Coffee Shop Theology

Coffee Shop Theology PDF Author: Frank Moore
ISBN: 9780834117327
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Finally, a readable, understandable book that explains theological concepts and brings them into focus for everyday living. In his most recent book, Dr. Frank Moore covers the spectrum of theological concepts and brings it by the 'digestible' handfuls into your living room. Don't be turned off by the word 'theology.' Dr. Moore has left all the big words in the fat books.

Coffee Shop Theology

Coffee Shop Theology PDF Author: Frank Moore
ISBN: 9780834117327
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Finally, a readable, understandable book that explains theological concepts and brings them into focus for everyday living. In his most recent book, Dr. Frank Moore covers the spectrum of theological concepts and brings it by the 'digestible' handfuls into your living room. Don't be turned off by the word 'theology.' Dr. Moore has left all the big words in the fat books.

More Coffee Shop Theology

More Coffee Shop Theology PDF Author: Frank Moore
Publisher: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City
ISBN: 9780834117464
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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"This second volume tackles topics including prevenient grace, saving faith, regneration, predestination, baptism, tribulation, millennial views, eternity, and more. Your understanding of theology ('the study of God') becomes clearer through a 'grass-roots' approach. This book provides basic, applicable instruction to assist you in defining what you believe."--Publisher.

Coffee Shop Conversations

Coffee Shop Conversations PDF Author: Dale and Jonalyn Fincher
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310395658
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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This Coffee Shop Conversations Ebook, by Dale and Jonalyn Fincher, will help you discover the fine art of sharing your faith ... without losing your friends.There are as many different styles of faith these days as there are ways to order your latte. So how do you talk to people about Jesus without offending them? By learning to cultivate respect and love for those who are different. Dale and Jonalyn Fincher will help you:• Gently invite others to share.• Cultivate an attitude of tolerance.• Avoid the buzzwords that will stop a conversation cold.• Talk about Jesus as a unique spiritual leader.• Listen more effectively.• Strengthen your own knowledge of your faith.Make the most of those casual, coffee shop moments. Find common ground as you gently and lovingly invite people to become followers and students of Jesus. It’s all here for you in this Ebook—Coffee Shop Conversations: Making the Most of Spiritual Small Talk.

Bad Theology Kills

Bad Theology Kills PDF Author: Kevin Garcia
ISBN: 9781656651808
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Bad theology nearly took Kevin's life. They believed that God could never love them because they were queer, leading to a deadly shame that nearly took Kevin's life. Kevin felt trapped by fear. Fear of losing their community, their family, and even their connection to God.That is until Kevin changed their mind, finally hearing the voice of the Spirit calling them to believe something better.Through personal experience, classical theological devices, and a fair bit of profanity, Kevin dives into some of the most common toxic belief patterns that are killing our communities, showing you how to undo them, and how to create new, better theology to lead you back to your spiritual authority.Bad Theology Kills is the first step on leaving behind a religion filled with fear and blossoming into a life and spirituality grounded in Love....Like many Evangelical Christians, Kevin grew up believing that being gay was a sin punishable by hell and social ex-communication. After 12 years of ex-gay therapy resulting in two suicide attempts, Kevin realized that God never would ask them to give up who they were, but rather God invited Kevin deeper into the heart of Love, deeper into who they always were meant to be. They realized that Love doesn't have to hurt, and that God was much bigger than anticipated.Through personal stories, fresh takes on old Bible stories, and employing trusted theological devices, Bad Theology Kills shows us not only can we craft new theologies that can redeem our faith, but we can save lives. Bad theology is killing all of us. And a better way is possible.

Exploring Christian Theology : Volume 3

Exploring Christian Theology : Volume 3 PDF Author: Nathan D. Holsteen
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 1441263616
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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Dallas Seminary Professors Make Basic Theology Accessible for All Theology doesn't have to be complicated. In this book, trusted Dallas Seminary professors present a concise systematic theology that distills the essential spiritual truths in a way that makes sense to readers--students, lay people, and pastors. Here are introductions, overviews, and reviews of key tenets of orthodox protestant evangelical doctrines. The book also includes an annotated list of key applicable Bible texts, a quick-paced story of doctrine throughout church history, heresies or distortions to be aware of, and more. Exploring Christian Theology is useful for discipleship, catechism, membership training, preview or review of doctrine, or quick personal reference. It can also be used by ministry training programs, Bible colleges, or seminaries as an introductory primer to orient students in preparation for a more in-depth study of theology.

God's Advocates

God's Advocates PDF Author: Rupert Shortt
Publisher: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing
ISBN: 9780802830845
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Religion journalist Rupert Shortt's lively interviews introduce readers to eighteen respected Christian thinkers who have contributed to the recent renaissance in theology.

Rediscovering Paul

Rediscovering Paul PDF Author: David B. Capes
Publisher: InterVarsity Press
ISBN: 0830889027
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 478

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For some of us, the apostle Paul is intimidating, like a distant and difficult uncle. Maybe not someone you'd like to hang out with at a coffee shop on a rainy day. He'd make a scene, evangelize the barista, and arouse looks across the room. For a mid-morning latte, we'd prefer Jesus over Paul. But Paul is actually the guy who—from Ephesus to Athens—was the talk of the marketplace, the raconteur of the Parthenon. He knew everyone, founded emerging churches, loved the difficult people, and held his own against the intellectuals of his day. If you’re willing to give Paul a try, Rediscovering Paul is your reliable guide. This is a book that reacquaints us with Paul, as if for the first time. Drawing on the best of contemporary scholarship, and with language shaped by teaching and conversing with today's students, Rediscovering Paul is a textbook that has passed the test. Now in a reworked edition, it's better than ever. There are fresh discussions of Paul’s letter writing and how those letters were received in the churches, new considerations of pseudonymity and the authenticity of Paul’s letters, and updated coverage of recent developments in interpreting Paul. from Paul’s conversion and call to his ongoing impact on church and culture, this second edition of Rediscovering Paul comes enthusiastically recommended.


看风云渐变 PDF Author: 郭汉成
Publisher: 文桥传播中心
ISBN: 9675364459
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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序 I 浩歌惊得浮云散,细数青山 /《看风云渐变》黄子 一九七七年,也就是写作团契成立的那一年,我国主流教会正在筹划设立一间神学院,但却因领袖之间的神学立场分歧,变成了两间。其一是原本倡议的马来西亚神学院;另一间是部分领袖因为质疑某宗派领袖的基要信仰立场,以致退出,另起炉灶创立马来西亚圣经神学院。 不过三十多年,这一桩大马教会史上极为重大的公案之一,大多数的弟兄姐妹都对之不甚了了,稍有所知者,则是讳莫如深;在那一代的领袖们大多安息之后,仅留下模煳印象。这问题根源是那几十年间大马教会的福音派信仰和自由派之间的紧张对立,而信仰立场在那一代的长辈是可以“生死相许”的,不是口沫横飞讲讲说说的神学议题或做神学这么“超然”。十年世事,尚且几番新,当年坚持“神迹奇事这些超自然现象纯属个人信仰”——即不信神迹奇事的领袖之一,据传后来病重经历了神的医治,“灵恩”之后才息劳归主。而今日马来西亚神学院,也不是所谓新派的神学院了。 七十年代信主时,偶尔有些“有追求”的兄长们,会谈及我们“应传福音,千万别搞‘社会福音’,那是非常危险,是离经背道”。听得我们一头雾水,真是不知所云,因为根本不知什么是“社会福音”? 后来新加坡有位名牧的儿子念了神学,不信神,不信神迹,神学毕业后也不做传道人,才知道这叫自由派。 又后来在读了许多宣教士的见证后,稍稍接触简要的神学书籍,才慢慢知道什么是福音派和自由派。也慢慢地,才知道教会长期困在四面墙内是因为不要陷入“社会福音”的错谬中。其实,这说法又把问题过度简化。自由派有本钱去从事“社会福音”的活动,是靠自由派掌操西差会的财援。西差会退出之后,财援断绝,这类缺乏群众基础的自由派,也就无法“社会活动”。而为了抗拒社会福音,只重传福音的福音派,在洛桑会议之后,开始“社会关怀”事工。福音派能关怀社会,不是洛桑会议议定就能成事,更不能抽离长时间传福音领人归主,扩大了“群众基础”,人力财力增加之后,才能有心也有力。若像自由派在星马那样缺乏“群众基础”,在西方经援断绝之后,真有心也恐无力更无人。 曾经高踞宗派领导层的自由派领袖,已故的已故,下台的下台,退休的退休,当年的对立几已不复存在。这么重要的历史思潮激荡,知之者甚少,而它对大马中文教会今日的形成,却是极为重要,因此,值得我们探讨、梳理、反思。 在李小龙拳打日本人,一脚就踼碎“东亚病夫”这极具侮辱性的匾额,“全球”的青少年,特别是华裔青少人,真是为之迷倒。那时,已故方宗南会督谈起他在青年团的时代,在洋人的眼中,“东亚病夫”的形象依旧,因此教会的青年团,极关注卫生、体育、健康的议题。同时,马来西亚还是宣教士领导。在白人至上的年代,教会亦不例外,教牧同工,人分三等。白人一等,印度人二等,华人三等——从住医院到出门坐火车,都如此等级分明。 近日读新加坡卫理公会的长辈 Earnest Lau 所著的《From Mission to Church》,在一八九○年,白人教牧不包括妻儿、房屋、交通津贴,底薪高达1196元;淡米尔本处传道有360元,也有240元;而来自福州的华人教牧仅300元——白人教区长的仅交通津贴就是300元。因未列出淡米尔教牧的薪酬,无法得知真正的差异。各族的薪金不一,何时取消,则有待查考。而远在一次大战之前,教会内的不平等状态,已然形成张力。本土教牧、信徒领袖无论学历、恩赐、才干如何,皆受压制,这压制不止是教会学校,殖民政府绝不会让本土的华人或印度人担任校长,宣教士也绝不会同意让亚洲人骑在他们的头上。教会自己培育出来杰出的子弟,如W.F.Oldham会督视之如己出的Chen Chang Lok,当他在一九一○年考获芝加哥大学的法学博士,老会督在美国与他见面,虽然殖民政府和宣教士都不会让他出掌教会学校,会督还希望他回去新加坡屈就。他成了最早一个外流的人材,受聘为国民党广东政府驻新加坡的总领事。 本土教牧和领袖要求西教士放手,培育本土人材上位,并早日促进马来亚教会“三自”——自养自传自治。但这要经历漫长的互动,要等到一九六八年才选出第一个马来西亚的亚洲人的会督。 这只是那段漫长岁月,教会内所面对的重大思潮激荡演变之一。 从大马独立到今日,中文教会也经历了各方面的巨大变化。只因这变化不是风云突变,而是风云渐变,若我们只站在一个点,根本看不到其变,但若回首一顾五六十年来,则会惊觉其变之大。除了福音真理万古不变,世上和教会内没什么人、事是不变的。七十年代,我初入教会,外人很容易从姐妹的端庄衣着打扮看出这是分别为圣的基督徒,今日则形像模煳了。三、四十年前,教会弟兄姐妹过贞洁生活,一点都不是问题;今日要保持婚前没有性行为、婚后没有婚外情,竟渐成挑战矣。 当年我们主日唱《普天颁赞》或《赞美诗》,祷告会唱《闽南圣诗》。 《闽南圣诗》跟老姐妹读的“罗马字”(闽南音)圣经先被浪淘去,而我们青年团契唱的《青年圣诗》也跟《普天颁赞》、《赞美诗》一起渐渐进入历史了。当前的浪潮是短诗。任何新体裁的出现,都是良莠不齐,难免引起诸多争议。随着短诗涌过来,教会的讲台,开始舞台化了;更激进的舞台效果,黑色的墙壁、炫目的迪斯科灯光…… 记得初来吉隆坡,某一宗派有间堂会的牧师“走灵恩”,结果被逐出门户。可后来,当年有份将其逐出的领袖,不但当上会督,自己也“灵恩”了。 这几十年教会已起了极大的变化,是变得更好?或是偏离得更远? 灵恩运动、教会企业化、资讯爆炸对牧养所带来的冲击等等,都是来到了我们应该沉淀、省思、以致校正方向的时刻了。念风云变幻,但主恩仍然浩大,引领前路,我们的日子便不归于虚空。 在教会本土化之前,教会内的思潮与问题,肯定不止一端。而从马来亚独立到今日,大马华人教会也非铁板一块,因为真理不变,就可以以不变应万变。实际上,这几十年来,华人教会的变化,可大了。这课题,以及许多其他议题,都是应该正视、研讨、反省的。比如这不一定是城市教会才会走上“企业化”的顾客导向,忽视传福音的服事本质;又如当前短诗简直是风行草偃,传统圣诗这教会的瑰宝,竟像只剩老人不见青少年日益没落的教会才有机会“被唱”;在教育低落的时代牧养,和在教育普及又高化,资讯爆炸下的处境牧养,教会如何因应这巨大的落差呢? 从独立到现在,中文教会走了近一甲子的日子,那不是风云突变的时代,而是风云渐变的岁月,就因是渐,所以常会陷入不知不觉,偶一回首,才惊觉其变化之大。这变,究竟是变得更好?更糟? 为此,我们邀请国内外教会领袖学者,深入研究、探讨方方面面的演变,也恳请关心教会的主内肢体,出席互动,在主灵的光照下共同回顾、反省,展望前路。 第一屇的〈看风云渐变〉,我们共探讨了八个课题,结集成这本论文。另有许多课题,将会留待下一屇的研讨会继续探讨。是为序。

Having Coffee with God

Having Coffee with God PDF Author: Benjamin Abrahams
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 1663202664
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 132

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Four lifelong friends, on a college break in March, meet at the Truro Coffeehouse on the Cape. While telling their stories, the buddies realize they have shared past-life experiences. Each offering a different perspective, they recall memories of time spent together from the hunter-gatherer age to the present, exploring humankind’s progress in science, philosophy, technology, and religion. Beck, Sam, Tahn, and Gia consider the value of monotheistic religions—built on myth, fear, and ignorance—and come to realize religion is falling behind as thinking moves from incremental to exponential. They consider the enormous challenge of finding alternatives to traditional religious dogma and doctrine that will provide the meaningful explanations they seek in the twenty-first century. Having Coffee with God offers a forward-thinking perspective on the value of monotheistic traditions throughout history and, more importantly, into the future. It communicates that monotheism has not kept pace with the world’s advancements in science and understanding, and something must change. This novel presents author Benjamin Abrahams’ culmination of decades of study and observation on alternatives to best guide young people in the new millennium.

Café Theology

Café Theology PDF Author: Michael Lloyd
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
ISBN: 1473681235
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 373

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If theology doesn't stretch our minds, it probably won't stretch our lives. In Café Theology, Michael Lloyd invites us to travel on a journey from Creation to New Creation, visiting the Fall, the Incarnation, Resurrection and Ascension, and stopping off at the Trinity and the Church. Michael's inimitable gift for mixing insightful theology with unflinching honesty and a fantastic sense of humour offers an enriching view of life and the Life-Giver. You don't have to be a professor to understand this book - it's written for anyone who wants to explore theology more deeply, with a study guide to help think through each topic. Readers will be refreshed and encouraged as this distinctive book makes theology applicable to our ordinary lives.