Implementation of on-farm water management solutions to increase water productivity in Ethiopia

Implementation of on-farm water management solutions to increase water productivity in Ethiopia PDF Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 9251352291
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 70

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This technical report focuses on Koga, in Ethiopia, and describes the process of developing, designing, piloting and evaluating potential solutions to increase water productivity sustainably, which is the third objective of component 4 of the project on WaPOR (Using Remote Sensing in support of solutions to reduce agricultural water productivity gaps). As irrigated areas expand, more attention must be paid to on-farm water management so as to allow for optimal use and distribution of water resources. Using WaPOR data, that is, remote-sensing based water productivity parameters, this report characterises the status of water use and productivity in the Koga irrigation scheme. It also uses the data to measure the changes occuring after the implementation of low-cost tools and irrigation practices so as to: increase yield and to reduce the water consumed or applied during the irrigation season.

Implementation of on-farm water management solutions to increase water productivity in Ethiopia

Implementation of on-farm water management solutions to increase water productivity in Ethiopia PDF Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 9251352291
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 70

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Book Description
This technical report focuses on Koga, in Ethiopia, and describes the process of developing, designing, piloting and evaluating potential solutions to increase water productivity sustainably, which is the third objective of component 4 of the project on WaPOR (Using Remote Sensing in support of solutions to reduce agricultural water productivity gaps). As irrigated areas expand, more attention must be paid to on-farm water management so as to allow for optimal use and distribution of water resources. Using WaPOR data, that is, remote-sensing based water productivity parameters, this report characterises the status of water use and productivity in the Koga irrigation scheme. It also uses the data to measure the changes occuring after the implementation of low-cost tools and irrigation practices so as to: increase yield and to reduce the water consumed or applied during the irrigation season.

Farm Terracing

Farm Terracing PDF Author: Charles Ernest Ramser
Category : Soil conservation
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability

Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability PDF Author: Vishnu Prasad Pandey
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119564506
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 275

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Book Description
WATER, CLIMATE CHANGE, AND SUSTAINABILITY An in-depth review of sustainable concepts in water resources management under climate change Climate change continues to intensify existing pressures in water resources management, such as rapid population growth, land use changes, pollution, damming of rivers, and many others. Securing a reliable water supply—critical for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—requires understanding of the relation between finite water resources, climate variability/change, and various elements of sustainability. Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability is a timely and in-depth examination of the concept of sustainability as it relates to water resources management in the context of climate change risks. Featuring contributions by global authors, this edited volume is organized into three sections: Sustainability Concepts; Sustainability Approaches, Tools, and Techniques; and Sustainability in Practice. Detailed chapters describe the linkage between water and sustainable development, highlight the development and use of new measuring and reporting methods, and discuss the implementation of sustainability concepts in various water use sectors. Topics include localizing and mainstreaming global water sustainability initiatives, resilient water infrastructure for poverty reduction, urban water security for sustainable cities, climate actions and challenges for sustainable ecosystem services, and more. This important resource: Reviews contemporary scientific research and practical applications in the areas of water, climate change and sustainability in different regions of the world Discusses future directions of research and practices in relation to expected patterns of climate changes Covers a wide range of concepts, theories, and perspectives of sustainable development of water resources Features case studies of field and modelling techniques for analyzing water resources and evaluating vulnerability, security, and associated risks Discusses practical applications of water resources in contexts such as food security, global health, clean energy, and climate action Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability is an invaluable resource for policy makers water managers, researchers, and other professionals in the field, and an ideal text for graduate students in hydrogeology, climate change, geophysics, geochemistry, geography, water resources, and environmental science.

Practices of Irrigation & On-farm Water Management: Volume 2

Practices of Irrigation & On-farm Water Management: Volume 2 PDF Author: Hossain Ali
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 144197637X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 563

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Book Description
The comprehensive and compact presentation in this book is the perfect format for a resource/textbook for undergraduate students in the areas of Agricultural Engineering, Biological Systems Engineering, Bio-Science Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, and Civil & Environmental Engineering. This book will also serve as a reference manual for researchers and extension workers in such diverse fields as agricultural engineering, agronomy, ecology, hydrology, and meteorology.

Water resources and irrigation development in Ethiopia

Water resources and irrigation development in Ethiopia PDF Author: Seleshi Bekele Awulachew
Publisher: IWMI
ISBN: 9290906804
Category : Irrigation
Languages : en
Pages : 82

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Irrigation programs / Water use / Reservoirs / Lakes / River basins / Water potential / Water resources

Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030

Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030 PDF Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309473926
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 243

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For nearly a century, scientific advances have fueled progress in U.S. agriculture to enable American producers to deliver safe and abundant food domestically and provide a trade surplus in bulk and high-value agricultural commodities and foods. Today, the U.S. food and agricultural enterprise faces formidable challenges that will test its long-term sustainability, competitiveness, and resilience. On its current path, future productivity in the U.S. agricultural system is likely to come with trade-offs. The success of agriculture is tied to natural systems, and these systems are showing signs of stress, even more so with the change in climate. More than a third of the food produced is unconsumed, an unacceptable loss of food and nutrients at a time of heightened global food demand. Increased food animal production to meet greater demand will generate more greenhouse gas emissions and excess animal waste. The U.S. food supply is generally secure, but is not immune to the costly and deadly shocks of continuing outbreaks of food-borne illness or to the constant threat of pests and pathogens to crops, livestock, and poultry. U.S. farmers and producers are at the front lines and will need more tools to manage the pressures they face. Science Breakthroughs to Advance Food and Agricultural Research by 2030 identifies innovative, emerging scientific advances for making the U.S. food and agricultural system more efficient, resilient, and sustainable. This report explores the availability of relatively new scientific developments across all disciplines that could accelerate progress toward these goals. It identifies the most promising scientific breakthroughs that could have the greatest positive impact on food and agriculture, and that are possible to achieve in the next decade (by 2030).

Water Management in Africa and the Middle East

Water Management in Africa and the Middle East PDF Author: International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Publisher: IDRC
ISBN: 088936804X
Category : Water resources development
Languages : en
Pages : 313

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Water Management in Africa and the Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities

The Nile River Basin

The Nile River Basin PDF Author: David Molden
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 9781032921501
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The Nile is the world's longest river and sustains the livelihoods of millions of people across ten countries in Africa. This book provides unique and up-to-date insights on agriculture, water resources, governance, poverty, productivity, upstream-downstream linkages, innovations, future plans and their implications.

More Crop Per Drop

More Crop Per Drop PDF Author: Meredith Giordano
Publisher: IWA Publishing
ISBN: 1843391120
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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Book Description
This volume is an analytical summary and a critical synthesis of research at the International Water Management Institute over the past decade under its evolving research paradigm known popularly as 'more crop per drop'. The research synthesized here covers the full range of issues falling in the larger canvas of water-food-health-environment interface. Besides its immediate role in sharing knowledge with the research, donor, and policy communities, this volume also has a larger purpose of promoting a new way of looking at the water issues within the broader development context of food, livelihood, health and environmental challenges. More crop per drop: Revisiting a research paradigm contrasts the acquired wisdom and fresh thinking on some of the most challenging water issues of our times. It describes new tools, approaches, and methodologies and also illustrates them with practical application both from a global perspective and within the local and regional contexts of Asia and Africa. Since this volume brings together all major research works of IWMI, including an almost exhaustive list of citations, in one single set of pages, it is very valuable not only as a reference material for researchers and students but also as a policy tool for decision-makers and development agencies.

Rainfed Agriculture

Rainfed Agriculture PDF Author: Suhas Pralhad Wani
Publisher: CABI
ISBN: 1845933893
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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Book Description
This book, which contains 14 chapters, covers all aspects of rainfed agriculture, starting with its potential, current status, rainwater harvesting and supplementary irrigation, to policies, approaches, institutions for upscaling, and impacts of integrated water management programmes in rainfed areas.