Polarons in Advanced Materials

Polarons in Advanced Materials PDF Author: Alexandre S. Alexandrov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402063482
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 672

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Book Description
This book first introduces a single polaron and describes recent achievements in analytical and numerical studies of polaron properties in different e-ph models. It then describes multi-polaron physics as well as many key physical properties of high-temperature superconductors, colossal magnetoresistance oxides, conducting polymers and molecular nanowires, which were understood with polarons and bipolarons.

Polarons in Advanced Materials

Polarons in Advanced Materials PDF Author: Alexandre S. Alexandrov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402063482
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 672

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Book Description
This book first introduces a single polaron and describes recent achievements in analytical and numerical studies of polaron properties in different e-ph models. It then describes multi-polaron physics as well as many key physical properties of high-temperature superconductors, colossal magnetoresistance oxides, conducting polymers and molecular nanowires, which were understood with polarons and bipolarons.

High Tc Superconductors and Related Transition Metal Oxides

High Tc Superconductors and Related Transition Metal Oxides PDF Author: Annette Bussmann-Holder
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 354071023X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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This book presents theoretical as well as experimental articles focused on recent new results in high temperature superconductivity. All contributors are high ranking scientists who have done major work to enhance the understanding of this phenomenon. A few articles deal with ferroelectricity and its applications. The book is dedicated to Prof. Dr. K. Alex Müller on his 80th birthday. During his scientific career he made major advances in the understanding of ferroelectricity.

Polarons and Bipolarons in High-Tc Superconductors and Related Materials

Polarons and Bipolarons in High-Tc Superconductors and Related Materials PDF Author: E. K. H. Salje
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521481759
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 478

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Book Description
This book presents the polaron and bipolaron theory of high-temperature superconductivity.

Models and Methods of High-Tc Superconductivity

Models and Methods of High-Tc Superconductivity PDF Author: J. K. Srivastava
Publisher: Nova Publishers
ISBN: 9781590336670
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 438

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Book Description
The articles in this exceptional book contain regular papers, extended papers and reviews, and thus vary in length and are useful for all kinds of audience. They describe, as the book's name suggests, HTSC models and methodologies. Physical models (like extended BCS model, bipolaron model, spin bag model, RVB (resonating valence bond) model, preformed Cooper pairs and antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation (AFSF) based models, stripe phase, paired cluster (spin glass (SG) frustration based) model, Kamimura-Suwa (Hund's coupling mechanism based) model, electron- plasmon interaction, electron- phonon interaction, etc.), theoretical methods (methodologies) (like generalised BCS-Migdal-Eliashberg theory, Hubbard model, t-J model, t-t'-U model, Hubbard-Holstein model, Fermi-, non Fermi- and marginal Fermi- liquid concepts, generalised Hartree-Fock formalism, etc.) and, experimental status and methodologies are all described there. For comparison with cuprates, fullerenes, ruthenates, organic-, non Cu-containing oxide-and conventional (elemental, A15)- superconductors, molecular crystals, nickelates, manganites, borides etc. are also discussed.

Models and Phenomenology for Conventional and High-Temperature Superconductivity

Models and Phenomenology for Conventional and High-Temperature Superconductivity PDF Author: Società italiana di fisica
Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 1614992215
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 527

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Book Description
The search for microscopic models to explain the many superconducting substances has introduced seminal concepts and techniques in many-body physics and in statistical mechanics. The complexity of the high-temperature superconductors has required a remarkable refinement of experimental techniques in order to allow a reliable characterization of the samples, and is partly the reason why so many different microscopic models have so far been proposed. This Enrico Fermi Course on Superconductivity was provided an up-to date presentation of selected experimental and theoretical theories on the (so called) conventional superconductivity and on the high temperature superconductivity. The attention was focused on those reliable measurements which are expected to provide the theory with key constraints, viz: Raman and Infrared Spectroscopy, Nuclear Spin Resonance, Angular Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, transport measurements, Josephson effect. The lectures devoted to the overview of the BCS theory and to the discussion of minimal models and of the crossover from BCS to Bose-Einstein condensation may be particularly useful. The remaining part of the program was shared between phonon and non-phonon based mechanisms. On the one hand, special emphasis has been devoted to the breakdown of the Migdal theorem and to polaronic theories. On the other, the book contains an overview of strongly correlated electron theories, including magnetic interactions. A survey of the physics of vortices completes the theoretical part of the lectures.

Advances in Polaron Physics

Advances in Polaron Physics PDF Author: Alexandre S. Alexandrov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642018963
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 171

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Book Description
This book reviews recent developments in the field of polarons, starting with the basics and covering a number of active directions of research. It integrates theory and experimental results.

High-Tc Superconductivity 1996

High-Tc Superconductivity 1996 PDF Author: E. Kaldis
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401155542
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 583

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After an introduction by J.G. Bednorz, describing the discovery of high Tc superconductivity and its consequences, the book goes on to describe modern research, dealing with general problems, new materials and structures, phase separation, electronic homogeneities and related problems, and applications. Specific systems dealt with include the La-cuprates. the Bi-cuprates and the Y-cuprates and related compounds.

Polarons and Bipolarons

Polarons and Bipolarons PDF Author: Ashok Chatterjee
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351644920
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 348

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Book Description
This book provides a comprehensive review of the subject of polaron and a thorough account of the sophisticated theories of the polaron. It explains the concept of the polaron physics in as simple a manner as possible and presents the theoretical techniques and mathematical derivations in great detail. Anybody who follows this book will develop a solid command over the subject both conceptually and technically and will be in a position to contribute to this field.

Nanotechnology for Electronic Materials and Devices

Nanotechnology for Electronic Materials and Devices PDF Author: Anatoli Korkin
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387499652
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 371

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Quickly becoming the hottest topic of the new millennium (2.4 billion dollars funding in US alone) Current status and future trends of micro and nanoelectronics research Written by leading experts in the corresponding research areas Excellent tutorial for graduate students and reference for "gurus" Provides a broad overlook and fundamentals of nanoscience and nanotechnology from chemistry to electronic devices


Polarons PDF Author: David Emin
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521519063
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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Book Description
A distinctive introduction to the principles governing polaron science for experimental and theoretical graduate students and researchers.