Introduction to Uniform Spaces

Introduction to Uniform Spaces PDF Author: I. M. James
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521386203
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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Book Description
This book is based on a course taught to an audience of undergraduate and graduate students at Oxford, and can be viewed as a bridge between the study of metric spaces and general topological spaces. About half the book is devoted to relatively little-known results, much of which is published here for the first time. The author sketches a theory of uniform transformation groups, leading to the theory of uniform spaces over a base and hence to the theory of uniform covering spaces. Readers interested in general topology will find much to interest them here.

Introduction to Uniform Spaces

Introduction to Uniform Spaces PDF Author: I. M. James
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521386203
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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Book Description
This book is based on a course taught to an audience of undergraduate and graduate students at Oxford, and can be viewed as a bridge between the study of metric spaces and general topological spaces. About half the book is devoted to relatively little-known results, much of which is published here for the first time. The author sketches a theory of uniform transformation groups, leading to the theory of uniform spaces over a base and hence to the theory of uniform covering spaces. Readers interested in general topology will find much to interest them here.

Lectures on Coarse Geometry

Lectures on Coarse Geometry PDF Author: John Roe
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821833324
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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Coarse geometry is the study of spaces (particularly metric spaces) from a 'large scale' point of view, so that two spaces that look the same from a great distance are actually equivalent. This book provides a general perspective on coarse structures. It discusses results on asymptotic dimension and uniform embeddings into Hilbert space.

Quasi-Uniform Spaces

Quasi-Uniform Spaces PDF Author: Peter Fletcher
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351420291
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 233

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Since quasi-uniform spaces were defined in 1948, a diverse and widely dispersed literatureconcerning them has emerged. In Quasi-Uniform Spaces, the authors present a comprehensivestudy of these structures, together with the theory of quasi-proximities. In additionto new results unavailable elsewhere, the volume unites fundamental materialheretofore scattered throughout the literature.Quasi-Uniform Spaces shows by example that these structures provide a natural approachto the study of point-set topology. It is the only source for many results related to completeness,and a primary source for the study of both transitive and quasi-metric spaces.Included are H. Junnila's analogue of Tamano's theorem, J. Kofner's result showing thatevery GO space is transitive, and R. Fox's example of a non-quasi-metrizable r-space. Inaddition to numerous interesting problems mentioned throughout the text , 22 formalresearch problems are featured. The book nurtures a radically different viewpoint oftopology , leading to new insights into purely topological problems.Since every topological space admits a quasi-uniformity, the study of quasi-uniformspaces can be seen as no less general than the study of topological spaces. For such study,Quasi-Uniform Spaces is a necessary, self-contained reference for both researchers andgraduate students of general topology . Information is made particularly accessible withthe inclusion of an extensive index and bibliography .

Topology with Applications

Topology with Applications PDF Author: Somashekhar A. Naimpally
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9814407666
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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The principal aim of this book is to introduce topology and its many applications viewed within a framework that includes a consideration of compactness, completeness, continuity, filters, function spaces, grills, clusters and bunches, hyperspace topologies, initial and final structures, metric spaces, metrization, nets, proximal continuity, proximity spaces, separation axioms, and uniform spaces.This book provides a complete framework for the study of topology with a variety of applications in science and engineering that include camouflage filters, classification, digital image processing, forgery detection, Hausdorff raster spaces, image analysis, microscopy, paleontology, pattern recognition, population dynamics, stem cell biology, topological psychology, and visual merchandising.It is the first complete presentation on topology with applications considered in the context of proximity spaces, and the nearness and remoteness of sets of objects. A novel feature throughout this book is the use of near and far, discovered by F Riesz over 100 years ago. In addition, it is the first time that this form of topology is presented in the context of a number of new applications.

Topological Spaces

Topological Spaces PDF Author: Gerard Buskes
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461206650
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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gentle introduction to the subject, leading the reader to understand the notion of what is important in topology with regard to geometry. Divided into three sections - The line and the plane, Metric spaces and Topological spaces -, the book eases the move into higher levels of abstraction. Students are thereby informally assisted in learning new ideas while remaining on familiar territory. The authors do not assume previous knowledge of axiomatic approach or set theory. Similarly, they have restricted the mathematical vocabulary in the book so as to avoid overwhelming the reader, and the concept of convergence is employed to allow students to focus on a central theme while moving to a natural understanding of the notion of topology. The pace of the book is relaxed with gradual acceleration: the first nine sections form a balanced course in metric spaces for undergraduates while also containing ample material for a two-semester graduate course. Finally, the book illustrates the many connections between topology and other subjects, such as analysis and set theory, via the inclusion of "Extras" at the end of each chapter presenting a brief foray outside topology.

Modern Analysis and Topology

Modern Analysis and Topology PDF Author: Norman R. Howes
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461208335
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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Book Description
The purpose of this book is to provide an integrated development of modern analysis and topology through the integrating vehicle of uniform spaces. It is intended that the material be accessible to a reader of modest background. An advanced calculus course and an introductory topology course should be adequate. But it is also intended that this book be able to take the reader from that state to the frontiers of modern analysis and topology in-so-far as they can be done within the framework of uniform spaces. Modern analysis is usually developed in the setting of metric spaces although a great deal of harmonic analysis is done on topological groups and much offimctional analysis is done on various topological algebraic structures. All of these spaces are special cases of uniform spaces. Modern topology often involves spaces that are more general than uniform spaces, but the uniform spaces provide a setting general enough to investigate many of the most important ideas in modern topology, including the theories of Stone-Cech compactification, Hewitt Real-compactification and Tamano-Morita Para compactification, together with the theory of rings of continuous functions, while at the same time retaining a structure rich enough to support modern analysis.

An Introduction to Banach Space Theory

An Introduction to Banach Space Theory PDF Author: Robert E. Megginson
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461206030
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 613

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Preparing students for further study of both the classical works and current research, this is an accessible text for students who have had a course in real and complex analysis and understand the basic properties of L p spaces. It is sprinkled liberally with examples, historical notes, citations, and original sources, and over 450 exercises provide practice in the use of the results developed in the text through supplementary examples and counterexamples.

Analysis on Polish Spaces and an Introduction to Optimal Transportation

Analysis on Polish Spaces and an Introduction to Optimal Transportation PDF Author: D. J. H. Garling
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108421571
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 359

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Detailed account of analysis on Polish spaces with a straightforward introduction to optimal transportation.

Foundations of Topology

Foundations of Topology PDF Author: Gerhard Preuß
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401004897
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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A new foundation of Topology, summarized under the name Convenient Topology, is considered such that several deficiencies of topological and uniform spaces are remedied. This does not mean that these spaces are superfluous. It means exactly that a better framework for handling problems of a topological nature is used. In this setting semiuniform convergence spaces play an essential role. They include not only convergence structures such as topological structures and limit space structures, but also uniform convergence structures such as uniform structures and uniform limit space structures, and they are suitable for studying continuity, Cauchy continuity and uniform continuity as well as convergence structures in function spaces, e.g. simple convergence, continuous convergence and uniform convergence. Various interesting results are presented which cannot be obtained by using topological or uniform spaces in the usual context. The text is self-contained with the exception of the last chapter, where the intuitive concept of nearness is incorporated in Convenient Topology (there exist already excellent expositions on nearness spaces).

Non-Hausdorff Topology and Domain Theory

Non-Hausdorff Topology and Domain Theory PDF Author: Jean Goubault-Larrecq
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107328772
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 499

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Book Description
This unique book on modern topology looks well beyond traditional treatises and explores spaces that may, but need not, be Hausdorff. This is essential for domain theory, the cornerstone of semantics of computer languages, where the Scott topology is almost never Hausdorff. For the first time in a single volume, this book covers basic material on metric and topological spaces, advanced material on complete partial orders, Stone duality, stable compactness, quasi-metric spaces and much more. An early chapter on metric spaces serves as an invitation to the topic (continuity, limits, compactness, completeness) and forms a complete introductory course by itself. Graduate students and researchers alike will enjoy exploring this treasure trove of results. Full proofs are given, as well as motivating ideas, clear explanations, illuminating examples, application exercises and some more challenging problems for more advanced readers.