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Author: Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9783540239536
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 420
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This volume contains a collection of papers in control theory and applications presented at a conference in honor of Clyde Martin on the occasion of his 60th birthday, held in Lubbock, Texas, November 14-15, 2003.
Author: Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9783540239536
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 420
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This volume contains a collection of papers in control theory and applications presented at a conference in honor of Clyde Martin on the occasion of his 60th birthday, held in Lubbock, Texas, November 14-15, 2003.
Author: Thomas A. Weber
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262015730
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 387
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A rigorous introduction to optimal control theory, with an emphasis on applications in economics. This book bridges optimal control theory and economics, discussing ordinary differential equations, optimal control, game theory, and mechanism design in one volume. Technically rigorous and largely self-contained, it provides an introduction to the use of optimal control theory for deterministic continuous-time systems in economics. The theory of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is the backbone of the theory developed in the book, and chapter 2 offers a detailed review of basic concepts in the theory of ODEs, including the solution of systems of linear ODEs, state-space analysis, potential functions, and stability analysis. Following this, the book covers the main results of optimal control theory, in particular necessary and sufficient optimality conditions; game theory, with an emphasis on differential games; and the application of control-theoretic concepts to the design of economic mechanisms. Appendixes provide a mathematical review and full solutions to all end-of-chapter problems. The material is presented at three levels: single-person decision making; games, in which a group of decision makers interact strategically; and mechanism design, which is concerned with a designer's creation of an environment in which players interact to maximize the designer's objective. The book focuses on applications; the problems are an integral part of the text. It is intended for use as a textbook or reference for graduate students, teachers, and researchers interested in applications of control theory beyond its classical use in economic growth. The book will also appeal to readers interested in a modeling approach to certain practical problems involving dynamic continuous-time models.
Author: Jean Pierre Aubin
Category : Differential inclusions
Languages : en
Pages : 584
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This work examines viability theory and its applications to control theory and differential games. The emphasis is on the construction of feedbacks and dynamical systems by myopic optimization methods. Systems of first-order partial differential inclusions, whose solutions are feedbacks, are constructed and investigated. Basic results are then extended to the case of fuzzy control problems, distributed control problems, and control systems with delays and memory. Aimed at graduate students and research mathematicians, both pure and applied, this book offers specialists in control and nonlinear systems tools to take into account general state constraints. Viability theory also allows researchers in other disciplinesâartificial intelligence, economics, game theory, theoretical biology, population genetics, cognitive sciencesâto go beyond deterministic models by studying them in a dynamical or evolutionary perspective in an uncertain environment. "The book is a compendium of the state of knowledge about viability...Mathematically, the book should be accessible to anyone who has had basic graduate courses in modern analysis and functional analysisâ¦The concepts are defined and many proofs of the requisite results are reproduced here, making the present book essentially self-contained." (Bulletin of the AMS) "Because of the wide scope, the book is an ideal reference for people encountering problems related to viability theory in their researchâ¦It gives a very thorough mathematical presentation. Very useful for anybody confronted with viability constraints." (Mededelingen van het Wiskundig Genootschap)
Author: Freda Adler
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000948870
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 220
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New Directions in Criminological Theory focuses on new approaches to theory construction, with particular emphasis on reformulations and new applications of existing paradigms. It includes an assessment of labeling theory, demonstrating how the approach could become part of a more comprehensive explanation of crime. A case is made for studying crime in terms of the social context in which crimes are conceived, interpreted, and negotiated. The debate between crime-general and crime-specific approaches is further amplified. A rethinking of Hirschi's control theory is presented. The volume includes theoretical discussions of spouse abuse, of punishment, and of power-control models. Additional chapters examine theoretical advances in corporate illegality, employee theft, and the alcohol/crime syndrome.These original contributions include: Charles F. Wellford and Ruth A. Triplett, 'The Future of Labeling Theory'; Austin T. Turk, 'A Proposed Resolution of Key Issues in the Political Sociology of Law'; David Weisburd and Lisa Maher, 'Contrasting Crime-General and Crime-Specific Theory'; Sally Simpson, 'Strategy, Structure, and Corporate Crime'; Edward W. Sieh, 'Employee theft'; Robert Nash Parker, 'Alcohol and Theories of Homicide'; Kimberly L. Kemph, 'The Empirical Status of Hirschi's Control Theory'; Jeffrey Fagan, 'The Social Control of Spouse Assualt'; Marc Le Blanc and Aaron Caplan, 'Theoretical Formalization, A Necessity'; Michael J. Lynch, 'Control Theory and Punishment'; Gary F. Jensen, 'Power-Control vs. Social-Control Theories of Common Delinquency'; John Hagan, A.R. Gillis, and John Simpson, 'The Power of Control in Sociological Theories of Delinquency.'
Author: Freda Adler
Publisher: Transaction Publishers
ISBN: 9781412829588
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 426
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1. The future of labeling theory: foundations and promises -- 2. A proposed resolution of key issues in the political sociology of law -- 3. Contrasting crime general and crime specific theory: The case of hot spots of crime -- 4. Strategy, structure, and corporate crime: the historical context of anticompetitive behavior -- 5. Employee theft: an examination of Gerald Mars and explaination based on equity theory -- 6. Alcohol and theories of homicide -- 7. The empirical status and Hirschi's Control Theory -- 8. The ocial control of spouse assault -- 9. Theoretical formalization, a necessity: The example of Hirchi's Bonding theory -- 10. Control theory and punishment: an analysis of control theory as a penal philosophy -- 11. Power-control verses social-control theories of common delinquency: a comparitive analysis -- Comments: The power of control insociologica theories of delinquency.
Author: B. Bandyopadhyay
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540483942
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 282
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This book presents an overview over smart structures - its concepts, its active involvement in the vibration control, their applications and the extensive research work done.
Author: Wudhichai Assawinchaichote
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540370129
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 180
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Most real physical systems are nonlinear in nature. Control and?ltering of nonlinear systems are still open problems due to their complexity natures. These problem becomes more complex when the system's parameters are - certain. A common approach to designing a controller/?lter for an uncertain nonlinear system is to linearize the system about an operating point, and uses linear control theory to design a controller/?lter. This approach is successful when the operating point of the system is restricted to a certain region. H- ever, when a wide range operation of the system is required, this method may fail. ThisbookpresentsnewnovelmethodologiesfordesigningrobustH fuzzy? controllers and robustH fuzzy?lters for a class of uncertain fuzzy systems? (UFSs), uncertain fuzzy Markovian jump systems (UFMJSs), uncertain fuzzy singularly perturbed systems (UFSPSs) and uncertain fuzzy singularly p- turbed systems with Markovian jumps (UFSPS-MJs). These new meth- ologies provide a framework for designing robustH fuzzy controllers and? robustH fuzzy?lters for these classes of systems based on a Tagaki-Sugeno? (TS) fuzzy model. Solutions to the design problems are presented in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). To investigate the design problems, we?rst describe a class of uncertain nonlinear systems (UNSs), uncertain nonlinear Markovianjumpsystems(UNMJSs), uncertainnonlinearsingularlyperturbed systems(UNSPSs)anduncertainnonlinearsingularlyperturbedsystemswith Markovian jumps (UNSPS-MJs) by a TS fuzzy system with parametric - certainties and with/without Markovian jumps. Then, based on an LMI - proach, we develop a technique for designing robustH fuzzy controllers and? robustH fuzzy?lters such that a given prescribed performance index is? guaranteed.
Author: Sophie Tarbouriech
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540370102
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 462
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Physical, safety and technological constraints suggest that control actuators can neither provide unlimited amplitude signals nor unlimited speed of reaction. The techniques described in this book are useful for industrial applications in aeronautical or space domains, and in the context of biological systems. Such methods are well suited for the development of tools that help engineers to solve analysis and synthesis problems of control systems with input and output constraints.
Author: John O’Reilly
Publisher: Troubador Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1803139498
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 163
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With this short book, Professor O'Reilly brings his considerable engineering experience to bear upon three subjects close to his heart: dynamical systems, automatic control and singular perturbations.
Author: Magnus Egerstedt
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540789294
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 692
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This volume contains the proceedings ofthe 11th Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2008) held in St. Louis, Missouriduring April 22–24,2008.The annual workshop on hybrid systems focuses on researchin - bedded,reactivesystemsinvolvingtheinterplaybetweensymbolic/switchingand continuous dynamical behaviors. HSCC attracts academic as well as industrial researchers to exchange information on the latest developments of applications and theoretical advancements in the design, analysis, control, optimization, and implementation of hybrid systems, with particular attention to embedded and networked control systems. New for this year was that HSCC was part of the inaugural CPSWEEK (Cyber-Physical Systems Week) – a co-located cluster of three conferences: HSCC, RTAS (Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Sym- sium), and IPSN (International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks). The previous workshops in the series of HSCC were held in Berkeley, USA (1998),Nijmegen,TheNetherlands(1999),Pittsburgh,USA(2000),Rome,Italy (2001), Palo Alto, USA (2002), Prague, Czech Republic (2003), Philadelphia, USA (2004),Zurich, Switzerland (2005) , Santa Barbara,USA (2006), and Pisa, Italy (2007). We would like to thank the Program Committee members and the reviewers for an excellent job of evaluating the submissions and participating in the online Program Committee discussions. We are grateful to the Steering Committee for their helpful guidance and support. We would also like to thank Patrick Martin for putting together these proceedings, and Jiuguang Wang for developing and maintaining the HSCC 2008 website. January 2008 Magnus Egerstedt Bud Mishra Organization HSCC 2008 was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society and organized in cooperation with ACM/SIGBED.