Mousterian "bone flute" and other finds from Divje Babe I cave site in Slovenia

Mousterian Author: Giuliano Bastiani
Publisher: Založba ZRC
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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The most topical Middle Paleolithic site in Slovenia is presented in full detail in this series. The Divje Babe I cave site became famous for the discovery of what current investigations indicate could be the oldest human flute known, made of the bone of a cave bear. The principal parts of the book address typological, technological, acoustic and musicological aspects of this remarkable find. Individual chapters present the stratigraphy, chronology, fauna and flora from the site, in addition to the Paleolithic material finds up to the layer including the bone flute.

Mousterian "bone flute" and other finds from Divje Babe I cave site in Slovenia

Mousterian Author: Giuliano Bastiani
Publisher: Založba ZRC
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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Book Description
The most topical Middle Paleolithic site in Slovenia is presented in full detail in this series. The Divje Babe I cave site became famous for the discovery of what current investigations indicate could be the oldest human flute known, made of the bone of a cave bear. The principal parts of the book address typological, technological, acoustic and musicological aspects of this remarkable find. Individual chapters present the stratigraphy, chronology, fauna and flora from the site, in addition to the Paleolithic material finds up to the layer including the bone flute.

Divje babe I

Divje babe I PDF Author: Ivan Turk
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9612540195
Category :
Languages : sl
Pages : 481

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The Origins of Music

The Origins of Music PDF Author: Nils L. Wallin
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262731430
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 516

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The book can be viewed as representing the birth of evolutionary biomusicology. What biological and cognitive forces have shaped humankind's musical behavior and the rich global repertoire of musical structures? What is music for, and why does every human culture have it? What are the universal features of music and musical behavior across cultures? In this groundbreaking book, musicologists, biologists, anthropologists, archaeologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, ethologists, and linguists come together for the first time to examine these and related issues. The book can be viewed as representing the birth of evolutionary biomusicology—the study of which will contribute greatly to our understanding of the evolutionary precursors of human music, the evolution of the hominid vocal tract, localization of brain function, the structure of acoustic-communication signals, symbolic gesture, emotional manipulation through sound, self-expression, creativity, the human affinity for the spiritual, and the human attachment to music itself. Contributors Simha Arom, Derek Bickerton, Steven Brown, Ellen Dissanayake, Dean Falk, David W. Frayer, Walter Freeman, Thomas Geissmann, Marc D. Hauser, Michel Imberty, Harry Jerison, Drago Kunej, François-Bernard Mâche, Peter Marler, Björn Merker, Geoffrey Miller, Jean Molino, Bruno Nettl, Chris Nicolay, Katharine Payne, Bruce Richman, Peter J.B. Slater, Peter Todd, Sandra Trehub, Ivan Turk, Maria Ujhelyi, Nils L. Wallin, Carol Whaling

Divje babe I.

Divje babe I. PDF Author: Ivan Turk
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9612546916
Category : Divje Babe I Cave (Slovenia)
Languages : sl
Pages : 457

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Monografija obravnava vse arheološke najdbe tega najdišča (kamnite in koščene izdelke, ognjišča in z njimi povezane obognjiščne dejavnosti in posamične kostne najdbe, ki so bile predmet manipulacij paleolitskih obiskovalcev Divjih bab I), vse s pomočjo raziskovalnih tehnik, ki doslej niso bile uporabljene pri tovrstnih raziskavah v Sloveniji. Avtorji so po njihovi zaslugi prišli od prvotnih predvidevanj do nekaterih nepričakovanih dobro argumentiranih spoznanj na področju slabo poznanega duhovnega sveta neandertalcev – evropskih praprebivalcev. Monografija ima 17 poglavij in se navezuje na ugotovitve o klimatskih in okoljskih spremembah v času mlajšega pleistocena kot so zabeležene neposredno v sedimentnem profilu najdišča in njegovi paleontološki vsebini. Te spremembe so bile podrobno podane v 1. delu monografije iz leta 2007 in so povzete v Dodatku 2. dela monografije, kjer je predstavljena geološka razčlemba profila na podlagi fizikalnih in (bio)kemičnih lastnosti sedimentov. Drugi del obravnava vpliv teh sprememb na vedenjske vzorce neandertalcev, ki se odslikavajo v obljudenosti jame, izrabi jamskega prostora in ne nazadnje v njihovih izdelkih, predvsem v izboru surovin zanje in njihovi izrabi. Potem ko glavni avtor predstavi uporabljeno metodologijo in razloži večnivojsko arheološko stratigrafijo, od katere je odvisna časovna ločljivost najd in dogodkov, s soavtorji sistematično obdela naslednja področja najd artefaktov: surovino kamnitih izdelkov, njihovo tehnologijo, fragmentacijo, morfometrijo, retušo in tipologijo – ter s posebnim poudarkom organske artefakte. Vse z dobršno mero inovativnih prijemov in z navedbo vseh podatkov, uporabljenih pri analitskih postopkih. Ti so vsestransko prikazani v tabelah skupaj z večnivojsko arheološko stratigrafijo in prostorsko porazdelitvijo najdb. Posebnost Divjih bab I so organski artefakti iz kosti in rogovja iz obdobja srednjega paleolitika, ki predstavljajo izjemne najdbe. Na prvem mestu je tu trenutno najstarejše glasbilo, ki je obravnavano v treh poglavjih. V dveh so analizirane in interpretirane njegove zmogljivosti, ki so zabeležene na priloženi zgoščenki. Posebno poglavje je odgovor vsem dosedanjim kritikom najdbe in razkrije vse slabosti t. i. tafonomske hipoteze o nastanku lukenj v glasbilu. Uporabo kosti kot surovine v srednjem paleolitiku Divjih bab I dokazujejo tudi najdbe šil in suličnih osti iz različnih plasti. Najstarejši primerek je star kar 115 000 let, kar je dvakrat toliko kot najdba glasbila. Gre za izjemno redke najdbe, ki rušijo nekatere znanstvene stereotipe o neandertalcih. Kot kamniti artefakti so tudi organski ustrezno analizirani in interpretirani z dokajšno mero inovativnih prijemov, ki jih ni zlahka najti v tuji literaturi. Popolna novost v slovenskem paleolitiku je poglavje o ognjiščih in obognjiščnih dejavnostih. V različnih nivojih je bilo odkritih 21 ognjišč, na katere se vežejo različne najdbe iz celotne arheološko in drugače raziskane površine. Najštevilneši so ostanki jamskega medveda. Podrobna večplastna analiza teh množičnih ostankov v ognjiščnih nivojih in njihova primerjava z nivoji brez ognjišč je pokazala, kakšen odnos so imeli neandertalci do jamskega medveda. Ugotovitve, ki so podprte z materialnimi dokazi, potrjujejo stare hipoteze o povezanosti neandertalcev s to živaljo na metafizični ravni. Presentljiva je podobnost med obrednim obravnavanjem pokojnikov in v določenih primerih medvedjih kadavrov. Da je bila za najstarejše glasbilo uporabljena stegnenica mladiča jamskega medveda, tudi ni naključje, ampak odločitev, povezana z določenim ritualom. V zadnjem poglavju monografija obravnava problematiko lova na jamskega medveda na podlagi starostne strukture fosilna populacije in drugih kazalcev ter ugotavlja, da lova ni bilo, prihajalo pa je do manipuliranja s kostnimi ostanki in njihovega izkoriščanja kot zalog mozga in maščob. O Divjih babah I sta izšli še monografiji: Divje babe I. Paleolitsko najdišče mlajšega pleistocena v Sloveniji (1. del: Geologija in paleontologija) / Upper Pleistocene palaeolithic site in Slovenia (Part 1: Geology and Palaeontology), Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 13, 2007 Moustérienska »koščena piščal« in druge najdbe iz Divjih bab I v Sloveniji / Mousterian “Bone Flute" and Other Finds from Divje Babe I Cave Site in Slovenia, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 2, 1997 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The second part of the monograph on Divje babe I deals in detail with archaeological finds from this important Middle and Upper Palaeolithic site. Edited by Ivan Turk, the monograph contains 17 chapters, written by seven authors. At the beginning, methods used in research of the site and the stratigraphy of Palaeolithic finds are introduced, followed by six chapters, dedicated to lithic assemblage. Stone artefacts are analysed from different aspects, including raw material, technology, fragmentation, morphometry, retouch and typology. A distinct feature of the lithic assemblage from Divje babe I is its high degree of retouching. About 80% of the stone artefacts bear alternating retouch which is usually considered as natural, pseudo-retouch. In the case of Divje babe I, it was demonstrated that this kind of retouch is artificial and only exceptionally natural. One chapter is dedicated to bone and antler artefacts, which were, in addition to the Aurignacian, also found in the Mousterian levels. The most important Mousterian bone artefact is a flute, discussed in three chapters. In the first two chapters, its musical capabilities are analysed, which are also presented in the enclosed compact disc. In the third chapter, authors respond to all advocates of a natural creation of the musical instrument from Divje babe I. They put forward significant old and new evidence for an artificial origin of the holes and provide a reasoned rejection of all the opposing arguments. A chapter on fireplaces thoroughly analyses seven fireplaces and hearths from the central part of the cave, taking into account all the accompanying finds. Particular attention is devoted to the mass of remains of a cave bear. With the aid of multivariate analysis, it was established that Neanderthals did certain things with its remains. There is surprising similarity between the suspected cult positioning of the skulls of a cave bear pair from Divje babe I and some Neanderthal burials. A special chapter investigates the possibility of the existence of the hunting of cave bear. There is no convincing evidence of hunting, despite occasional cuts on bones. Analysis shows that people exploited certain skeletal parts of cave bear. The handling of adult cave bear skulls and canine teeth may have a symbolic background. Other 2 monographs on Divje babe I: Divje babe I. Paleolitsko najdišče mlajšega pleistocena v Sloveniji (1. del: Geologija in paleontologija) / Upper Pleistocene palaeolithic site in Slovenia (Part 1: Geology and Palaeontology), Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 13, 2007 Moustérienska »koščena piščal« in druge najdbe iz Divjih bab I v Sloveniji / Mousterian “Bone Flute" and Other Finds from Divje Babe I Cave Site in Slovenia, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 2, 1997

Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions

Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions PDF Author: Marta Camps
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387764879
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 575

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As the study of Palaeolithic technologies moves towards a more analytical approach, it is necessary to determine a consistent procedural framework. The contributions to this timely and comprehensive volume do just that. This volume incorporates a broad chronological and geographical range of Palaeolithic material from the Lower to Upper Palaeolithic. The focus of this volume is to provide an analysis of Palaeolithic technologies from a quantitative, empirical perspective. As new techniques, particularly quantitative methods, for analyzing Palaeolithic technologies gain popularity, this work provides case studies particularly showcasing these new techniques. Employing diverse case studies, and utilizing multivariate approaches, morphometrics, model-based approaches, phylogenetics, cultural transmission studies, and experimentation, this volume provides insights from international contributors at the forefront of recent methodological advances.

Drobci ledenodobnega okolja

Drobci ledenodobnega okolja PDF Author: Borut Toškan
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9612542570
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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The monograph Drobci ledenodobnega okolja ("Fragments of Ice Age environments") presents a compilation of seventeen chapters in which experts from different scientific fields discuss specific topics related to the Ice Age in Europe. Ten of them are devoted to the presentation, analysis and interpretation of palaeontological data concerning various large mammal species ranging from mastodon and mammoth to the cave hyena, ibex, cave lion and bears, with the emphasis being placed on the cave bear. Several chapters address the topic of Last Glacial climatic conditions in the Southeastern Alps by studying fossil micromammal and palaeobotanical remains as well as geoarchaeologiocal data. A special article is devoted to a comprehensive review of previous analysis of the bone flute from Divje babe I, but includes also new musicological research findings on the extraordinary technical capabilities of this oldest musical instrument. The concluding chapter presents a study of old manuscripts and printed sources, providing some interesting insights into the discovery of one of the most significant palaeontological sites in Slovenia - the cave of Mokriška jama.The monograph is dedicated to the anniversary of the prominent researcher of the Slovenian Palaeolithic - Ivan Turk. His work, main achievements and selected bibliography are briefly presented in the introductory chapter.

Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments PDF Author: Lamberto Tronchin
Publisher: MDPI
ISBN: 3039366130
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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The study of the acoustic and vibrational characteristics of musical instruments in terms of their mechanical behavior, sound emission, and characteristics started thousands of years ago, and among the physicists and mathematicians that addressed this matter, we should at least recognize Leonardo da Vinci, with his experimental water organ, and Ernst Chladni, who discovered nodal patterns on rigid surfaces such as soundboards. The growing awareness of our intangible cultural heritage and the need to better understand our roots in the field of music have contributed to increasing the efforts to extend our knowledge in this field, defining new physical parameters, extending the analysis to other musical instruments, and developing new methods to synthesize sound from musical instruments using a simple keyboard.

The Prehistory of Music

The Prehistory of Music PDF Author: Iain Morley
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 019150209X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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Music is possessed by all human cultures, and archaeological evidence for musical activities pre-dates even the earliest known cave art. Music has been the subject of keen investigation across a great diversity of fields, from neuroscience and psychology to ethnography, archaeology, and its own dedicated field, musicology. Despite the great contributions that these studies have made towards understanding musical behaviours, much remains mysterious about this ubiquitous human phenomenon—not least, its origins. In a ground-breaking study, this volume brings together evidence from these fields, and more, in investigating the evolutionary origins of our musical abilities, the nature of music, and the earliest archaeological evidence for musical activities amongst our ancestors. Seeking to understand the true relationship between our unique musical capabilities and the development of the remarkable social, emotional, and communicative abilities of our species, it will be essential reading for anyone interested in music and human physical and cultural evolution.

Arheologija okoliša i paleoekologija

Arheologija okoliša i paleoekologija PDF Author: Maja Andrič
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9533770503
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 458

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Knjiga je strokovno delo, ki temelji na prevodu slovenske knjige Maje Andrič, Tjaše Tolar in Boruta Toškana (Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU) Okoljska arheologija in paleoekologija: palinologija, arheobotanika in arheozoologija (2016). Poleg prevoda leta 2016 izdane knjige, delo dopolnjujejo dodatna poglavja, ki vključujejo tovrstne raziskave na Hrvaškem, vključujoč geoarheologijo, ki v slovenski različici ni obravnavana. Ta del knjige sta izpopolnila Katarina Gerometta s Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile Filozofske fakultete v Puli in Siniša Radović z Zavoda za paleontologiju i geologiju kvartara HAZU v Zagrebu. Avtorji na poljuden način razkrivajo načine (tj. metode dela) in rezultate raziskav nekdanjega okolja. Rastlinski in živalski ostanki kot tudi odloženi sedimenti, ki jih lahko najdemo na arheoloških najdiščih ter v močvirskih in jezerskih sedimentih so dober vir podatkov o načinu življenja, gospodarstvu, prehranskih navadah, nekdanjem okolju in prilagoditvah človeka nanj v različnih arheoloških obdobjih. Gre za prvo celovito knjižno predstavitev področij delovanja palinologije, arheobotanike, arheozoologije in geoarheologije v hrvaškem jeziku.

The Prehistory of Music

The Prehistory of Music PDF Author: Iain Morley
ISBN: 0199234086
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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This volume investigates the evolutionary origins of our musical abilities, the nature of music, and the earliest archaeological evidence for musical activities amongst our ancestors. It seeks to understand the relationship between our musical capabilities and the development of our social, emotional, and communicative abilities as a species.