Author: Chemsi, Ghizlane
Publisher: IGI Global
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 436
Book Description
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Education 5.0, educators and institutions grapple with unprecedented challenges in leveraging digital technologies to enhance teaching, learning, and assessment. The profound shift towards a more humanized educational experience, focusing on social and emotional growth alongside skill development, demands a paradigmatic transformation. However, a palpable gap exists in understanding and navigating the complexities of this digital transition. Educators, students, and administrators are left facing dilemmas related to pedagogical innovation, technology integration, and effective learning assessment in the digital age. Enter Teaching and Assessment in the Era of Education 5.0, a definitive guide poised to bridge the gap between the challenges posed by Education 5.0 and actionable solutions. The current educational milieu faces a conundrum as it attempts to adapt to the tenets of Education 5.0. The digital transition poses challenges, from incorporating immersive technologies to understanding the attitudes of educators and students towards digitization. Furthermore, the design and implementation of training and distance learning systems require a nuanced approach, calling for engineering expertise in training, pedagogy, and tutoring. The assessment landscape, crucial for gauging the effectiveness of learning in the digital era, grapples with contemporary trends, ethical considerations, and the ever-present specter of plagiarism. This multifaceted challenge necessitates a comprehensive resource that not only delineates the issues but offers actionable solutions to navigate this transformative journey.
Teaching and Assessment in the Era of Education 5.0
Author: Chemsi, Ghizlane
Publisher: IGI Global
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 436
Book Description
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Education 5.0, educators and institutions grapple with unprecedented challenges in leveraging digital technologies to enhance teaching, learning, and assessment. The profound shift towards a more humanized educational experience, focusing on social and emotional growth alongside skill development, demands a paradigmatic transformation. However, a palpable gap exists in understanding and navigating the complexities of this digital transition. Educators, students, and administrators are left facing dilemmas related to pedagogical innovation, technology integration, and effective learning assessment in the digital age. Enter Teaching and Assessment in the Era of Education 5.0, a definitive guide poised to bridge the gap between the challenges posed by Education 5.0 and actionable solutions. The current educational milieu faces a conundrum as it attempts to adapt to the tenets of Education 5.0. The digital transition poses challenges, from incorporating immersive technologies to understanding the attitudes of educators and students towards digitization. Furthermore, the design and implementation of training and distance learning systems require a nuanced approach, calling for engineering expertise in training, pedagogy, and tutoring. The assessment landscape, crucial for gauging the effectiveness of learning in the digital era, grapples with contemporary trends, ethical considerations, and the ever-present specter of plagiarism. This multifaceted challenge necessitates a comprehensive resource that not only delineates the issues but offers actionable solutions to navigate this transformative journey.
Publisher: IGI Global
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 436
Book Description
In the rapidly evolving landscape of Education 5.0, educators and institutions grapple with unprecedented challenges in leveraging digital technologies to enhance teaching, learning, and assessment. The profound shift towards a more humanized educational experience, focusing on social and emotional growth alongside skill development, demands a paradigmatic transformation. However, a palpable gap exists in understanding and navigating the complexities of this digital transition. Educators, students, and administrators are left facing dilemmas related to pedagogical innovation, technology integration, and effective learning assessment in the digital age. Enter Teaching and Assessment in the Era of Education 5.0, a definitive guide poised to bridge the gap between the challenges posed by Education 5.0 and actionable solutions. The current educational milieu faces a conundrum as it attempts to adapt to the tenets of Education 5.0. The digital transition poses challenges, from incorporating immersive technologies to understanding the attitudes of educators and students towards digitization. Furthermore, the design and implementation of training and distance learning systems require a nuanced approach, calling for engineering expertise in training, pedagogy, and tutoring. The assessment landscape, crucial for gauging the effectiveness of learning in the digital era, grapples with contemporary trends, ethical considerations, and the ever-present specter of plagiarism. This multifaceted challenge necessitates a comprehensive resource that not only delineates the issues but offers actionable solutions to navigate this transformative journey.
Author: Sajitha Bashir
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464814112
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 579
Book Description
Cet ouvrage présente une série d’orientations politiques, ainsi que leurs déclinaisons opérationnelles, permettant aux pays d’Afrique subsaharienne de relever le défi de l’amélioration de l’apprentissage tout en élargissant l’accès et en assurant l’achèvement d’une éducation de base pour tous. L’étude souligne l’importance de configurer le système éducatif de manière à ce qu’il soit constamment axé sur les résultats et à ce que tous les enfants aient accès à de bonnes écoles, du matériel d’apprentissage de qualité et d’excellents enseignants. L’approche de cet ouvrage est unique car elle caractérise les pays en fonction des défis auxquels ils ont été confrontés dans les années 1990 et selon les progrès accomplis en matière d’éducation au cours des 25 dernières années, ce qui permet ainsi aux pays de la région d’apprendre les uns des autres. Les auteurs présentent une revue de littérature et y ajoutent de nouvelles analyses tirées de multiples données provenant d’une trentaine pays de la région. Ils intègrent également des résultats de recherche sur ce qui influence l’apprentissage des enfants, leur accès à la scolarisation et les progrès accomplis grâce à l’éducation de base. Le livre tire des leçons sur la région pour la région à partir de ce qui fonctionne et de ce qui serait nécessaire d’améliorer. Le livre explore quatre pistes pour aider les pays à ajuster leurs systèmes éducatifs afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage : poursuivre les efforts inachevés visant à assurer une éducation de base universelle et de qualité, assurer une supervision et un soutien efficaces des enseignants, concentrer les priorités de dépenses et les procédures budgétaires sur l’amélioration de la qualité, et combler le déficit de capacités du système institutionnel. L’ouvrage se termine par une évaluation de la manière dont les prévisions de taux de fécondité et de croissance économique peuvent impacter les progrès futurs en matière d’éducation.
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464814112
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 579
Book Description
Cet ouvrage présente une série d’orientations politiques, ainsi que leurs déclinaisons opérationnelles, permettant aux pays d’Afrique subsaharienne de relever le défi de l’amélioration de l’apprentissage tout en élargissant l’accès et en assurant l’achèvement d’une éducation de base pour tous. L’étude souligne l’importance de configurer le système éducatif de manière à ce qu’il soit constamment axé sur les résultats et à ce que tous les enfants aient accès à de bonnes écoles, du matériel d’apprentissage de qualité et d’excellents enseignants. L’approche de cet ouvrage est unique car elle caractérise les pays en fonction des défis auxquels ils ont été confrontés dans les années 1990 et selon les progrès accomplis en matière d’éducation au cours des 25 dernières années, ce qui permet ainsi aux pays de la région d’apprendre les uns des autres. Les auteurs présentent une revue de littérature et y ajoutent de nouvelles analyses tirées de multiples données provenant d’une trentaine pays de la région. Ils intègrent également des résultats de recherche sur ce qui influence l’apprentissage des enfants, leur accès à la scolarisation et les progrès accomplis grâce à l’éducation de base. Le livre tire des leçons sur la région pour la région à partir de ce qui fonctionne et de ce qui serait nécessaire d’améliorer. Le livre explore quatre pistes pour aider les pays à ajuster leurs systèmes éducatifs afin d’améliorer l’apprentissage : poursuivre les efforts inachevés visant à assurer une éducation de base universelle et de qualité, assurer une supervision et un soutien efficaces des enseignants, concentrer les priorités de dépenses et les procédures budgétaires sur l’amélioration de la qualité, et combler le déficit de capacités du système institutionnel. L’ouvrage se termine par une évaluation de la manière dont les prévisions de taux de fécondité et de croissance économique peuvent impacter les progrès futurs en matière d’éducation.
ICT and Changing Mindsets in Education
Author: Kathryn Toure
Publisher: African Books Collective
ISBN: 9956715085
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 206
Book Description
The debate is no longer whether to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in education in Africa but how to do so, and how to ensure equitable access for teachers and learners, whether in urban or rural settings. This is a book about how Africans adopt and adapt ICT. It is also about how ICT shape African schools and classrooms. Why do we use ICT, or not? Do girls and boys use them in the same ways? How are teachers and students in primary and secondary schools in Africa using ICT in teaching and learning? How does the process transform relations among learners, educators and knowledge construction? This collection by 19 researchers from Africa, Europe, and North America, explores these questions from a pedagogical perspective and specific socio-cultural contexts. Many of the contributors draw on learning theory and survey data from 36 schools, 66000 students and 3000 teachers. The book is rich in empirical detail on the perceived importance and appropriation of ICT in the development of education in Africa. It critically examines the potential for creative use of ICT to question habits, change mindsets, and deepen practice. The contributions are in both English and French.
Publisher: African Books Collective
ISBN: 9956715085
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 206
Book Description
The debate is no longer whether to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in education in Africa but how to do so, and how to ensure equitable access for teachers and learners, whether in urban or rural settings. This is a book about how Africans adopt and adapt ICT. It is also about how ICT shape African schools and classrooms. Why do we use ICT, or not? Do girls and boys use them in the same ways? How are teachers and students in primary and secondary schools in Africa using ICT in teaching and learning? How does the process transform relations among learners, educators and knowledge construction? This collection by 19 researchers from Africa, Europe, and North America, explores these questions from a pedagogical perspective and specific socio-cultural contexts. Many of the contributors draw on learning theory and survey data from 36 schools, 66000 students and 3000 teachers. The book is rich in empirical detail on the perceived importance and appropriation of ICT in the development of education in Africa. It critically examines the potential for creative use of ICT to question habits, change mindsets, and deepen practice. The contributions are in both English and French.
Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018
Author: POUR
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464813191
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 522
Book Description
Chaque annee, le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde de la Banque mondiale met en vedette un sujet d'importance capitale pour le developpement mondial. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 - APPRENDRE pour realiser la promesse de l'education - est le premier consacre integralement a l'education. Et le moment s'y prete particulierement : l'education a toujours ete essentielle au bien-etre de l'etre humain, mais elle l'est plus encore en cette periode de rapides mutations economiques et sociales. Le meilleur moyen de preparer les enfants et les jeunes a l'avenir est de placer l'apprentissage au centre de toutes les interventions de promotion de l'education. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 aborde quatre themes majeurs :La promesse de l'education. L'education est un levier important pour eradiquer la pauvrete et promouvoir une prosperite partagee. Mais pour qu'elle puisse realiser ce potentiel, il faut ameliorer les politiques - a l'interieur comme en dehors du systeme educatif.La necessite de mettre l'apprentissage en lumiere. En depit des progres accomplis en matiere d'acces a l'education, les recentes evaluations des acquis scolaires revelent que de nombreux jeunes a travers le monde, particulierement ceux qui sont issus des couches pauvres ou marginalisees de la population, quittent l'ecole sans avoir acquis ne seraient-ce que les competences necessaires a la vie. En meme temps, des evaluationsscolaires comparables sur le plan international montrent que les competences disponibles dans de nombreux pays a revenu intermediaire sont nettement inferieures a ce que ces pays ambitionnent. Et trop souvent, ces lacunes sont cachees - par consequent, pour faire face a la crise de l'apprentissage, il est crucial de commencer par la mettre en lumiere en ameliorant l'evaluation des acquis des eleves.Comment mettre l'ecole au service de l'ensemble des apprenants ? Les travaux de recherche sur le cerveau, l'innovation pedagogique et la gestion des etablissements scolaires, entre autres, ont identifie des interventions qui favorisent l'apprentissage en faisant en sorte que les apprenants soient mieux prepares, que les enseignants soient a la fois competents et motives, et que d'autres moyens soient mis en oeuvre pour soutenir larelation entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant.Comment faire en sorte que le systeme favorise l'apprentissage ? Pour realiser les objectifs d'apprentissage a travers le systeme educatif dans son ensemble, il ne suffit pas de transposer a plus grande echelle les interventions efficaces. Les pays doivent aussi surmonter des obstacles techniques et politiques en ayant recours a des outils de mesure et indicateurs suffisamment parlants pour mobiliser les acteurs concernes etsuivre les progres, en formant des coalitions au service de l'apprentissage et en adoptant une approche de reforme evolutive.
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464813191
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 522
Book Description
Chaque annee, le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde de la Banque mondiale met en vedette un sujet d'importance capitale pour le developpement mondial. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 - APPRENDRE pour realiser la promesse de l'education - est le premier consacre integralement a l'education. Et le moment s'y prete particulierement : l'education a toujours ete essentielle au bien-etre de l'etre humain, mais elle l'est plus encore en cette periode de rapides mutations economiques et sociales. Le meilleur moyen de preparer les enfants et les jeunes a l'avenir est de placer l'apprentissage au centre de toutes les interventions de promotion de l'education. Le Rapport sur le developpement dans le monde 2018 aborde quatre themes majeurs :La promesse de l'education. L'education est un levier important pour eradiquer la pauvrete et promouvoir une prosperite partagee. Mais pour qu'elle puisse realiser ce potentiel, il faut ameliorer les politiques - a l'interieur comme en dehors du systeme educatif.La necessite de mettre l'apprentissage en lumiere. En depit des progres accomplis en matiere d'acces a l'education, les recentes evaluations des acquis scolaires revelent que de nombreux jeunes a travers le monde, particulierement ceux qui sont issus des couches pauvres ou marginalisees de la population, quittent l'ecole sans avoir acquis ne seraient-ce que les competences necessaires a la vie. En meme temps, des evaluationsscolaires comparables sur le plan international montrent que les competences disponibles dans de nombreux pays a revenu intermediaire sont nettement inferieures a ce que ces pays ambitionnent. Et trop souvent, ces lacunes sont cachees - par consequent, pour faire face a la crise de l'apprentissage, il est crucial de commencer par la mettre en lumiere en ameliorant l'evaluation des acquis des eleves.Comment mettre l'ecole au service de l'ensemble des apprenants ? Les travaux de recherche sur le cerveau, l'innovation pedagogique et la gestion des etablissements scolaires, entre autres, ont identifie des interventions qui favorisent l'apprentissage en faisant en sorte que les apprenants soient mieux prepares, que les enseignants soient a la fois competents et motives, et que d'autres moyens soient mis en oeuvre pour soutenir larelation entre l'enseignant et l'apprenant.Comment faire en sorte que le systeme favorise l'apprentissage ? Pour realiser les objectifs d'apprentissage a travers le systeme educatif dans son ensemble, il ne suffit pas de transposer a plus grande echelle les interventions efficaces. Les pays doivent aussi surmonter des obstacles techniques et politiques en ayant recours a des outils de mesure et indicateurs suffisamment parlants pour mobiliser les acteurs concernes etsuivre les progres, en formant des coalitions au service de l'apprentissage et en adoptant une approche de reforme evolutive.
Challenges and Opportunities in Language Education
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287152756
Category : Languages, Modern
Languages : en
Pages : 112
Book Description
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287152756
Category : Languages, Modern
Languages : en
Pages : 112
Book Description
International Handbook of Technology Education
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9087901046
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 548
Book Description
This first volume in the International Technology Education Series offers a unique, worldwide collection of national surveys into the developments of Technology Education in the past two decades.
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9087901046
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 548
Book Description
This first volume in the International Technology Education Series offers a unique, worldwide collection of national surveys into the developments of Technology Education in the past two decades.
E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education
Author: Pelet, Jean-Eric
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1466648775
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 415
Book Description
Once considered the traditional approach to education, brick and mortar institutions are no longer the norm due to e-learning technologies. Populations are turning into ubiquitous human beings, and educational practices are reflecting this change. E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education compiles the latest empirical research findings in the area of e-learning and knowledge management technologies assessment. Highlighting specific comparisons and practices of e-m-learning and knowledge management technologies, this book is an essential guide for professionals and academics who want to improve their understanding of the strategic role of e-learning at different levels of the information and knowledge society.
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1466648775
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 415
Book Description
Once considered the traditional approach to education, brick and mortar institutions are no longer the norm due to e-learning technologies. Populations are turning into ubiquitous human beings, and educational practices are reflecting this change. E-Learning 2.0 Technologies and Web Applications in Higher Education compiles the latest empirical research findings in the area of e-learning and knowledge management technologies assessment. Highlighting specific comparisons and practices of e-m-learning and knowledge management technologies, this book is an essential guide for professionals and academics who want to improve their understanding of the strategic role of e-learning at different levels of the information and knowledge society.
International Teacher Education
Author: Lily Orland-Barak
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing
ISBN: 178441669X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 470
Book Description
The book fills a gaping hole in the teacher education literature. Nowhere is there a volume that globally surveys teacher education pedagogies and invites international scholars to describe the most productive ones in their home countries.
Publisher: Emerald Group Publishing
ISBN: 178441669X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 470
Book Description
The book fills a gaping hole in the teacher education literature. Nowhere is there a volume that globally surveys teacher education pedagogies and invites international scholars to describe the most productive ones in their home countries.
Digital Genres, New Literacies and Autonomy in Language Learning
Author: María José Luzón
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443823619
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 260
Book Description
The exponential growth in the amount and complexity of information transmitted and shared on the Internet and the capabilities afforded by new information technologies result in the continuous emergence of new genres and new literacy practices that call for new models of genre analysis and new approaches to teaching literacy and language, where language learning autonomy has to take centre stage. Any pedagogical approach which seeks to develop autonomy in online language learning should also be concerned with the development of new literacies, with raising an awareness of digital texts and with the cognitive processes learners engage in when constructing meaning in hypertext. The purpose of this volume is to lay the foundations for an approach to online language learning which draws on the analysis of digital texts and of the practices and strategies involved in using such texts. With this aim in mind, this book incorporates and draws relations between research on digital genres, autonomy, electronic literacies and language learning tasks, combining theoretical reflections with pedagogical research. The chapters in this volume, written by researchers from different academic traditions, report research concerning digital genres, new literacy skills and the design of webtasks for effective language learning. These chapters will be useful resources for researchers and doctoral students interested in the development of autonomous language learning in digital environments.
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1443823619
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 260
Book Description
The exponential growth in the amount and complexity of information transmitted and shared on the Internet and the capabilities afforded by new information technologies result in the continuous emergence of new genres and new literacy practices that call for new models of genre analysis and new approaches to teaching literacy and language, where language learning autonomy has to take centre stage. Any pedagogical approach which seeks to develop autonomy in online language learning should also be concerned with the development of new literacies, with raising an awareness of digital texts and with the cognitive processes learners engage in when constructing meaning in hypertext. The purpose of this volume is to lay the foundations for an approach to online language learning which draws on the analysis of digital texts and of the practices and strategies involved in using such texts. With this aim in mind, this book incorporates and draws relations between research on digital genres, autonomy, electronic literacies and language learning tasks, combining theoretical reflections with pedagogical research. The chapters in this volume, written by researchers from different academic traditions, report research concerning digital genres, new literacy skills and the design of webtasks for effective language learning. These chapters will be useful resources for researchers and doctoral students interested in the development of autonomous language learning in digital environments.
Cross-National Information and Communication Technology Policies and Practices in Education
Author: Tjeerd Plomp
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1607525097
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 592
Book Description
This compendium of papers documents educational ICT policies and practices in 37 countries, making it a valuable resource for understanding and comparing ICT-related national policy developments in education. We believe that this work offers a unique in-depth examination of the trends within major education systems and how they have adapted to and taken advantage of the challenges and opportunities posed by the new information and communication technologies. A special feature of this edition is that it allows for interesting comparative analyses of sub-groups of countries, as many Asian, European Union, and former eastern-European countries, as well as the United States and Canada (among others), are included in the book. But it allows also for other than regional comparisons given that a number of newly industrialized countries (such as Brazil, Chile, Malaysia, and South Africa) are represented in this book, together with many OECD countries. This book is the result of the effort and hard work of the contributing authors, many of whom are the NRCs for IEA SITES in their respective countries. Special thanks must go to the Norwegian Royal Ministry of Education and Research and the Netherlands Kennisnet ICT OP School Foundation, both of which provided generous support for the preparation and dissemination of the book, to the Center for Information Technology in Education (CITE) of the University of Hong Kong, which assisted in the technical preparation of the manuscript, and to the IEA Secretariat, which facilitated the copyediting of the chapters. We want to acknowledge especially the professional contribution of Paula Wagemaker, who has copyedited the entire volume. This copyediting work is especially critical and challenging, as many of the chapters were written by authors for whom English is a foreign language. We also want to express our appreciation to David Robitaille, chair of the IEA Publications and Editorial Committee, and his committee for the critical and constructive review of the manuscript.
Publisher: IAP
ISBN: 1607525097
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 592
Book Description
This compendium of papers documents educational ICT policies and practices in 37 countries, making it a valuable resource for understanding and comparing ICT-related national policy developments in education. We believe that this work offers a unique in-depth examination of the trends within major education systems and how they have adapted to and taken advantage of the challenges and opportunities posed by the new information and communication technologies. A special feature of this edition is that it allows for interesting comparative analyses of sub-groups of countries, as many Asian, European Union, and former eastern-European countries, as well as the United States and Canada (among others), are included in the book. But it allows also for other than regional comparisons given that a number of newly industrialized countries (such as Brazil, Chile, Malaysia, and South Africa) are represented in this book, together with many OECD countries. This book is the result of the effort and hard work of the contributing authors, many of whom are the NRCs for IEA SITES in their respective countries. Special thanks must go to the Norwegian Royal Ministry of Education and Research and the Netherlands Kennisnet ICT OP School Foundation, both of which provided generous support for the preparation and dissemination of the book, to the Center for Information Technology in Education (CITE) of the University of Hong Kong, which assisted in the technical preparation of the manuscript, and to the IEA Secretariat, which facilitated the copyediting of the chapters. We want to acknowledge especially the professional contribution of Paula Wagemaker, who has copyedited the entire volume. This copyediting work is especially critical and challenging, as many of the chapters were written by authors for whom English is a foreign language. We also want to express our appreciation to David Robitaille, chair of the IEA Publications and Editorial Committee, and his committee for the critical and constructive review of the manuscript.