Author: Richard Osgood jr.
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030651932
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 375
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This graduate-level textbook presents the principles, design methods, simulation, and materials of photonic circuits. It provides state-of-the-art examples of silicon, indium phosphide, and other materials frequently used in these circuits, and includes a thorough discussion of all major types of devices. In addition, the book discusses the integrated photonic circuits (chips) that are currently increasingly employed on the international technology market in connection with short-range and long-range data communication. Featuring references from the latest research in the field, as well as chapter-end summaries and problem sets, Principles of Photonic Integrated Circuits is ideal for any graduate-level course on integrated photonics, or optical technology and communication.
Author: Michael Smith
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
ISBN: 9780321602756
Category : Application-specific integrated circuits
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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This comprehensive book on application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) describes the latest methods in VLSI-systems design. ASIC design, using commercial tools and pre-designed cell libraries, is the fastest, most cost-effective, and least error-prone method of IC design. As a consequence, ASICs and ASIC-design methods have become increasingly popular in industry for a wide range of applications. The book covers both semicustom and programmable ASIC types. After describing the fundamentals of digital logic design and the physical features of each ASIC type, the book turns to ASIC logic design - design entry, logic synthesis, simulation, and test - and then to physical design - partitioning, floorplanning, placement, and routing. You will find here, in practical well-explained detail, everything you need to know to understand the design of an ASIC, and everything you must do to begin and to complete your own design. Features Broad coverage includes, in one information-packed volume, cell-based ICs, gate arrays, field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and complex programmable logic devices (PLDs). Examples throughout the book have been checked with a wide range of commercial tools to ensure their accuracy and utility. Separate chapters and appendixes on both Verilog and VHDL, including material from IEEE standards, serve as a complete reference for high-level, ASIC-design entry. As in other landmark VLSI books published by Addison-Wesley - from Mead and Conway to Weste and Eshraghian - the author's teaching expertise and industry experience illuminate the presentation of useful design methods. Any engineer, manager, or student who is working with ASICs in a design project, or who is simply interested in knowing more about the different ASIC types and design styles, will find this book to be an invaluable resource, reference, and guide.
Author: Sung-Mo Kang
ISBN: 9780071243421
Category : Digital integrated circuits
Languages : en
Pages : 655
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The fourth edition of CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design continues the well-established tradition of the earlier editions by offering the most comprehensive coverage of digital CMOS circuit design, as well as addressing state-of-the-art technology issues highlighted by the widespread use of nanometer-scale CMOS technologies. In this latest edition, virtually all chapters have been re-written, the transistor model equations and device parameters have been revised to reflect the sigificant changes that must be taken into account for new technology generations, and the material has been reinforced with up-to-date examples. The broad-ranging coverage of this textbook starts with the fundamentals of CMOS process technology, and continues with MOS transistor models, basic CMOS gates, interconnect effects, dynamic circuits, memory circuits, arithmetic building blocks, clock and I/O circuits, low power design techniques, design for manufacturability and design for testability.
Author: Sorin Voinigescu
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521873029
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 921
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A transistor-level, design-intensive overview of high speed and high frequency monolithic integrated circuits for wireless and broadband systems from 2 GHz to 200 GHz, this comprehensive text covers high-speed, RF, mm-wave, and optical fibre circuits using nanoscale CMOS, SiGe BiCMOS, and III-V technologies. Step-by-step design methodologies, end-of chapter problems, and practical simulation and design projects are provided, making this an ideal resource for senior undergraduate and graduate courses in circuit design. With an emphasis on device-circuit topology interaction and optimization, it gives circuit designers and students alike an in-depth understanding of device structures and process limitations affecting circuit performance.
Author: Donald O. Pederson
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387680306
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 545
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Analog Integrated Circuits for Communication: Principles, Simulation and Design, Second Edition covers the analysis and design of nonlinear analog integrated circuits that form the basis of present-day communication systems. Both bipolar and MOS transistor circuits are analyzed and several numerical examples are used to illustrate the analysis and design techniques developed in this book. Especially unique to this work is the tight coupling between the first-order circuit analysis and circuit simulation results. Extensive use has been made of the public domain circuit simulator Spice, to verify the results of first-order analyses, and for detailed simulations with complex device models. Highlights of the new edition include: A new introductory chapter that provides a brief review of communication systems, transistor models, and distortion generation and simulation. Addition of new material on MOSFET mixers, compression and intercept points, matching networks. Revisions of text and explanations where necessary to reflect the new organization of the book Spice input files for all the circuit examples that are available to the reader from a website. Problem sets at the end of each chapter to reinforce and apply the subject matter. An instructors solutions manual is available on the book's webpage at Analog Integrated Circuits for Communication: Principles, Simulation and Design, Second Edition is for readers who have completed an introductory course in analog circuits and are familiar with basic analysis techniques as well as with the operating principles of semiconductor devices. This book also serves as a useful reference for practicing engineers.
Author: Arman Vassighi
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387297499
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 188
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In Thermal and Power Management of Integrated Circuits, power and thermal management issues in integrated circuits during normal operating conditions and stress operating conditions are addressed. Thermal management in VLSI circuits is becoming an integral part of the design, test, and manufacturing. Proper thermal management is the key to achieve high performance, quality and reliability. Performance and reliability of integrated circuits are strong functions of the junction temperature. A small increase in junction temperature may result in significant reduction in the device lifetime. This book reviews the significance of the junction temperature as a reliability measure under nominal and burn-in conditions. The latest research in the area of electro-thermal modeling of integrated circuits will also be presented. Recent models and associated CAD tools are covered and various techniques at the circuit and system levels are reviewed. Subsequently, the authors provide an insight into the concept of thermal runaway and how it may best be avoided. A section on low temperature operation of integrated circuits concludes the book.
Author: J. Michael Jacob
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 600
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This book takes full advantage of the latest advances in analog integrated circuits, computer-aided design, electronic publishing, and the World Wide Web's implications for publication support and distribution.Coverage opens with an introduction to the operational amplifier integrated circuit, then presents chapters on amplifiers and feedback; digital control of analog functions; power supplies and ic regulators; operational amplifier characteristics; layout and fabrication of analog circuits; single supply amplifiers; waveform generators; active filters; and nonlinear circuits.For practicing analog integrated circuit designers and anyone interested in applications and design with analog integrated circuits.
Author: Kenneth R. Laker
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science, Engineering & Mathematics
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 944
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It follows with a thorough treatment of design operational and operational transconductance amplifiers, and concludes with a unified presentation of sample-data and continuous-time signal processing systems.
Author: D. Roy Choudhury
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 450
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A guide to the design and application of op-amp and other linear integrated circuits (ICs). Emphasizing fundamental design concepts, it covers the widely used op-amp IC 741 and other linear ICs such as 555 (timer), 565 (phase locked loop), regulated power supply IC chips, switched mode power supply, active filters, D/A and A/D converters. Also discusses IC fabrication technology. Each chapter contains examples and end-of-chapter laboratory experiments demonstrate the use and operation of the ICs described, IC number, pin configuration, and more. Data sheets for important ICs are also included.
Author: Hiroshi Nishihara
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 9780070460928
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 400
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"An ideal text-reference for professionals and students in electrical engineering, electro-optic engineering, and computer chip design..."--back cover.