Improving Marketing Effectiveness

Improving Marketing Effectiveness PDF Author: Robert Shaw
Publisher: Robert Shaw
ISBN: 9781861970541
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Improving Marketing Effectiveness

Improving Marketing Effectiveness PDF Author: Robert Shaw
Publisher: Robert Shaw
ISBN: 9781861970541
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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E-Marketing: Improving Marketing Effectiveness in a Digital World

E-Marketing: Improving Marketing Effectiveness in a Digital World PDF Author: McDonald Malcolm
ISBN: 9788178082295
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 163

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Marketing Performance

Marketing Performance PDF Author: Thomas Bauer
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119278295
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 201

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Drive marketing ROI with an investor's mindset and a proven toolkit Top marketers today don't shy away from financial accountability. In fact, they actively seek to account for the return on their companies' investments in marketing – because they want their budget to make a difference for their brands and for their business: more relevant messages, more effective campaigns, more satisfied customers, more profitable promotions, higher returns to shareholders. If this is how you think about marketing, this book is for you. It is a book for CMOs who adopt an investor's mindset, and it deals with the most pressing marketing performance questions. This isn't a work of theory. This is a hands-on guide to better marketing for top managers, neatly packaged into ten concise chapters that are just right for a short-haul flight. Learn how to: Increase sales with smarter fund allocation Reduce marketing costs without sacrificing effectiveness Strengthen the role of marketing with quantified ROI Build capabilities for sustainable performance improvements Marketing Performance delivers expert insight, a wealth of proven success factors, and real-life case studies that will help you drive marketing performance and grow your business.

Digital and Social Media Marketing

Digital and Social Media Marketing PDF Author: Nripendra P. Rana
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030243745
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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This book examines issues and implications of digital and social media marketing for emerging markets. These markets necessitate substantial adaptations of developed theories and approaches employed in the Western world. The book investigates problems specific to emerging markets, while identifying new theoretical constructs and practical applications of digital marketing. It addresses topics such as electronic word of mouth (eWOM), demographic differences in digital marketing, mobile marketing, search engine advertising, among others. A radical increase in both temporal and geographical reach is empowering consumers to exert influence on brands, products, and services. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and digital media are having a significant impact on the way people communicate and fulfil their socio-economic, emotional and material needs. These technologies are also being harnessed by businesses for various purposes including distribution and selling of goods, retailing of consumer services, customer relationship management, and influencing consumer behaviour by employing digital marketing practices. This book considers this, as it examines the practice and research related to digital and social media marketing.

Cases on Performance Improvement Innovation

Cases on Performance Improvement Innovation PDF Author: Van Tiem, Darlene M.
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799836754
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 404

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Companies in today’s market are continually looking for techniques that will enhance and improve their overall performance. The rise of data analytics in recent years has changed the way managers are viewing performance methods within an organization. Innovative strategies in developing organizational execution are becoming more accessible; however, there remains a lack of research on performance improvement methods through scientific analysis. Cases on Performance Improvement Innovation is a collection of innovative research that illustrates many applications of performance improvement based on analysis, selection of strategy, monitoring, and evaluating results to accomplish organizational change through people, processes, and organizations. While highlighting topics including intervention analysis, organizational development, and human performance technology, this book is ideally designed for students, researchers, executives, managers, practitioners, educators, and academicians seeking current research on contemporary innovations in organizational performance.

Punk Marketing

Punk Marketing PDF Author: Richard Laermer
Publisher: Harper Collins
ISBN: 0061870587
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 260

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The marketing revolution is here, so get on the right side of the barricade and become a part of it! Let's thank Mr. and Mrs. Consumer and their little Consumerlings who have seized power from the corporations and are now firmly in control. In Punk Marketing, Laermer and Simmons take an irreverent, penetrating look at the seismic change in the relationship between the people who sell stuff—products, services, entertainment—and those who purchase it. They demonstrate that to survive in business, a revolutionary approach is needed—one they have branded "Punk Marketing"—and it's one we all need to understand, for the traditional divisions among commerce, content, and consumers are continuing to blur ever more rapidly. Never dull, sometimes controversial, but always a helluva lot of fun, Punk Marketing presents a manifesto for any businessperson needing to engage consumers—or any consumer seeking to understand and employ their newfound power. And here's the good news: It's based on principles that have existed forever. In an age of digital video recorders, "branded" entertainment, cell-phone TV, multiplayer online games, and never-ending social networking, a coherent approach to marketing has never been more vital. With Punk Marketing, there's a built-in plan to equip you with tools to make all this change work out just fine, thanks. Punk Marketing is the first shot—soon to be heard 'round the world—of a long-awaited and breathless uprising that businesses want, deserve, and desperately need.

Global Cmo

Global Cmo PDF Author: Greg Paull
Publisher: Mascot Books
ISBN: 9781684018482
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Digital Transformation has changed the modern marketing playbook. As the landscape shifts, global marketers have to balance advancing unique organizational initiatives with the transformation of their entire sector. In this new environment, what can a CMO do to stay ahead of the curve? Global CMO features insights from interviews with eighteen leading global CMOs responsible for bringing their brands into the future across drastically different markets. The brands represented in this book span several sectors, from CPG leaders such as Coca-Cola; to financial giants like Mastercard, Bank of America, and Citi; to leading technology companies, including GE and Samsung. Through these detailed discussions with the CMOs, independent marketing consultancy R3 seeks to uncover the common threads, solutions, and best practice to drive effectiveness and efficiency. Any practitioneror observerof marketing globally, regionally, or locally will find this a powerful resource.

Marketing in the Era of Accountability

Marketing in the Era of Accountability PDF Author: Les Binet
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 132

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This report analyses 880 IPA case studies in unprecedented detail to extract broad lessons about the critical success factors for profitable returns on marketing investment.

Marketing in the Digital Era

Marketing in the Digital Era PDF Author: Zuzana Bacíková
Publisher: New Horizons in Management Sciences
ISBN: 9783631745458
Category : Internet marketing
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book stimulates a discussion on the changes engendered by the digital era, both in everyday life and the traditional marketing realm. It covers scientific studies and theoretical principles as well as educational purposes and practical applications of digital marketing principles, in order to improve our understanding of this domain.

Brand Attachment

Brand Attachment PDF Author: C. Whan Park
Publisher: Now Publishers Inc
ISBN: 1601981007
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 50

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The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of various literatures related to consumer search for information, and its effect on markets. Normative models of consumer search prior to purchase, and of consumer search through experience, are reviewed first. Models of consumer consideration set formation are also outlined. These models are generally based on consumers balancing the costs and benefits of search, which implies that search should be limited if it is costly. The extensive empirical literature on consumer search, which is reviewed next, does indicate that search is limited. The third major section of this review discusses the effect of search on market equilibrium, and market forces related to the supply of information. These include models of how advertising, retailing, and the Internet become organized to facilitate consumer search. The review concludes with a discussion of overall findings and suggestions for further research.