Eugen Fink und die Phänomenologie

Eugen Fink und die Phänomenologie PDF Author: Alexander Schnell
Publisher: Felix Meiner Verlag
ISBN: 3787343474
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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Nielsen, Cathrin, Schnell, Alexander: Einleitung. Dzanic, Denis: Husserl and Fink on the "Miracle of Phenomenology". Chernavin, Georgy : Der dogmatische Schlummer nach Fink. Giubilato, Giovanni Jan: Breaking the Hermeneutic Circle . Phenomenology as "Catastrophe of Man" in Fink's Early Thought. Lazzari, Riccardo: Eugen Fink und das Thema des Wesens der menschlichen Freiheit. Ikeda, Yusuke: Fink und Kants Dialektik. Schnell, Alexander: Konstruktion und Reflexion . Zum transzendentalen Idealismus bei Fink und Fichte. Zorn, Daniel-Pascal: Philosophen, mit denen man denkt – Fink liest Hegel. Stanciu, Ovidiu: The Power of the Speculative . Fink, Hegel and the Horizons of Thinking. Coli, Anna Luiza: Finks Hegel-Deutung als Leitfaden der Entwicklung seines philosophischen Projekts. Bertolini, Simona: Sein und Mensch . Ontologische Erfahrung und Welterfahrung in Finks Interpretation der Philosophie Hegels. Nielsen, Cathrin: "Verkehrte Welt" . Zu Finks Deutung des Kraftkapitels aus Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes. Barbaric, Damir: Hegel als Janus-Figur . Zu Eugen Finks Hegelinterpretation. Boelderl, Artur R.: Der Mensch als Fragment – in der Spur eines anderen Idealismus? . Eugen Fink und der arme Hölderlin

Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink

Edmund Husserl and Eugen Fink PDF Author: Ronald Bruzina
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 0300130155
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 658

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div Eugen Fink was Edmund Husserl’s research assistant during the last decade of the renowned phenomenologist’s life, a period in which Husserl’s philosophical ideas were radically recast. In this landmark book, Ronald Bruzina shows that Fink was actually a collaborator with Husserl, contributing indispensable elements to their common enterprise. Drawing on hundreds of hitherto unknown notes and drafts by Fink, Bruzina highlights the scope and depth of his theories and critiques. He places these philosophical formulations in their historical setting, organizes them around such key themes as the world, time, life, and the concept and methodological place of the “meontic,” and demonstrates that they were a pivotal impetus for the renewing of “regress to the origins” in transcendental-constitutive phenomenology. /DIV

Edmund Husserl Bibliography

Edmund Husserl Bibliography PDF Author: Steven Spileers
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401593051
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 457

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This bibliography contains the publications of Husserl and the main secondary literature on Husserl, from Husserl's earliest publication (1887) till today (1997). As the collection of material was conduded in lune 1997, the list of publications for the year 1997 is of course incomplete. In this bibliography publications in the following languages have been induded: German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch - for both primary and secondary literature. Since this bibliography has been based primarily on the consultation of the induded documents (and not restricted to copying already existing bibliographies), it was not possible to indude publications in languages other than those mentioned. The bibliography has been constructed in the following way: 1. The list of Husserl's works and secondary literature by individual authors is preceded by a list of all edited volumes in which a text by or on Husserl is published. This list is ordered chronologica11y and runs from 1921 ti11 1997 (inclusive). Edited volumes of the same year are classified according to language, and this in the order mentioned above: German, English, French, etc. Edited volumes with a title in more than one language are classified according to the above order of languages (this of course concerns only the title of the edited volume, not the title(s) of the individual contributions). This order is maintained throughout the other parts of the bibliography.

Phänomenologie Heute

Phänomenologie Heute PDF Author: W. Biemel
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401028389
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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Husserl-Chronik PDF Author: Karl Schuhmann
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9789024719723
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 550

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Phenomenology World-Wide

Phenomenology World-Wide PDF Author: Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9400704739
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 750

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Phenomenology is the philosophy of our times. Through the entire twentieth century this philosophy unfolded and flourished, following stepwise the intrinsic logic and dynamism of its original project as proposed by its founder Edmund Husserl. Now its seminal ideas have been handed over to a new era. The worldwide contributors to this volume make it manifest that phenomenological inspiration knows no cultural barriers. It penetrates and invigorates not only philosophical disciplines but also most of the sectors of knowledge, transforming our way of seeing the world, our actions toward others, and our lives. Phenomenology's universal spread has, however, oftentimes diluted its original sense, even beyond recognition, and led to a weakening of its dynamics. There is at present an urgent need to retrieve the original understanding of phenomenology, to awaken its dormant forces and redirect them. This is the aim of the present book: resourcement and reinvigoration. It is meant to be not only a reference work but also a guide for research and study. To restore the authentic vision of phenomenology, we propose returning to its foundational source in Husserl's project of a `universal science', unpacking all its creative capacities. In the three parts of this work there are traced the stages of this philosophy's progressive uncovering of the grounding levels of reality: ideal structures, constitutive consciousness, the intersubjective lifeworld, and beyond. The key concepts and phases of Husserl's thought are here exfoliated. Then the thought of the movement's classical figures and of representative thinkers in succeeding generations is elucidated. Phenomenology's geographic spread is reviewed. We then proceed to the culminating work of this philosophy, to the phenomenological life engagements so vigorously advocated by Husserl, to the life-significant issues phenomenology addresses and to how it has enriched the human sciences. Lastly the phenomenological project's new horizons on the plane of life are limned, horizons with so powerful a draw that they may be said not to beckon but to summon. Here is the movement's vanguard. This collection has 71 entries. Each entry is followed by a relevant bibliography. There is a helpful Glossary of Terms and an Index of Names.

The Voice That Thinks

The Voice That Thinks PDF Author: Miles Groth
ISBN: 0692668632
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Earlier versions of the first two chapters were published as PREPARATORY THINKING IN HEIDEGGER'S TEACHING. Chapter Three and its appendix comprise a whole, "The Telling Word," introducing my translation of the "Eisgeschichte" by Adalbert Stifter. An earlier version of Chapter Five appeared in PHILOSOPHY TODAY 25(2), Summer 1981, pp. 139-147, as "On the Fundamental Experience of Voice in Language," and in a French translation the following year as "L'Expérience Fondamentale de la Voix dans le Langage," in SPIRALES. JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL DE CULTURE, No. 16, June 1982, pp. 54-56. Chapters 4 and 6 were published for the first time in the first edition of THE VOICE THAT THINKS. Versions of the Heidegger Bibliography appeared in PREPARATORY THINKING IN HEIDEGGER'S TEACHING and in TRANSLATING HEIDEGGER, but it has been thoroughly revised and supplemented for this volume.

Phenomenology 2010 Volume 4: Selected Essays from Northern Europe, Traditions, Transitions and Challenges

Phenomenology 2010 Volume 4: Selected Essays from Northern Europe, Traditions, Transitions and Challenges PDF Author: Moran, Dermot
Publisher: Zeta Books
ISBN: 9731997717
Category : Phenomenology
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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Nu s-au introdus date

Gesammelte Aufsätze III

Gesammelte Aufsätze III PDF Author: A. Schutz
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401027277
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Der vorliegende Band der "Gesammelten Aufsatze" tragt den Titel "Studien zur Phanomenologischen Philosophie." In ihm sind Alfred Schutz' Interpretationen phanomenologischer Haupt them en enthalten. An dieser Stelle soIl nun nicht die Interpreta tion noch einmal ausgelegt werden. Vielmehr wollen wir fragen, we1che Stellung der Autor in der sogenannten "Phanomenolo gischen Bewegung" einnimmt. Schutz selbst bestimmt in einer personlichen Tonbandaufzeich nung! seinen Standort in der Phanomenologie und seine Herkunft aus den philosophischen Schulen der Studienzeit. "Ich traf den groBen Denker zum erstenmal 1932, als er schon lange keine Vorlesungen mehr hielt, zwolf Jahre nach dem Ende meines Studiums an der Universitat Wien. Mein Weg zur Philo sophie Husserls war, wie er selbst einmal sagte, hochst ungewohn lich. Seit meinen fruhesten Studientagen galt mein Interesse am meisten der philosophischen Grundlegung der Sozialwissenschaf ten, besonders der Soziologie. Zu jener Zeit stand ich noch ganz im Banne Max Webers, insbesondere war ich von seinen methodo logischen Schriften fasziniert. Ich erkannte jedoch bald, daB Max Weber die Werkzeuge, we1che er fur seine konkrete Forschung benotigte, zwar geschmiedet hatte, daB aber sein Hauptproblem - das Verstehen des subjektiven Sinnes einer sozialen Handlung fur den Handelnden selbst - noch der philosophischen Begriin dung bedurfe. Mein Lehrer der Rechtsphilosophie, Hans Kelsen, hatte den Versuch unternommen, eine so1che philosophische 1 Tonbandaufzeichnung.

Phenomenology 2010

Phenomenology 2010 PDF Author: Dermot Moran
Publisher: Zeta Books
ISBN: 9731997725
Category : Phenomenology
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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