How to Get Your Choral Composition Published

How to Get Your Choral Composition Published PDF Author: Barbara Harlow
ISBN: 9780964807105
Category : Choral music
Languages : en
Pages : 89

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How to Get Your Choral Composition Published

How to Get Your Choral Composition Published PDF Author: Barbara Harlow
ISBN: 9780964807105
Category : Choral music
Languages : en
Pages : 89

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The Art of Autism

The Art of Autism PDF Author: Debra Hosseini
ISBN: 9780983983408
Category : Art and mental illness
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Choral Music

Choral Music PDF Author: Avery T. Sharp
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0415994195
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 389

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This is an annotated bibliography to books, recordings, videos, and websites on choral music. This book will serve as an excellent tool for librarians, researchers, and scholars in sorting through the massive amount of new material that has appeared since publication of the previous edition.

Sing Better As You Age

Sing Better As You Age PDF Author: Victoria Meredith
ISBN: 9780964807167
Category : Singing
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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For the SingerThis book is designed as an interactive workbook that will help you to understand how your voice works, and to gain insight into what is taking place physically as you experience vocal changes. Most important, it presents ideas as to what types of actions you can take to improve the condition of your voice so that you can enjoy singing to its fullest.For the Choral ConductorWith an average population that is becoming older each year, many conductors are finding an increase in the number of mature singers in their choirs. Specifically, conductors working with a church or community choir are now often in the unique position of needing new tools to guide these singers toward preserving, or re-building, a healthy vocal condition. This book provides those tools in the form of guidelines and practical exercises geared to enhancing vocal vitality and longevity for adult singers of all ages.

Choral Music in the Twentieth Century

Choral Music in the Twentieth Century PDF Author: Nick Strimple
Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
ISBN: 9781574671223
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Musical works for chorus are among the great masterpieces of 20th-century art. This guide, the first truly comprehensive volume on the choral music of the last century, covers the spectacular range of music for vocal ensembles, from Saint-Saens to Tan Dun. The book will be essential to every choral conductor and a valuable resource for choir members, choral societies and choruses.

Choral Singing

Choral Singing PDF Author: Ursula Geïsler
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 144386904X
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 295

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What role does contemporary choral activity play in the construction of social and musical meaning? How can historical knowledge and analysis shed light on contemporary choral problems and possibilities? And how can choral research promote the development and expansion of new music today? Questions like these are addressed in this anthology from a wide range of disciplines and perspectives. The book comprises a selection of papers presented at the International Conference on the Concepts and Practices of Choral Singing in Lund, Sweden, in October 2012. The aim of the conference was to highlight the contemporary dynamic developments in choral research, and to explore interdisciplinary investigations and interaction between practice-based and historical approaches. The conference was also the fourth meeting of the network “Choir in Focus”, which was initiated in 2009 at Southern Choral Centre (Körcentrum Syd), a joint venture between Malmö Academy of Music, the Department of Musicology, Odeum (all at Lund University), Malmö Symphony Orchestra and Music South (Musik i Syd), Sweden. The continuous ambition of the network has been to provide a forum for co-operation across national and disciplinary borders and to encourage debates around the musical and social function of choirs in modern society as mirroring collective and individual needs for meaning, music-making and well-being. In the introductory chapter, the editors describe choral practice as a field of simultaneous (re)presentation, (re)production and (re)creation, and suggest that these three aspects may be seen as umbrella themes for the fifteen chapters of the anthology. The authors come from Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Germany, United Kingdom, Portugal and Belgium, and explore choral practice from differing theoretical and methodological starting points. Together, they contribute to a transdisciplinary discussion about the origins, functions and meanings of choral singing.

The Art and Science of Planning a Choral Concert

The Art and Science of Planning a Choral Concert PDF Author: Barbara Harlow
ISBN: 9780964807174
Category : Choirs (Music)
Languages : en
Pages : 72

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Choral Music: Methods and Materials

Choral Music: Methods and Materials PDF Author: Barbara A. Brinson
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781133599661
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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This essential text provides choral music educators with a well-organized, practical introduction to directing choirs and managing choral programs at the middle-school through high-school level. It offers step-by-step advice on designing and administering a choral program, from curricula to repertoire to performance, and helps instructors develop a personal philosophy of music education. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Directing the Choral Music Program

Directing the Choral Music Program PDF Author: Kenneth Harold Phillips
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 9780199371952
Category : Choirs (Music)
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Now in its second edition, Directing the Choral Music Program is a comprehensive introduction to developing and managing choral music programs for elementary, high school, and adult levels. Broad in scope and practical in orientation, this text is structured around three basic units: theadministrative process, rehearsal and performance planning, and choral techniques.

Harmony and Voice Leading

Harmony and Voice Leading PDF Author: Edward Aldwell
Category : Harmony
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Harmony and voice leading is a textbook in two volumes dealing with tonal organization in the music of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.