Preserving the Anthropological Record

Preserving the Anthropological Record PDF Author: Sydel Silverman
Category : Anthropological archives
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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Preserving the Anthropological Record

Preserving the Anthropological Record PDF Author: Sydel Silverman
Category : Anthropological archives
Languages : en
Pages : 268

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Common Ground

Common Ground PDF Author:
Category : Archaeology
Languages : en
Pages : 64

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Curating Archaeological Collections

Curating Archaeological Collections PDF Author: Lynne P. Sullivan
Publisher: Rowman Altamira
ISBN: 9780759100244
Category : Antiques & Collectibles
Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Introduction to curation and preservation of archaeological materials. Visit our website for sample chapters!

Northwest Anthropological Research Notes

Northwest Anthropological Research Notes PDF Author: Roderick Sprague
Publisher: Northwest Anthropology
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 117

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Editorial The Shoshone-Bannock: An Anthropological Reassessment - Deward E. Walker, Jr. Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 46th Annual Northwest Anthropological Conference, Bellingham, 1993 Lemhi Shoshone-Bannock Reliance on Anadromous and Other Fish Resources - Deward E. Walker, Jr.


EFieldnotes PDF Author: Roger Sanjek
Publisher: University of Pennsylvania Press
ISBN: 0812247787
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Examines how anthropological fieldwork has been affected by technological shifts in the 25 years since the 1990 publication of Fieldnotes : the making of anthropology, edited by Roger Sanjek, published by Cornell University Press.

Knowledge Preservation and Curation

Knowledge Preservation and Curation PDF Author: Margie Foster
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing
ISBN: 1839829303
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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In order to achieve its full value, knowledge must flow and be continuously used. Knowledge use, reuse, and repurposing has been a challenge discussed in knowledge sciences literature for over three decades. The authors investigate and offer solutions to two key challenges - how to preserve and curate knowledge.

The Beast on the Table

The Beast on the Table PDF Author: Sydel Silverman
Publisher: Rowman Altamira
ISBN: 9780759102408
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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Memoirs of Wenner-Gren Foundation anthropological conferences by the former president of the foundation. Visit our website for sample chapters!

The Oxford Companion to Archaeology

The Oxford Companion to Archaeology PDF Author: Brian M. Fagan
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199771219
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 865

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When we think of archaeology, most of us think first of its many spectacular finds: the legendary city of Troy, Tutankhamun's golden tomb, the three-million-year-old footprints at Laetoli, the mile-high city at Machu Picchu, the cave paintings at Lascaux. But as marvelous as these discoveries are, the ultimate goal of archaeology, and of archaeologists, is something far more ambitious. Indeed, it is one of humanity's great quests: to recapture and understand our human past, across vast stretches of time, as it was lived in every corner of the globe. Now, in The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, readers have a comprehensive and authoritative overview of this fascinating discipline, in a book that is itself a rare find, a treasure of up-to-date information on virtually every aspect of the field. The range of subjects covered here is breathtaking--everything from the domestication of the camel, to Egyptian hieroglyphics, to luminescence dating, to the Mayan calendar, to Koobi Fora and Olduvai Gorge. Readers will find extensive essays that illuminate the full history of archaeology--from the discovery of Herculaneum in 1783, to the recent finding of the "Ice Man" and the ancient city of Uruk--and engaging biographies of the great figures in the field, from Gertrude Bell, Paul Emile Botta, and Louis and Mary Leakey, to V. Gordon Childe, Li Chi, Heinrich Schliemann, and Max Uhle. The Companion offers extensive coverage of the methods used in archaeological research, revealing how archaeologists find sites (remote sensing, aerial photography, ground survey), how they map excavations and report findings, and how they analyze artifacts (radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, stratigraphy, mortuary analysis). Of course, archaeology's great subject is humanity and human culture, and there are broad essays that examine human evolution--ranging from our early primate ancestors, to Australopithecus and Cro-Magnon, to Homo Erectus and Neanderthals--and explore the many general facets of culture, from art and architecture, to arms and armor, to beer and brewing, to astronomy and religion. And perhaps most important, the contributors provide insightful coverage of human culture as it has been expressed in every region of the world. Here entries range from broad overviews, to treatments of particular themes, to discussions of peoples, societies, and particular sites. Thus, anyone interested in North America would find articles that cover the continent from the Arctic to the Eastern woodlands to the Northwest Coast, that discuss the Iroquois and Algonquian cultures, the hunters of the North American plains, and the Norse in North America, and that describe sites such as Mesa Verde, Meadowcraft Rockshelter, Serpent Mound, and Poverty Point. Likewise, the coverage of Europe runs from the Paleolithic period, to the Bronze and Iron Age, to the Post-Roman era, looks at peoples such as the Celts, the Germans, the Vikings, and the Slavs, and describes sites at Altamira, Pompeii, Stonehenge, Terra Amata, and dozens of other locales. The Companion offers equally thorough coverage of Africa, Europe, North America, Mesoamerica, South America, Asia, the Mediterranean, the Near East, Australia and the Pacific. And finally, the editors have included extensive cross-referencing and thorough indexing, enabling the reader to pursue topics of interest with ease; charts and maps providing additional information; and bibliographies after most entries directing readers to the best sources for further study. Every Oxford Companion aspires to be the definitive overview of a field of study at a particular moment of time. This superb volume is no exception. Featuring 700 articles written by hundreds of respected scholars from all over the world, The Oxford Companion to Archaeology provides authoritative, stimulating entries on everything from bog bodies, to underwater archaeology, to the Pyramids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings.

Keeping Time

Keeping Time PDF Author: Nick Thieberger
Publisher: Sydney University Press
ISBN: 1743328818
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 397

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Keeping Time: Dialogues on music and archives in Honour of Linda Barwick explores current issues in ethnomusicology and the archiving and repatriation of ethnographic field recordings. The 19 chapters by 36 authors consider archiving practices as a site of interaction between researchers and cultural heritage communities; cross-disciplinary approaches to understanding song; and the role of musical transcription in non-Western music. This volume is international in scope with case studies with Indigenous and minority peoples from Papua New Guinea, China, India, the Torres Strait and mainland Aboriginal Australia; the latter being the focus of the majority of chapters. Topics include the revival of songs from early written sources, creation of new songs based in old genres, the concept of “sing” in other languages, spirits as the origin of song knowledge, and how to manage ethnographic records over time. Keeping Time approaches Indigenous practices from a range of disciplines, including linguistics, history and performing arts, as well as Indigenous Studies, cultural revitalisation (including reclamation of Indigenous languages), Indigenous knowledge and application to climate change. Offered in honour of Emeritus Professor Linda Barwick, the founder of the Indigenous Music, Language and Performing Arts series, Keeping Time offers a diverse range of opinions on ethnographic research practices and their value to society. There are 3 audio examples available to be listened to here:

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology PDF Author: JoAnn Jacoby
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN: 0313094853
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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The latest edition of a major literature guide provides citations and informative annotations on a wide range of reference sources, including manuals, bibliographies, indexes, databases, literature surveys and reviews, dissertations, book reviews, conference proceedings, awards, and employment and grant sources. The organization closely follows that of the 1st edition, with some much-needed additions relating to online resources and new areas of interest within the field (such as forensic anthropology, environmental anthropology, and Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, and Transgendered Anthropology). Separate sections focus on individual subfields, as well as emerging concerns such as ethical issues in cultural heritage preservation. For academic and research library collections, as well as faculty members in anthropology, area studies, and intercultural studies.