Internet use and digital participation in everyday life

Internet use and digital participation in everyday life PDF Author: Kristin Alfredsson Ågren
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298826
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 102

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Book Description
Background: Internet use is an integral part of everyday life in contemporary society, especially among young people. It is used to perform activities in everyday life by an increasing proportion of the population. However, knowledge about access to and use of the internet by adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) is scarce. More knowledge is needed about digital competencies and digital participation in their everyday lives. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to explore and describe internet access and use, and digital participation in everyday life among adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities. Designs and Methods: The thesis is based on results from three studies. In study I, the focus was on access to and use of the internet in the everyday settings of school/work, at home or during free time. Data was collected through observations, conversations, and follow-up interviews with 15 participants with ID, aged 13–24 years. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. In studies II and III, the design was cross-sectional and comparative, using national surveys on media and internet use from the Swedish Media Council, from which comparative data from reference groups could be gained. In study II, the national survey of adolescents on internet access and use was cognitively adapted for adolescents with intellectual disabilities, aged 13–20 years, in several steps. This made it accessible to a total selection of pupils from all the special schools in four diverse municipalities in two different regions of Sweden. In study III, the national survey of parents about opportunities and risks of internet use by their adolescents was used. The surveys were sent to a sample of n=318 adolescents with ID and their caregivers/parents. The responses were higher for the adolescents (n=114) than for the parents (n=99), and the response rate of the adolescents with ID was equivalent as that of the reference group, at 36% and 38% respectively. In study II, chi-square tests were used and, when necessary, Fisher’s exact test to analyse the data. In study III, analyses were carried out using Fisher’s exact test and logistic regression to control for confounding factors. Results: This thesis show that access to internet-enabled devices is lower for adolescents with ID than for the general population, except for tablets (study II). All internet activities, except playing games, are performed by fewer adolescents with ID compared to the reference group (study II) and the time spent on the internet activities is less (study III). Both environmental challenges and personal abilities present difficulties in internet access and use (study I) and affect digital participation for adolescents and young adults with ID. Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of parents of adolescents with ID perceive opportunities associated with internet use and playing games, and a lower proportion perceive risks with negative consequences, or have concerns about online risks, compared with the reference group (study III). Significantly more parents of adolescents with ID state that their adolescent never uses smartphones or social media compared with the reference group. Strategies used to handle the digital environment and take part in internet activities were found and described, such as getting support from others, reducing the number of internet-enabled devices used and personalising them. Gaining access to internet content and performing internet activities was facilitated by picture-, word- and voice-based strategies, which were used by adolescents and young adults with both mild and moderate ID (study I). Conclusions: The conclusions are that the results show a lag in internet access and use and in digital participation by adolescents and young adults with ID. Adolescents and young adults with ID were accessing and using the internet in similar ways to the reference group, but to a lesser extent. The impact of the participants’ environment, together with their lack of certain abilities, make the development of digital competencies difficult for them. The result that parents of adolescents with ID perceive more opportunities and fewer risks associated with the internet provides new knowledge to support positive risk-taking in internet use and enable digital participation by adolescents and young adults with ID. Support can be developed in collaboration between the adolescent/young adult, their parents and teachers, and staff in community-based services and should involve physical, social and digital environmental adaptations. These can enable the development of digital competencies and minimise the lag in digital participation in everyday life, which is needed for participation in today’s digitalised society. Bakgrund till avhandlingen: Internetanvändning är en integrerad del av vardagen i dagens samhälle, särskilt bland ungdomar. Internet används för att utföra en mängd aktiviteter i vardagen av alltfler personer. Dock är kunskapen om tillgång till, samt användning av internet i vardagliga aktiviteter för ungdomar med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF) bristfällig. Ökad kunskap behövs om digitala kompetenser och digital delaktighet i vardagen för ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Syftet med avhandlingen: Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att utforska och beskriva tillgång till och användning av internet och digital delaktighet i vardagen bland ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Hur studierna genomfördes: Avhandlingen bygger på resultat från tre delstudier. I studie I samlades data in via observationer av och uppföljande intervjuer med 15 deltagare med IF, i åldern 13–24 år. Fokus låg på tillgång till och användning av internet i deras vardagliga miljöer: skola/arbete, hemma eller på fritiden. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studie II och III var designen jämförande tvärsnittsstudier. Nationella enkäter från Statens Medieråd om medie- och internetanvändning användes där jämförande data från referensgrupper kunde erhållas. I studie II gjordes kognitiva anpassningar av den nationella enkäten om medie- och internetanvändning i flera steg för målgruppen ungdomar med IF i åldern 13–20 år. Anpassningen till en lättläst version av enkäten, med bildstöd för de som behövde det, gjorde den möjlig att skicka till ett totalurval av elever från alla särskolor i fyra olika kommuner i två olika regioner i Sverige. I studie III användes den nationella enkäten till föräldrar om möjligheter och risker med internet- och medieanvändning för deras ungdomar. Enkäterna skickades till ett urval av n = 318 ungdomar med IF och deras vårdgivare/förälder. Antalet svar var fler från ungdomarna (n = 114) jämfört med föräldrarna (n = 99), och svarsfrekvensen för ungdomar med IF var i paritet med referensgruppens, med 36% för ungdomar med IF, jämfört med 38% i referensgruppen. I studie II användes chi-två tester och vid behov Fisher’s exakta test, för analys av data. I studie III genomfördes analyser med Fisher’s exakta test och logistisk regression för att kontrollera för confounding faktorer dvs övriga faktorer som kan påverka. Resultaten som framkom i studierna: Resultaten av studierna visar att tillgången till enheter för internetanvändning är lägre för ungdomar med IF än för ungdomar generellt, med undantag för surfplattor (studie II). Alla internet-aktiviteter, utom att spela spel, utförs av en lägre andel ungdomar med IF jämfört med referensgruppen (studie II) och tiden som spenderas på internet-aktiviteterna är lägre för ungdomar med IF (studie III). Utmaningar i den omgivande miljön, såväl som personliga förmågor leder till svårigheter med internetuppkoppling och internetanvändning (studie I), och påverkar digital delaktighet för ungdomarna och de unga vuxna med IF. Möjligheter och risker med att använda internet visade att en signifikant högre andel föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar möjligheter förknippade med internetanvändning och att spela spel, och en lägre andel upplever risker med negativa konsekvenser, eller oroar sig för risker med internet jämfört med referensgruppen (studie III). Signifikant fler föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar dock att deras ungdomar aldrig använder smartphones och sociala medier jämfört med referensgruppen. Strategier, som ungdomar och unga vuxna med både lindrig och måttlig IF använder för att hantera den digitala miljön och delta i internet aktiviteter identifierades (studie I). Strategierna innebär; att få stöd från andra; att minska andelen enheter som används för internetanvändning och att främsta använda enheter som är utformade för/av person; samt att använda stödstrategier som är baserade på ord- bild- och röststöd för att kunna utföra internet-aktiviteter. Kunskapen som avhandlingen har bidragit med: Sammantaget visar resultaten en eftersläpning i tillgång till och användning av internet, liksom i digital delaktighet för ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Även om deltagarna har tillgång till och använder internet, är det i lägre utsträckning än referensgruppen. Faktorer i miljön tillsammans med deltagarnas personliga förmågor gör utvecklingen av digital kompetens svår för deltagarna. Resultatet att fler föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar möjligheter och färre uppfattar risker med internet är ny kunskap som kan stödja positivt risktagande i internetanvändning och möjliggöra digital delaktighet för ungdomar med IF. Stöd kan utvecklas i samarbete mellan ungdomar, deras föräldrar och personal, i både skola och kommunal omsorgsverksamhet, och involvera anpassningar av såväl fysisk, som social och digital miljö för utveckling av digitala kompetenser. Genom detta kan eftersläpningen i digital delaktighet i vardagen minimeras, vilket krävs för delaktighet i dagens digitaliserade samhälle

Internet use and digital participation in everyday life

Internet use and digital participation in everyday life PDF Author: Kristin Alfredsson Ågren
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298826
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 102

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Book Description
Background: Internet use is an integral part of everyday life in contemporary society, especially among young people. It is used to perform activities in everyday life by an increasing proportion of the population. However, knowledge about access to and use of the internet by adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities (ID) is scarce. More knowledge is needed about digital competencies and digital participation in their everyday lives. Aim: The overall aim of this thesis was to explore and describe internet access and use, and digital participation in everyday life among adolescents and young adults with intellectual disabilities. Designs and Methods: The thesis is based on results from three studies. In study I, the focus was on access to and use of the internet in the everyday settings of school/work, at home or during free time. Data was collected through observations, conversations, and follow-up interviews with 15 participants with ID, aged 13–24 years. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. In studies II and III, the design was cross-sectional and comparative, using national surveys on media and internet use from the Swedish Media Council, from which comparative data from reference groups could be gained. In study II, the national survey of adolescents on internet access and use was cognitively adapted for adolescents with intellectual disabilities, aged 13–20 years, in several steps. This made it accessible to a total selection of pupils from all the special schools in four diverse municipalities in two different regions of Sweden. In study III, the national survey of parents about opportunities and risks of internet use by their adolescents was used. The surveys were sent to a sample of n=318 adolescents with ID and their caregivers/parents. The responses were higher for the adolescents (n=114) than for the parents (n=99), and the response rate of the adolescents with ID was equivalent as that of the reference group, at 36% and 38% respectively. In study II, chi-square tests were used and, when necessary, Fisher’s exact test to analyse the data. In study III, analyses were carried out using Fisher’s exact test and logistic regression to control for confounding factors. Results: This thesis show that access to internet-enabled devices is lower for adolescents with ID than for the general population, except for tablets (study II). All internet activities, except playing games, are performed by fewer adolescents with ID compared to the reference group (study II) and the time spent on the internet activities is less (study III). Both environmental challenges and personal abilities present difficulties in internet access and use (study I) and affect digital participation for adolescents and young adults with ID. Furthermore, a significantly higher proportion of parents of adolescents with ID perceive opportunities associated with internet use and playing games, and a lower proportion perceive risks with negative consequences, or have concerns about online risks, compared with the reference group (study III). Significantly more parents of adolescents with ID state that their adolescent never uses smartphones or social media compared with the reference group. Strategies used to handle the digital environment and take part in internet activities were found and described, such as getting support from others, reducing the number of internet-enabled devices used and personalising them. Gaining access to internet content and performing internet activities was facilitated by picture-, word- and voice-based strategies, which were used by adolescents and young adults with both mild and moderate ID (study I). Conclusions: The conclusions are that the results show a lag in internet access and use and in digital participation by adolescents and young adults with ID. Adolescents and young adults with ID were accessing and using the internet in similar ways to the reference group, but to a lesser extent. The impact of the participants’ environment, together with their lack of certain abilities, make the development of digital competencies difficult for them. The result that parents of adolescents with ID perceive more opportunities and fewer risks associated with the internet provides new knowledge to support positive risk-taking in internet use and enable digital participation by adolescents and young adults with ID. Support can be developed in collaboration between the adolescent/young adult, their parents and teachers, and staff in community-based services and should involve physical, social and digital environmental adaptations. These can enable the development of digital competencies and minimise the lag in digital participation in everyday life, which is needed for participation in today’s digitalised society. Bakgrund till avhandlingen: Internetanvändning är en integrerad del av vardagen i dagens samhälle, särskilt bland ungdomar. Internet används för att utföra en mängd aktiviteter i vardagen av alltfler personer. Dock är kunskapen om tillgång till, samt användning av internet i vardagliga aktiviteter för ungdomar med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning (IF) bristfällig. Ökad kunskap behövs om digitala kompetenser och digital delaktighet i vardagen för ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Syftet med avhandlingen: Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling var att utforska och beskriva tillgång till och användning av internet och digital delaktighet i vardagen bland ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Hur studierna genomfördes: Avhandlingen bygger på resultat från tre delstudier. I studie I samlades data in via observationer av och uppföljande intervjuer med 15 deltagare med IF, i åldern 13–24 år. Fokus låg på tillgång till och användning av internet i deras vardagliga miljöer: skola/arbete, hemma eller på fritiden. Data analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I studie II och III var designen jämförande tvärsnittsstudier. Nationella enkäter från Statens Medieråd om medie- och internetanvändning användes där jämförande data från referensgrupper kunde erhållas. I studie II gjordes kognitiva anpassningar av den nationella enkäten om medie- och internetanvändning i flera steg för målgruppen ungdomar med IF i åldern 13–20 år. Anpassningen till en lättläst version av enkäten, med bildstöd för de som behövde det, gjorde den möjlig att skicka till ett totalurval av elever från alla särskolor i fyra olika kommuner i två olika regioner i Sverige. I studie III användes den nationella enkäten till föräldrar om möjligheter och risker med internet- och medieanvändning för deras ungdomar. Enkäterna skickades till ett urval av n = 318 ungdomar med IF och deras vårdgivare/förälder. Antalet svar var fler från ungdomarna (n = 114) jämfört med föräldrarna (n = 99), och svarsfrekvensen för ungdomar med IF var i paritet med referensgruppens, med 36% för ungdomar med IF, jämfört med 38% i referensgruppen. I studie II användes chi-två tester och vid behov Fisher’s exakta test, för analys av data. I studie III genomfördes analyser med Fisher’s exakta test och logistisk regression för att kontrollera för confounding faktorer dvs övriga faktorer som kan påverka. Resultaten som framkom i studierna: Resultaten av studierna visar att tillgången till enheter för internetanvändning är lägre för ungdomar med IF än för ungdomar generellt, med undantag för surfplattor (studie II). Alla internet-aktiviteter, utom att spela spel, utförs av en lägre andel ungdomar med IF jämfört med referensgruppen (studie II) och tiden som spenderas på internet-aktiviteterna är lägre för ungdomar med IF (studie III). Utmaningar i den omgivande miljön, såväl som personliga förmågor leder till svårigheter med internetuppkoppling och internetanvändning (studie I), och påverkar digital delaktighet för ungdomarna och de unga vuxna med IF. Möjligheter och risker med att använda internet visade att en signifikant högre andel föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar möjligheter förknippade med internetanvändning och att spela spel, och en lägre andel upplever risker med negativa konsekvenser, eller oroar sig för risker med internet jämfört med referensgruppen (studie III). Signifikant fler föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar dock att deras ungdomar aldrig använder smartphones och sociala medier jämfört med referensgruppen. Strategier, som ungdomar och unga vuxna med både lindrig och måttlig IF använder för att hantera den digitala miljön och delta i internet aktiviteter identifierades (studie I). Strategierna innebär; att få stöd från andra; att minska andelen enheter som används för internetanvändning och att främsta använda enheter som är utformade för/av person; samt att använda stödstrategier som är baserade på ord- bild- och röststöd för att kunna utföra internet-aktiviteter. Kunskapen som avhandlingen har bidragit med: Sammantaget visar resultaten en eftersläpning i tillgång till och användning av internet, liksom i digital delaktighet för ungdomar och unga vuxna med IF. Även om deltagarna har tillgång till och använder internet, är det i lägre utsträckning än referensgruppen. Faktorer i miljön tillsammans med deltagarnas personliga förmågor gör utvecklingen av digital kompetens svår för deltagarna. Resultatet att fler föräldrar till ungdomar med IF uppfattar möjligheter och färre uppfattar risker med internet är ny kunskap som kan stödja positivt risktagande i internetanvändning och möjliggöra digital delaktighet för ungdomar med IF. Stöd kan utvecklas i samarbete mellan ungdomar, deras föräldrar och personal, i både skola och kommunal omsorgsverksamhet, och involvera anpassningar av såväl fysisk, som social och digital miljö för utveckling av digitala kompetenser. Genom detta kan eftersläpningen i digital delaktighet i vardagen minimeras, vilket krävs för delaktighet i dagens digitaliserade samhälle

The Internet in Everyday Life

The Internet in Everyday Life PDF Author: Barry Wellman
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470777389
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 624

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The Internet in Everyday Life is the first book to systematically investigate how being online fits into people's everyday lives. Opens up a new line of inquiry into the social effects of the Internet. Focuses on how the Internet fits into everyday lives, rather than considering it as an alternate world. Chapters are contributed by leading researchers in the area. Studies are based on empirical data. Talks about the reality of being online now, not hopes or fears about the future effects of the Internet.

Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging

Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging PDF Author: Danan Gu
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030220082
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 5507

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This eight-volume encyclopedia brings together a comprehensive collection of work highlighting established research and emerging science in all relevant disciplines in gerontology and population aging. It covers the breadth of the field, gives readers access to all major sub-fields, and illustrates their interconnectedness with other disciplines. With more than 1300 cross-disciplinary contributors—including anthropologists, biologists, economists, psychiatrists, public policy experts, sociologists, and others—the encyclopedia delves deep into key areas of gerontology and population aging such as ageism, biodemography, disablement, longevity, long-term care, and much more. Paying careful attention to empirical research and literature from around the globe, the encyclopedia is of interest to a wide audience that includes researchers, teachers and students, policy makers, (non)governmental agencies, public health practitioners, business planners, and many other individuals and organizations.

Internet Society

Internet Society PDF Author: Maria Bakardjieva
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 9780761943396
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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`A highly topical, interesting and lively analysis of ordinary internet use, based on both theoretically competent reflections and sound ethnographic material' - Joost van Loon, Reader in Social Theory at Nottingham Trent University Internet Society investigates internet use and it's implications for society through insights into the daily experiences of ordinary users. Drawing on an original study of non-professional, 'ordinary' users at home, this book examines how people interpret, domesticate and creatively appropriate the Internet by integrating it into the projects and activities of their everyday lives. Maria Bakardjieva's theoretical framework uniquely combines concepts from several schools of thought (social constructivism, critical theory, phenomenological sociology) to provide a conception of the user as an agent in the field of technological development and new media shaping. She: - examines the evolution of the Internet into a mass medium - interrogates what users make of this new communication medium - evaluates the social and cultural role of the Internet by looking at the immediate level of users' engagement with it - exposes the dual life of technology as invader and captive; colonizer and colonized This book will appeal to academics and researchers in social studies of technology, communication and media studies, cultural studies, philosophy of technology and ethnography.

Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship PDF Author: Karen Mossberger
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262633531
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 235

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This analysis of how the ability to participate in society online affects political and economic opportunity finds that technology use matters in wages and income and civic participation and voting. Just as education has promoted democracy and economic growth, the Internet has the potential to benefit society as a whole. Digital citizenship, or the ability to participate in society online, promotes social inclusion. But statistics show that significant segments of the population are still excluded from digital citizenship. The authors of this book define digital citizens as those who are online daily. By focusing on frequent use, they reconceptualize debates about the digital divide to include both the means and the skills to participate online. They offer new evidence (drawn from recent national opinion surveys and Current Population Surveys) that technology use matters for wages and income, and for civic engagement and voting. Digital Citizenship examines three aspects of participation in society online: economic opportunity, democratic participation, and inclusion in prevailing forms of communication. The authors find that Internet use at work increases wages, with less-educated and minority workers receiving the greatest benefit, and that Internet use is significantly related to political participation, especially among the young. The authors examine in detail the gaps in technological access among minorities and the poor and predict that this digital inequality is not likely to disappear in the near future. Public policy, they argue, must address educational and technological disparities if we are to achieve full participation and citizenship in the twenty-first century.

Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People

Understanding The Everyday Digital Lives of Children and Young People PDF Author: Halla Holmarsdottir
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031469291
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Digital Media Usage Across the Life Course

Digital Media Usage Across the Life Course PDF Author: Paul G. Nixon
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317150759
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 291

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New York Times columnist, Thomas Friedman declared the modern age in which we live as the ’age of distraction’ in 2006. The basis of his argument was that technology has changed the ways in which our minds function and our capacity to dedicate ourselves to any particular task. Others assert that our attention spans and ability to learn have been changed and that the use of media devices has become essential to many people’s daily lives and indeed the impulse to use technology is harder to resist than unwanted urges for eating, alcohol or sex. This book seeks to portray the see-saw like relationship that we have with technology and how that relationship impacts upon our lived lives. Drawing on a range of theoretical perspectives that cross traditional subject boundaries we examine the ways in which we both react to and are, to an extent, shaped by the technologies we interact with and how we construct the relationships with others that we facilitate via the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) be it as discreet online only relationships or the blending of ICTs enabled communication with real life co present interactions.

The Lives of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities

The Lives of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities PDF Author: Angharad E. Beckett
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1003819559
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 221

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This book will be of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers in disability studies, childhood studies, medicine and health sciences, and sociology. It also provides insights that will be of use and value to professionals working with disabled children and adolescents in education, health and in disability-specific services. Opening with four narratives that offer the reader a window into the lived experience of disabled children, adolescents and their families, subsequent chapters explore a range of issues facing disabled children from early childhood through to late adolescence. Topics include family life, early intervention, inclusive and post-secondary education, the right to play, digital participation, the effects of labelling and matters relating to agency and sexuality. With chapters discussing research from Australia, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Mexico, New Zealand, Sweden and the UK amongst others, this book: • contributes to the existing body of knowledge about the lives of disabled children and adolescents, with a focus on socially created disabling factors; • provides the reader with analysis of issues affecting disabled children and adolescents according to different conceptual frameworks, national contexts and with regard to different types of impairments/disabilities; • highlights the main issues that confront disabled children and adolescents, their families and their allies in the early twenty-first century; • highlights the importance of actively listening to the perspectives of disabled children and adolescents. It provides a rich source of knowledge and information about the lives of disabled children and adolescents, and a variety of perspectives on how their lives are affected by material and non-material factors, social structures and cultural constructions.

Digital participation and communication disorders across the lifespan

Digital participation and communication disorders across the lifespan PDF Author: Petra Jaecks
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2832549209
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Society and the Internet

Society and the Internet PDF Author: Mark Graham
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192581562
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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How is society being reshaped by the continued diffusion and increasing centrality of the Internet in everyday life and work? Society and the Internet provides key readings for students, scholars, and those interested in understanding the interactions of the Internet and society. This multidisciplinary collection of theoretically and empirically anchored chapters addresses the big questions about one of the most significant technological transformations of this century, through a diversity of data, methods, theories, and approaches. Drawing from a range of disciplinary perspectives, Internet research can address core questions about equality, voice, knowledge, participation, and power. By learning from the past and continuing to look toward the future, it can provide a better understanding of what the ever-changing configurations of technology and society mean, both for the everyday life of individuals and for the continued development of society at large. This second edition presents new and original contributions examining the escalating concerns around social media, disinformation, big data, and privacy. Following a foreword by Manual Castells, the editors introduce some of the key issues in Internet Studies. The chapters then offer the latest research in five focused sections: The Internet in Everyday Life; Digital Rights and Human Rights; Networked Ideas, Politics, and Governance; Networked Businesses, Industries, and Economics; and Technological and Regulatory Histories and Futures. This book will be a valuable resource not only for students and researchers, but for anyone seeking a critical examination of the economic, social, and political factors shaping the Internet and its impact on society.