Interregional Wage Differentials and the Effects of Regional Mobility on Earnings of Workers in G.

Interregional Wage Differentials and the Effects of Regional Mobility on Earnings of Workers in G. PDF Author: Florian Lehmer
Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG
ISBN: 3763940170
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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Diese Dissertation untersucht, welchen Effekt die Bereitschaft von Arbeitnehmern zu räumlicher Mobilität auf die Höhe der Entlohnung hat. Nach einer Einführung über die vorhandene Literatur und den theoretischen Hintergrund der internationalen Mobilitätsforschung vergleicht der Autor die Einkommenshöhe von mobilen und ortsfesten Arbeitnehmern in Deutschland sowie die Entwicklung des Einkommens von Menschen, die innerhalb einer Region den Arbeitsplatz wechseln. Weitere Untersuchungen widmen sich den Fragen, welchen Einfluss das Geschlecht, die Firmengröße oder die Bevölkerungsdichte der Region auf die Einkommenshöhe haben. Die Arbeit ist die erste umfassende Studie zu den Lohneffekten räumlicher Mobilität in Deutschland. Publikationssprache: Englisch

Interregional Wage Differentials and the Effects of Regional Mobility on Earnings of Workers in G.

Interregional Wage Differentials and the Effects of Regional Mobility on Earnings of Workers in G. PDF Author: Florian Lehmer
Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG
ISBN: 3763940170
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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Diese Dissertation untersucht, welchen Effekt die Bereitschaft von Arbeitnehmern zu räumlicher Mobilität auf die Höhe der Entlohnung hat. Nach einer Einführung über die vorhandene Literatur und den theoretischen Hintergrund der internationalen Mobilitätsforschung vergleicht der Autor die Einkommenshöhe von mobilen und ortsfesten Arbeitnehmern in Deutschland sowie die Entwicklung des Einkommens von Menschen, die innerhalb einer Region den Arbeitsplatz wechseln. Weitere Untersuchungen widmen sich den Fragen, welchen Einfluss das Geschlecht, die Firmengröße oder die Bevölkerungsdichte der Region auf die Einkommenshöhe haben. Die Arbeit ist die erste umfassende Studie zu den Lohneffekten räumlicher Mobilität in Deutschland. Publikationssprache: Englisch

Regional mobility of unemployed workers

Regional mobility of unemployed workers PDF Author: Sebastian Bähr
Publisher: wbv Media GmbH & Company KG
ISBN: 3763941177
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 177

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Moderne Arbeitsmärkte erfordern ein hohes Maß an Flexibilität von Arbeitskräften und insbesondere von Arbeitslosen. Dabei kommt der Bereitschaft zur regionalen Mobilität im Zuge der tiefgreifenden Hartz-Reformen des deutschen Arbeitsmarktes eine zentrale Rolle zu. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht diese Forschungsarbeit die Bedeutung überregionaler Mobilität im Stellensuchprozess von Arbeitslosen. Basierend auf innovativen experimentellen Forschungsdesigns, reichhaltigen administrativen und Befragungsdaten und unter Verwendung aktueller ökonometrischer Analysen leistet Sebastian Bähr einen wichtigen Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte über die Wirkung von Flexibilisierung auf soziale Ungleichheit am Arbeitsmarkt.

Regional Labor Market Developments in Transition

Regional Labor Market Developments in Transition PDF Author: Peter Huber
Publisher: World Bank Publications
Category : Acceso a los mercados
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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"The author analyzes regional labor market disparities in transition by presenting some data and summarizing existing literature. He finds that large and persistent regional labor market disparities developed in virtually all transition countries and that there is some evidence of polarization. Differences in starting conditions and market access seem to be the major reasons for regional divergence in transition. Furthermore, regional wages are only slightly more flexible than in many European Union labor markets, interregional migration is low, and capital seems to move toward high wage and low unemployment urban centers rather than to the most backward regions. Policy should thus take a long-run perspective on the existing regional disparities, focus on removing barriers to mobility, review existing institutions for implementing regional policy, and aim at a close coordination of regional and labor market policy instruments. "--World Bank web site.

Desert Regions

Desert Regions PDF Author: Boris A. Portnov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642601715
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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Despite the common understanding of the importance of desert development in the contemporary world, there are relatively few books published to date on this sub ject. The books and collective volumes published in this field deal primarily with environmental and physical aspects of desert development such as soil, agricul ture, vegetation, water resources, etc. In contrast, this book addresses the issues of regional and urban development in desert areas, which have not been given sufficient attention. The present book is socially oriented. It considers physical development of desert regions not as an end in itself, but rather as an essential precondition for creating socially attractive and desirable environments for human settlement. The book addresses the issues of desert development at three distinctive conceptual levels - region, urban envi ronment, and building -and deals with both cold and hot deserts. Approximately half of the chapters in this book are original contributions that have not been published elsewhere. The remaining chapters fall into two groups: 1) chapters which have been reprinted from various refereed journals, and 2) chapters initially printed elsewhere and revised by their respective authors specifi cally for this collective volume. In the former case, permission to reproduce the material has been obtained from the respective copyright holders, and the details of original publication and names of copyright holders are indicated in footnotes.

Environmental Valuation

Environmental Valuation PDF Author: Bill Mundy
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351158945
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 382

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Environmental quality is one of the most important issues faced by contemporary urban and regional policy. Amenities such as access to the natural environment, attractive neighbourhood characteristics and high quality public goods and services, play a direct role in determining where people choose to live and how much they are willing to do so. Likewise, negative environmental conditions, such as contamination, influence the real estate markets and the 'value' of a region. Increasingly, regions become winners or losers based on the quality of life they offer their inhabitants. Bringing together a team of leading scholars, this book addresses the issues of environmental valuation, answering questions such as: What kinds of features matter? How large of an affect do they have? How do they affect the spatial distribution of the population? And how should the value that people place on their environment affect urban and regional policy?

Labour Mobility in the EU

Labour Mobility in the EU PDF Author: Kristina Toplak
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610500528
Category : Labor market
Languages : sl
Pages : 162

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V šestih prispevkih monografije so analizirani obstoječi in porajajoči se izzivi na področju delovne mobilnosti v Evropski uniji, pri čemer jih avtorji obravnavajo skozi prizmo mobilnih delavcev v različnih poklicih. Z večdisciplinarnim pristopom in uporabo različnih metodoloških prijemov so avtorji ustvarili ogrodje za analitične diskusije o učinkih mobilnosti v EU, učinkovitosti in pravičnosti prostega pretoka oseb znotraj EU ter večplastnosti posledic za posameznike, države članice in nacionalne politike. Prvi prispevek je teoretski uvod v tematiko, ki mobilnost izčrpno predstavi kot teoretski koncept, politično agendo in temeljno evropsko vrednoto. Kompleksni preplet mnogoterih učinkov delovne mobilnosti, ki se pojavljajo na več ravneh, je v nadaljevanju obravnavan v petih študijah primera. Le-te osvetljujejo dileme, paradokse, učinke in posledice notranje mobilnosti v EU na primerih mobilnih zdravstvenih delavcev, umetnikov in kulturnih delavcev, napotenih delavcev, skrbstvenih delavk in visoko izobraženih delavcev. Vsi predstavljeni primeri so rezultat večletnih znanstvenoraziskovalnih prizadevanj in aktivnega delovanja avtorjev v različnih projektih s področja mobilnosti.

Comprehensive Dissertation Index

Comprehensive Dissertation Index PDF Author:
Category : Dissertations, Academic
Languages : en
Pages : 978

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Omicron Chi Epsilon Journal

Omicron Chi Epsilon Journal PDF Author:
Category : Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 1128

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Some issues include Minutes of the annual convention.

The American Economist

The American Economist PDF Author:
Category : Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 414

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Department of Employment Gazette

Department of Employment Gazette PDF Author:
Category : Labor
Languages : en
Pages : 804

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