Pre-restoration Habitat Use by Chinook Salmon in the Nisqually Estuary Using Otolith Analysis

Pre-restoration Habitat Use by Chinook Salmon in the Nisqually Estuary Using Otolith Analysis PDF Author: Angela Lind-Null
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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"The Nisqually Fall Chinook population is one of 27 stocks in the Puget Sound evolutionarily significant unit listed as threatened under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA). Preservation and extensive restoration of the Nisqually delta ecosystem is currently taking place to assist in recovery of the stock as juvenile Fall Chinook salmon are dependent upon the estuary. A pre-restoration baseline that includes characterization of life history types, estuary residence times, growth rates, and habitat use is needed to evaluate the potential response of hatchery and natural origin Chinook salmon to restoration efforts and determine restoration success. Otolith analysis was selected to examine Chinook salmon life history, growth, and residence in the Nisqually Estuary. Previously funded work on wild samples collected in 2004 established the growth rate and length of residence associated with various habitats. The purpose of the current study is to build on the previous work by incorporating otolith microstructure analysis from 2005 (second sampling year), to verify findings from 2004, and to evaluate between-year variation in otolith microstructure. Our results from this second year of analysis indicated no inter-annual variation in the appearance of the tidal delta check (TDCK) and delta-flats check (DFCK). However, a new life history type (fry migrant) was observed on samples collected in 2005. Fish caught in the tidal delta regardless of capture date spent an average of 17 days in the tidal delta. There was a corresponding increase in growth rate as the fish migrated from freshwater (FW) to tidal delta to nearshore (NS) habitats. Fish grew 33 percent faster in the tidal delta than in FW habitat and slightly faster (14 percent) in the delta flats (DF) habitat compared to the tidal delta."--Abstract.

Otolith Analysis of Pre-restoration Habitat Use by Chinook Salmon in the Delta-flats and Nearshore Regions of the Nisqually River Estuary

Otolith Analysis of Pre-restoration Habitat Use by Chinook Salmon in the Delta-flats and Nearshore Regions of the Nisqually River Estuary PDF Author: Angela Lind-Null
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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Coastal Habitats of the Elwha River, Washington

Coastal Habitats of the Elwha River, Washington PDF Author: Jeffrey J. Duda
Category : Coastal ecology
Languages : en
Pages : 276

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Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Life History Diversity and Growth Variability in a Large Freshwater Tidal Estuary

Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Life History Diversity and Growth Variability in a Large Freshwater Tidal Estuary PDF Author: Pascale A. L. Goertler
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Languages : en
Pages : 91

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For many fish and wildlife species, a mosaic of available habitats is required to complete their life cycle, and is considered necessary to ensure population stability and persistence. Particularly for young animals, nursery habitats provide opportunities for rapid growth and high survival during this vulnerable life stage. My thesis focuses on juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and their use of estuarine wetlands as nursery habitat. Estuaries are highly productive systems representing a mosaic of habitats connecting rivers to the sea, and freshwater tidal estuaries provide abundant prey communities, shade, refuge from predation and transitional habitat for the osmoregulatory changes experienced by anadromous fishes. I will be discussing the freshwater tidal wetland habitat use of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Columbia River estuary, which are listed under the Endangered Species Act. I used otolith microstructural growth estimates and prey consumption to measure rearing habitat quality. This sampling effort was designed to target as much genetic diversity as possible, and individual assignment to regional stocks of origin was used to describe the diversity of juvenile Chinook salmon groups inhabiting the estuary. Diversity is important for resilience, and in salmon biocomplexity within fish stocks has been shown to ensure collective productivity despite environmental change. However much of the research which links diversity to resilience in salmon has focused on the adult portion of the life cycle and many resource management policies oversimplify juvenile life history diversity. When this oversimplification of juvenile life history diversity is applied to salmon conservation it may be ignoring critical indicators for stability. Therefore in addition to genetic diversity I also explore methods for better defining juvenile life history diversity and its application in salmon management, such as permitting requirements, habitat restoration, hydropower practices and hatchery management. This study addresses how juvenile salmon growth changes among a range of wetland habitats in the freshwater tidal portion of the Columbia River estuary and how growth variation describes and contributes to life history diversity. To do this, I incorporated otolith microstructure, individual assignment to regional stock of origin, GIS habitat mapping and diet composition, in three habitats (mainstem river, tributary confluence and backwater channel) along ~130 km of the upper estuary. For my first chapter I employed a generalized linear model (GLM) to test three hypotheses: juvenile Chinook growth was best explained by (1) temporal factors, (2) habitat use, or (3) demographic characteristics, such as stock of origin or the timing of seaward migration. I found that variation in growth was best explained by habitat type and an interaction between fork length and month of capture. Juvenile Chinook salmon grew faster in backwater channel habitat and later in the summer. I also found that mid-summer and late summer/fall subyearlings had the highest estuarine growth rates. When compared to other studies in the basin these juvenile Chinook grew on average 0.23, 0.11-0.43 mm/d in the freshwater tidal estuary, similar to estimates in the brackish estuary, but ~4 times slower than those in the plume and upstream reservoirs. However, survival studies from the system elucidated a possible tradeoff between growth and survival in the Columbia River basin. These findings present a unique example of the complexity in understanding the influences of the many processes that generate variation in growth rate for juvenile anadromous fish inhabiting estuaries. In my second chapter, I used otolith microstructure and growth trends produced in a dynamic factor analysis (DFA, a multivariate time series method only recently being used in fisheries) to identify the life history variation in juvenile Chinook salmon caught in the Columbia River estuary over a two-year period (2010-2012). I used genetic assignment to stock of origin and capture location and date with growth trajectories, as a proxy for habitat transitions, to reconstruct life history types. DFA estimated four to five growth trends were present in juvenile Chinook salmon caught in the Columbia River estuary, diversity currently being simplified in many management practices. Regional stocks and habitats did not display divergent growth histories, but the marked hatchery fish did ordinate very similarly in the trend loadings from the DFA analysis, suggesting that hatchery fish may not experience the same breadth of growth variability as wild fish. I was not able to quantify juvenile life history diversity, and juvenile Chinook life history diversity remains difficult to catalog and integrate into species conservation and habitat restoration for resource management. However, by expanding our understanding of how juvenile Chinook salmon experience their freshwater rearing environment we improve our capacity to conserve and manage salmon populations. The findings from my thesis provide the necessary information for a restoration framework to link habitat features with salmon management goals, such as juvenile growth, wild and genetic origin and life history diversity.

Connecting Tidal-fluvial Life Histories to Survival of McKenzie River Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha)

Connecting Tidal-fluvial Life Histories to Survival of McKenzie River Spring Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) PDF Author: Gordon W. Rose
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 111

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Chinook salmon returns to the Columbia River basin have declined due to impacts of a growing human population, despite significant mitigation expenditures. Consequently, fisheries managers have become focused on recovery and long-term viability of at-risk populations. A viable population depends, in part, on the connectivity and quality of diverse habitat types salmon require to complete their anadromous life-cycles. The tidal-fluvial Columbia River estuary is one link in this chain of habitats, but was largely over-looked as important Chinook salmon habitat until recently. Habitat restoration projects are underway in the tidal Columbia River estuary with the goal of increasing survival benefits to juvenile Chinook salmon. However, knowledge gaps remain about stock-specific use of tidal-fluvial habitat and tracking these restoration efforts is largely subjective. This study has sought to quantify the importance of tidal-fluvial habitat for a critical population of Chinook salmon, from the McKenzie River in the upper Willamette River Basin. Using otolith micro-chemistry profile analysis, juvenile net growth in the tidal-fluvial Columbia River was back-calculated for 92 natural-origin McKenzie River Chinook salmon across outmigration years 2005 and 2006. All otoliths were sampled from McKenzie River adult salmon to draw inferences about the juvenile life histories of surviving spawners. Mean ± SD net growth in the tidal fluvial estuary for all years was 5.48 ± 5.81 mm for subyearlings and 7.43 ± 8.32mm for yearlings. Differences in mean net growth by juvenile life-history type were not significant despite a prevailing assumption that subyearlings rear longer in estuary habitat than yearlings. Emigration sizes and net-growth estimates were significantly greater for subyearlings in outmigration year 2005 than 2006; there was only suggestive evidence emigration sizes were greater for yearlings in outmigration year 2005 than 2006, and net-growth estimates were similar between years. Sixteen percent (15 of 92) of McKenzie Chinook salmon grew between 10 and 43 mm over approximately 25-100 days in the tidal-fluvial Columbia River. Extended rearing in tidal-fluvial habitat provided an alternate life-history pathway for some yearling (12), fingerling (one), and fry (two) migrants. Subyearlings with intermediate-rearing or migratory life history pathways had greater net growth in tidal-fluvial habitat during 2005 than 2006, and in 2005 environmental conditions were unfavorable to overall salmon productivity. Fixed effects linear regression models suggest tidal-fluvial habitat supports McKenzie Chinook salmon life-history diversity, growth, and size, and therefore likely contributes to population resilience.

Characterization of Estuary Use by Nisqually Hatchery Chinook Based on Otolith Analysis

Characterization of Estuary Use by Nisqually Hatchery Chinook Based on Otolith Analysis PDF Author: Angela Lind-Null
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Dynamic Habitat Models for Estuary-dependent Chinook Salmon

Dynamic Habitat Models for Estuary-dependent Chinook Salmon PDF Author: Melanie Jeanne Davis
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Languages : en
Pages : 228

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A complex mosaic of estuarine habitats is postulated to bolster the growth and survival of juvenile Chinook salmon by diversifying the availability and configuration of prey and refugia. Consequently, efforts are underway along the North American Pacific Coast to return modified coastal ecosystems to historical or near-historical conditions, but restoring habitats are often more sensitive to anthropogenic or climate-mediated disturbance than relict (unaltered) habitats. Estuaries are expected to experience longer inundation durations as sea-levels rise, leading to reductions in intertidal emergent marshes, mudflats, and eelgrass beds. Furthermore, rising ocean temperatures may have metabolic consequences for fall-run populations of Chinook salmon, which tend to out-migrate during the spring and summer. Extensive monitoring programs have allowed managers to assess the initial benefits of management efforts (including restoration) for juvenile salmon at local and regional scales, but at present they have limited options for predicting and responding to the concurrent effects of climate change in restoring and relict coastal ecosystems. For my dissertation I addressed this gap in knowledge using a comprehensive monitoring dataset from the restoring Nisqually River Delta in southern Puget Sound, Washington. I focused on the following questions: 1) How do juvenile Chinook salmon prey consumption and dietary energy density vary throughout a mosaic of estuarine habitats, and is this variation related to differences in physiological condition? 2) How do among-habitat differences in thermal regime and prey consumption affect the bioenergetic growth potential of juvenile Chinook salmon? 3) How will shifts in the estuarine habitat mosaic vary under different sea-level rise and management scenarios? and 4) How will these climate- and management-mediated shifts in the estuarine habitat mosaic impact habitat quality for juvenile Chinook salmon? To address the first question, I used stomach content and stable isotope analyses to analyze the diets of wild and hatchery Chinook salmon captured in different estuarine habitats during the out-migration season (March-July of 2014 and 2015). I also linked measures of stomach fullness and dietary energy density to body condition. To address the second question, I used a bioenergetics model to determine how among-habitat differences in water temperature and diet might affect juvenile Chinook salmon growth. To address the third question, I designed and calibrated a marsh accretion model and decision support tool using post-restoration monitoring data sets and spatial coverages. Finally, to address the fourth question, I combined output from the marsh accretion model, a hydrological model, and measurements of prey availability into a spatially explicit version of the bioenergetics model to assess the habitat quality and growth rate potential of the entire estuarine habitat mosaic under different sea-level rise and management scenarios. When considered in tandem, these chapters represent a novel approach to habitat management. Assessments of juvenile salmon diet and physiology, marsh accretion models, and bioenergetics models have been independently implemented along the Pacific Coast, but the amalgamation of all three approaches into a single, spatially explicit analysis represents a novel and significant contribution to the scientific literature. In conducting these analyses for the Nisqually River Delta, some major themes emerged regarding the importance and vulnerability of specific habitats. An integrative diet analysis using stomach contents and stable isotopes found distinct dietary niches between wild and hatchery Chinook salmon. Wild fish were more likely to utilize the freshwater tidal forested and transitional brackish marsh habitats along the main stem river, where energy-rich insect drift made up most of their dietary biomass. The availability and consumption of insect prey resulted in distinct benefits to body condition and growth, as determined by direct physiological measurements and output from the habitat-specific bioenergetics model. These findings highlight the importance of freshwater and brackish emergent marsh habitats with overhanging vegetation, which can regulate water temperatures and supply insect drift. Unfortunately, freshwater tidal forests, brackish marshes, and low and high elevation emergent salt marshes are highly vulnerable to sea-level rise, especially when geological and anthropogenic features limit sediment accretion or lateral expansion. When spatial layers from the marsh accretion model were incorporated into the spatially explicit version of the bioenergetics model, output indicated that loss of low and high salt marsh reduced the amount of prey available for juvenile salmon, thus decreasing modeled growth rate potential. In all, these findings highlight the importance of preserving the estuarine habitat mosaic for out-migrating juvenile salmon, especially as tidal regimes and ocean temperatures continue to shift through time.

Utilization of a Spatial Decision-support Tool for the Restoration of Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River

Utilization of a Spatial Decision-support Tool for the Restoration of Chinook Salmon in the Columbia River PDF Author: Molly J. Good
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 44

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Managers, policy-makers, and practitioners often utilize spatially-explicit decision-support tools for assistance and guidance in managing highly dynamic and spatially diverse environmental systems. Here I explore the use of the Landscape Planning Framework as an example of a decision-support tool that supports a systematic, landscape-based approach to fish habitat management in the Columbia River estuary. I identified the importance of landscape features or habitat attributes to the growth and survival of ocean-type, juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and ranked them each on a scale from 1 (greatest importance) to 12 (least importance). I used these rankings to test the relative function of aquatic channel landscape features in identifying areas for potential restoration to benefit salmon stocks that rear in the estuary. In a series of five spatial trials I estimated the cumulative contribution of potential salmon habitat restoration areas by summing different combinations of rankings and grouping the ranking totals in equal-interval low (lowest potential restoration function), medium, and high (highest potential restoration function) categories. I calculated the abundance, length, area, and edge density of equal-interval categories, analyzed in the form of polygon layers, for purposes of comparison. Regardless of the combination of rankings and grouping totals, the equal-interval high category returned the lowest metric values. My results indicate that the set of sites characterized as areas of high possible restoration value is most constrained in the equal-interval high category. As a relatively new decision-support tool, the Landscape Planning Framework serves as a useful instrument for efficient management of an estuarine landscape to more effectively support its inhabitants.

Utilization of the Campbell River Estuary by Juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha, in 1994

Utilization of the Campbell River Estuary by Juvenile Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha, in 1994 PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 45

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Presents an analysis of juvenile salmon population growth and abundance data collected in the Campbell River estuary in 1994 to describe chinook habitat use, residency timing, growth, and potential competitive interactions between wild chinook fry, hatchery chinook, and other salmon species. Results are compared with previous information on habitat use, residence timing, and growth of wild and hatchery chinook. Analyses are presented in five parts: use of a discriminant function to predict the origin of chinook juveniles whose origin could not be field-determined; estimation of density and biomass of juvenile salmon in the estuary and a comparison of habitat use and residence timing; calculation of growth rates for wild and hatchery chinook; prediction of wild chinook fry weight based on total salmon biomass; and estimation of the carrying capacity of the estuary for juvenile chinook, coho, and all salmon species combined, based on mark-recapture and escapement-biostandard methods.

Physiological Ecology of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Rearing in Fluctuating Salinity Environments

Physiological Ecology of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus Tshawytscha) Rearing in Fluctuating Salinity Environments PDF Author: Crystal R. Hackmann
Category : Chinook salmon
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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Estuaries provide juvenile salmonids with highly productive feeding grounds, refugia from tidal fluctuations and predators, and acclimation areas for smoltification. However, these dynamic, fluctuating salinity environments may also be physiologically stressful to growing juvenile fish. In order to evaluate the costs and benefits of estuarine marshes to juvenile Chinook salmon, I observed habitat use, diet, and growth of fish in the Nehalem Estuary on the Oregon coast. I also examined physiological costs associated with salmon living in fluctuating salinities and growth rates in laboratory experiments. I collected growth, diet and osmoregulation information from juvenile Chinook salmon in three tidal marsh sites in the Nehalem Bay and from juveniles in the Nehalem River. Stomach contents indicated that a high proportion of the diet is derived from terrestrial prey. These allochthonous prey resources likely become available during the flood stages of tidal cycles when drift, emergent and terrestrial insects would become available from the grasses surrounding the water. This field study confirmed that juvenile Chinook salmon utilized fluctuating salinity habitats to feed on a wide range of items including terrestrial-derived resources. Although field studies indicate that fish in estuarine habitats grow well and have access to quality prey resources, experimental manipulations of salinities were used to quantify the physiological costs of residing in the freshwater-saltwater transitional zone. In the laboratory, I designed an experiment to investigate the physiological responses to fluctuating salinities. Experimental treatments consisted of freshwater (FW), saltwater (SW) (22-25%o); and a fluctuating salinity (SW/FW) (2 - 25%o). These treatments were based on typical salinity fluctuations found in estuarine habitats. I measured length, weight, plasma electrolytes and cortisol concentrations for indications of growth and osmoregulatory function. The fluctuating salinity treatment had a negative effect on growth rate and initial osmoregulatory ability when compared with constant freshwater and saltwater treatments. The results indicated that fluctuating salinities had a small but marginally significant reduction in growth rate, possibly due to the additional energetic requirements of switching between hyper- and hypo-osmoregulation. However, 24-hour saltwater challenge results indicated that all fish were capable of osmoregulating in full-strength seawater. In a second experiment, I manipulated feed consumption rates of juvenile spring Chinook salmon to investigate the effects of variable growth rates on osmoregulatory ability and to test the validity of RNA:DNA ratios as indication of recent growth. The treatments consisted of three different feeding rates: three tanks of fish fed 0.7 5% (LOW) body weight; three tanks fed 3% (HIGH) body weight; and three tanks were fasted (NONE) during the experiment. These laboratory results showed a significant difference in the osmoregulatory ability of the NONE treatment compared to the LOW and HIGH treatments which indicates that a reduction in caloric intake significantly effected osmoregulatory capabilities during a 24 hour saltwater challenge. Furthermore, this suggests that there is a minimum energetic requirement in order to maintain proper ion- and osmoregulation in marine conditions. Estuarine marshes have the potential to provide productive feeding grounds with sufficient prey input from terrestrial systems. However, utilization of these marshes in sub-optimal conditions could alter behavior or impair physiological condition of juvenile Chinook salmon prior to their seaward migration by providing insufficient prey resources in a potentially stressful, fluctuating environment. Therefore, the physiological costs associated with estuarine habitat use should be well understood in order to aid future restoration planning.