Relational Inequalities

Relational Inequalities PDF Author: Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
ISBN: 0190624426
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Organizations are the dominant social invention for generating resources and distributing them. Relational Inequalities develops a general sociological and organizational analysis of inequality, exploring the processes that generate inequalities in access to respect, resources, and rewards. Framing their analysis through a relational account of social and economic life, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Dustin Avent-Holt explain how resources are generated and distributed both within and between organizations. They show that inequalities are produced through generic processes that occur in all social relationships: categorization and their resulting status hierarchies, organizational resource pooling, exploitation, social closure, and claims-making. Drawing on a wide range of case studies, Tomaskovic-Devey and Avent-Holt focus on the workplace as the primary organization for generating inequality and provide a series of global goals to advance both a comparative organizational research model and to challenge troubling inequalities.

Relational Inequalities

Relational Inequalities PDF Author: Donald Tomaskovic-Devey
ISBN: 0190624426
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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Book Description
Organizations are the dominant social invention for generating resources and distributing them. Relational Inequalities develops a general sociological and organizational analysis of inequality, exploring the processes that generate inequalities in access to respect, resources, and rewards. Framing their analysis through a relational account of social and economic life, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey and Dustin Avent-Holt explain how resources are generated and distributed both within and between organizations. They show that inequalities are produced through generic processes that occur in all social relationships: categorization and their resulting status hierarchies, organizational resource pooling, exploitation, social closure, and claims-making. Drawing on a wide range of case studies, Tomaskovic-Devey and Avent-Holt focus on the workplace as the primary organization for generating inequality and provide a series of global goals to advance both a comparative organizational research model and to challenge troubling inequalities.

Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational Equations

Fuzzy Partial Differential Equations and Relational Equations PDF Author: Masoud Nikravesh
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540396756
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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During last decade significant progress has been made in the oil indus try by using soft computing technology. Underlying this evolving technology there have, been ideas transforming the very language we use to describe problems with imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth. These developments offer exciting opportunities, but at the same time it is becoming clearer that further advancements are confronted by funda mental problems. The whole idea of how human process information lies at the core of the challenge. There are already new ways of thinking about the problems within theory of perception-based information. This theory aims to understand and harness the laws of human perceptions to dramatically im prove the processing of information. A matured theory of perception-based information is likely to be proper positioned to contribute to the solution of the problems and provide all the ingredients for a revolution in science, technology and business. In this context, Berkeley Initiative in Soft Computing (BISC), Univer sity of California, Berkeley from one side and Chevron-Texaco from another formed a Technical Committee to organize a Meeting entitled "State of the Art Assessment and New Directions for Research" to understand the signifi cance of the fields accomplishments, new developments and future directions. The Technical Committee selected and invited 15 scientists (and oil indus try experts as technical committee members) from the related disciplines to participate in the Meeting, which took place at the University of California, Berkeley, and March 15-17, 2002.

Fuzzy Relational Mathematical Programming

Fuzzy Relational Mathematical Programming PDF Author: Bing-Yuan Cao
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030337863
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 253

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This book summarizes years of research in the field of fuzzy relational programming, with a special emphasis on geometric models. It discusses the state-of-the-art in fuzzy relational geometric problems, together with key open issues that must be resolved to achieve a more efficient application of this method. Though chiefly based on research conducted by the authors, who were the first to introduce fuzzy geometric problems, it also covers important findings obtained in the field of linear and non-linear programming. Thanks to its balance of basic and advanced concepts, and its wealth of practical examples, the book offers a valuable guide for both newcomers and experienced researcher in the fields of soft computing and mathematical optimization.

Urban Poverty and Health Inequalities

Urban Poverty and Health Inequalities PDF Author: Darrin Hodgetts
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317300300
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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When discussing health, we talk about ailments and afflictions, the potential of modern medicine and the behaviours that affect our health. Yet although these relationships exist, they undermine a more socio-economic understanding of health. This timely book takes a critical perspective to argue that urban poverty and health inequalities are intimately interconnected, and that the increasing disparity between rich and poor will necessarily exacerbate health issues within urban communities. Urban Poverty and Health Inequalities documents how life has become increasingly insecure and stressful for growing numbers of people due to increased insecurities in employment, income and housing, rising living costs, and the retrenchment of welfare and social services. The book explores the role of history and media depictions of poverty and health inequalities in influencing the current situation. A central objective is to advance ways to understand and respond to urban poverty as a key social determinant of health. The authors pay particular attention to the ways in which punitive responses to urban poverty are further exacerbating the hardships faced by people living in urban poverty. Looking at issues of class, age, gender, ethnic and disability-based inequalities, the book offers both critical theory and grounded solutions to enable those living in poverty to live healthier lives. The collateral damage resulting from current socio-economic arrangements reflects political choices regarding the distribution of resources in societies that needs to be challenged and changed. The authors attend to initiatives for change, offering practical responses to address urban poverty, including efforts to address wealth distribution, the potential of living wage and Universal Basic Income initiatives, social housing and anti-oppressive welfare systems.

Fuzzy Relational Calculus: Theory, Applications And Software (With Cd-rom)

Fuzzy Relational Calculus: Theory, Applications And Software (With Cd-rom) PDF Author: Yordan Kostadinov Kyosev
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814481572
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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This book examines fuzzy relational calculus theory with applications in various engineering subjects. The scope of the text covers unified and exact methods with algorithms for direct and inverse problem resolution in fuzzy relational calculus. Extensive engineering applications of fuzzy relation compositions and fuzzy linear systems (linear, relational and intuitionistic) are discussed. Some examples of such applications include solutions of equivalence, reduction and minimization problems in fuzzy machines, pattern recognition in fuzzy languages, optimization and inference engines in textile and chemical engineering, etc. A comprehensive overview of the authors' original work in fuzzy relational calculus is also provided in each chapter.The attached CD-Rom contains a toolbox with many functions for fuzzy calculations, together with an original algorithm for inverse problem resolution in MATLAB. This book is also suitable for use as a textbook in related courses at advanced undergraduate and graduate levels.

Relational Egalitarianism

Relational Egalitarianism PDF Author: Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107158907
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 267

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Explores the nature of the ideal of relational equality and how it relates to distributive ideals of justice.

A Relational Approach to Educational Inequality

A Relational Approach to Educational Inequality PDF Author: R. Nazli Somel
ISBN: 9783658266165
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Why Does Inequality Matter?

Why Does Inequality Matter? PDF Author: Thomas Scanlon
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198812698
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 181

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Inequality is widely regarded as morally objectionable: T. M. Scanlon investigates why it matters to us. He considers the nature and importance of equality of opportunity, whether the pursuit of greater equality involves objectionable interference with individual liberty, and whether the rich can be said to deserve their greater rewards.

Relational Accountability

Relational Accountability PDF Author: Joy Moncrieffe
Publisher: Zed Books Ltd.
ISBN: 1780322917
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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In this insightful new book, Moncrieffe argues that the traditionally narrow interpretation of accountability obscures relationships, power dynamics, structures, processes and complexities. The relational view, in contrast, seeks to understand the ways in which people perform in their roles as social actors, and how the quality of relationships influences the character of accountability. This book will provide a grounded theoretical background to accountability, using vivid case evidence to emphasize the significance of relational approaches to accountability using empirical data (from Jamaica, Haiti, Ethiopia and Uganda). Ultimately arguing that accountability is much more than a managerial concept; rather, it is deeply social and political. The result is a unique, coherent, perspective that will both explain and 'debunk' this central developmental concept.

Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements

Poverty, Solidarity, and Poor-Led Social Movements PDF Author: Monique Deveaux
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0190850302
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 281

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This is an open access title available under the terms of a [CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International] license. It is free to read at [Oxford Scholarship Online] and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. Poverty is not only about material deprivation, but also about the subordination and disempowerment of poor populations. So why isn't the emancipation and empowerment of the poor a core goal of ethical arguments for poverty reduction? Deveaux argues in this book that philosophers fail to prioritize these ends, and to recognize the moral and political agency of poor people, because they still conceive of poverty narrowly and apolitically as mere needs scarcity. By comparison, poor activists and critical poverty researchers who see deprivation as structural exclusion and powerlessness advocate a "poor-centered," poor-led, approach to reducing poverty. Stuck in an older paradigm of poverty thinking, philosophers have failed to recognize the power and moral authority of poor communities--and their movements for justice and social change. If normative ethicists seek to contribute to proposals for just and durable poverty reduction, they will need to look to the insights and aims of "pro-poor," poor-led social movements. From rural landless workers in Brazil, to urban shack dwellers in South Africa, to unemployed workers impoverished by neoliberal economic policies in Argentina, poor-led organizations and movements advance a more political understanding of poverty--and of what is needed to eradicate it. Deveaux shows how these groups develop the political consciousness and collective capabilities of poor communities and help to create the basis for solidarity among poor populations. Defending the idea of a political responsibility for solidarity, she shows how nonpoor outsiders--individuals, institutions, and states--can help to advance a transformative anti-poverty agenda by supporting the efforts of these movements.