Imaging of Slow Dissociation of the Laser Induced Fragmentation of Molecular Ions

Imaging of Slow Dissociation of the Laser Induced Fragmentation of Molecular Ions PDF Author: Bishwanath Gaire
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Languages : en
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Lasers are being used widely for the study and manipulation of the dynamics of atomic and molecular targets, and advances in laser technology makes it possible to explore new areas of research -- for example attosecond physics. In order to probe the fragmentation dynamics of molecular ions, we have developed a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging method that allows the kinematically complete study of all fragments except electrons. Recent upgrades to this method allow the measurement of slow dissociation fragments, down to nearly zero velocity, in intense ultrafast laser fields. Evidences for the low energy breakup are presented using the benchmark molecules diatomic H[subscript]2[superscript]+ and polyatomic H[subscript]3[superscript]+ . The low energy fragments in H[subscript]2[superscript]+ dissociation are due to the intriguing zero-photon dissociation phenomenon. This first experimental evidence for the zero-photon dissociation is further supported by sophisticated theoretical treatment. We have explored the laser pulse length, intensity, wavelength, and chirp dependence of zero-photon dissociation of H[subscript]2[superscript]+, and the results are well described by a two-photon process based on stimulated Raman scattering. Similar studies of the slow dissociation of H[subscript]3[superscript]+ reveal that two-body dissociation is dominant over three-body dissociation. The most likely pathways leading to low-energy breakup into H[superscript]++H[subscript]2, in contradiction to the assessments of the channels in at least one previous study, are explored by varying the laser pulse duration and the wavelength. In addition, we have investigated the dissociation and single ionization of N[subscript]2[superscript]+, and an interesting high energy feature in addition to the low energy has been observed at higher intensities. Such high energy results from the breakup of molecules in excited states are accessible at higher intensities where their potential energy is changing rapidly with the internuclear distance. We have extended the intense field ionization studies to other molecular ions N[subscript]2[superscript]+, CO[superscript]+, NO[superscript]+, and O[subscript]2[superscript]+ . The dissociative ionization of these molecules follow a general mechanism, a stairstep ionization mechanism. Utilizing the capability of the upgraded experimental method we have measured the non-dissociative and dissociative ionization of CO[superscript]+ using different pulse lengths. The results suggest that dissociative ionization can be manipulated by suppressing some ionization paths.

Imaging of Slow Dissociation of the Laser Induced Fragmentation of Molecular Ions

Imaging of Slow Dissociation of the Laser Induced Fragmentation of Molecular Ions PDF Author: Bishwanath Gaire
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Languages : en
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Lasers are being used widely for the study and manipulation of the dynamics of atomic and molecular targets, and advances in laser technology makes it possible to explore new areas of research -- for example attosecond physics. In order to probe the fragmentation dynamics of molecular ions, we have developed a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging method that allows the kinematically complete study of all fragments except electrons. Recent upgrades to this method allow the measurement of slow dissociation fragments, down to nearly zero velocity, in intense ultrafast laser fields. Evidences for the low energy breakup are presented using the benchmark molecules diatomic H[subscript]2[superscript]+ and polyatomic H[subscript]3[superscript]+ . The low energy fragments in H[subscript]2[superscript]+ dissociation are due to the intriguing zero-photon dissociation phenomenon. This first experimental evidence for the zero-photon dissociation is further supported by sophisticated theoretical treatment. We have explored the laser pulse length, intensity, wavelength, and chirp dependence of zero-photon dissociation of H[subscript]2[superscript]+, and the results are well described by a two-photon process based on stimulated Raman scattering. Similar studies of the slow dissociation of H[subscript]3[superscript]+ reveal that two-body dissociation is dominant over three-body dissociation. The most likely pathways leading to low-energy breakup into H[superscript]++H[subscript]2, in contradiction to the assessments of the channels in at least one previous study, are explored by varying the laser pulse duration and the wavelength. In addition, we have investigated the dissociation and single ionization of N[subscript]2[superscript]+, and an interesting high energy feature in addition to the low energy has been observed at higher intensities. Such high energy results from the breakup of molecules in excited states are accessible at higher intensities where their potential energy is changing rapidly with the internuclear distance. We have extended the intense field ionization studies to other molecular ions N[subscript]2[superscript]+, CO[superscript]+, NO[superscript]+, and O[subscript]2[superscript]+ . The dissociative ionization of these molecules follow a general mechanism, a stairstep ionization mechanism. Utilizing the capability of the upgraded experimental method we have measured the non-dissociative and dissociative ionization of CO[superscript]+ using different pulse lengths. The results suggest that dissociative ionization can be manipulated by suppressing some ionization paths.

Measurements of Ultrashort Intense Laser-induced Fragmentation of Simple Molecular Ions

Measurements of Ultrashort Intense Laser-induced Fragmentation of Simple Molecular Ions PDF Author: A. Max Sayler
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Languages : en
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Present laser technology allows for the production of ultra short (& 7 fs) intense (.1016 W/cm2)pulses, which are comparable in duration and interaction strength to the vibrational period and the interaction that binds the electron in molecules, respectively. In this intense-field ultra short-pulse regime one can both measure and manipulate dynamics on the femtosecond timescale. To probe the dynamics of laser-matter interactions in this regime, we have chosen to start from the simplest possible molecule - H2, which can either dissociate into H + p or ionize into p + p + e. We have designed and employ a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging technique which allows us to measure ionization and dissociation of a molecular ion beam target simultaneously, while completely separating the two channels from each other. By varying the laser intensity and the pulse duration, we measure the intensity and pulse length dependent momentum distributions for laser induced fragmentation of H2 at 790 nm. These dissociation measurements are in agreement with the phenomena predicted using the adiabatic Floquet picture, e.g. bond softening, in addition to more sophisticated calculations done by solving the time-dependent Schrodinger equation in the Born-Oppenheimer representation. Furthermore, the structure seen in ionization in our measurements and soon after by others is explained via a unified diabatic Floquet picture, which includes both ionization and dissociation in a single intensity and wavelength dependent picture that includes nuclear motion. Additionally, we use the same experimental techniques and apparatus to probe the laser-induced dynamics of multi-electron diatomic molecules, e.g. O2+, N2+, and ND+. The most probable dissociation and ionization pathways producing the features seen in these measurements are discerned using the angular and kinetic-energy-release distributions in conjunction with the diabatic Floquet picture. Finally, we extend these experimental techniques and interpretive models to the simplest polyatomic molecule - H3+, whose fragmentation presents challenges both in our first-of-their-kind experiments and in physical interpretation.

Imaging Laser-induced Fragmentation of Molecular Beams, from Positive to Negative Molecules

Imaging Laser-induced Fragmentation of Molecular Beams, from Positive to Negative Molecules PDF Author: Benjamin Berry
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Languages : en
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The use of ultrafast lasers allows one to study and even control quantum mechanical systems on their natural timescales. Our aim is to study the fragmentation of small molecules in strong laser fields as a means to gain understanding of molecular dynamics and light-matter interactions. Our research group has utilized fast, positively charged molecular ion beams as targets to study and control fragmentation by strong laser fields. This approach allows for detection of all molecular fragments including neutrals, and a coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging technique is used to characterize the fragmentation. A natural extension of these types of studies is to expand the types of molecular systems that can be studied, from positively charged molecules to neutral and negatively charged molecules. To that end, the primary technical development of this dissertation involved the generation and use of fast, negatively charged molecular beams. Using fast molecular anion beams as targets allows for the study of fragmentation in which all fragments are neutral. As a demonstration, we employ this capability to study F2- dissociation and photodetachment. The dissociation pathways are identified and used to evaluate the initial vibrational population of the F2- beam. The role of dissociation in photodetachment is also explored, and we find that it competes with other dissociative (F+F) and non-dissociative (F2) photodetachment mechanisms. Also highlighted are studies of fragmentation of LiO-, in which the dissociation into Li+O- fragments provides information about the structure of Li O-, including the bond dissociation energy, which was found to be larger than values based on theory. Studies of the autodetachment lifetimes of Li O- were also performed using a pump-probe technique. Additional experimental advancements have made successful pump-probe studies of the ionization of HD+ and Ar2+ possible. Enhancement in the ionization of dissociating HD+ and Ar2+ was observed at surprisingly large internuclear separation where the fragments are expected to behave like separate atoms. The analysis methods used to quantify this enhancement are also described. Finally, the production of excited Rydberg D* fragments from D2 molecules was studied utilizing a state-selective detection method. The carrier-envelope phase dependence of D* formation was found to depend on the range of excited final states of the atomic fragments. We also measured the excited state population of the D* fragments. Together, the studies presented in this work provide new information about fragmentation of positive, negative, and neutral molecules in strong laser fields, and the experimental developments serve as building blocks for future studies that will lead to a better understanding of molecular dynamics.

Dissociation Dynamics of Molecular Ions in Ultrafast, Intense Laser Fields

Dissociation Dynamics of Molecular Ions in Ultrafast, Intense Laser Fields PDF Author: Bethany Jochim
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Languages : en
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Out of the many tools for probing molecular dynamics, intense, ultrafast laser pulses are particularly well suited for this purpose. First, these pulses have temporal durations shorter than the typical rotational and vibrational periods of molecules and therefore allow the observation of molecular dynamics on their native timescales. Further, the broad bandwidth and high peak intensities of these laser pulses can result in the excitation of many transition pathways that may interfere and enable control of dynamics. The primary focus of this work is the ultrafast laser-induced dissociation of molecular ions. We generate these ions as "fast" beam targets and study their fragmentation using a coincidence three-dimensional (3D) momentum imaging technique, which allows the measurement of all nuclear fragments, including neutrals. This approach is employed to study laser-induced processes in a variety of molecules. The goal of these efforts is not to study specific molecules but rather to use them as testing grounds to deepen our knowledge of laser-induced molecular dynamics in general. For example, we find that permanent-dipole transitions, which are commonly overlooked in the interpretation of strong-field experiments, play a key role in laser-induced dissociation of metastable NO2+ ions. General consideration of these transitions in heteronuclear molecules is important in building our understanding towards more complex molecules. Speaking of more complex systems, we have also begun investigating the laser-induced dynamics of simple hydrocarbons. Our use of molecular ion beam targets gives us the unique ability to exercise control over the initial "configuration," i.e., geometry of these molecules. Utilizing C2H2^q ion beam targets (where q is the molecular ion charge state) prepared in various initial configurations, including acetylene (HCCH), vinylidene (H2CC), and cis/trans, we have determined that this property has an immense impact on the isomerization dynamics, a finding that we anticipate will lead to future work towards deeper understanding. More broadly, this approach of probing molecules in different initial configurations offers a unique perspective that could be complementary to mainstream methods-not just in the case of C2H2 but other chemical systems as well. We also describe some improvements to the 3D momentum imaging methods that facilitate the study of molecular dynamics. One of these developments is a method to distinguish and evaluate the momenta of neutral-neutral channels resulting from the fragmentation of negative ion beams. The second is a technique for imaging the breakup of long-lived metastable molecules decaying in flight to the detector and retrieving the lifetime(s) of the populated states. Our collaborative efforts in adaptive closed-loop control are also discussed. Here, an evolutionary learning algorithm supplied with experimental feedback obtains optimally-shaped ultrashort laser pulses for driving targeted molecular dynamics. While the complexity of the shaped pulses can make interpretation challenging, the combination of these efforts with basic experiments like those we perform using ion beams can help. In closing, the work presented in this thesis extends from diatomic to polyatomic molecules, following the natural progression of building from simpler to more complex systems. We believe that the results of these efforts aid in the advancement of understanding strong-field molecular dynamics and will stimulate future research endeavors along these directions.

Imaging Light-induced Molecular Fragmentation Dynamics

Imaging Light-induced Molecular Fragmentation Dynamics PDF Author: Travis Severt
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Languages : en
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When a molecule absorbs energy from its surrounding environment, the molecule's structure begins to evolve. Understanding this evolution at a fundamental level can help researchers, for example, steer chemical reactions to more favorable outcomes. The research reported in this thesis aims to further knowledge about molecular fragmentation dynamics using coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging. To achieve this goal, we use a combination of ultrafast, intense laser pulses and vacuum-ultraviolet single-photon absorption to initiate and probe molecular dynamics. Specifically, ultrafast lasers allow researchers to follow and control molecular dynamics on their natural time scales. To complement such studies, we also use vacuum-ultraviolet single-photon absorption, in conjunction with the coincidence momentum imaging of all ejected fragments including electrons, to pinpoint state-selective dynamics occurring in various molecular targets. Throughout the thesis, we are interested in several different classes of molecular dynamics. First is the sequential fragmentation of molecules, where two or more bonds break in a step-wise manner. Specifically, we developed the native-frames analysis method, which is used to systematically reduce the dimensionality of multi-body fragmentation using the conjugate momenta of Jacobi coordinates. Applying this framework, we identify the signature of sequential fragmentation and separate its distribution from other competing processes. Moreover, we highlight the method's strengths by following fragmentation dynamics step-by-step and state-selectively using the single-photon double-ionization of D2O as an example. In addition, we explore how the signature of sequential fragmentation within the native-frames method may change under different initial conditions and demonstrate the first steps toward expanding the method to four-body breakup using formic acid as an example. In the future, we hope to identify exotic sequential fragmentation pathways where two or more metastable intermediates are formed together. We also explore molecular isomerization and roaming dynamics leading to bond rearrangement. Specifically, we demonstrate that bond-rearrangement branching ratios in several triatomic molecules are approximately the same order of magnitude. Furthermore, we highlight that the formation of H3 in various alcohol molecules can occur via roaming of H2 molecules. In addition, we study the coherent control of several molecular ions, demonstrating that the CS2+ molecule fragments via a pump-dump mechanism that occurs in a single laser pulse. We also explore the two-color control of D2+ dissociation. Specifically, we observe phase shifts between pathways originating from different initial vibrational levels corresponding to "time-delays" of 10's of attoseconds, showing that such time-scales are not just accessible via electron dynamics. Since single vacuum-ultraviolet photon absorption experiments have proven to be powerful in studying molecular fragmentation dynamics, we investigate the enhancement of lab-based high-order harmonic generation photon sources driven by two-color laser fields. Specifically, we show that two-color 800-400-nm and 800-266-nm driving fields outperform the single-color 800-nm driver by more than an order of magnitude for the plateau harmonics. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the 800-266-nm bichromatic field can control the excursion time of an electron's trajectory by as much as a factor of 2. This result is important for techniques that use the rescattering electron wavepacket as a probe for molecular dynamics, such as in laser-induced electron diffraction (LIED) and high-harmonic spectroscopy (HHS) techniques. Finally, we highlight an upgrade of our coincidence three-dimensional momentum imaging method to measure breakup channels of molecular ions where the fragments have large mass-to-charge ratio differences. Specifically, we detect the light ions, such as H+ and H2+, by adding a second movable offset detector closer to the interaction region. Meanwhile, the heavy ions and neutral fragments fly underneath the new detector and are measured using the original downstream detector, as demonstrated with preliminary CD2+ measurements. In closing, this thesis covers a variety of topics with the common theme of better understanding molecular fragmentation dynamics, ranging from multi-body fragmentation dynamics to isomerization, roaming, and coherent control. In addition, we discuss enhancing high-harmonic-generation-based photon sources to help assist in such studies in the future. Overall, we believe the results presented throughout this thesis contribute to the advancement of molecular dynamics research

Fragmentation of Molecular Ions in Ultrafast Laser Pulses

Fragmentation of Molecular Ions in Ultrafast Laser Pulses PDF Author: Utuq Ablikim
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Languages : en
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Imaging the interaction of molecular ion beams with ultrafast intense laser fields is a very powerful method to understand the fragmentation dynamics of molecules. Femtosecond laser pulses with different wavelengths and intensities are applied to dissociate and ionize molecular ions, and each resulting fragmentation channel can be studied separately by implementing a coincidence three-dimensional (3D) momentum imaging method. The work presented in this master's report can be separated into two parts. First, the interaction between molecular ion beams and femtosecond laser pulses, in particular, the dissociation of CO into C+O, is studied. For that purpose, measurements are conducted at different laser intensities and wavelengths to investigate the possible pathways of dissociation into C+O. The study reveals that CO+ starts to dissociate from the quartet electronic state at low laser intensities. Higher laser intensity measurements, in which a larger number of photons can be absorbed by the molecule, show that the doublet electronic states with deeper potential wells, e.g. A2[pi], contribute to the dissociation of the molecule. In addition, the three-body fragmentation of CO2+ into C++O++O+ is studied, and two breakup scenarios are separated using the angle between the sum and difference of the momentum vectors of two O+ fragments. In the second part, improvements in experimental techniques are discussed. Development of a reflective telescope setup intended to increase the conversion efficiency of ultraviolet (UV) laser pulse generation is described, and the setup is used in the studies of CO+ dissociation described in this report. The other technical study presented here is the measurement of the position dependence of timing signals picked off of a microchannel plate (MCP) surface. The experimental method is presented and significant time spread over the surface of the MCP detector is reported [1].

Spectroscopy and Modeling of Biomolecular Building Blocks

Spectroscopy and Modeling of Biomolecular Building Blocks PDF Author: Jean-Pierre Schermann
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080558224
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 499

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Spectroscopy and Modeling of Biomolecular Building Blocks presents an overview of recent advances in the intertwining of the following research fields: photon and electron spectroscopy, quantum chemistry, modelling and mass-spectrometry. The coupling of these disciplines offers a new point of view to the understanding of isolated elementary building blocks of biomolecules and their assemblies. It allows the unambiguous separation between intrinsic properties of biomolecular systems and those induced by the presence of their environment. The first chapters provide background in modelling (I), frequency-resolved spectroscopy using microwave, infrared and UV photons, time-resolved spectroscopy in the femtosecond domain and energy-resolved electron spectroscopy (II) and production of gas-phase neutral and ionic biomolecular species, mass-spectrometry, ion mobility and BIRD techniques (III). Chapter IV is devoted to case studies of gas-phase experimental investigations coupled to quantum or classical calculations. The topics are structural studies of nucleobases and oligonucleotides, peptides and proteins, sugars; neuromolecules; non-covalent complexes; chiral systems, interactions of low-energy electrons with biomolecules in the radiation chemistry context and very large gas-phase biomolecular systems. The fifth chapter concerns the link between gas-phase and liquid-phase. Different treatments of solvation are illustrated through examples pointing out the influence of progressive addition of water molecules upon properties of nucleobases, peptides, sugars and neuromolecules. - Offer a new perspective to the understanding of isolated elementary building blocks of bio molecules - Includes case studies of experimental investigations coupled to quantum or classical calculations

Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry

Molecular Beams in Physics and Chemistry PDF Author: Bretislav Friedrich
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030639630
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 639

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This Open Access book gives a comprehensive account of both the history and current achievements of molecular beam research. In 1919, Otto Stern launched the revolutionary molecular beam technique. This technique made it possible to send atoms and molecules with well-defined momentum through vacuum and to measure with high accuracy the deflections they underwent when acted upon by transversal forces. These measurements revealed unforeseen quantum properties of nuclei, atoms, and molecules that became the basis for our current understanding of quantum matter. This volume shows that many key areas of modern physics and chemistry owe their beginnings to the seminal molecular beam work of Otto Stern and his school. Written by internationally recognized experts, the contributions in this volume will help experienced researchers and incoming graduate students alike to keep abreast of current developments in molecular beam research as well as to appreciate the history and evolution of this powerful method and the knowledge it reveals.

Atom Probe Tomography

Atom Probe Tomography PDF Author: Williams Lefebvre
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128047453
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 418

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Atom Probe Tomography is aimed at beginners and researchers interested in expanding their expertise in this area. It provides the theoretical background and practical information necessary to investigate how materials work using atom probe microscopy techniques, and includes detailed explanations of the fundamentals, the instrumentation, contemporary specimen preparation techniques, and experimental details, as well as an overview of the results that can be obtained. The book emphasizes processes for assessing data quality and the proper implementation of advanced data mining algorithms. For those more experienced in the technique, this book will serve as a single comprehensive source of indispensable reference information, tables, and techniques. Both beginner and expert will value the way the book is set out in the context of materials science and engineering. In addition, its references to key research outcomes based upon the training program held at the University of Rouen—one of the leading scientific research centers exploring the various aspects of the instrument—will further enhance understanding and the learning process. - Provides an introduction to the capabilities and limitations of atom probe tomography when analyzing materials - Written for both experienced researchers and new users - Includes exercises, along with corrections, for users to practice the techniques discussed - Contains coverage of more advanced and less widespread techniques, such as correlative APT and STEM microscopy

Proteomic and Metabolomic Approaches to Biomarker Discovery

Proteomic and Metabolomic Approaches to Biomarker Discovery PDF Author: Haleem J. Issaq
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0123947952
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 489

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Proteomic and Metabolomic Approaches to Biomarker Discovery demonstrates how to leverage biomarkers to improve accuracy and reduce errors in research. Disease biomarker discovery is one of the most vibrant and important areas of research today, as the identification of reliable biomarkers has an enormous impact on disease diagnosis, selection of treatment regimens, and therapeutic monitoring. Various techniques are used in the biomarker discovery process, including techniques used in proteomics, the study of the proteins that make up an organism, and metabolomics, the study of chemical fingerprints created from cellular processes. Proteomic and Metabolomic Approaches to Biomarker Discovery is the only publication that covers techniques from both proteomics and metabolomics and includes all steps involved in biomarker discovery, from study design to study execution. The book describes methods, and presents a standard operating procedure for sample selection, preparation, and storage, as well as data analysis and modeling. This new standard effectively eliminates the differing methodologies used in studies and creates a unified approach. Readers will learn the advantages and disadvantages of the various techniques discussed, as well as potential difficulties inherent to all steps in the biomarker discovery process. A vital resource for biochemists, biologists, analytical chemists, bioanalytical chemists, clinical and medical technicians, researchers in pharmaceuticals, and graduate students, Proteomic and Metabolomic Approaches to Biomarker Discovery provides the information needed to reduce clinical error in the execution of research. - Describes the use of biomarkers to reduce clinical errors in research - Includes techniques from a range of biomarker discoveries - Covers all steps involved in biomarker discovery, from study design to study execution