Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Giving Recent News and Complaining about the Price of Goods, 12 June 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Giving Recent News and Complaining about the Price of Goods, 12 June 1777 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Repeats news he mentioned in a letter from 8 June. Discusses the capture of several British ships with Hessians on board, and asks if he can enlist some of them for service. Comments on various ships, and mentions receiving money from Henry's brother William for Henry's share in the Newbury, apparently a privateer. Notes that Samuel Bradstreet has been accused of being a Tory, and Doctor Boyle is to be sent out of the country. Declares, if the Court does not do something for us, we shall never raise our Regt. it is not money that will get the men... money is as plenty as dirt- there is nothing but what is better than money- Harry you have not the least Idea of the price of goods... Complains of the exorbitant prices charged for goods, and proposes a system in which the military could purchase goods at a lower rate.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Regarding British Movements, 10 July 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Regarding British Movements, 10 July 1777 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Replies to a letter from Henry from 21 June, in which Knox discussed British movement in detail. Agrees with Knox, that the British in the New York/New Jersey area will form a junction with the Northern [sic] Army. Worries that General George Washington had misleading information, believing William Howe intended to march to Philadelphia (Howe did not march to Philadelphia; refer to Knox's letter to Jackson from 21 June). Expresses misgivings regarding the loyalty of Native Americans near Fort Ticonderoga: These devils will let their Friendship be what it may- will always take up the hatchet on the strongest side. Declares that if Howe captures Philadelphia, Albany, and Ticonderoga, it may help the Continental cause: it would Brake up all our dam'd money makers, who are making their Fortunes on the ruin of their Country. Complains of the poor pay for soldiers and officers in the Continental Army. Discusses his regiment. Gives details of an Independence Day celebration held the previous Friday. Reports that a maritime prize landed in Marblehead [Massachusetts] with Jamaican Rum.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with War News, 1 April 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with War News, 1 April 1777 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Received Knox's letter via Captain Shaw, and was pleased by Knox's good spirits. Hopes to defeat the British, but worries about the lack of manpower, hearing that Washington only has 4,000 men. If this is the case you must expect a whipping very soon. Hears that there are only 1,200 men and no field officers at Fort Ticonderoga, that Indian skirmishes there have cost many American lives, and that Colonel Baldwin the Engineer was taken prisoner. Unless action is taken he fears this most important post on the Continent may be lost. Colonel Crane lost his struggle to be permitted to use the town bounty in recruiting men. Without the bounty he will lose fine men he could otherwise recruit. Nothing has been done about raising their three battalions, and the legislature says nothing will be done until fifteen other battalions are raised first. Thinks this point will never come, and wishes Washington would order these battalions raised quickly. Worries his young officers will leave if the situation remains stagnant. Has a number of boys learning the drum and fife, but nothing for them to do.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Commenting on Elections in Boston, Family and Supplies for the War, 22 May 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Commenting on Elections in Boston, Family and Supplies for the War, 22 May 1777 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Languages : en
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Colonel Jackson writes to Brigadier General Knox in Morristown, New Jersey. Chides Knox for not writing to him through the last post. Comments that Boston will choose representatives the same day he writes. Expresses relief that Henry's wife, Lucy, and their child recovered from a recent bout of smallpox. In closing, requests Knox to procure an order for the Cloth & Arms & other necessary's for my Regt- dont forget I shall be ambitious to make as good an appearance in field... Relates that in future letters, he will sign as your friend, due to the danger of correspondence falling into enemy hands.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Battle of Ticonderoga and News from France, 19 July 1777

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Battle of Ticonderoga and News from France, 19 July 1777 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Languages : en
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Colonel Jackson asks, What think you of the loss of Ticonderoga, it is in general believ'd here, that that Fortress was sold to the enemy- as for my part, I shall suspend my Judgement till I can hear more of the particulars. Discusses recent news from France that all France is Arm'g their Fleet and Army... to assist America. Also notes that a private letter from Dr. [Benjamin] Franklin to a gentleman in America suggests that a War was inevertable, (possibly inevitable). Mentions the British recapture of their frigate the Fox, which had been taken by the Americans earlier. Notes that unless the court assists, he will not be able to fill his regiment. Asks about the affair of the Frenchman, declaring that if du Coudray is appointed the head of artillery. Declares that du Coudray is appointed in Knox's place, all the Majr Generals must resign.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on News of Family and Friends, 30 September 1798

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox on News of Family and Friends, 30 September 1798 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Languages : en
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Expresses his disappointment at not hearing from Knox and tells him about mutual friends and their families.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with Privateer News and Price of Sugar, 5 August 1776

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with Privateer News and Price of Sugar, 5 August 1776 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Languages : en
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Rebukes Knox for calling him a lazy scoundrel for not writing at every post. Discusses privateering news from a man named Captain White in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and provides an account of ships and cargo seized. Notes that the privateering has affected the price of sugar. Responds to Knox's suggestion of raising a regiment of artillery, but plans to write more on it in the future.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with News of Congress and Fears of Funding Business Plus Some News from Thomas Vose, 4 July 1790

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox with News of Congress and Fears of Funding Business Plus Some News from Thomas Vose, 4 July 1790 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Writes, The time taken up by Congress in fixing the permanent seat of Government, and the situation of the Funding business has caused a great uneasiness & clamour amongst the people, and of that Class that have been the firmest supporters of the government ... every mechanick & Tradesman conceives that their being out of employ is wholly owing to that circumstance - and the distress of that class of people in the several seaports in this State is very alarming - in this town it is melancholy to see the poverty and wretchedness of the inhabitants... Reports that Captain Vose, managing affairs on Knox's lands in present-day Maine, informed him that the people who live there are behind in their payments. They will not make any payments until the Massachusetts General Court decides on a petition related to the land. Relates, a Spanish War remains as it did...

Incomplete Letter from Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Ongoing War, 12 May 1777

Incomplete Letter from Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Discussing the Ongoing War, 12 May 1777 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Colonel Jackson discusses military details, noting that the Court, (referring to the Court of Massachusetts) has ordered the draft of every seventh man from towns that have not met enlistment quotas. He has persuaded the court to allow drafted men to choose which regiment they will join. Notes that General George Washington has ordered him to send weekly reports of his (Jackson's) proceedings. Wants Knox to apply to George Washington to give an order on his behalf for arms and accoutrements. Asks Knox other military advice, noting, as I have never been in the Service I wish to be as regular as possible, in all my proceedings, & Shall be ambitious to enter the field with as much reputation as possible for your sake, as well as my own. GLC02437.00591 and GLC02437.09451 were originally one document.

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Expressing Disappointment that Knox Will Not be in Boston, 1 February 1795

Henry Jackson to Henry Knox Expressing Disappointment that Knox Will Not be in Boston, 1 February 1795 PDF Author: Henry Jackson
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Expresses disappointment that Knox will not be in Boston but states that to clear the way for you I have settled with nearly all Mr. F.s creditors - most likely referring to some money owed. Discusses land business. Gives his love to David.