two techniques into a stream reasoning framework. The proposed spatio-temporal stream reasoning technique is able to reason with intertemporal spatial relations by leveraging landmarks. Adaptive state stream generation allows the framework to adapt in situations in which the set of available streaming resources changes. Management of streaming resources is formalised in the DyKnow model, which introduces a configuration life-cycle to adaptively generate state streams. The DyKnow-ROS stream reasoning framework is a concrete realisation of this model that extends the Robot Operating System (ROS). DyKnow-ROS has been deployed on the SoftBank Robotics NAO platform to demonstrate the system's capabilities in the context of a case study on run-time adaptive reconfiguration. The results show that the proposed system – by combining reasoning over and reasoning about streams – can robustly perform spatio-temporal stream reasoning, even when the availability of streaming resources changes.

Formal Verification of Tree Ensembles in Safety-Critical Applications

Formal Verification of Tree Ensembles in Safety-Critical Applications PDF Author: John Törnblom
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 917929748X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 22

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In the presence of data and computational resources, machine learning can be used to synthesize software automatically. For example, machines are now capable of learning complicated pattern recognition tasks and sophisticated decision policies, two key capabilities in autonomous cyber-physical systems. Unfortunately, humans find software synthesized by machine learning algorithms difficult to interpret, which currently limits their use in safety-critical applications such as medical diagnosis and avionic systems. In particular, successful deployments of safety-critical systems mandate the execution of rigorous verification activities, which often rely on human insights, e.g., to identify scenarios in which the system shall be tested. A natural pathway towards a viable verification strategy for such systems is to leverage formal verification techniques, which, in the presence of a formal specification, can provide definitive guarantees with little human intervention. However, formal verification suffers from scalability issues with respect to system complexity. In this thesis, we investigate the limits of current formal verification techniques when applied to a class of machine learning models called tree ensembles, and identify model-specific characteristics that can be exploited to improve the performance of verification algorithms when applied specifically to tree ensembles. To this end, we develop two formal verification techniques specifically for tree ensembles, one fast and conservative technique, and one exact but more computationally demanding. We then combine these two techniques into an abstraction-refinement approach, that we implement in a tool called VoTE (Verifier of Tree Ensembles). Using a couple of case studies, we recognize that sets of inputs that lead to the same system behavior can be captured precisely as hyperrectangles, which enables tractable enumeration of input-output mappings when the input dimension is low. Tree ensembles with a high-dimensional input domain, however, seems generally difficult to verify. In some cases though, conservative approximations of input-output mappings can greatly improve performance. This is demonstrated in a digit recognition case study, where we assess the robustness of classifiers when confronted with additive noise.

Towards Semantically Enabled Complex Event Processing

Towards Semantically Enabled Complex Event Processing PDF Author: Robin Keskisärkkä
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176854795
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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The Semantic Web provides a framework for semantically annotating data on the web, and the Resource Description Framework (RDF) supports the integration of structured data represented in heterogeneous formats. Traditionally, the Semantic Web has focused primarily on more or less static data, but information on the web today is becoming increasingly dynamic. RDF Stream Processing (RSP) systems address this issue by adding support for streaming data and continuous query processing. To some extent, RSP systems can be used to perform complex event processing (CEP), where meaningful high-level events are generated based on low-level events from multiple sources; however, there are several challenges with respect to using RSP in this context. Event models designed to represent static event information lack several features required for CEP, and are typically not well suited for stream reasoning. The dynamic nature of streaming data also greatly complicates the development and validation of RSP queries. Therefore, reusing queries that have been prepared ahead of time is important to be able to support real-time decision-making. Additionally, there are limitations in existing RSP implementations in terms of both scalability and expressiveness, where some features required in CEP are not supported by any of the current systems. The goal of this thesis work has been to address some of these challenges and the main contributions of the thesis are: (1) an event model ontology targeted at supporting CEP; (2) a model for representing parameterized RSP queries as reusable templates; and (3) an architecture that allows RSP systems to be integrated for use in CEP. The proposed event model tackles issues specifically related to event modeling in CEP that have not been sufficiently covered by other event models, includes support for event encapsulation and event payloads, and can easily be extended to fit specific use-cases. The model for representing RSP query templates was designed as an extension to SPIN, a vocabulary that supports modeling of SPARQL queries as RDF. The extended model supports the current version of the RSP Query Language (RSP-QL) developed by the RDF Stream Processing Community Group, along with some of the most popular RSP query languages. Finally, the proposed architecture views RSP queries as individual event processing agents in a more general CEP framework. Additional event processing components can be integrated to provide support for operations that are not supported in RSP, or to provide more efficient processing for specific tasks. We demonstrate the architecture in implementations for scenarios related to traffic-incident monitoring, criminal-activity monitoring, and electronic healthcare monitoring.

Latency-aware Resource Management at the Edge

Latency-aware Resource Management at the Edge PDF Author: Klervie Toczé
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179299040
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 126

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The increasing diversity of connected devices leads to new application domains being envisioned. Some of these need ultra low latency or have privacy requirements that cannot be satisfied by the current cloud. By bringing resources closer to the end user, the recent edge computing paradigm aims to enable such applications. One critical aspect to ensure the successful deployment of the edge computing paradigm is efficient resource management. Indeed, obtaining the needed resources is crucial for the applications using the edge, but the resource picture of this paradigm is complex. First, as opposed to the nearly infinite resources provided by the cloud, the edge devices have finite resources. Moreover, different resource types are required depending on the applications and the devices supplying those resources are very heterogeneous. This thesis studies several challenges towards enabling efficient resource management for edge computing. The thesis begins by a review of the state-of-the-art research focusing on resource management in the edge computing context. A taxonomy is proposed for providing an overview of the current research and identify areas in need of further work. One of the identified challenges is studying the resource supply organization in the case where a mix of mobile and stationary devices is used to provide the edge resources. The ORCH framework is proposed as a means to orchestrate this edge device mix. The evaluation performed in a simulator shows that this combination of devices enables higher quality of service for latency-critical tasks. Another area is understanding the resource demand side. The thesis presents a study of the workload of a killer application for edge computing: mixed reality. The MR-Leo prototype is designed and used as a vehicle to understand the end-to-end latency, the throughput, and the characteristics of the workload for this type of application. A method for modeling the workload of an application is devised and applied to MR-Leo in order to obtain a synthetic workload exhibiting the same characteristics, which can be used in further studies.

Extensions for Distributed Moving Base Driving Simulators

Extensions for Distributed Moving Base Driving Simulators PDF Author: Anders Andersson
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176855244
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 39

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Modern vehicles are complex systems. Different design stages for such a complex system include evaluation using models and submodels, hardware-in-the-loop systems and complete vehicles. Once a vehicle is delivered to the market evaluation continues by the public. One kind of tool that can be used during many stages of a vehicle lifecycle is driving simulators. The use of driving simulators with a human driver is commonly focused on driver behavior. In a high fidelity moving base driving simulator it is possible to provide realistic and repetitive driving situations using distinctive features such as: physical modelling of driven vehicle, a moving base, a physical cabin interface and an audio and visual representation of the driving environment. A desired but difficult goal to achieve using a moving base driving simulator is to have behavioral validity. In other words, A driver in a moving base driving simulator should have the same driving behavior as he or she would have during the same driving task in a real vehicle.". In this thesis the focus is on high fidelity moving base driving simulators. The main target is to improve the behavior validity or to maintain behavior validity while adding complexity to the simulator. One main assumption in this thesis is that systems closer to the final product provide better accuracy and are perceived better if properly integrated. Thus, the approach in this thesis is to try to ease incorporation of such systems using combinations of the methods hardware-in-the-loop and distributed simulation. Hardware-in-the-loop is a method where hardware is interfaced into a software controlled environment/simulation. Distributed simulation is a method where parts of a simulation at physically different locations are connected together. For some simulator laboratories distributed simulation is the only feasible option since some hardware cannot be moved in an easy way. Results presented in this thesis show that a complete vehicle or hardware-in-the-loop test laboratory can successfully be connected to a moving base driving simulator. Further, it is demonstrated that using a framework for distributed simulation eases communication and integration due to standardized interfaces. One identified potential problem is complexity in interface wrappers when integrating hardware-in-the-loop in a distributed simulation framework. From this aspect, it is important to consider the model design and the intersections between software and hardware models. Another important issue discussed is the increased delay in overhead time when using a framework for distributed simulation.