Hückel Theory for Organic Chemists

Hückel Theory for Organic Chemists PDF Author: Charles Alfred Coulson
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Hückel Theory for Organic Chemists

Hückel Theory for Organic Chemists PDF Author: Charles Alfred Coulson
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry

Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Arvi Rauk
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471461849
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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A practical introduction to orbital interaction theory and its applications in modern organic chemistry Orbital interaction theory is a conceptual construct that lies at the very heart of modern organic chemistry. Comprising a comprehensive set of principles for explaining chemical reactivity, orbital interaction theory originates in a rigorous theory of electronic structure that also provides the basis for the powerful computational models and techniques with which chemists seek to describe and exploit the structures and thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities of molecules. Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry, Second Edition introduces students to the fascinating world of organic chemistry at the mechanistic level with a thoroughly self-contained, well-integrated exposition of orbital interaction theory and its applications in modern organic chemistry. Professor Rauk reviews the concepts of symmetry and orbital theory, and explains reactivity in common functional groups and reactive intermediates in terms of orbital interaction theory. Aided by numerous examples and worked problems, he guides readers through basic chemistry concepts, such as acid and base strength, nucleophilicity, electrophilicity, and thermal stability (in terms of orbital interactions), and describes various computational models for describing those interactions. Updated and expanded, this latest edition of Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry includes a completely new chapter on organometallics, increased coverage of density functional theory, many new application examples, and worked problems. The text is complemented by an interactive computer program that displays orbitals graphically and is available through a link to a Web site. Orbital Interaction Theory of Organic Chemistry, Second Edition is an excellent text for advanced-level undergraduate and graduate students in organic chemistry. It is also a valuable working resource for professional chemists seeking guidance on interpreting the quantitative data produced by modern computational chemists.

Hückel Molecular Orbital Theory

Hückel Molecular Orbital Theory PDF Author: Keith Yates
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323152996
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Huckel Molecular Orbital Theory aims to be a simple, descriptive, and non-mathematical introduction to the Huckel molecular orbital theory and its applications in organic chemistry, thus the more basic text found in the book. The book, after an introduction to related concepts such as quantum mechanics and chemical bonding, discusses the Huckel molecular orbital theory and its basic assumptions; the variation principle and the basic Huckel method; and the use of symmetry properties in simplifying Huckel method orbital calculations. The book also covers other related topics such as the extensions and improvements of the simple Huckel method; the quantitative significance Huckel molecular orbital results; and the principle of conservation of orbital symmetry. The text is recommended for undergraduate students of organic chemistry who wish to be acquainted with the basics of the Huckel molecular orbital theory.

The PMO Theory of Organic Chemistry

The PMO Theory of Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Michael Dewar
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461344042
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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This textbook introduces the perturbation molecular orbital (PMO) th,eory of organic chemistry. Organic chemistry encompasses the largest body of factual information of any of the major divisions of science. The sheer bulk of the subject matter makes many demands on any theory that attempts to systematize it. Time has shown that the PMO method meets these demands admirably. The PMO method can provide practicing chemists with both a pictorial description of bonding and qualitative theoretical results that are well founded in more sophisticated treatments. The only requirements for use of the theory are high school algebra and a pencil and paper. The treatment described in this book is by no means new. Indeed, it was developed as a complete theory of organic chemistry more than twenty years ago. Although it was demonstrably superior to resonance theory and no more complicated to use, it escaped notice for two very simple reasons. First, the original papers describing it were very condensed, perhaps even obscure, and contained few if any examples. Second, for various reasons, no general account appeared in book form until 1969,* and this was still relatively inaccessible, being in the form of a monograph where molecular orbital (MO) theory was treated mainly at a much more sophisticated level. The generality of the PMO method is illustrated by the fact that all the new developments over the last two decades can be accommodated in it.

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Pierre Vogel
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527345329
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1386

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Provides the background, tools, and models required to understand organic synthesis and plan chemical reactions more efficiently Knowledge of physical chemistry is essential for achieving successful chemical reactions in organic chemistry. Chemists must be competent in a range of areas to understand organic synthesis. Organic Chemistry provides the methods, models, and tools necessary to fully comprehend organic reactions. Written by two internationally recognized experts in the field, this much-needed textbook fills a gap in current literature on physical organic chemistry. Rigorous yet straightforward chapters first examine chemical equilibria, thermodynamics, reaction rates and mechanisms, and molecular orbital theory, providing readers with a strong foundation in physical organic chemistry. Subsequent chapters demonstrate various reactions involving organic, organometallic, and biochemical reactants and catalysts. Throughout the text, numerous questions and exercises, over 800 in total, help readers strengthen their comprehension of the subject and highlight key points of learning. The companion Organic Chemistry Workbook contains complete references and answers to every question in this text. A much-needed resource for students and working chemists alike, this text: -Presents models that establish if a reaction is possible, estimate how long it will take, and determine its properties -Describes reactions with broad practical value in synthesis and biology, such as C-C-coupling reactions, pericyclic reactions, and catalytic reactions -Enables readers to plan chemical reactions more efficiently -Features clear illustrations, figures, and tables -With a Foreword by Nobel Prize Laureate Robert H. Grubbs Organic Chemistry: Theory, Reactivity, and Mechanisms in Modern Synthesis is an ideal textbook for students and instructors of chemistry, and a valuable work of reference for organic chemists, physical chemists, and chemical engineers.

Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions

Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions PDF Author: Ian Fleming
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119964652
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 389

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Winner of the PROSE Award for Chemistry & Physics 2010 Acknowledging the very best in professional and scholarly publishing, the annual PROSE Awards recognise publishers' and authors' commitment to pioneering works of research and for contributing to the conception, production, and design of landmark works in their fields. Judged by peer publishers, librarians, and medical professionals, Wiley are pleased to congratulate Professor Ian Fleming, winner of the PROSE Award in Chemistry and Physics for Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions. Molecular orbital theory is used by chemists to describe the arrangement of electrons in chemical structures. It is also a theory capable of giving some insight into the forces involved in the making and breaking of chemical bonds—the chemical reactions that are often the focus of an organic chemist's interest. Organic chemists with a serious interest in understanding and explaining their work usually express their ideas in molecular orbital terms, so much so that it is now an essential component of every organic chemist's skills to have some acquaintance with molecular orbital theory. Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions is both a simplified account of molecular orbital theory and a review of its applications in organic chemistry; it provides a basic introduction to the subject and a wealth of illustrative examples. In this book molecular orbital theory is presented in a much simplified, and entirely non-mathematical language, accessible to every organic chemist, whether student or research worker, whether mathematically competent or not. Topics covered include: Molecular Orbital Theory Molecular Orbitals and the Structures of Organic Molecules Chemical Reactions — How Far and How Fast Ionic Reactions — Reactivity Ionic Reactions — Stereochemistry Pericyclic Reactions Radical Reactions Photochemical Reactions Slides for lectures and presentations are available on the supplementary website: www.wiley.com/go/fleming_student Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions: Student Edition is an invaluable first textbook on this important subject for students of organic, physical organic and computational chemistry. The Reference Edition edition takes the content and the same non-mathematical approach of the Student Edition, and adds extensive extra subject coverage, detail and over 1500 references. The additional material adds a deeper understanding of the models used, and includes a broader range of applications and case studies. Providing a complete in-depth reference for a more advanced audience, this edition will find a place on the bookshelves of researchers and advanced students of organic, physical organic and computational chemistry. Further information can be viewed here. "These books are the result of years of work, which began as an attempt to write a second edition of my 1976 book Frontier Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions. I wanted to give a rather more thorough introduction to molecular orbitals, while maintaining my focus on the organic chemist who did not want a mathematical account, but still wanted to understand organic chemistry at a physical level. I'm delighted to win this prize, and hope a new generation of chemists will benefit from these books." -Professor Ian Fleming

Molecular Orbital Theory for Organic Chemists

Molecular Orbital Theory for Organic Chemists PDF Author: Andrew Streitwieser
Category : Chemistry, Organic
Languages : en
Pages : 484

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Quantum Mechanics For Organic Chemists

Quantum Mechanics For Organic Chemists PDF Author: Howard Zimmerman
Publisher: Academic Press
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Quantum Mechanics for Organic Chemists is based on the author's first-year graduate course on quantum mechanics for Organic Chemistry majors. The book not only makes a gradual transition from elementary to advanced, but also tries an approach that allows students to have a more intuitive learning. The book covers concepts in quantum physics and topics such as the LCAO-MO Huckel Approach; group theory; and extensions, modifications, and applications of the Huckel approach. Also included in the book are the areas of three-dimensional treatments; polyelectron wave functions; the Slater determinant; and Pople's SCF equations. The text is recommended for graduate students of organic chemistry who would like to know more about the applications of quantum mechanics in their field. Quantum physicists who are interested in the field of organic chemistry would also find the book appealing.

Computational Organic Chemistry

Computational Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Steven M. Bachrach
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118291921
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 653

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The Second Edition demonstrates how computational chemistry continues to shed new light on organic chemistry The Second Edition of author Steven Bachrach’s highly acclaimed Computational Organic Chemistry reflects the tremendous advances in computational methods since the publication of the First Edition, explaining how these advances have shaped our current understanding of organic chemistry. Readers familiar with the First Edition will discover new and revised material in all chapters, including new case studies and examples. There’s also a new chapter dedicated to computational enzymology that demonstrates how principles of quantum mechanics applied to organic reactions can be extended to biological systems. Computational Organic Chemistry covers a broad range of problems and challenges in organic chemistry where computational chemistry has played a significant role in developing new theories or where it has provided additional evidence to support experimentally derived insights. Readers do not have to be experts in quantum mechanics. The first chapter of the book introduces all of the major theoretical concepts and definitions of quantum mechanics followed by a chapter dedicated to computed spectral properties and structure identification. Next, the book covers: Fundamentals of organic chemistry Pericyclic reactions Diradicals and carbenes Organic reactions of anions Solution-phase organic chemistry Organic reaction dynamics The final chapter offers new computational approaches to understand enzymes. The book features interviews with preeminent computational chemists, underscoring the role of collaboration in developing new science. Three of these interviews are new to this edition. Readers interested in exploring individual topics in greater depth should turn to the book’s ancillary website www.comporgchem.com, which offers updates and supporting information. Plus, every cited article that is available in electronic form is listed with a link to the article.

Quantum Chemistry

Quantum Chemistry PDF Author: John P. Lowe
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080515541
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 732

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Praised for its appealing writing style and clear pedagogy, Lowe's Quantum Chemistry is now available in its Second Edition as a text for senior undergraduate- and graduate-level chemistry students. The book assumes little mathematical or physical sophistication and emphasizes an understanding of the techniques and results of quantum chemistry, thus enabling students to comprehend much of the current chemical literature in which quantum chemical methods or concepts are used as tools. The book begins with a six-chapter introduction of standard one-dimensional systems, the hydrogen atom, many-electron atoms, and principles of quantum mechanics. It then provides thorough treatments of variation and perturbation methods, group theory, ab initio theory, Huckel and extended Huckel methods, qualitative MO theory, and MO theory of periodic systems. Chapters are completed with exercises to facilitate self-study. Solutions to selected exercises are included. - Assumes little mathematical or physical sophistication - Emphasizes understanding of the techniques and results of quantum chemistry - Includes improved coverage of time-dependent phenomena, term symbols, and molecular rotation and vibration - Provides a new chapter on molecular orbital theory of periodic systems - Features new exercise sets with solutions - Includes a helpful new appendix that compiles angular momentum rules from operator algebra