Ora the Sea Monster

Ora the Sea Monster PDF Author: Cari Meister
Publisher: Capstone
ISBN: 1434217469
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Book Description
Hidden under the sea, Ora's gold collection is her best treasure. Ora will do almost anything to get more gold. But does that include fighting a big scary giant?

Ora the Sea Monster

Ora the Sea Monster PDF Author: Cari Meister
Publisher: Capstone
ISBN: 1434217469
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Book Description
Hidden under the sea, Ora's gold collection is her best treasure. Ora will do almost anything to get more gold. But does that include fighting a big scary giant?

Merchant Vessels of the United States

Merchant Vessels of the United States PDF Author:
Category : Merchant marine
Languages : en
Pages : 2152

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Book Three of the Corpus Tibullianum

Book Three of the Corpus Tibullianum PDF Author: Robert Maltby
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527574083
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 711

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Book Description
This book presents the first commentary on the whole of [Tibullus] 3 in English. It consists of a text, translation, introduction and commentary. The text rests on the author’s autopsy of the most important manuscripts of [Tibullus]. The prose translation is as literal as possible, in order to bring out clearly the meaning of the Latin. The detailed line-by-line commentary serves to clarify the language and literary associations of the poems and to back up the theory that the whole work was composed by a single unitary author. It argues that what were previously thought of as separate sections of the book, composed by different authors at different times, were in fact the product of a single anonymous poet impersonating, or adopting the mask of, different characters in each section: Lygdamus (poems 1-6), a young Tibullus (7), a commentator on Sulpicia’s affair with Cerinthus (8-12), Sulpicia (13-18) and Tibullus (19-20). The close connections and associations between these different sections and their use of the same Augustan intertexts are shown to favour a unitary interpretation of the work. The main literary inspiration for the work, this volume argues, comes from the elegists of the Augustan period, but its date of composition could have been late in the first century AD, linking it with the other pseudepigraphical writings of this century such as the Virgilian and Ovidian Appendices.

Merchant Vessels of the United States...

Merchant Vessels of the United States... PDF Author: United States. Coast Guard
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1034

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Moopy on the Beach

Moopy on the Beach PDF Author: Cari Meister
Publisher: Capstone Classroom
ISBN: 1434223043
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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Book Description
Moopy's day at the beach is almost ruined by Ora's digging.

Sheridan Improved. A General Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language...

Sheridan Improved. A General Pronouncing and Explanatory Dictionary of the English Language... PDF Author: Thomas Sheridan
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 558

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Boston Journal of Chemistry and Popular Science Review

Boston Journal of Chemistry and Popular Science Review PDF Author:
Category : Chemistry
Languages : en
Pages : 608

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Movie Monsters of the Deep

Movie Monsters of the Deep PDF Author: Faith Roswell
Publisher: White Owl
ISBN: 1399052993
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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Book Description
Is there a shark movie that is scarier than Jaws? What is the sneaky secret hidden in the Loch Ness monster’s name? How did the Gill-man in Creature from the Black Lagoon become a romantic hero? Do mermaids count as sea monsters? What terrifying sea creature was discovered to really exist, and just what on earth is a globster? From Kraken to kaiju, Open Water to The Shallows, monsters of the deep have fascinated and horrified us for centuries. There’s even a name for the fear of deep bodies of water: thalassophobia. Humans have a natural fear of predators in the water, and yet we just can’t stop thinking about them! There are a lot of deep water monster movies out there; good, bad, strange and ‘so bad it’s good’. This book has collected some of the best, worst and most interesting out there to tell you about. If you ever wanted to know your crocodile from your Cthulhu and find out how they make the monsters come alive, whether you like your monsters in the ocean or in lakes, based on real animals or totally made up, with fins or tentacles, one head or five, if you love your movie monsters of the deep then this book was written for you.

Ovid, Fasti 1

Ovid, Fasti 1 PDF Author: Steven J. Green
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004139850
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 382

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Book Description
This commentary provides a detailed analysis of the first book of Ovid's Fasti, a complex poem which takes as its central framework the Roman calendar in the late Augustan/early Tiberian period and purports to deal with its religious festivals and their origins. Book I covers the month of January, and has proven to be particularly challenging to readers in light of the apparent revision/reworking of the text undertaken by the poet whilst in exile. This commentary - the most extensive yet on any single book of the poem - locates the text of Book I firmly in its literary, historical, and socio-political contexts and seeks both to incorporate and build on the recent scholarship on the poem. In light of the special nature of Book I, the commentary is prefaced by two introductory sections, the second of which tackles head-on the problems (and dynamics) of post-exilic reworking of the text.

Mrs. Caliban

Mrs. Caliban PDF Author: Rachel Ingalls
Publisher: New Directions Publishing
ISBN: 081122709X
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 115

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Book Description
Now back in print, Mrs. Caliban is “totally unforgettable” (The New York Times Book Review) and “something of a miracle” (The New Yorker) In the quiet suburbs, while Dorothy is doing chores and waiting for her husband to come home from work, not in the least anticipating romance, she hears a strange radio announcement about a monster who has just escaped from the Institute for Oceanographic Research… Reviewers have compared Rachel Ingalls’s Mrs. Caliban to King Kong, Edgar Allan Poe’s stories, the films of David Lynch, Beauty and the Beast, The Wizard of Oz, E.T., Richard Yates’s domestic realism, B-horror movies, and the fairy tales of Angela Carter—how such a short novel could contain all of these disparate elements is a testament to its startling and singular charm.