Radar Foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts

Radar Foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts PDF Author: Roger J. Sullivan
Publisher: IET
ISBN: 1891121227
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 505

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This book leads the reader through the development of modern airborne microwave radar, including new results on theoretical 2D and 3D ISAR point-spread functions (PSF) and current discussions concerning dechirp/deskew processing, layover in SAR images, vibrating targets, foliage penetration, and image quality parameters. It is the ideal book for basic airborne radar understanding.

Radar Foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts

Radar Foundations for Imaging and Advanced Concepts PDF Author: Roger J. Sullivan
Publisher: IET
ISBN: 1891121227
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 505

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Book Description
This book leads the reader through the development of modern airborne microwave radar, including new results on theoretical 2D and 3D ISAR point-spread functions (PSF) and current discussions concerning dechirp/deskew processing, layover in SAR images, vibrating targets, foliage penetration, and image quality parameters. It is the ideal book for basic airborne radar understanding.

Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing

Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing PDF Author: Mark A. Richards
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071776486
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 547

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Advances in DSP (digital signal processing) have radically altered the design and usage of radar systems -- making it essential for both working engineers as well as students to master DSP techniques. This text, which evolved from the author's own teaching, offers a rigorous, in-depth introduction to today's complex radar DSP technologies. Contents: Introduction to Radar Systems * Signal Models * Sampling and Quantization of Pulsed Radar Signals * Radar Waveforms * Pulse Compression Waveforms * Doppler Processing * Detection Fundamentals * Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) Detection * Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Imaging

Bistatic Radar

Bistatic Radar PDF Author: Nicholas J. Willis
Publisher: SciTech Publishing
ISBN: 1891121456
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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This is the only English language book on bistatic radar and provides a history of bistatic systems that points out to potential designers, the applications that have worked and the dead-ends not worth pursuing.

Polarimetric Radar Imaging

Polarimetric Radar Imaging PDF Author: Jong-Sen Lee
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420054988
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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The recent launches of three fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) satellites have shown that polarimetric radar imaging can provide abundant data on the Earth’s environment, such as biomass and forest height estimation, snow cover mapping, glacier monitoring, and damage assessment. Written by two of the most recognized leaders in this field, Polarimetric Radar Imaging: From Basics to Applications presents polarimetric radar imaging and processing techniques and shows how to develop remote sensing applications using PolSAR imaging radar. The book provides a substantial and balanced introduction to the basic theory and advanced concepts of polarimetric scattering mechanisms, speckle statistics and speckle filtering, polarimetric information analysis and extraction techniques, and applications typical to radar polarimetric remote sensing. It explains the importance of wave polarization theory and the speckle phenomenon in the information retrieval problem of microwave imaging and inverse scattering. The authors demonstrate how to devise intelligent information extraction algorithms for remote sensing applications. They also describe more advanced polarimetric analysis techniques for polarimetric target decompositions, polarization orientation effects, polarimetric scattering modeling, speckle filtering, terrain and forest classification, manmade target analysis, and PolSAR interferometry. With sample PolSAR data sets and software available for download, this self-contained, hands-on book encourages you to analyze space-borne and airborne PolSAR and polarimetric interferometric SAR (Pol-InSAR) data and then develop applications using this data.

Principles of Modern Radar

Principles of Modern Radar PDF Author: Mark A. Richards
Publisher: SciTech Publishing
ISBN: 9781839533815
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Principles of Modern Radar: Basic Principles is a comprehensive text for courses in radar systems and technology, a professional training textbook for formal in-house courses and for new hires; a reference for ongoing study following a radar short course and a self-study and professional reference book.

Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms

Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms PDF Author: Caner Ozdemir
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111952136X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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Book Description
Build your knowledge of SAR/ISAR imaging with this comprehensive and insightful resource The newly revised Second Edition of Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging with MATLAB Algorithms covers in greater detail the fundamental and advanced topics necessary for a complete understanding of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging and its concepts. Distinguished author and academician, Caner Özdemir, describes the practical aspects of ISAR imaging and presents illustrative examples of the radar signal processing algorithms used for ISAR imaging. The topics in each chapter are supplemented with MATLAB codes to assist readers in better understanding each of the principles discussed within the book. This new edition incudes discussions of the most up-to-date topics to arise in the field of ISAR imaging and ISAR hardware design. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of advanced techniques like Fourier-based radar imaging algorithms, and motion compensation techniques along with radar fundamentals for readers new to the subject. The author covers a wide variety of topics, including: Radar fundamentals, including concepts like radar cross section, maximum detectable range, frequency modulated continuous wave, and doppler frequency and pulsed radar The theoretical and practical aspects of signal processing algorithms used in ISAR imaging The numeric implementation of all necessary algorithms in MATLAB ISAR hardware, emerging topics on SAR/ISAR focusing algorithms such as bistatic ISAR imaging, polarimetric ISAR imaging, and near-field ISAR imaging, Applications of SAR/ISAR imaging techniques to other radar imaging problems such as thru-the-wall radar imaging and ground-penetrating radar imaging Perfect for graduate students in the fields of electrical and electronics engineering, electromagnetism, imaging radar, and physics, Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging With MATLAB Algorithms also belongs on the bookshelves of practicing researchers in the related areas looking for a useful resource to assist them in their day-to-day professional work.

Design Technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar

Design Technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar PDF Author: Jiaguo Lu
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119564549
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 364

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An authoritative work on Synthetic Aperture Radar system engineering, with key focus on high resolution imaging, moving target indication, and system engineering technology Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a powerful microwave remote sensing technique that is used to create high resolution two or three-dimensional representations of objects, such as landscapes, independent of weather conditions and sunlight illumination. SAR technology is a multidisciplinary field that involves microwave technology, antenna technology, signal processing, and image information processing. The use of SAR technology continues grow at a rapid pace in a variety of applications such as high-resolution wide-swath observation, multi-azimuth information acquisition, high-temporal information acquisition, 3-D terrain mapping, and image quality improvement. Design Technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar provides detailed coverage of the fundamental concepts, theories, technology, and design of SAR systems and sub-systems. Supported by the author’s over two decades of research and practice experience in the field, this in-depth volume systematically describes SAR design and presents the latest research developments. Providing examination of all topics relevant to SAR—from radar and antenna system design to receiver technology and signal and image information processing—this comprehensive resource: Provides wide-ranging, up-to-date examination of all major topics related to SAR science, systems, and software Includes guidelines to conduct grounding system designs and analysis Offers coverage of all SAR algorithm classes and detailed SAR algorithms suitable for enabling software implementations Surveys SAR and computed imaging literature of the last sixty years Emphasizes high resolution imaging, moving target indication, and system engineering Design Technology of Synthetic Aperture Radar is indispensable for graduate students majoring in SAR system design, microwave antenna, signal and information processing as well as engineers and technicians involved in SAR system techniques.

MIMO Radar Signal Processing

MIMO Radar Signal Processing PDF Author: Jian Li
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 047039143X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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The first book to present a systematic and coherent picture of MIMO radars Due to its potential to improve target detection and discrimination capability, Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output (MIMO) radar has generated significant attention and widespread interest in academia, industry, government labs, and funding agencies. This important new work fills the need for a comprehensive treatment of this emerging field. Edited and authored by leading researchers in the field of MIMO radar research, this book introduces recent developments in the area of MIMO radar to stimulate new concepts, theories, and applications of the topic, and to foster further cross-fertilization of ideas with MIMO communications. Topical coverage includes: Adaptive MIMO radar Beampattern analysis and optimization for MIMO radar MIMO radar for target detection, parameter estimation, tracking,association, and recognition MIMO radar prototypes and measurements Space-time codes for MIMO radar Statistical MIMO radar Waveform design for MIMO radar Written in an easy-to-follow tutorial style, MIMO Radar Signal Processing serves as an excellent course book for graduate students and a valuable reference for researchers in academia and industry.

Radar Cross Section

Radar Cross Section PDF Author: Eugene F. Knott
Publisher: SciTech Publishing
ISBN: 1891121251
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 628

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The leading text and reference on radar cross section (RCS) theory and applications, this work presents a comparison of two radar signal strengths. One is the strength of the radar bean sweeping over a target, the other is the strength of the reflected echo senses by the receiver. This book shows how the RCS "gauge" can be predicted for theoretical objects.

Mathematical Foundations of Imaging, Tomography and Wavefield Inversion

Mathematical Foundations of Imaging, Tomography and Wavefield Inversion PDF Author: Anthony J. Devaney
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139510142
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 537

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Inverse problems are of interest and importance across many branches of physics, mathematics, engineering and medical imaging. In this text, the foundations of imaging and wavefield inversion are presented in a clear and systematic way. The necessary theory is gradually developed throughout the book, progressing from simple wave equation based models to vector wave models. By combining theory with numerous MATLAB based examples, the author promotes a complete understanding of the material and establishes a basis for real world applications. Key topics of discussion include the derivation of solutions to the inhomogeneous and homogeneous Helmholtz equations using Green function techniques; the propagation and scattering of waves in homogeneous and inhomogeneous backgrounds; and the concept of field time reversal. Bridging the gap between mathematics and physics, this multidisciplinary book will appeal to graduate students and researchers alike. Additional resources including MATLAB codes and solutions are available online at www.cambridge.org/9780521119740.