Essays in Monetary Policy and Household Finance

Essays in Monetary Policy and Household Finance PDF Author: Ciaran James Rogers
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Languages : en
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This dissertation consists of three essays that examine the effects of different monetary policy tools on the the real economy and asset prices. In Chapter 1, I study the transmission of central bank asset purchases into the real economy of the Euro Area, while Chapter 2 instead focuses on the effect of more conventional interest rate policy on asset prices and risk premia. Chapter 3 demonstrates how the pass-through of more conventional policy rate changes depends on the monetary policy framework of the central bank. In the first chapter, I study the role of local banking systems in the propagation of ECB Quantitative Easing (QE) programs. I firstly document that local deposit markets are fragmented across country lines, but the assets held by banks backing the deposits are in more integrated markets. I then consider a multi-country New Keynesian model with heterogeneous banking sectors but common monetary policy. All banks can access collateral from the same union-wide asset market, using them to back liquid deposit liabilities that are issued locally. QE has real effects if it increases the quantity or quality of collateral available to the banking sector. I find that QE has a powerful effect across the currency union, raising output and inflation by 62bps and 60bps, respectively. The pass-through is very similar across countries, despite fragmented deposit markets, as all banks face the same reduction in the cost of collateral from the union-wide asset market. The overall impact increases significantly if the beginning of QE coincides with adjusting the policy rate rule to be a weaker counteracting force by making it less responsive to inflation. In the second chapter, co-authored with Matteo Leombroni, we study the role of the household portfolio rebalancing channel for the aggregate and redistributive effects of monetary policy. The transmission of monetary policy works not only through the usual income and substitution motives, but also through an endogenous portfolio rebalancing effect that generates changes in equilibrium asset prices and a consequent wealth effect on consumption. We introduce a heterogeneous household life-cycle model with multiple assets and combine it with an incomplete markets asset pricing framework. We model monetary policy shocks as a reduction in the expected return on safe assets. In equilibrium, the reduction in bonds investment prompts a portfolio rebalancing toward riskier assets, inducing an increase in asset prices and wealth. We find that, absent wealth effects, older cohorts reduce consumption as they face lower expected asset returns, while younger cohorts raise consumption as they can borrow more cheaply. This heterogeneity remains with wealth effects, but responses turn positive for all cohorts. Asset risk premia rise because the risk compensation effect (need for more returns to hold more risk) dominates the risk tolerance effect (positive wealth effect on risky asset holdings). Shutting down household heterogeneity flips the risk premia responses negative. In the third chapter, co-authored with Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider, we study a New Keynesian model with a banking system. The central bank targets the interest rate on short safe bonds that are held by banks to back inside money and hence earn convenience yield for their safety or liquidity. Central bank operating procedures matter. In a floor system, the reserve rate and the quantity of reserves are independent policy tools that affect banks' cost of safety. In a corridor system, increasing the interbank rate by making reserves scarce increases banks' cost of liquidity and generates strong pass-through to other rates of return, output and inflation. In either system, policy rules that do not respond aggressively to inflation -- such as an interest rate peg -- need not lead to self-fulfilling fluctuations. The stabilizing effect from an endogenous convenience yield is stronger when there are more nominal rigidities in bank balance sheets.

Essays in Monetary Policy and Household Finance

Essays in Monetary Policy and Household Finance PDF Author: Ciaran James Rogers
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Languages : en
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This dissertation consists of three essays that examine the effects of different monetary policy tools on the the real economy and asset prices. In Chapter 1, I study the transmission of central bank asset purchases into the real economy of the Euro Area, while Chapter 2 instead focuses on the effect of more conventional interest rate policy on asset prices and risk premia. Chapter 3 demonstrates how the pass-through of more conventional policy rate changes depends on the monetary policy framework of the central bank. In the first chapter, I study the role of local banking systems in the propagation of ECB Quantitative Easing (QE) programs. I firstly document that local deposit markets are fragmented across country lines, but the assets held by banks backing the deposits are in more integrated markets. I then consider a multi-country New Keynesian model with heterogeneous banking sectors but common monetary policy. All banks can access collateral from the same union-wide asset market, using them to back liquid deposit liabilities that are issued locally. QE has real effects if it increases the quantity or quality of collateral available to the banking sector. I find that QE has a powerful effect across the currency union, raising output and inflation by 62bps and 60bps, respectively. The pass-through is very similar across countries, despite fragmented deposit markets, as all banks face the same reduction in the cost of collateral from the union-wide asset market. The overall impact increases significantly if the beginning of QE coincides with adjusting the policy rate rule to be a weaker counteracting force by making it less responsive to inflation. In the second chapter, co-authored with Matteo Leombroni, we study the role of the household portfolio rebalancing channel for the aggregate and redistributive effects of monetary policy. The transmission of monetary policy works not only through the usual income and substitution motives, but also through an endogenous portfolio rebalancing effect that generates changes in equilibrium asset prices and a consequent wealth effect on consumption. We introduce a heterogeneous household life-cycle model with multiple assets and combine it with an incomplete markets asset pricing framework. We model monetary policy shocks as a reduction in the expected return on safe assets. In equilibrium, the reduction in bonds investment prompts a portfolio rebalancing toward riskier assets, inducing an increase in asset prices and wealth. We find that, absent wealth effects, older cohorts reduce consumption as they face lower expected asset returns, while younger cohorts raise consumption as they can borrow more cheaply. This heterogeneity remains with wealth effects, but responses turn positive for all cohorts. Asset risk premia rise because the risk compensation effect (need for more returns to hold more risk) dominates the risk tolerance effect (positive wealth effect on risky asset holdings). Shutting down household heterogeneity flips the risk premia responses negative. In the third chapter, co-authored with Monika Piazzesi and Martin Schneider, we study a New Keynesian model with a banking system. The central bank targets the interest rate on short safe bonds that are held by banks to back inside money and hence earn convenience yield for their safety or liquidity. Central bank operating procedures matter. In a floor system, the reserve rate and the quantity of reserves are independent policy tools that affect banks' cost of safety. In a corridor system, increasing the interbank rate by making reserves scarce increases banks' cost of liquidity and generates strong pass-through to other rates of return, output and inflation. In either system, policy rules that do not respond aggressively to inflation -- such as an interest rate peg -- need not lead to self-fulfilling fluctuations. The stabilizing effect from an endogenous convenience yield is stronger when there are more nominal rigidities in bank balance sheets.

Essays on Government Policy and Household Financial Decisions

Essays on Government Policy and Household Financial Decisions PDF Author: Karen M. Pence
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Languages : en
Pages : 172

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Essays on Household Finance and Monetary Policy

Essays on Household Finance and Monetary Policy PDF Author: Benedikt Lennartz
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Kapiteln, die sich mit den Themenbereichen Haushaltsfinanzen und Transmission von Geldpolitik beschäftigen. In jedem der drei Kapitel finde ich Evidenz für heterogene Effekte, sei es wenn Haushalte mit unterschiedlichem Verschuldungsgrad ihren Konsum nach einer Hauspreisveränderung unterschiedlich anpassen, oder Haushalte ihre Wohnbesitzverhältnisse als Reaktion auf geldpolitische Änderungen wechseln, oder sich Geldpolitik unterschiedlich auf Arbeitsmarktergebnisse entlang der Einkommensverteilung überträgt. Das erste Kapitel analysiert die Konsum-Effekte von Hauspreisveränderungen für Hauseigentümer in Italien. Hierzu nutze ich einen italienischen Panel-Datensatz, der Informationen zu Haushaltseinkommen und Vermögensverhältnissen enthält. Im Gegensatz zu den Befunden aus der Literatur für die USA und das Vereinigte Königreich ist der Effekt von Hauspreisen auf den Konsum in Italien klein. In Übereinstimmung mit theoretischen Modellen kann ich zeigen, dass der Effekt am grössten für Haushalte in der Nähe der Beleihungsgrenze ist. Somit könnte die geringere Reaktion des Konsums in Italien verglichen mit den USA und dem Vereinigten Königreich durch die niedrigere Verschuldung der italienischen Haushalte erklärt werden. Das zweite Kapitel untersucht die geldpolitische Transmission auf die Immobilienmärkte in Deutschland, Italien und der Schweiz. Wir identifizieren geldpolitische Schocks mittels Hochfrequenzdaten zu Zinserwartungen und verbinden diese mit mit drei Haushaltspanels. Wir zeigen, dass sich Geldpolitik auf kurz- sowie langfristige Renditen und Hypothekenzinsen und somit auf die Nutzungskosten von Wohneigentum überträgt. Wir schätzen, dass Zinssenkungen zu Wechseln von Wohnbesitzverhältnissen von Miete zu Hauseigentum in Deutschland und der Schweiz führen, jedoch nicht in Italien. Innerhalb Italiens reagieren Haushalte aus finanziell stärker entwickelten Regionen mehr, indem sie Hauseigentümer werden, entsprechend einem stärkeren Effekt auf die Hypothekenzinsen in diesen Regionen. Im dritten Kapitel schätze ich den Effekt von Geldpolitik auf Arbeitsmarktergebnisse entlang der Einkommensverteilung in der Schweiz, einem Land mit einer hohen Erwerbs -quote und einem hohen Niveau von Arbeitsstunden verglichen mit anderen europäischen Ländern. Ich zeige in Übereinstimmung mit Befunden zu anderen Ländern, dass Zinssenkungen zu niedrigerer Einkommensungleichheit zwischen Haushalten führt. Ich finde heraus, dass in der Schweiz der Rückgang der Einkommensungleichheit durch eine Erhöhung der Arbeitseinkommen und des Arbeitsangebots im unteren Teil der Haushaltseinkommensverteilung hervorgerufen wird, sowohl an der intensiven als auch an der extensiven Marge. Zudem profitieren Individuen, die in einfacheren Tätigkeiten arbeiten und in den italienisch- und französischsprachigen Regionen der Schweiz, stärker von Zinssenkungen.

Essays in Household Finance and Bank Regulation

Essays in Household Finance and Bank Regulation PDF Author: Vijay Narasiman
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Languages : en
Pages : 175

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My dissertation focuses on topics in household finance and bank regulation. In chapter 1, I estimate the household consumption response to a predictable, quasi-permanent income shock. Credit card spending rises well before the positive shock occurs and then plateaus, suggesting that households are forward-looking and have enough liquidity to increase spending. This type of household behavior is found to be remarkably similar to the simulation of a modified buffer-stock model. The main conclusion is that households appear to be quite sophisticated in their consumption behavior, which has various policy implications.In chapter 2 (joint with Divya Kirti), we present a model that describes how different types of bank regulation can affect the likelihood of fire sales in a crisis. There are three main results. First, the design of capital requirements affects whether fire sales can occur in the recapitalization process. Second, the interaction between capital and liquidity requirements causes banks to become larger and can also make fire sales more likely. Third, mandatory equity issuance can be a useful policy for limiting fire sales, but only if binding. Collectively, our findings suggest that bank regulation may have a strong effect on the likelihood of fire sales. In addition, time-varying risk weights may more effective than time-varying capital requirements in preventing fire sales.In chapter 3 (joint with Todd Keister), we investigate whether policy makers should be permitted to bail out financial institutions during a financial crisis. We develop a model that incorporates two competing views about the causes of these crises: self-fulfilling shifts in investors' expectations and deteriorating economic fundamentals. We show that - in both cases - the desirability of allowing intervention depends on a tradeoff between incentives and insurance. If policy makers can correct incentive distortions through regulation, then allowing intervention is always optimal. If regulation is imperfect and the risk-sharing benefit from intervention is absent, it is optimal to prohibit intervention. Our results show that it is possible to provide meaningful policy analysis without taking a stand on the contentious issue of whether financial crises are driven by expectations or fundamentals.

Essays on Money, Banking, and Regulation

Essays on Money, Banking, and Regulation PDF Author: C.J.M Kool
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461312639
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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Essays on Money, Banking and Regulation honors the interests and achievements of the Dutch economist Conrad Oort. The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 - Fiscal and monetary policy - reviews a variety of topics ranging from the measurement of money to the control and management of government expenditures. Part 2 - International institutions and international economic policy - looks at the international dimension of monetary and fiscal policy, with extensive discussion of the International Monetary Fund and the European Monetary Union. Part 3 - The future of international banking and the financial sector in the Netherlands - is an insider's view of the strategic choices facing financial institutions in the near future. Finally, Part 4 - Taxation and reforms in the Dutch tax system - is closest to Oort's research and practice since he has become known as an architect of the 1990 Dutch tax reform; this part is dedicated in particular to the tax reforms suggested by Oort.

Essays in Macroeconomics and Household Finance

Essays in Macroeconomics and Household Finance PDF Author: Eirik E. Brandsaas
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This dissertation studies how family resources interact with financial constraints in households' savings and investment decisions. The first chapter quantifies the contribution of parental transfers to the homeownership rate of the young. Parents and children interact without commitment in an incomplete markets life-cycle overlapping generations model with housing. Transfers increase homeownership by relaxing borrowing constraints and reducing risks associated with homeownership. Moreover, children with wealthy parents may overinvest in housing to extract larger future transfers from their parents. I find that transfers increase the homeownership rate among households aged 25-44 by 15 p.p. (31%). Finally, I show that policies that reduce sales costs are more effective than relaxing financial constraints or purchase costs at decreasing the role of parental wealth in children's housing outcomes. The second chapter studies whether homeownership can explain the low stock market participation rate in the United States. I first show that the low participation rate is driven by high exit rates among participants and that exit is frequently tied to house purchases. I then extend a workhorse life-cycle model of portfolio choice to include housing. After estimating the models, with and without housing, I find that housing improves model fit. In particular, housing reduces the unexplained participation rate between the model and the data by 71%. Moreover, housing improves model fit by increasing the exit rate among young and middle-aged households and decreasing homeowners' liquid wealth. The third chapter studies the effect of parental wealth on a household's risk-taking in asset and labor markets. Together with my co-authors, we show that households with wealthier parents take more risk in their portfolio and labor market choices. Since risk in one dimension can be offset by choices in other assets, we develop a combined risk measure robust to this concern. Our results have implications on the persistence of wealth across generations and wealth inequality. Our results provide one explanation for the finding that returns to wealth are increasing in wealth since wealth is correlated over generations.

International Monetary Problems and Supply-Side Economics

International Monetary Problems and Supply-Side Economics PDF Author: G. Harcourt
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 134918392X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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Essays on Saving, Bequests, Altruism, and Life-cycle Planning

Essays on Saving, Bequests, Altruism, and Life-cycle Planning PDF Author: Laurence J. Kotlikoff
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262263344
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 596

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This collection of essays, coauthored with other distinguished economists, offers new perspectives on saving, intergenerational economic ties, retirement planning, and the distribution of wealth. The book links life-cycle microeconomic behavior to important macroeconomic outcomes, including the roughly 50 percent postwar decline in America's rate of saving and its increasing wealth inequality. The book traces these outcomes to the government's five-decade-long policy of transferring, in the form of annuities, ever larger sums from young savers to old spenders. The book presents new theoretical and empirical analyses of altruism that rule out the possibility that private intergenerational transfers have offset those by the government.While rational life-cycle behavior can explain broad economic outcomes, the book also shows that a significant minority of households fail to make coherent life-cycle saving and insurance decisions. These mistakes are compounded by reliance on conventional financial planning tools, which the book compares with Economic Security Planner (ESPlanner), a new life-cycle financial planning software program. The application of ESPlanner to U.S. data indicates that most Americans approaching retirement age are saving at much lower rates than they should be, given potential major cuts in Social Security benefits.

Essays on Fiscal Policy and International Economics

Essays on Fiscal Policy and International Economics PDF Author: Tannous Kass-Hanna
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This thesis tackles the transmission of fiscal policy, with a focus on noisy news and its cross-border spillovers. It is composed of four chapters: In the first chapter, I provide an analytical characterization of the effects of noisy news shocks on the transmission of fiscal policy. Using a small-scale Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) model with capital accumulation and endogenous labor supply, this chapter shows how aggregate noise dampens the propagation of anticipated fiscal policy over the business cycle, thus reducing the fiscal multiplier. In the second chapter, I investigate the cross-border spillovers of fiscal stimuli policies - as conducted in the aftermath of the Great Recession - using a two-country New Keynesian DSGE model. Fiscal policy is assumed to be noisy: private agents receive an idiosyncratic noisy signal about future government spending shocks. This characterization of the model allows for the dispersion of individuals' expectations and captures one of the components of fiscal policy uncertainty. This chapter also shows a method for identifying the relevance of noise within fiscal policy news, and computes the average level of noise using the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF) dataset. By comparing the model simulations under the case of full information with that under noisy fiscal policy, this chapter illustrates how noise considerably weakens the international spillovers of fiscal policy. The third chapter tackles the domestic and cross-border quantitative effects of fiscal policy within a monetary union by building a two-country Heterogeneous Agents New-Keynesian (HANK) model in order to quantify the internal and external spillovers of fiscal policy on growth and inequality. Using the Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) data for Germany and the rest of Euro area, the model is calibrated to match wealth and income distributions. As a policy experiment, I take the case of the fiscal devaluation, that attempts to mimic competitive exchange rate devaluation. The results suggest that specific country policy has non-negligible impact on other country wealth distribution. Inequality transmits through two channels: (i) prices, which affect the household consumption level and split between foreign and home goods and, (ii) the interest rate on bonds, whose any change affects all the members in the monetary union. Finally, this chapter sheds the light on the importance of introducing heterogeneity at the international level in understanding the complex transmission of fiscal policy. In the final chapter, I augment a dynamic labor market general equilibrium model with search and matching frictions in the public and private sectors to include components of government spending: public wage bills, public investment, and transfers. The model elucidates the interactions between public and private sectors, and have numerous policy implications. I also conduct model simulations that show how a policy mix decreasing public employment and increasing public investment can boost the private sector and increase fiscal space in the long run.

Essays in History

Essays in History PDF Author: Charles Poor Kindleberger
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
ISBN: 9780472110025
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Classic Kindleberger: Engaging and stimulating reading on eclectic topics in finance, economics, and the life of this captivating author