Everlasting Dominion

Everlasting Dominion PDF Author: Eugene H. Merrill
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
ISBN: 1433670488
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 704

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“For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation.” –Daniel 4:34 (Holman CSB) Everlasting Dominion is the magnum opus of the greatly esteemed Dr. Eugene H. Merrill, a thoroughly researched theology of the Old Testament based on decades of study and teaching experience. Taking a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God, Merrill guides readers to a better understanding of the nature of Old Testament theology and employs a well-balanced method of laying bare the Scripture so that its profound, lifechanging truths can be better apprehended and applied.

Everlasting Dominion

Everlasting Dominion PDF Author: Eugene H. Merrill
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
ISBN: 1433670488
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 704

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“For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation.” –Daniel 4:34 (Holman CSB) Everlasting Dominion is the magnum opus of the greatly esteemed Dr. Eugene H. Merrill, a thoroughly researched theology of the Old Testament based on decades of study and teaching experience. Taking a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God, Merrill guides readers to a better understanding of the nature of Old Testament theology and employs a well-balanced method of laying bare the Scripture so that its profound, lifechanging truths can be better apprehended and applied.

Everlasting Dominion

Everlasting Dominion PDF Author: Eugene H. Merrill
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
ISBN: 9780805440263
Category : Bibles
Languages : en
Pages : 704

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Taking a high view of Scripture as the inspired, authoritative Word of God, esteemed seminary professor Merrill offers this thoroughly in-depth theology of the Old Testament after decades of study.

Everlasting Arts and Sciences

Everlasting Arts and Sciences PDF Author: Bishop Bassey Effiong Orok
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1481788787
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 528

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Written by a seasoned Prophet and reputable Spiritual Scientist, His Lordship Bishop Bassey Effiong Orok; Everlasting Arts and Sciences volume 2 unveils more than 4000 secrets of the universe, natures, souls, destinies, spirits, man, earth and its components and creatures. Vital issues like the Worlds Holiest City, different manifestations of our first parents (Adam and Eve) on Earth, the Earths most important and costly portion (city) are unveiled. Mystery in names, most blessed moment since the creation of the Earth, and the chemistry behind the physical manifestation of the Almighty God on Earth are also unveiled. Another (final) change in the world climate, release and withdrawal of keys to immortal and from mortal music are here revealed. In-depth knowledge on the spiritual composition of man, animal, fish, bird, fire, thunder and air; forces behind talking, sleeping, tongue; witchcraft and the causes of population on Earth; the different spiritual essences attached to each continent of the world, the pasting of the flag of victory of good over evil in all continents of the world are among other revealing secrets in this book. The New Name of the Almighty God is again exposed for mans consumption and eternal blessings. Equally, those portions earthquake cannot occur, and why bigger nations will come to their knees are also unveiled. Endless number and figure of Final Judgment, the composition of perpetual life, the original location of the Garden of Eden, the composition of the Bottomless Pit and the Mark of Salvation are also some of the important contents. It is a book for all races, tongues, nations and colours, of this last generation.

Select Works of Martin Luther, an offering to the Church of God in “the last days.” ... Translated ... by the Rev. H. Cole

Select Works of Martin Luther, an offering to the Church of God in “the last days.” ... Translated ... by the Rev. H. Cole PDF Author: Martin Luther
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 592

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Eternal Retirement

Eternal Retirement PDF Author: Rev. J.J. Inserra
Publisher: Outskirts Press
ISBN: 1977264727
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 314

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"Do you know where you will spend Eternity? Where will you go when your earthly life ends? Where you go depends on what you do now. Why is that so? Because after death the only laws and ways that matter are God's, and how well we tried to live by them. God wants everyone with Him, but unfortunately, not all will make it. Are you going to eventually make it to Heaven or not? This is unknown. Anyone can change for the better or worse until he or she passes away. If you're a Christian and think that "all I need is to believe in Jesus and do nothing more", then you are quite mistaken. This is because God the Son came and for all. With that said, does God owe us anything? But how well we live by His rules shows God that we want to live with Him forever in Heaven. If you are an Atheist or an Agnostic and don't believe God exists or that there is any proof of His Existence, this book helps those with such thinking. You have faith, just not in God. Yet. We need faith to believe the things people say to us, whether it is a lie or truth. When God Died for us, it can be seen as though He invested in us, rather than starting over. To get to His Eternal Retirement Home we must live lives that show Him a good return on His investment in us. Ask yourselves this question often: Is the way I am living a good return on God's investment in me? There will be a need for improvement, even for the best of us. This book helps us to do just that."

The Cleansing of the Sanctuary...

The Cleansing of the Sanctuary... PDF Author: Daniel Sidney Warner
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 554

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The Eternal God Revealing Himself to Suffering Israel and to Lost Humanity

The Eternal God Revealing Himself to Suffering Israel and to Lost Humanity PDF Author: David Lipscomb Cooper
Category : Bible
Languages : en
Pages : 378

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EVERLASTING GOSPEL PDF Author: Olumba Olumba Obu
Publisher: Brotherhood Of The Cross and Star
Category : Bibles
Languages : en
Pages : 714

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The Everlasting Gospels are the Holy Words spoken directly from God's mouth. The voice of The Heavenly Father transcends from His High throne to all mankind to adhere to. The Word, which created the world in the beginning, is now to recreate, reconstruct, and reform the entire world and humanity according to The Father's Will as it is done in heaven. The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ and this Working Document is the only Constitution of the New World. The contents of this Everlasting Gospel is a testimony to the fulfilment of the promise of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that the Comforter will come to teach all things, lead people to the accurate knowledge of the truth and inform of things to come (John 16: 7-14), which has in truth materialised. The Will of Our Heavenly Father is done on earth as it is done in heaven. John 16: 7-14 “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” His Coming was revealed to many prophets, both past, and present. Astrologers and scientists are aware of His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience. Some try to conceal or ignore the truth, while others are confused, disturbed, and without the capacity to comprehend. The purpose of this compilation is to reveal the Truth for the salvation of the entire world. The Holy Spirit is personified and His Everlasting Gospels, in this Divine Document, expatiates and shines greater light on many issues affecting our lives and environments physically, socially, and spiritually. The gospels provide answers to questions that have remained unanswered, challenge misconceived doctrines, corrects entrenched wrong believes, and reframes questions that were, hitherto, wrongly asked. The maxim which says that “a tree is known by its fruit' is germane to the Everlasting Gospel as the unparalleled wisdom in its contents affirm that God, the Quickening Spirit, is on earth directing all the affairs in the world, setting the captives free, and fulfilling His promises. God has answered the plea in the Lord's Prayer as nominated in the Holy Bible, i.e. " Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is done in heaven". That Kingdom has come. It is the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, a Kingdom in reality and in practice with God Himself as the foundation and Head of the Monarchy. The government is theocratic and Love is the law. The Holy Spirit is warning everyone about the need to turn a new leaf and begin to love one another and all creation of God to escape the impending predicaments and calamities already befalling the world, and, especially, the final judgement of God. The Everlasting Gospel Volume 1 is a collection of some of the numerous Gospels and Bible Lectures delivered daily, and sometimes twice daily every day of the year, by the Holy Spirit personified in Leader Olumba Olumba Obu over a period spanning over forty years. The Gospels are delivered in the Efik dialect and interpreted into other languages, including English, by human interpreters. Interpreting Efik to English is a challenging task as Efik is a complex language with a lot of nuances and contexts. The priority of the interpreters is to, as much as possible, provide the English equivalents of the gospels being delivered and not try to contextualize or second guess the meaning.

The Light of Truth as Revealed in the Holy Scriptures

The Light of Truth as Revealed in the Holy Scriptures PDF Author: Levi Rightmyer
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 990

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Man, His Present and Future

Man, His Present and Future PDF Author: Herbert McClellan Riggle
Category : Future life
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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