Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3 PDF Author: Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303037629X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1284

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Book Description
This book highlights original research and recent advances in various fields related to smart cities and their applications. It gathers papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA19), held on October 2–4, 2019, in Casablanca, Morocco. Bringing together contributions by prominent researchers from around the globe, the book offers an invaluable instructional and research tool for courses on computer science, electrical engineering, and urban sciences. It is also an excellent reference guide for professionals, researchers, and academics in the field of smart cities. This book covers topics including: • Smart Citizenship • Smart Education • Digital Business and Smart Governance • Smart Health Care • New Generation of Networks and Systems for Smart Cities • Smart Grids and Electrical Engineering • Smart Mobility • Smart Security • Sustainable Building • Sustainable Environment

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 3 PDF Author: Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303037629X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1284

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Book Description
This book highlights original research and recent advances in various fields related to smart cities and their applications. It gathers papers presented at the Fourth International Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA19), held on October 2–4, 2019, in Casablanca, Morocco. Bringing together contributions by prominent researchers from around the globe, the book offers an invaluable instructional and research tool for courses on computer science, electrical engineering, and urban sciences. It is also an excellent reference guide for professionals, researchers, and academics in the field of smart cities. This book covers topics including: • Smart Citizenship • Smart Education • Digital Business and Smart Governance • Smart Health Care • New Generation of Networks and Systems for Smart Cities • Smart Grids and Electrical Engineering • Smart Mobility • Smart Security • Sustainable Building • Sustainable Environment

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 2

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Edition 2 PDF Author: Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030111962
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1239

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Book Description
This book highlights cutting-edge research presented at the third installment of the International Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA2018), held in Tétouan, Morocco on October 10–11, 2018. It presents original research results, new ideas, and practical lessons learned that touch on all aspects of smart city applications. The respective papers share new and highly original results by leading experts on IoT, Big Data, and Cloud technologies, and address a broad range of key challenges in smart cities, including Smart Education and Intelligent Learning Systems, Smart Healthcare, Smart Building and Home Automation, Smart Environment and Smart Agriculture, Smart Economy and Digital Business, and Information Technologies and Computer Science, among others. In addition, various novel proposals regarding smart cities are discussed. Gathering peer-reviewed chapters written by prominent researchers from around the globe, the book offers an invaluable instructional and research tool for courses on computer and urban sciences; students and practitioners in computer science, information science, technology studies and urban management studies will find it particularly useful. Further, the book is an excellent reference guide for professionals and researchers working in mobility, education, governance, energy, the environment and computer sciences.

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 4

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 4 PDF Author: Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030668401
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1530

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Book Description
This proceedings book is the fourth edition of a series of works which features emergent research trends and recent innovations related to smart city presented at the 5th International Conference on Smart City Applications SCA20 held in Safranbolu, Turkey. This book is composed of peer-reviewed chapters written by leading international scholars in the field of smart cities from around the world. This book covers all the smart city topics including Smart Citizenship, Smart Education, Smart Mobility, Smart Healthcare, Smart Mobility, Smart Security, Smart Earth Environment & Agriculture, Smart Economy, Smart Factory and Smart Recognition Systems. This book contains a special section intended for Covid-19 pandemic researches. This book edition is an invaluable resource for courses in computer science, electrical engineering and urban sciences for sustainable development.

Inside Smart Cities

Inside Smart Cities PDF Author: Andrew Karvonen
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351166182
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 453

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Book Description
The era of the smart city has arrived. Only a decade ago, the promise of optimising urban services through the widespread application of information and communication technologies was largely a techno-utopian fantasy. Today, smart urbanisation is occurring via urban projects, policies and visions in hundreds of cities around the globe. Inside Smart Cities provides real-world evidence on how local authorities, small and medium enterprises, corporations, utility providers and civil society groups are creating smart cities at the neighbourhood, city and regional scales. Twenty three empirically detailed case studies from the Global North and South – ranging from Cape Town, Stockholm and Abu Dhabi to Philadelphia, Hong Kong and Santiago – illustrate the multiple and diverse incarnations of smart urbanism. The contributors draw on ideas from urban studies, geography, urban planning, science and technology studies and innovation studies to go beyond the rhetoric of technological innovation and reveal the political, social and physical implications of digitalising the built environment. Collectively, the practices of smart urbanism raise fundamental questions about the sustainability, liveability and resilience of cities in the future. The findings are relevant to academics, students, practitioners and urban stakeholders who are questioning how urban innovation relates to politics and place.

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 6

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 6 PDF Author: Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031268520
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 908

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Book Description
This book highlights original research and recent advances in various fields related to smart cities and their applications. Bringing together new contributions by prominent researchers from around the globe, the book is a rich pedagogical tool and an inspiring research support for courses on computer science, electrical engineering, and urban sciences. The book gathers papers presented at the 7th International Conference on Smart City Applications (SCA 2022), held on October 19–21, 2022, in Castelo Branco, Portugal. The technical program of SCA 2022 consisted of 80 papers. The keynote speakers were Eng. Loide Monteiro (Foundation Smart City Cape Verde), Prof. Teodora Vuckovic (University of Novi Sad), Prof. Susana Sargento (University of Aveiro), Prof. Andy Van Den Dobblesteen (TU Delft), and Prof. Juan Corchado (University of Salamanca). SCA 2022 provided a good forum for all researchers to discuss all aspects of science and technology that are relevant to smart city applications.

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5 PDF Author: Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030941914
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1117

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Book Description
This book sets the innovative research contributions, works, and solutions for almost all the intelligent and smart applications in the smart cities. The smart city concept is a relevant topic for industrials, governments, and citizens. Due to this, the smart city, considered as a multi-domain context, attracts tremendously academics researchers and practitioners who provide efforts in theoretical proofs, approaches, architectures, and in applied researches. The importance of smart cities comes essentially from the significant growth of populations in the near future which conducts to a real need of smart applications that can support this evolution in the future cities. The main scope of this book covers new and original ideas for the next generations of cities using the new technologies. The book involves the application of the data science and AI, IoT technologies and architectures, smart earth and water management, smart education and E-learning systems, smart modeling systems, smart mobility, and renewable energy. It also reports recent research works on big data technologies, image processing and recognition systems, and smart security and privacy.

Innovations in Smart Cities and Applications

Innovations in Smart Cities and Applications PDF Author: Mohamed Ben Ahmed
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331974500X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1073

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Book Description
This proceedings book showcases the latest research work presented at the Second Edition of the Mediterranean Symposium on Smart City Application (SCAMS 2017), which was held in Tangier, Morocco on October 15–27, 2017. It presents original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences that concentrate on both theory and practice. It includes papers from all areas of Smart City Applications, e.g. Smart Mobility, Big Data, Smart Grids, Smart Homes and Buildings, clouds, crowds, mashups, social networks, and security issues. The conference stimulated cutting-edge research discussions among pioneering researchers, scientists, industrial engineers, and students from all around the world. The topics covered in this book also focus on innovative issues at the international level by bringing together experts from different countries. The scope of SCAMS 2017 included methods and practices that combine various emerging internetworking and data technologies to capture, integrate, analyze, mine, annotate, and visualize data in a meaningful and collaborative manner. A series of international workshops were organized as invited sessions during the SCAMS 2017:The 2nd International Workshop on Smart Learning & Innovative EducationsThe 1st International Workshop on Smart HealthcareThe 1st International Workshop on Mathematics for Smart CityThe 1st International Workshop Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing

Digital Nations – Smart Cities, Innovation, and Sustainability

Digital Nations – Smart Cities, Innovation, and Sustainability PDF Author: Arpan Kumar Kar
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319685570
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 540

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Book Description
This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 16th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, I3E 2017, held in Delhi, India, in November 2017. The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 92 submissions. They are organized in the following topical sections: Adoption of Smart Services; Assessment of ICT Enabled Smart Initiatives; Analytics for Smart Governance; Social Media and Web 3.0 for Smartness; and Smart Solutions for the Future.

Big Data Intelligence for Smart Applications

Big Data Intelligence for Smart Applications PDF Author: Youssef Baddi
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030879542
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 343

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Book Description
Today, the use of machine intelligence, expert systems, and analytical technologies combined with Big Data is the natural evolution of both disciplines. As a result, there is a pressing need for new and innovative algorithms to help us find effective and practical solutions for smart applications such as smart cities, IoT, healthcare, and cybersecurity. This book presents the latest advances in big data intelligence for smart applications. It explores several problems and their solutions regarding computational intelligence and big data for smart applications. It also discusses new models, practical solutions,and technological advances related to developing and transforming cities through machine intelligence and big data models and techniques. This book is helpful for students and researchers as well as practitioners.

Integrating Intelligence and Sustainability in Supply Chains

Integrating Intelligence and Sustainability in Supply Chains PDF Author: Bentalha, Badr
Publisher: IGI Global
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 365

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Book Description
Integrating Intelligence and Sustainability in Supply Chains is a comprehensive research guide that delves into the realm of sustainable and smart supply chains. With a focus on bridging the gap between intelligence and sustainability, this book provides a valuable resource for graduate students in business, management, industrial engineering, and industrial ecology. It serves as a unifying platform for researchers across various domains, including operations management, industrial ecology, industrial strategy, risk management, and life cycle assessment, who are passionate about sustainable and smart supply chains. This book offers a wealth of groundbreaking insights from renowned scholars and field experts. It serves as a theoretical and conceptual foundation for environmental researchers seeking a business, policy, or industry perspective. By addressing the key issues at the intersection of operations management and environmental and social responsibility, the book presents a novel approach to mitigating negative impacts and aligning logistics with sustainability and digitalization requirements. Structured in a modular format, this book allows readers to explore specific current topics relevant to their interests. It covers a wide range of subjects, such as measuring environmental impacts, transforming supply chains to meet sustainability challenges, business models for sustainable logistics, and integrative business strategies. Furthermore, the book addresses emerging technologies like big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things (IoT), exploring their applications in supply chain management.