Operation Attleboro (Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report).

Operation Attleboro (Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report). PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 61

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Book Description
Project CHECO was established in 1962 to document and analyze air operations in Southeast Asia. Over the years the meaning of the acronym changed several times to reflect the escalation of operations: Current Historical Evaluation of Counterinsurgency Operations, Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Combat Operations and Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations. Project CHECO and other U. S. Air Force Historical study programs provided the Air Force with timely and lasting corporate insights into operational, conceptual and doctrinal lessons from the war in SEA.

Operation Attleboro (Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report).

Operation Attleboro (Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report). PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 61

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Book Description
Project CHECO was established in 1962 to document and analyze air operations in Southeast Asia. Over the years the meaning of the acronym changed several times to reflect the escalation of operations: Current Historical Evaluation of Counterinsurgency Operations, Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Combat Operations and Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations. Project CHECO and other U. S. Air Force Historical study programs provided the Air Force with timely and lasting corporate insights into operational, conceptual and doctrinal lessons from the war in SEA.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Operation HICKORY.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Operation HICKORY. PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 40

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The scenario of Operation HICKORY called for a multipronged assault into the DMZ, with forces of the 3rd Marine Division and Vietnamese Army (ARVN) units striking north into the heart of the lowland area, and a Marine landing force sweeping in from the eastern coast. Air support for the Marine units, including the landing force (SLF Alpha), was to be provided by the Marine tactical air arm, while close support for ARVN forces was to be provided by the 7AF TACS. On the day prior to the operation, the TACS was to provide USAF aircraft for preparatory strikes immediately north of the DMZ, with the Marines conducting air strikes inside the zone. The TACS was to provide continuous suppression strikes north of the attacking forces throughout the course of the operation. Obviously, in a multi-force operation of this nature, joint planning and close coordination were key tactical prerequisities. In the early phases of Operation HICKORY, however, several situations arose which indicated an inadequacy in-joint planning. Breakdowns in the system of-coordination on air requirements, on at least two occasions, jeopardized friendly forces. Had airpower been applied under a system of centralized control, it is likely these breakdowns could have-been avoided.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Short Rounds and Related Incidents 1 Jun 69 to 31 Dec 70

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Short Rounds and Related Incidents 1 Jun 69 to 31 Dec 70 PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 72

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Book Description
Project CHECO was established in 1962 to document and analyze air operations in Southeast Asia. Over the years the meaning of the acronym changed several times to reflect the escalation of operations: Current Historical Evaluation of Counterinsurgency Operations, Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Combat Operations and Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations. Project CHECO and other U.S. Air Force Historical study programs provided the Air Force with timely and lasting corporate insights into operational, conceptual and doctrinal lessons from the war in SEA.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. USAF Support of Special Forces in SEA.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. USAF Support of Special Forces in SEA. PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 111

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The first Air Commando units arrived in Vietnam in November 1961, and since then the USAF has become an integral component in supplying Special Forces Camps with tactical airpower, airland/airdrop replenishment of supplies and instant guidance, as well as short reaction airpower to ground reconnaissance teams. In its special Seventh Air Force/5th Special Forces (SF) partnership, three primary roles of the U.S. Air Force are recounted. First, when vulnerable Special Forces Camps came under attack, it was USAF firepower that provided the heavy counterblows in their defense. More than one camp owes its continued existence to the quick and devastating reaction of the USAF. Second, Special Forces Camps have been almost entirely dependent upon airlift for their logistical support and this, too, has been a vital mission of the Air Force. Finally, in 1965, the U.S. Air Force began an association with Special Forces ground reconnaissance teams; it has produced some of the most efficient and effective ground missions of the war. The expanding role of Air Force Forward Air Controllers in Special Forces operations--an expansion strongly urged by SF commanders throughout the Republic of Vietnam--is addressed in Chapter V.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Short Rounds

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Short Rounds PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 50

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The term "short round," of artillery inception, described a shell which fell short of its target. In Air Force employment, this term is somewhat altered: "A short round incident is defined as the air delivery of ordnance which results in injury or death to friendly military forces or noncombatants." This CHECO report depicts those short rounds delivered by fixed-wing aircraft, specifically those under the operational control of the Seventh Air Force Tactical Air Control Center (TACC). This report encompasses "short round" incidents reported from January through December 1971. It emphasizes a narrative of each incident with the factors leading up to the incident, the investigating officer's conclusions and recommendations, and the efforts made by commanders to minimize the recurrence of the accidental release of air-delivered ordnance on friendly military forces or noncombatants. A review of the authenticated "short rounds" in CHECO reports of previous years revealed that these incidents basically followed a general pattern of primary and contributing causes: pilot error, poor weather conditions, troop location unknown, weapon system malfunction, wrong target hit due to ground personnel error, poor communications, change in the ground situation, and inaccurate target marking. However, it was also noted that in a troops-in-contact situation the chance of a short round must be weighed against the possibility of heavy losses if close air support is not provided.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Short Rounds, June 1968 - May 1969

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Short Rounds, June 1968 - May 1969 PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 68

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In the parlance of artillerymen, a "Short Round" is a shell that falls short of the enemy and inflicts casualties on friendly troops. The expression is so starkly descriptive and brief that it has come to be used as a convenient label for most incidents wherein friendly ordnance causes friendly casualties. This report is concerned with air-delivered Short Rounds--specifically, those involving the fixed-wing aircraft under operational control of the Seventh Air Force Tactical Air Control Center (TACC). This third CHECO report On "Short Rounds" covers occurrences from June 1968 through May 1969. It emphasizes rates and trends, interesting corollaries, lessons learned, and recent attempts to eliminate Short Rounds. This study also examines several Short Round incidents to illustrate some of the problems encountered by ground commanders, forward air controllers (FACs), and strike aircraft commanders in their joint efforts to conduct close air support. Ground and air commanders at all levels are deeply concerned about the tragic results of Short Round incidents, and Strenuous efforts have been made to reduce the probability of such occurrences. To have achieved absolute immunity from Short Rounds, the ground forces would have had to sacrifice the benefits of air support whenever they were closely engaged with the enemy. These were hard choices to make, but nearly all of the situations dictated accepting the risk of Short Rounds to diminish the certain lethality of hostile fire.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. The Employment of Air by the Thais and Koreans in SEA.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. The Employment of Air by the Thais and Koreans in SEA. PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 49

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Thailand's chief contribution to air activities in Vietnam was in providing 45 Air Force personnel to man Vietnamese and USAF transport aircraft--an area in which crew shortages were chronic. In lesser numbers, forward air controllers were also provided. For the Allies, the Thai pilots and crew members meant a welcome augmentation of personnel, while the Thais for their part viewed their own contribution as more than a mere gesture in favor of the anti-Communist effort. For them, these activities were an opportunity to gain war-zone experience. The training of Thais was largely neglected, however, until, in 1970, the winding down of the war produced shortages in the, more highly skilled categories of USAF personnel, such as transport aircraft crewmen. These shortages signaled the need for training and upgrading. Similar circumstances led the USAF to realize that certain Thai personnel being used solely as interpreters for U.S. forward air controllers (FACs) could be trained to be FACs themselves. Korea, with its 50,000 men, provided the second largest expeditionary force after that of the United States in helping the South Vietnamese Government defeat the aggression disguised as insurrection by its author in Hanoi. Perhaps because of the Koreans' large numbers of ground troops, they relied very little upon support from tactical air. The apparent success of their vigorous, often harsh, methods further convinced the Koreans that reliance upon themselves alone was sufficient. Like the Thais, they had no aircraft in Vietnam to speak of, and these few were used only for liaison. The story of their involvement in the air war can, therefore, be told in a few pages.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Air Response to the Tet Offensive, 30 January - 29 February 1968

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Air Response to the Tet Offensive, 30 January - 29 February 1968 PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 110

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This report traces the 1968 Communist Tet Offensive in Vietnam. Significant events which had an impact on airpower, and the application and responsiveness of air, are examined during this period of extremely heightened military activity. Air response ranged across the entire spectrum of air capability, from tactical airstrikes to the ground defense of air installations. Close support of ground troops in cities, air base defense, VNAF performance, emergency airlift, and civic responsiveness are all examined in this report.

Operations Thayer/Irving (Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report).

Operations Thayer/Irving (Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report). PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 127

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Book Description
Project CHECO was established in 1962 to document and analyze air operations in Southeast Asia. Over the years the meaning of the acronym changed several times to reflect the escalation of operations: Current Historical Evaluation of Counterinsurgency Operations, Contemporary Historical Evaluation of Combat Operations and Contemporary Historical Examination of Current Operations. Project CHECO and other U. S. Air Force Historical study programs provided the Air Force with timely and lasting corporate insights into operational, conceptual and doctrinal lessons from the war in SEA.

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Command and Control, 1966-1968

Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. Command and Control, 1966-1968 PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 61

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This is a continuing report, dovetailing with CHECO Report, "Command and Control 1965," which was published on 15 December 1966. Since then, approximately 16 CHECO reports have been completed, which encompass every facet of Command and Control in SEA. Thus, this volume will not repeat the detailed information available in other individual reports. Rather, it will provide an overview of this highly complex Command and Control structure. Emphasis will be placed on Command Relationships, with the focus on their historical evolution and the prevailing lines of authority from the Pacific Command (PACOM) to Vietnam and Thailand. When it enhances the overview, this report - will contain brief sketches of pertinent functional components and the elements of centralized direction so essential to the operation of a Command and Control system.