Human Molecular Biology

Human Molecular Biology PDF Author: R. J. Epstein
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521642859
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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Book Description
Human Molecular Biology is an introduction to the language of health and disease for the new generation of life scientists and medical students. By integrating cutting-edge molecular genetics and biochemistry with the latest clinical information, the book weaves a pattern which unifies biology with syndromes, genetic pathways with developmental phenotypes, and protein function with drug action. From the origins of life to the present day, a narrative is traced through the workings of genomes, cells and organ systems, culminating in linking of laboratory technologies to future research horizons.

Human Molecular Biology

Human Molecular Biology PDF Author: R. J. Epstein
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521642859
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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Book Description
Human Molecular Biology is an introduction to the language of health and disease for the new generation of life scientists and medical students. By integrating cutting-edge molecular genetics and biochemistry with the latest clinical information, the book weaves a pattern which unifies biology with syndromes, genetic pathways with developmental phenotypes, and protein function with drug action. From the origins of life to the present day, a narrative is traced through the workings of genomes, cells and organ systems, culminating in linking of laboratory technologies to future research horizons.

An Introduction to Human Molecular Genetics

An Introduction to Human Molecular Genetics PDF Author: Jack J. Pasternak
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 047171917X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 656

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An Introduction to Human Molecular Genetics Second Edition Jack J. Pasternak The Second Edition of this internationally acclaimed text expandsits coverage of the molecular genetics of inherited human diseaseswith the latest research findings and discoveries. Using a unique,systems-based approach, the text offers readers a thoroughexplanation of the gene discovery process and how defective genesare linked to inherited disease states in major organ and tissuesystems. All the latest developments in functional genomics,proteomics, and microarray technology have been thoroughlyincorporated into the text. The first part of the text introduces readers to the fundamentalsof cytogenetics and Mendelian genetics. Next, techniques andstrategies for gene manipulation, mapping, and isolation areexamined. Readers will particularly appreciate the text'sexceptionally thorough and clear explanation of genetic mapping.The final part features unique coverage of the molecular geneticsof distinct biological systems, covering muscle, neurological, eye,cancer, and mitochondrial disorders. Throughout the text, helpfulfigures and diagrams illustrate and clarify complex material. Readers familiar with the first edition will recognize the text'ssame lucid and engaging style, and will find a wealth of new andexpanded material that brings them fully up to date with a currentunderstanding of the field, including: * New chapters on complex genetic disorders, genomic imprinting,and human population genetics * Expanded and fully revised section on clinical genetics, coveringdiagnostic testing, molecular screening, and varioustreatments This text is targeted at upper-level undergraduate students,graduate students, and medical students. It is also an excellentreference for researchers and physicians who need a clinicallyrelevant reference for the molecular genetics of inherited humandiseases.

Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual

Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual PDF Author: Stefan Surzycki
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470999241
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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Human Molecular Biology Laboratory Manual offers a hands-on, state-of-the-art introduction to modern molecular biology techniques as applied to human genome analysis. In eight unique experiments, simple step-by-step instructions guide students through the basic principles of molecular biology and the latest laboratory techniques. This laboratory manual's distinctive focus on human molecular biology provides students with the opportunity to analyze and study their own genes while gaining real laboratory experience. A Background section highlighting the theoretical principles for each experiment. Safety Precautions. Technical Tips. Expected Results. Simple icons indicating tube orientation in centrifuge. Experiment Flow Charts Spiral bound for easy lab use

Problems and Solutions for Strachan and Read's Human Molecular Genetics 2

Problems and Solutions for Strachan and Read's Human Molecular Genetics 2 PDF Author: David James Matthes
ISBN: 9781859962022
Category : Human molecular genetics
Languages : en
Pages : 151

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Environmental Epigenetics

Environmental Epigenetics PDF Author: L. Joseph Su
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1447166787
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 327

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This book examines the toxicological and health implications of environmental epigenetics and provides knowledge through an interdisciplinary approach. Included in this volume are chapters outlining various environmental risk factors such as phthalates and dietary components, life states such as pregnancy and ageing, hormonal and metabolic considerations and specific disease risks such as cancer cardiovascular diseases and other non-communicable diseases. Environmental Epigenetics imparts integrative knowledge of the science of epigenetics and the issues raised in environmental epidemiology. This book is intended to serve both as a reference compendium on environmental epigenetics for scientists in academia, industry and laboratories and as a textbook for graduate level environmental health courses. Environmental Epigenetics imparts integrative knowledge of the science of epigenetics and the issues raised in environmental epidemiology. This book is intended to serve both as a reference compendium on environmental epigenetics for scientists in academia, industry and laboratories and as a textbook for graduate level environmental health courses.

Statistics in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology

Statistics in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology PDF Author: Cavan Reilly
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420072641
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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Focusing on the roles of different segments of DNA, Statistics in Human Genetics and Molecular Biology provides a basic understanding of problems arising in the analysis of genetics and genomics. It presents statistical applications in genetic mapping, DNA/protein sequence alignment, and analyses of gene expression data from microarray experiments.

Toxicology and Human Environments

Toxicology and Human Environments PDF Author: Ernest Hodgson
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0124158137
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 452

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Book Description
Environmental toxicology is generally held to be the study of the potential of constituents of outdoor environments to impact either human health or the biological structure of the ecosystems involved. This volume is a first attempt to integrate toxicological studies of all of the many human environments, both indoor and outdoor, and their complex interrelationships. Included are considerations of natural environments, the agroecosystem, occupational, urban and domestic environments as well as the environment associated with Superfund sites and military deployments. The primary emphasis is on public health, including the potential health effects of toxicants found in different environments, the bioprocessing of such toxicants in humans and surrogate animals and the principles of risk analysis. Approaches the toxicology of human environments in a new and unique way, stressing the complex interrelationships of all human environments and the implication for human and environmental health Each chapter is written by an acknowledged expert and is addressed to those interested in the broader implications of the environmental modifications that are always associated with the activities of humans living and working in them

Human Genetics

Human Genetics PDF Author: Edwin H. McConkey
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9780867208542
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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Begins with molecular characterization of the human genome (rather than the conventional descriptions of Mendelian inheritance, pedigree analysis, and chromosome abnormalities), and maintains this emphasis on understanding human genetics in molecular terms throughout. Suitable as a text for biology

Naked Genes

Naked Genes PDF Author: Helga Nowotny
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 0262294990
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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The interaction between new forms of biological life and new forms of social life in modern democracies. The molecular life sciences are making visible what was once invisible. Yet the more we learn about our own biology, the less we are able to fit this knowledge into an integrated whole. Life is divided into new sub-units and reassembled into new forms: from genes to clones, from embryonic stages to the building-blocks of synthetic biology. Extracted from their scientific and social contexts, these new entities become not only visible but indeed “naked”: ready to assume an essential status of their own and take on multiple values and meanings as they pass from labs to courts, from patent offices to parliaments and back. In Naked Genes, leading science scholar Helga Nowotny and molecular biologist Giuseppe Testa examine the interaction between these dramatic advances in the life sciences and equally dramatic political reconfigurations of our societies. Considering topics ranging from assisted reproduction and personalized medicine to genetic sports doping, they reveal both surprising continuities and radical discontinuities between the latest advances in the life sciences and long-standing human traditions.

Molecular Pathology

Molecular Pathology PDF Author: William B. Coleman
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128027878
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 805

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Book Description
As the molecular basis of human disease becomes better characterized, and the implications for understanding the molecular basis of disease becomes realized through improved diagnostics and treatment, Molecular Pathology, Second Edition stands out as the most comprehensive textbook where molecular mechanisms represent the focus. It is uniquely concerned with the molecular basis of major human diseases and disease processes, presented in the context of traditional pathology, with implications for translational molecular medicine. The Second Edition of Molecular Pathology has been thoroughly updated to reflect seven years of exponential changes in the fields of genetics, molecular, and cell biology which molecular pathology translates in the practice of molecular medicine. The textbook is intended to serve as a multi-use textbook that would be appropriate as a classroom teaching tool for biomedical graduate students, medical students, allied health students, and others (such as advanced undergraduates). Further, this textbook will be valuable for pathology residents and other postdoctoral fellows that desire to advance their understanding of molecular mechanisms of disease beyond what they learned in medical/graduate school. In addition, this textbook is useful as a reference book for practicing basic scientists and physician scientists that perform disease-related basic science and translational research, who require a ready information resource on the molecular basis of various human diseases and disease states. - Explores the principles and practice of molecular pathology: molecular pathogenesis, molecular mechanisms of disease, and how the molecular pathogenesis of disease parallels the evolution of the disease - Explains the practice of "molecular medicine and the translational aspects of molecular pathology - Teaches from the perspective of "integrative systems biology - Enhanced digital version included with purchase