Double Helix of Phyllotaxis

Double Helix of Phyllotaxis PDF Author: Boris Rozin
Publisher: BrownWalker Press
ISBN: 1627347488
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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This book is devoted to anyone who is in search of beauty in mathematics, and mathematics in the beauty around us. Attempting to combine mathematical rigor and magnificence of the visual perception, the author is presenting the mathematical study of phyllotaxis, the most beautiful phenomenon of the living nature. The distinctive feature of this book is an animation feature that explains the work of mathematical models and the transformation of 3D space. The analysis of the phyllotactic pattern as a system of discrete objects together with the mathematical tools of generalized sequences made it possible to find a universal algorithm for calculating the divergence angle. In addition, it is serving as a new proof of the fundamental theorem of phyllotaxis and analytically confirming well-known formulas obtained intuitively earlier as well as casting some doubts on a few stereotypes existing in mathematical phyllotaxis. The presentation of phyllotaxis morphogenesis as a recursive process allowed the author to formulate the hydraulic model of phyllotaxis morphogenesis and propose a method for its experimental verification. With the help of artificial intelligence, the author offered methodology for the digital measurement of phyllotaxis allowing a transition to a qualitatively new level in the study of plant morphogenesis. Due to the successful combination of mathematical constructions and their visual presentation, the materials of this study are comprehensible to readers with high school advanced mathematical levels.

The Curves of Life

The Curves of Life PDF Author: Theodore Andrea Cook
Category : Aesthetics
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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Comparative Plant Succession Among Terrestrial Biomes of the World

Comparative Plant Succession Among Terrestrial Biomes of the World PDF Author: Karel Prach
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108472761
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 413

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Provides a comparative approach to plant succession among all terrestrial biomes and disturbances, helping to reveal generalizable patterns.

The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants

The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants PDF Author: Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461384761
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 235

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Now available in an affordable softcover edition, this classic in Springer's acclaimed Virtual Laboratory series is the first comprehensive account of the computer simulation of plant development. 150 illustrations, one third of them in colour, vividly demonstrate the spectacular results of the algorithms used to model plant shapes and developmental processes. The latest in computer-generated images allow us to look at plants growing, self-replicating, responding to external factors and even mutating, without becoming entangled in the underlying mathematical formulae involved. The authors place particular emphasis on Lindenmayer systems - a notion conceived by one of the authors, Aristid Lindenmayer, and internationally recognised for its exceptional elegance in modelling biological phenomena. Nonetheless, the two authors take great care to present a survey of alternative methods for plant modelling.

Tropical Trees and Forests

Tropical Trees and Forests PDF Author: F. Halle
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642811906
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 457

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Chaotic Dna Dynamics

Chaotic Dna Dynamics PDF Author: Amujuri Mary Selvam
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9811243255
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 245

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A general systems theory model predicts quasiperiodic Penrose tiling pattern for the nested coiled structure of the DNA molecule in the chromosome resulting in maximum packing efficiency and unified whole fuzzy logic network architecture with ordered two-way signal transmission between the coding and non-coding (junk DNA) regions.Junk DNA are not redundant. Modification of the DNA base sequence structure at any location may have significant noticeable effects on the function of the DNA molecule as a whole. This book helps us understand the cooperative existence of individual components for optimum performance of the system.

Symmetrical Analysis Techniques for Genetic Systems and Bioinformatics: Advanced Patterns and Applications

Symmetrical Analysis Techniques for Genetic Systems and Bioinformatics: Advanced Patterns and Applications PDF Author: Petoukhov, Sergey
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1605661252
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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"This book compiles studies that demonstrate effective approaches to the structural analysis of genetic systems and bioinformatics"--Provided by publisher.

Math and the Mona Lisa

Math and the Mona Lisa PDF Author: Bulent Atalay
Publisher: Smithsonian Institution
ISBN: 1588343537
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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Leonardo da Vinci was one of history's true geniuses, equally brilliant as an artist, scientist, and mathematician. Readers of The Da Vinci Code were given a glimpse of the mysterious connections between math, science, and Leonardo's art. Math and the Mona Lisa picks up where The Da Vinci Code left off, illuminating Leonardo's life and work to uncover connections that, until now, have been known only to scholars. Bülent Atalay, a distinguished scientist and artist, examines the science and mathematics that underlie Leonardo's work, paying special attention to the proportions, patterns, shapes, and symmetries that scientists and mathematicians have also identified in nature. Following Leonardo's own unique model, Atalay searches for the internal dynamics of art and science, revealing to us the deep unity of the two cultures. He provides a broad overview of the development of science from the dawn of civilization to today's quantum mechanics. From this base of information, Atalay offers a fascinating view into Leonardo's restless intellect and modus operandi, allowing us to see the source of his ideas and to appreciate his art from a new perspective.

Phyllotaxis Models

Phyllotaxis Models PDF Author: Jean-Paul Walch
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1394228120
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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The equations of phyllotaxis were discovered by Douady and Couder: these describe the inhibition "force" generated by an incipient primordium, preventing the initiation of other primordia in its vicinity: the method that was lacking was to take into account the distance of primordia to the meristem apex over the course of its development. With these parameters, our model integrates both biochemical "forces" (inhibition due to auxin) and mechanical forces (contact pressure). This powerful tool allows us to revisit many important notions of plant biology. For example, we model auxin concentrations at the plant apex, as well as the development of vegetative and reproductive meristems. We also explain why the whorls of monocots are trimerous and those of plants with quincuncial perianths are pentamerous. We design a geometric method for reconstructing inflorescences from their building blocks, i.e. floral meristems. We also show that phyllotaxic spirals are only the application of a general property of symmetry, the advantages of which have been exploited by natural selection.


Embryogenesis PDF Author: Richard Grossinger
Publisher: North Atlantic Books
ISBN: 155643359X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 974

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Embryogenesis is an unusual book in that it brings together a highly illustrated, practical embryology book in simple language, perfect for health practitioners, with a fascinating read on the history and philosophy of biological science. It discusses the various stages of embryonic development (meiosis, fertilization, blastula development, and gastrulation, and then the embryology of each of the human organs and organ systems in detail). It puts each of them in context, both in terms of its phylogeny: the evolutionary trajectory of cell-organized systems on Earth, and its ontogeny: the formation of individual organisms in the modern world. There are 24 color plates, many of them commissioned uniquely for this volume, and several hundred black and white illustrations. The book is 950 pages hardcover, 8-1/2 by 10.Chapters include: The Original Earth; The Materials of Life; The First Beings; The Cell; The Genetic Code; Sperm and Egg; Fertilization; The Blastula; Gastrulation; Morphogenesis; Biological Fields; Chaos, Fractals, and Deep Structure; Ontogeny and Phylogeny; and Biotechnology. The Origin of the Nervous System; The Evolution of Intelligence; Neurulation and the Human Brain; Organogenesis; The Musculoskeletal and Hematopoietic Systems; Mind; The Origin of Sexuality and Gender. Healing; Transsexuality, Intersexuality, and the Cultural Basis of Gender; Self and Desire; Cosmogenesis and Mortality