Orthodontics Unveiled: Exploring Emerging Trends in Dental Alignment

Orthodontics Unveiled: Exploring Emerging Trends in Dental Alignment PDF Author: Dr Sonali Mahadevia
Publisher: Inkbound Publishers
ISBN: 8197081301
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 195

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Gain insights into the latest trends and techniques in orthodontics with this detailed exploration of dental alignment advancements. Ideal for dental professionals and students, this book covers cutting-edge practices and technologies transforming orthodontic care.

Orthodontics Unveiled: Exploring Emerging Trends in Dental Alignment

Orthodontics Unveiled: Exploring Emerging Trends in Dental Alignment PDF Author: Dr Sonali Mahadevia
Publisher: Inkbound Publishers
ISBN: 8197081301
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 195

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Book Description
Gain insights into the latest trends and techniques in orthodontics with this detailed exploration of dental alignment advancements. Ideal for dental professionals and students, this book covers cutting-edge practices and technologies transforming orthodontic care.

Vision Attentive Technology

Vision Attentive Technology PDF Author: H.M.K.K.M.B. Herath
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040271154
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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This book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of vision attentive technology and artificial intelligence methodologies for functional mobility assessment in elderly populations. Vision Attentive Technology and Functional Mobility Assessment in Elderly Healthcare, begins with a general introduction to vision-attentive technology and its uses in the care of older people. Next it examines functional mobility in senior populations and offers a critique of the methods used today for evaluation. The authors then present several artificial intelligence approaches and vision-aware systems used for screening age related diseases such as Parkinson's disease and sarcopenia. The book also presents the difficulties and possibilities of using visual attentive technology to identify functional impairments caused by aging. This book would be helpful to researchers in the field of healthcare, especially those interested in using technology to enhance patient outcomes. Geriatricians, physical therapists, and occupational therapists who treat older patients will also benefit from reading this book. It will also be helpful to readers who are studying biomedical engineering, artificial intelligence, and healthcare.


Jaws PDF Author: Sandra Kahn
Publisher: Stanford University Press
ISBN: 1503606465
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 265

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There's a silent epidemic in western civilization, and it is right under our noses. Our jaws are getting smaller and our teeth crooked and crowded, creating not only aesthetic challenges but also difficulties with breathing. Modern orthodontics has persuaded us that braces and oral devices can correct these problems. While teeth can certainly be straightened, what about the underlying causes of this rapid shift in oral evolution and the health risks posed by obstructed airways? Sandra Kahn and Paul R. Ehrlich, a pioneering orthodontist and a world-renowned evolutionist, respectively, present the biological, dietary, and cultural changes that have driven us toward this major health challenge. They propose simple adjustments that can alleviate this developing crisis, as well as a major alternative to orthodontics that promises more significant long-term relief. Jaws will change your life. Every parent should read this book.

Aligner Orthodontics

Aligner Orthodontics PDF Author: Werner Schupp
Publisher: Quintessence
ISBN: 9781850972846
Category : Dentistry
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book presents useful tips and strategies on how to integrate the Invisalign system successfully into clinical practice. The authors review the diagnostic protocols and the biomechanics of aligners before presenting Invisalign treatment protocols. With the support of accompanying case documentation, discussion of each malocclusion includes information on the associated symptoms, the rationale behind the selected treatment approaches, and the various outcomes achieved. The last section of the book deals with the advantages of the Invisalign system, and is intended to decide help patients and clinicians whether this system can provide optimal treatment outcomes in particular clinical situations. This is a practical manual for any clinician interested in the novel treatment modality of aligner orthodontics.


Telemedicine PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309175399
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 287

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Telemedicineâ€"the use of information and telecommunications technologies to provide and support health care when distance separates the participantsâ€"is receiving increasing attention not only in remote areas where health care access is troublesome but also in urban and suburban locations. Yet the benefits and costs of this blend of medicine and digital technologies must be better demonstrated before today's cautious decision-makers invest significant funds in its development. Telemedicine presents a framework for evaluating patient care applications of telemedicine. The book identifies managerial, technical, policy, legal, and human factors that must be taken into account in evaluating a telemedicine program. The committee reviews previous efforts to establish evaluation frameworks and reports on results from several completed studies of image transmission, consulting from remote locations, and other telemedicine programs. The committee also examines basic elements of an evaluation and considers relevant issues of quality, accessibility, and cost of health care. Telemedicine will be of immediate interest to anyone with interest in the clinical application of telemedicine.

An Introduction to Orthodontics

An Introduction to Orthodontics PDF Author: Laura Mitchell
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198568126
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 282

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Providing an introduction to current thinking and practice in orthodontics, this text covers all aspects of the field, including clinical practice and treatment planning.

Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment - E-Book

Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment - E-Book PDF Author: Ravindra Nanda
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323683835
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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Improve patient outcomes with the latest advances in aligner treatment and orthodontics! Principles and Biomechanics of Aligner Treatment describes how to use and adjust the materials involved in tooth alignment. Featuring full-color photos and illustrations, this book provides a clear overview of tooth alignment techniques along with step-by-step instructions for both normal and unusual cases. An Expert Consult website includes access to the fully searchable eBook. From a team of active clinicians and researchers led by Ravindra Nanda, this expert resource takes your orthodontic skills to the next level. - Protocols for treatment describe how to manage aligner orthodontics cases in almost every clinical situation. - Full-color photos and illustrations show clinical cases. - Expert, international authors represent the top fields of aligner orthodontics and provide the latest thinking and the most current procedures. - Explanation of biological science makes it easier to understand the principles behind aligner treatment. - Coverage of mechanical properties clearly explains the materials used in aligner orthodontics. - Tips and tricks provide advice and insight into technical adjustment. - Expert Consult website includes fully searchable access to the entire text with each new print purchase.

Clinical Guide to Accelerated Orthodontics

Clinical Guide to Accelerated Orthodontics PDF Author: Mani Alikhani
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319434012
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 140

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This book is a complete reference for all clinicians who are interested in incorporating into their daily practice the techniques available to reduce the duration of orthodontic treatment and to overcome other treatment limitations. It focuses especially on micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) as the most conservative, efficient, and versatile approach to increase the rate of tooth movement. The opening chapters describe the biological principles of current accelerated techniques at the molecular and cellular levels and introduce guidelines on how to select the best acceleration approach based on each patient’s needs. Clinicians are then guided step by step through the application of MOPs, case selection, and treatment planning. It is explained how MOPs can be incorporated into daily mechanotherapy for the treatment of different malocclusions and how to take advantage of the catabolic and anabolic effects of the procedure to expand the boundary of orthodontic and orthopaedic corrections. The book is written in a simple and clear language with many illustrations and clinical examples to facilitate understanding of concepts and procedures. In addition, it is a rich source for academicians and researchers interested in a comprehensive and updated review on theories of tooth movement and accelerated orthodontic techniques.

Handbook of Orthodontics for the Student and General Practitioner

Handbook of Orthodontics for the Student and General Practitioner PDF Author: Robert E. Moyers
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 800

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The Future of Orthodontics

The Future of Orthodontics PDF Author: Carine Carels
Publisher: Leuven University Press
ISBN: 9789061869047
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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