Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology PDF Author: Luke Rudmik
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323544614
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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Book Description
Get a quick, expert overview of the many key facets of today's otolaryngology practice with this concise, practical resource. Dr. Luke Rudmik and a leading team of experts in the field address high-interest clinical topics in this fast-changing field. - Presents an evidence-based, clinical approach to leading topics in otolaryngology. - Covers key topics such as management of vertigo; management of adult sensorineural hearing loss; reflux in sinusitis; balloon catheter dilation in rhinology; epistaxis; functional rhinoplasty; sublingual immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis; pediatric obstructive sleep apnea; pediatric tonsillectomy; evaluation and management of unilateral vocal fold paralysis; management of hoarseness; endoscopic skull base resection for malignancy; management of glottic cancer; management of well-differentiated thyroid cancer; and management of the clinical node-negative neck in early stage oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. - Consolidates today's available information and experience in this challenging area into one convenient resource.

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology PDF Author: Luke Rudmik
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323544614
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 203

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Book Description
Get a quick, expert overview of the many key facets of today's otolaryngology practice with this concise, practical resource. Dr. Luke Rudmik and a leading team of experts in the field address high-interest clinical topics in this fast-changing field. - Presents an evidence-based, clinical approach to leading topics in otolaryngology. - Covers key topics such as management of vertigo; management of adult sensorineural hearing loss; reflux in sinusitis; balloon catheter dilation in rhinology; epistaxis; functional rhinoplasty; sublingual immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis; pediatric obstructive sleep apnea; pediatric tonsillectomy; evaluation and management of unilateral vocal fold paralysis; management of hoarseness; endoscopic skull base resection for malignancy; management of glottic cancer; management of well-differentiated thyroid cancer; and management of the clinical node-negative neck in early stage oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma. - Consolidates today's available information and experience in this challenging area into one convenient resource.

Evidence-Based Otolaryngology

Evidence-Based Otolaryngology PDF Author: Jennifer Shin
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387499792
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 778

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Book Description
Recognizing the clinician's need for quick access to a comprehensive and immediately useful presentation of evidence-based material, the authors and editors have condensed the research on the most common otorhinolaryngological complaints into this indispensable volume. Their unique approach color-codes the level of research backing each set of evidence in order to make assessment of the evidence as quick and useful as possible. Each clinical problem is presented with a "color key," letting the physician know the level of evidence available: green (high-level evidence), yellow (low–moderate levels of evidence), or red (major disagreement or only minimal low-level evidence). The content of each chapter is structured in the same manner so the reader quickly becomes accustomed to finding precisely the information needed for each new case. Featuring sections on general otolaryngology, head and neck surgery, pediatrics, and otology, Evidence-Based Otolaryngology not only presents the research, but gives the clinician immediately applicable recommendations for patient treatment.

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics

Evidence-Based Clinical Practice in Otolaryngology, An Issue of Otolaryngologic Clinics PDF Author: Timothy L. Smith
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 1455747440
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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Book Description
The concept of Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) has flourished in recent years and it seems that clinicians, more than ever, crave evidence from the medical literature to inform their clinical care decision making. While it is heartening that great volumes of evidence may exist, it is a daunting task to assimilate, critically review, prioritize, grade, and operationalize this crucial information. This volume of Otolaryngologic Clinics attempts to do just that. This book examines Evidence Based Practices on topics of critical importance to otolaryngologists-head and neck surgeons. The evidence has been gathered and is presented by leaders in their respective fields. Topics cover evidence-based practice of: Management of Vertigo, Management of Adult Sensory Neural Hearing Loss, Cochlear Implantation, Reflux in Sinusitus, Balloon Dilation in Otolaryngology, Postoperative Care in Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, Functional Rhinoplasty, Sublingual Immunotherapy for Allergic Rhinitis, Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Pediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Pediatric Tonsillectomy, Management of Vocal Cord Paralysis, Management of Hoarseness, Endoscopic Skull Base Resection for Malignancy, Management of Glottic Cancer, Management of Thyroid Cancer, and Management of N0 Neck.

Users' Guides to the Medical Literature

Users' Guides to the Medical Literature PDF Author: Gordon Guyatt
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071590390
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 383

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The “essential” companion to the landmark Users' Guides to the Medical Literature - completely revised and updated! 5 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "This second edition is even better than the original. Information is easier to find and the additional resources that will be available at www.JAMAevidence.com will provide readers with a one-stop source for evidence-based medicine."--Doody's Review Service Evidence-based medicine involves the careful interpretation of medical studies and its clinical application. And no resource helps you do it better-and faster-than Users' Guides to the Medical Literature: Essentials of Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. This streamlined reference distills the most clinically-relevant coverage from the parent Users' Guide Manual into one highly-focused, portable resource. Praised for its clear explanations of detailed statistical and mathematical principles, The Essentials concisely covers all the basic concepts of evidence-based medicine--everything you need to deliver optimal patient care. It's a perfect at-a-glance source for busy clinicians and students, helping you distinguish between solid medical evidence and poor medical evidence, tailor evidence-based medicine for each patient, and much more. Now in its second edition, this carry-along quick reference is more clinically relevant--and more essential--than ever! FEATURES Completely revised and updated with all new coverage of the basic issues in evidence-based medicine in patient care Abundant real-world examples drawn from the medical literature are woven throughout, and include important related principles and pitfalls in using clinical research in patient care decisions Edited by over 60 internationally recognized editors and contributors from around the globe Also look for JAMAevidence.com, a new interactive database for the best practice of evidence based medicine.

Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office

Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office PDF Author: United States. Patent Office
Category : Patents
Languages : en
Pages : 862

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Pediatric Otolaryngology

Pediatric Otolaryngology PDF Author: Ralph F. Wetmore
Publisher: Thieme
ISBN: 1604064153
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 2267

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Written and edited by renowned experts, Pediatric Otolaryngology: Principles and Practice Pathways Second Edition covers the medical and surgical management of clinical problems encountered in pediatric otolaryngology. The core of the book is the evidence-based practice pathways formulated to help clinicians identify and treat a wide range of disorders, ranging from the common to the highly complex. Designed to be the residents go-to book during pediatric otolaryngology rotations and an authoritative reference for day-to-day practice, this text will be a valued professional asset for years to come. New in this second edition: A current review of pediatric cochlear implantation Up-to-date coverage of genetic breakthroughs that impact congenital hearing loss Discussion of recent controversies surrounding tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Coverage of the new subspecialties emerging within the broader field of pediatric otolaryngology, including airway reconstruction, voice, and more The clinical pathways in this encyclopedic text provide a roadmap for the decision-making process and are essential for residents, fellows, and practitioners in pediatric otolaryngology who strive to provide the highest level of patient care.

Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery

Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery PDF Author: Jonas Johnson
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 146983023X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 7305

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Completely revised, this fifth edition of Bailey’s Head and Neck Surgery – Otolaryngology offers the most current and useful evidence-based information available for the practicing otolaryngologist and otolaryngology resident. Written to increase the reader’s understanding, retention, and ability to successfully apply the information learned, this easy-to-read text contains concise, practical content on all areas of head and neck surgery in Otolaryngology. With 207 concise chapters, over 3,000 four-color illustrations, helpful summary tables, and supplemental video segments everything about this two-volume reference is designed to enhance the learning experience. There’s even a Study Guide included to help the reader benchmark progress. This is the tablet version which does not include access to the supplemental content mentioned in the text.


Otolaryngology PDF Author: R. Pasha
Publisher: Plural Publishing
ISBN: 9781597560238
Category : Head
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Otolaryngology clinicians and residents continue to rave about the first edition of Otolaryngology--Head & Neck Surgery: Clinical Reference Guide, finding it the most well organized, practical and thorough tool for otolaryngology. The book, which is a favored study guide for the boards, is organized is expanded outline form with detailed illustrations, and is in a convenient pocket size. The updated second edition further meets the needs of students and professionals with new content including a new chapter on Allergy and Immunology. This important resource captures the essential points from workup, differential diagnosis and symptomatology to pathophysiology, complications and current standard of care.

Handbook of Otolaryngology

Handbook of Otolaryngology PDF Author: David Goldenberg
Publisher: Thieme
ISBN: 1626234086
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 768

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A stellar reference with the full spectrum of otolaryngology–head and neck surgery and facial plastic surgery! Now in full color, the revised and updated second edition of David Goldenberg's and Bradley Goldstein's acclaimed, award-winning Handbook of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery is the GOLD standard among pocket guides for this specialty. Packed with information in an all-encompassing scope, yet conveniently portable, this book's reader-friendly organization (and superb index) is designed for quick reference. Sections cover Otology, Rhinology, Laryngology and the Upper Aerodigestive Tract, Head and Neck Surgery, Pediatric Otolaryngology, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, General Otolaryngology, and (new for this edition) Endocrine Surgery. Most chapters follow a standard format, beginning with a handy list of key points, followed by epidemiology, signs and symptoms, differential diagnosis, how to best conduct the physical exam, imaging, treatment options, outcomes, and appropriate follow-up. Detailed guidance on the full continuum of patient care-from pediatric to geriatric-is provided, which is indispensable for day-to-day practice. Key Highlights Color figures explain procedures, and numerous tables facilitate learning and recall. The latest TNM staging data is included within all cancer-related chapters. Where applicable, each section begins with emergency situations, providing speedy access when most needed. Three appendices provide basic procedures such as bronchoscopy, esophagoscopy, and tonsillectomy; illustrations of the twelve cranial nerves; and cross-referencing to help treat immediate emergencies. This book is the essential companion for residents, fellows, and beginning clinicians in otolaryngology, and for all physicians and allied professionals in other disciplines who can use rapid and reliable guidance on ENT medicine.

The Patient History: Evidence-Based Approach

The Patient History: Evidence-Based Approach PDF Author: Mark Henderson
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071624945
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 754

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The definitive evidence-based introduction to patient history-taking NOW IN FULL COLOR For medical students and other health professions students, an accurate differential diagnosis starts with The Patient History. The ideal companion to major textbooks on the physical examination, this trusted guide is widely acclaimed for its skill-building, and evidence based approach to the medical history. Now in full color, The Patient History defines best practices for the patient interview, explaining how to effectively elicit information from the patient in order to generate an accurate differential diagnosis. The second edition features all-new chapters, case scenarios, and a wealth of diagnostic algorithms. Introductory chapters articulate the fundamental principles of medical interviewing. The book employs a rigorous evidenced-based approach, reviewing and highlighting relevant citations from the literature throughout each chapter. Features NEW! Case scenarios introduce each chapter and place history-taking principles in clinical context NEW! Self-assessment multiple choice Q&A conclude each chapter—an ideal review for students seeking to assess their retention of chapter material NEW! Full-color presentation Essential chapter on red eye, pruritus, and hair loss Symptom-based chapters covering 59 common symptoms and clinical presentations Diagnostic approach section after each chapter featuring color algorithms and several multiple-choice questions Hundreds of practical, high-yield questions to guide the history, ranging from basic queries to those appropriate for more experienced clinicians