Author: Asociación Sostenibilidad Y Progreso De Sociedades
Publisher: Bubok
ISBN: 8468639273
Category : Science
Languages : es
Pages : 360
Book Description
El final del presente decenioy el próximo van a ser decisivos para orientar el rumbo de los generalizadosprocesos de urbanización, identificados como una de las principalesmegatendencias mundiales. Estamos en un momento histórico para entender que lasciudades y los territorios son elementos críticos de la transición hacia lasostenibilidad local y global. Como partes de la solución y del problema, laszonas urbanas y sus entornos tienen capacidades para rediseñar la políticaurbana y regional con un enfoque integrado y sostenible a fin de abordar conesperanza los desafíos sistémicos y los fenómenos globales como el cambioclimático. La transición urbana y territorial en la era del Antropoceno y elCambio Global precisa ajustes proactivos y adaptativos de los socioecosistemasurbanos y las regiones en el denominado ?siglo metropolitano?.El libro estádistribuido en 7 partes que abordan diferentes temáticas de interés en lasciudades:? La transición urbana y territorial frente alcambio global y las megatendencias mundiales.? Las bases para definir ciudades y territorioscon inteligencia, sostenibilidad y resiliencia en busca de la convivencia.? Perspectiva sistémica y la gestión delmetabolismo urbano.? Criterios de ecoeficiencia, morfología,movilidad e impacto ambiental en la gestión urbana.? Gestión de la sostenibilidad y la resilienciaen un contexto territorial.? Agendas estratégicas y marcos de referenciapara los nuevos paradigmas urbanos.? Modelos avanzados de gobernanza local: nuevascapacidades y responsabilidades de las sociedades y de los gobiernos urbanos yregionales.A lo largo de, estetexto se abordan los desafíos de los nuevos paradigmas urbanos donde se debenencuadrar coherentemente las políticas, las normativas, los sistemas deplanificación, gestión y gobernanza participativa de las ciudades y lasregiones. Así, se resalta el enfoque integrado de la dimensión urbana en unmarco territorial, al tiempo que se enfatiza la relación de las ciudades y delos territorios, insistiendo en los nexos urbano-rurales para mejorar lasostenibilidad y la resiliencia local-regional. La gestión de lossocioecosistemas urbanos y los territorios se tiene que plantear desde unenfoque de sistemas considerando el metabolismo de las modernas ciudades y losfactores de ecoeficiencia relacionados con la morfología urbana, la movilidad yel mayor impacto ambiental de los patrones urbanos dispersos frente acompactos, que son mucho más eficientes y sostenibles.El libro se publica enun momento oportuno, justo después de la Conferencia HABITAT III, señalando laimportancia estratégica de las zonas urbanas, en su empeño por dominar elplaneta, para trazar y afrontar colectivamente el futuro en el marco de undesarrollo humano sostenible. Es una obra profunda con contenidos de máximaactualidad que debe ser de interés para el mundo académico, para profesionalesinvolucrados con la planificación de la gestión urbana y para el gobierno anivel local, así como también para todos aquellos estudiosos de los procesos desostenibilidad aplicada a la dimensión urbana y territorial.Las ciudades yterritorios, donde viven, trabajan y sueñan las personas, requieren formas degestión y gobernanza inteligentes, resilientes y sostenibles, pero tambiénnecesitan más sabiduría para crear lugares habitables y convivenciales.Sobre el autorLuis M. Jiménez Herrero esDoctor y Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales e Ingeniero TécnicoAeronáutico. Ha trabajado profesionalmente en los campos de la Ingeniería,Economía, Gestión ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible, tanto para el sector públicoy privado. Desde 1979 ha sido profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas dela Universidad Complutense de Madrid impartiendo enseñanzas de Medio Ambiente yDesarrollo, y Economía Ecológica y Desarrollo Sostenible. En la actualidad esProfesor Honorífico de la UCM. Es autor de numerosas publicaciones y varioslibros sobre economía del Medio Ambiente, Desarrollo Sostenible y EconomíaEcológica. Ha sido Director Ejecutivo del Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad enEspaña (OSE, 2005 a 2013), dirigiendo Informes anuales y temáticos sobre sobresostenibilidad y los procesos de desarrollo sostenible. Actualmente esPresidente de la Asociación para la Sostenibilidad y el Progreso de lasSociedades (ASYPS) que está dedicada a impulsar respuestas ante el cambioGlobal para favorecer la transición hacia paradigmas de progreso sostenible. [email protected]
Hacia ciudades y territorios inteligentes, resilientes y sostenibles
Author: Asociación Sostenibilidad Y Progreso De Sociedades
Publisher: Bubok
ISBN: 8468639273
Category : Science
Languages : es
Pages : 360
Book Description
El final del presente decenioy el próximo van a ser decisivos para orientar el rumbo de los generalizadosprocesos de urbanización, identificados como una de las principalesmegatendencias mundiales. Estamos en un momento histórico para entender que lasciudades y los territorios son elementos críticos de la transición hacia lasostenibilidad local y global. Como partes de la solución y del problema, laszonas urbanas y sus entornos tienen capacidades para rediseñar la políticaurbana y regional con un enfoque integrado y sostenible a fin de abordar conesperanza los desafíos sistémicos y los fenómenos globales como el cambioclimático. La transición urbana y territorial en la era del Antropoceno y elCambio Global precisa ajustes proactivos y adaptativos de los socioecosistemasurbanos y las regiones en el denominado ?siglo metropolitano?.El libro estádistribuido en 7 partes que abordan diferentes temáticas de interés en lasciudades:? La transición urbana y territorial frente alcambio global y las megatendencias mundiales.? Las bases para definir ciudades y territorioscon inteligencia, sostenibilidad y resiliencia en busca de la convivencia.? Perspectiva sistémica y la gestión delmetabolismo urbano.? Criterios de ecoeficiencia, morfología,movilidad e impacto ambiental en la gestión urbana.? Gestión de la sostenibilidad y la resilienciaen un contexto territorial.? Agendas estratégicas y marcos de referenciapara los nuevos paradigmas urbanos.? Modelos avanzados de gobernanza local: nuevascapacidades y responsabilidades de las sociedades y de los gobiernos urbanos yregionales.A lo largo de, estetexto se abordan los desafíos de los nuevos paradigmas urbanos donde se debenencuadrar coherentemente las políticas, las normativas, los sistemas deplanificación, gestión y gobernanza participativa de las ciudades y lasregiones. Así, se resalta el enfoque integrado de la dimensión urbana en unmarco territorial, al tiempo que se enfatiza la relación de las ciudades y delos territorios, insistiendo en los nexos urbano-rurales para mejorar lasostenibilidad y la resiliencia local-regional. La gestión de lossocioecosistemas urbanos y los territorios se tiene que plantear desde unenfoque de sistemas considerando el metabolismo de las modernas ciudades y losfactores de ecoeficiencia relacionados con la morfología urbana, la movilidad yel mayor impacto ambiental de los patrones urbanos dispersos frente acompactos, que son mucho más eficientes y sostenibles.El libro se publica enun momento oportuno, justo después de la Conferencia HABITAT III, señalando laimportancia estratégica de las zonas urbanas, en su empeño por dominar elplaneta, para trazar y afrontar colectivamente el futuro en el marco de undesarrollo humano sostenible. Es una obra profunda con contenidos de máximaactualidad que debe ser de interés para el mundo académico, para profesionalesinvolucrados con la planificación de la gestión urbana y para el gobierno anivel local, así como también para todos aquellos estudiosos de los procesos desostenibilidad aplicada a la dimensión urbana y territorial.Las ciudades yterritorios, donde viven, trabajan y sueñan las personas, requieren formas degestión y gobernanza inteligentes, resilientes y sostenibles, pero tambiénnecesitan más sabiduría para crear lugares habitables y convivenciales.Sobre el autorLuis M. Jiménez Herrero esDoctor y Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales e Ingeniero TécnicoAeronáutico. Ha trabajado profesionalmente en los campos de la Ingeniería,Economía, Gestión ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible, tanto para el sector públicoy privado. Desde 1979 ha sido profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas dela Universidad Complutense de Madrid impartiendo enseñanzas de Medio Ambiente yDesarrollo, y Economía Ecológica y Desarrollo Sostenible. En la actualidad esProfesor Honorífico de la UCM. Es autor de numerosas publicaciones y varioslibros sobre economía del Medio Ambiente, Desarrollo Sostenible y EconomíaEcológica. Ha sido Director Ejecutivo del Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad enEspaña (OSE, 2005 a 2013), dirigiendo Informes anuales y temáticos sobre sobresostenibilidad y los procesos de desarrollo sostenible. Actualmente esPresidente de la Asociación para la Sostenibilidad y el Progreso de lasSociedades (ASYPS) que está dedicada a impulsar respuestas ante el cambioGlobal para favorecer la transición hacia paradigmas de progreso sostenible. [email protected]
Publisher: Bubok
ISBN: 8468639273
Category : Science
Languages : es
Pages : 360
Book Description
El final del presente decenioy el próximo van a ser decisivos para orientar el rumbo de los generalizadosprocesos de urbanización, identificados como una de las principalesmegatendencias mundiales. Estamos en un momento histórico para entender que lasciudades y los territorios son elementos críticos de la transición hacia lasostenibilidad local y global. Como partes de la solución y del problema, laszonas urbanas y sus entornos tienen capacidades para rediseñar la políticaurbana y regional con un enfoque integrado y sostenible a fin de abordar conesperanza los desafíos sistémicos y los fenómenos globales como el cambioclimático. La transición urbana y territorial en la era del Antropoceno y elCambio Global precisa ajustes proactivos y adaptativos de los socioecosistemasurbanos y las regiones en el denominado ?siglo metropolitano?.El libro estádistribuido en 7 partes que abordan diferentes temáticas de interés en lasciudades:? La transición urbana y territorial frente alcambio global y las megatendencias mundiales.? Las bases para definir ciudades y territorioscon inteligencia, sostenibilidad y resiliencia en busca de la convivencia.? Perspectiva sistémica y la gestión delmetabolismo urbano.? Criterios de ecoeficiencia, morfología,movilidad e impacto ambiental en la gestión urbana.? Gestión de la sostenibilidad y la resilienciaen un contexto territorial.? Agendas estratégicas y marcos de referenciapara los nuevos paradigmas urbanos.? Modelos avanzados de gobernanza local: nuevascapacidades y responsabilidades de las sociedades y de los gobiernos urbanos yregionales.A lo largo de, estetexto se abordan los desafíos de los nuevos paradigmas urbanos donde se debenencuadrar coherentemente las políticas, las normativas, los sistemas deplanificación, gestión y gobernanza participativa de las ciudades y lasregiones. Así, se resalta el enfoque integrado de la dimensión urbana en unmarco territorial, al tiempo que se enfatiza la relación de las ciudades y delos territorios, insistiendo en los nexos urbano-rurales para mejorar lasostenibilidad y la resiliencia local-regional. La gestión de lossocioecosistemas urbanos y los territorios se tiene que plantear desde unenfoque de sistemas considerando el metabolismo de las modernas ciudades y losfactores de ecoeficiencia relacionados con la morfología urbana, la movilidad yel mayor impacto ambiental de los patrones urbanos dispersos frente acompactos, que son mucho más eficientes y sostenibles.El libro se publica enun momento oportuno, justo después de la Conferencia HABITAT III, señalando laimportancia estratégica de las zonas urbanas, en su empeño por dominar elplaneta, para trazar y afrontar colectivamente el futuro en el marco de undesarrollo humano sostenible. Es una obra profunda con contenidos de máximaactualidad que debe ser de interés para el mundo académico, para profesionalesinvolucrados con la planificación de la gestión urbana y para el gobierno anivel local, así como también para todos aquellos estudiosos de los procesos desostenibilidad aplicada a la dimensión urbana y territorial.Las ciudades yterritorios, donde viven, trabajan y sueñan las personas, requieren formas degestión y gobernanza inteligentes, resilientes y sostenibles, pero tambiénnecesitan más sabiduría para crear lugares habitables y convivenciales.Sobre el autorLuis M. Jiménez Herrero esDoctor y Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales e Ingeniero TécnicoAeronáutico. Ha trabajado profesionalmente en los campos de la Ingeniería,Economía, Gestión ambiental y Desarrollo Sostenible, tanto para el sector públicoy privado. Desde 1979 ha sido profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas dela Universidad Complutense de Madrid impartiendo enseñanzas de Medio Ambiente yDesarrollo, y Economía Ecológica y Desarrollo Sostenible. En la actualidad esProfesor Honorífico de la UCM. Es autor de numerosas publicaciones y varioslibros sobre economía del Medio Ambiente, Desarrollo Sostenible y EconomíaEcológica. Ha sido Director Ejecutivo del Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad enEspaña (OSE, 2005 a 2013), dirigiendo Informes anuales y temáticos sobre sobresostenibilidad y los procesos de desarrollo sostenible. Actualmente esPresidente de la Asociación para la Sostenibilidad y el Progreso de lasSociedades (ASYPS) que está dedicada a impulsar respuestas ante el cambioGlobal para favorecer la transición hacia paradigmas de progreso sostenible. [email protected]
Urban Resilience for Risk and Adaptation Governance
Author: Grazia Brunetta
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319769448
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 305
Book Description
This book brings together a series of theory and practice essays on risk management and adaptation in urban contexts within a resilient and multidimensional perspective. The book proposes a transversal approach with regard to the role of spatial planning in promoting and fostering risk management as well as institutions’ challenges for governing risk, particularly in relation to new forms of multi-level governance that may include stakeholders and citizen engagement. The different contributions focus on approaches, policies, and practices able to contrast risks in urban systems generating social inclusion, equity and participation through bottom-up governance forms and co-evolution principles. Case studies focus on lessons learned, as well as the potential and means for their replication and upscaling, also through capacity building and knowledge transfer. Among many other topics, the book explores difficulties encountered in, and creative solutions found, community and local experiences and capacities, organizational processes and integrative institutional, technical approaches to risk issue in cities.
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319769448
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 305
Book Description
This book brings together a series of theory and practice essays on risk management and adaptation in urban contexts within a resilient and multidimensional perspective. The book proposes a transversal approach with regard to the role of spatial planning in promoting and fostering risk management as well as institutions’ challenges for governing risk, particularly in relation to new forms of multi-level governance that may include stakeholders and citizen engagement. The different contributions focus on approaches, policies, and practices able to contrast risks in urban systems generating social inclusion, equity and participation through bottom-up governance forms and co-evolution principles. Case studies focus on lessons learned, as well as the potential and means for their replication and upscaling, also through capacity building and knowledge transfer. Among many other topics, the book explores difficulties encountered in, and creative solutions found, community and local experiences and capacities, organizational processes and integrative institutional, technical approaches to risk issue in cities.
Health Networks in Action
Author: Pinto, Diana M.
Publisher: Inter-American Development Bank
ISBN: 1597824135
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 136
Book Description
Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks (IHSDN) based on primary health care (PHC) are the most promising solution for health systems to satisfy the health needs of the population and to address access, efficiency, quality and equity challenges faced by health systems of the world. PHCs essential attributes (people and family centered care, comprehensiveness, continuity, longitudinality) position this approach as one of the key strategies for countries to meet the aspiration of achieving universal health coverage. Creating care networks has been a common thread running through Latin America and the Caribbeans health policy agendas. In terms of actually putting the IHSDN model in action, there is a wide range of interpretations and experiences, with designs, scales, organizational methods, and maturity levels that vary within and between countries. This book shares evidence of the progress made in forming and launching IHSDN in Latin America based on four case studies conducted in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. The results were found by systematically applying an instrument that collects regional information on the context and features of the IHSDNs governance, funding, care models, and IHSDN management models. The books chapters describe the characteristics of IHSDN in the four studied countries, lessons are drawn from how these IHSDN have been designed and implemented, challenges for the future are identified and recommendations are provided on what will it take to consolidate the IHSDN model in Latin America. The hypothetical story of Dioselina, illustrates throughout the book the obstacles and difficulties that arise for a diabetic patient when using health services that are not people-centered. The results shed light on how prepared IHSDN in this region are to provide patient-centered care and where to focus efforts for improvement. The evidence found in this study will help develop and advance PHC in Latin America.
Publisher: Inter-American Development Bank
ISBN: 1597824135
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 136
Book Description
Integrated Health Service Delivery Networks (IHSDN) based on primary health care (PHC) are the most promising solution for health systems to satisfy the health needs of the population and to address access, efficiency, quality and equity challenges faced by health systems of the world. PHCs essential attributes (people and family centered care, comprehensiveness, continuity, longitudinality) position this approach as one of the key strategies for countries to meet the aspiration of achieving universal health coverage. Creating care networks has been a common thread running through Latin America and the Caribbeans health policy agendas. In terms of actually putting the IHSDN model in action, there is a wide range of interpretations and experiences, with designs, scales, organizational methods, and maturity levels that vary within and between countries. This book shares evidence of the progress made in forming and launching IHSDN in Latin America based on four case studies conducted in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico. The results were found by systematically applying an instrument that collects regional information on the context and features of the IHSDNs governance, funding, care models, and IHSDN management models. The books chapters describe the characteristics of IHSDN in the four studied countries, lessons are drawn from how these IHSDN have been designed and implemented, challenges for the future are identified and recommendations are provided on what will it take to consolidate the IHSDN model in Latin America. The hypothetical story of Dioselina, illustrates throughout the book the obstacles and difficulties that arise for a diabetic patient when using health services that are not people-centered. The results shed light on how prepared IHSDN in this region are to provide patient-centered care and where to focus efforts for improvement. The evidence found in this study will help develop and advance PHC in Latin America.
Hacia ciudades y territorios inteligentes, resilientes y sostenibles
Author: Luis M. Jiménez Herrero
ISBN: 9788468638881
Category :
Languages : es
Pages : 361
Book Description
ISBN: 9788468638881
Category :
Languages : es
Pages : 361
Book Description
Intelligent Cities
Author: Nicos Komninos
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135159297
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 324
Book Description
At the turn of the century some cities and regions in Europe, Japan and the USA, displayed an exceptional capacity to incubate and develop new knowledge and innovations. The favourable environment for research, technology and innovation created in these areas was not immediately obvious, yet it was of great significance for a development based on knowledge, learning, and innovation. Intelligent Cities focuses on these environments of innovation, and the major models (technopoles, innovating regions, intelligent cities) for creating an environment-supporting technology, innovation, learning, and knowledge-based development. The introduction and the first chapter deal with innovation as an environmental condition, and with the geography and typology of islands of innovation. The next three parts focus on the theoretical paradigms and the planning models of the 'industrial district', the innovating region', and the 'intelligent city', which offer three alternative ways to create an environment of innovation.
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135159297
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 324
Book Description
At the turn of the century some cities and regions in Europe, Japan and the USA, displayed an exceptional capacity to incubate and develop new knowledge and innovations. The favourable environment for research, technology and innovation created in these areas was not immediately obvious, yet it was of great significance for a development based on knowledge, learning, and innovation. Intelligent Cities focuses on these environments of innovation, and the major models (technopoles, innovating regions, intelligent cities) for creating an environment-supporting technology, innovation, learning, and knowledge-based development. The introduction and the first chapter deal with innovation as an environmental condition, and with the geography and typology of islands of innovation. The next three parts focus on the theoretical paradigms and the planning models of the 'industrial district', the innovating region', and the 'intelligent city', which offer three alternative ways to create an environment of innovation.
Digital Cities
Author: Toru Ishida
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540464220
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 452
Book Description
On the way towards the Information Society, global networks such as the Internet, together with mobile computing, have made wide-area computing over virtual communities a reality. Digital city projects, with the goal of building platforms to support community networking, are going on worldwide. This is the first book devoted to digital cities. It is based on an international symposium held in Kyoto, Japan, in September 1999. The 34 revised full papers presented were carefully selected for inclusion in the book; they reflect the state of the art in this exciting new field of interdisciplinary research and development. The book is divided into parts on design and analysis, digital city experiments, community network experiments, applications, visualization technologies, mobile technologies, and social interaction and communityware.
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540464220
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 452
Book Description
On the way towards the Information Society, global networks such as the Internet, together with mobile computing, have made wide-area computing over virtual communities a reality. Digital city projects, with the goal of building platforms to support community networking, are going on worldwide. This is the first book devoted to digital cities. It is based on an international symposium held in Kyoto, Japan, in September 1999. The 34 revised full papers presented were carefully selected for inclusion in the book; they reflect the state of the art in this exciting new field of interdisciplinary research and development. The book is divided into parts on design and analysis, digital city experiments, community network experiments, applications, visualization technologies, mobile technologies, and social interaction and communityware.
The Rise of the Creative Class--Revisited
Author: Richard Florida
Publisher: Hachette UK
ISBN: 0465038980
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 383
Book Description
A provocative new way to think about why we live as we do today-and where we might be headed. Initially published in 2002, The Rise of the Creative Class quickly achieved classic status for its identification of forces then only beginning to reshape our economy, geography, and workplace. Weaving story-telling with original research, Richard Florida identified a fundamental shift linking a host of seemingly unrelated changes in American society: the growing importance of creativity in people's work lives and the emergence of a class of people unified by their engagement in creative work. Millions of us were beginning to work and live much as creative types like artists and scientists always had, Florida observed, and this Creative Class was determining how the workplace was organized, what companies would prosper or go bankrupt, and even which cities would thrive. In The Rise of the Creative Class Revisited, Florida further refines his occupational, demographic, psychological, and economic profile of the Creative Class, incorporates a decade of research, and adds five new chapters covering the global effects of the Creative Class and exploring the factors that shape "quality of place" in our changing cities and suburbs.
Publisher: Hachette UK
ISBN: 0465038980
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 383
Book Description
A provocative new way to think about why we live as we do today-and where we might be headed. Initially published in 2002, The Rise of the Creative Class quickly achieved classic status for its identification of forces then only beginning to reshape our economy, geography, and workplace. Weaving story-telling with original research, Richard Florida identified a fundamental shift linking a host of seemingly unrelated changes in American society: the growing importance of creativity in people's work lives and the emergence of a class of people unified by their engagement in creative work. Millions of us were beginning to work and live much as creative types like artists and scientists always had, Florida observed, and this Creative Class was determining how the workplace was organized, what companies would prosper or go bankrupt, and even which cities would thrive. In The Rise of the Creative Class Revisited, Florida further refines his occupational, demographic, psychological, and economic profile of the Creative Class, incorporates a decade of research, and adds five new chapters covering the global effects of the Creative Class and exploring the factors that shape "quality of place" in our changing cities and suburbs.
Indigenous Peoples’ food systems
Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 9251345619
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 420
Book Description
This publication provides an overview of the common and unique sustainability elements of Indigenous Peoples' food systems, in terms of natural resource management, access to the market, diet diversity, indigenous peoples’ governance systems, and links to traditional knowledge and indigenous languages. While enhancing the learning on Indigenous Peoples food systems, it will raise awareness on the need to enhance the protection of Indigenous Peoples' food systems as a source of livelihood for the 476 million indigenous inhabitants in the world, while contributing to the Zero Hunger Goal. In addition, the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025) and the UN Food Systems Summit call on the enhancement of sustainable food systems and on the importance of diversifying diets with nutritious foods, while broadening the existing food base and preserving biodiversity. This is a feature characteristic of Indigenous Peoples' food systems since hundreds of years, which can provide answers to the current debate on sustainable food systems and resilience.
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 9251345619
Category : Cooking
Languages : en
Pages : 420
Book Description
This publication provides an overview of the common and unique sustainability elements of Indigenous Peoples' food systems, in terms of natural resource management, access to the market, diet diversity, indigenous peoples’ governance systems, and links to traditional knowledge and indigenous languages. While enhancing the learning on Indigenous Peoples food systems, it will raise awareness on the need to enhance the protection of Indigenous Peoples' food systems as a source of livelihood for the 476 million indigenous inhabitants in the world, while contributing to the Zero Hunger Goal. In addition, the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025) and the UN Food Systems Summit call on the enhancement of sustainable food systems and on the importance of diversifying diets with nutritious foods, while broadening the existing food base and preserving biodiversity. This is a feature characteristic of Indigenous Peoples' food systems since hundreds of years, which can provide answers to the current debate on sustainable food systems and resilience.
SDG11, Sustainable Cities and Communities
Author: Shyama V. Ramani
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000587665
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 203
Book Description
This book explores Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, providing insights into viable pathways and policy designs for a transition towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities. The volume discusses existing scientific literature on SDG 11 and provides conceptual frameworks relating to systemic transitions, sectoral transitions and behavioural transitions for overcoming challenges related to governance and implementation. Through detailed case studies from cities and settlements, in Europe, Middle East and Asia, it showcases the dynamic processes involved in urban transformations. Drawing from these comparative analyses, the book provides robust frameworks and tools for better solutions and viable pathways to achieve SDG targets in diverse urban settings. Rich in empirical data, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of development studies, environment studies, urban studies, urban sociology, political economy, political studies, public policy and sociology. It will also be useful for policy makers, professionals, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and think tanks working in the area of sustainable development and urban planning.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000587665
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 203
Book Description
This book explores Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11, providing insights into viable pathways and policy designs for a transition towards sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities. The volume discusses existing scientific literature on SDG 11 and provides conceptual frameworks relating to systemic transitions, sectoral transitions and behavioural transitions for overcoming challenges related to governance and implementation. Through detailed case studies from cities and settlements, in Europe, Middle East and Asia, it showcases the dynamic processes involved in urban transformations. Drawing from these comparative analyses, the book provides robust frameworks and tools for better solutions and viable pathways to achieve SDG targets in diverse urban settings. Rich in empirical data, this book will be useful for scholars and researchers of development studies, environment studies, urban studies, urban sociology, political economy, political studies, public policy and sociology. It will also be useful for policy makers, professionals, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and think tanks working in the area of sustainable development and urban planning.
Author: Joan Busquets
Publisher: Actar D
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 484
Book Description
Barcelona is regarded as a prototype of a European Mediterranean city with a long urban tradition. It has undergone a specific process of historic formation: density and compactness of urban form, evolution by extension rather than by reform. A history of urban planning necessarily includes a summary of the territorial and urban experience, the physical dimensions of the city that condition its cultural and economic development. This book centers on the construction of Barcelona, taking as its basis the most important planning operations and city projects, and drawing from diverse sources and phases. The local scale of many of the projects contrasts with the cosmopolitan aspirations that have made these interventions so innovative; including major projects for special events, such as the 1888 (World Exhibition), 1929 (Electrical Industries Exhibition) and 1992 (Olympic Games). New prospects are emerging from the recent European institutional framework, particularly changes in the economic system to a post-industrial phase. The urban planning history of Barcelona shows how the city has overcome major contradictions.
Publisher: Actar D
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 484
Book Description
Barcelona is regarded as a prototype of a European Mediterranean city with a long urban tradition. It has undergone a specific process of historic formation: density and compactness of urban form, evolution by extension rather than by reform. A history of urban planning necessarily includes a summary of the territorial and urban experience, the physical dimensions of the city that condition its cultural and economic development. This book centers on the construction of Barcelona, taking as its basis the most important planning operations and city projects, and drawing from diverse sources and phases. The local scale of many of the projects contrasts with the cosmopolitan aspirations that have made these interventions so innovative; including major projects for special events, such as the 1888 (World Exhibition), 1929 (Electrical Industries Exhibition) and 1992 (Olympic Games). New prospects are emerging from the recent European institutional framework, particularly changes in the economic system to a post-industrial phase. The urban planning history of Barcelona shows how the city has overcome major contradictions.