Courage, Mon Amie

Courage, Mon Amie PDF Author: Terry Castle
Category : Soldiers' bodies, Disposition of
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Courage, Mon Amie

Courage, Mon Amie PDF Author: Terry Castle
Category : Soldiers' bodies, Disposition of
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Getting to Paris

Getting to Paris PDF Author: Francis Stanton Williams
Category : French language
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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The Polyglots

The Polyglots PDF Author: William Alexander Gerhardie
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 390

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Perfect Wave

Perfect Wave PDF Author: Dave Hickey
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226333140
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 214

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When Dave Hickey was twelve, he rode the surfer's dream: the perfect wave. And, like so many things in life we long for, it didn't quite turn out - he shot the pier and dashed himself against the rocks of Sunset Cliffs in Ocean Beach, which just about killed him. Fortunately, for Hickey and for us, he survived, and he continues to battle, decades into a career as one of America's foremost critical iconoclasts. He's a trusted, even cherished no-nonsense voice commenting on the all-too-often nonsensical worlds of art and culture. This book brings together essays on a wide range of subjects from throughout Hickey's career, displaying his usual breadth of interest and powerful insight into what makes art work, or not, and why we care. With Hickey as our guide, we travel to Disneyland and Vegas, London and Venice. We discover the genius of Karen Carpenter and Waylon Jennings, learn why Robert Mitchum matters more than Jimmy Stewart, and see how the stillness of Antonioni speaks to us today. Never slow to judge - or to surprise us in doing so - Hickey powerfully relates his wincing disappointment in the later career of his early hero Susan Sontag, and shows us the appeal to our commonality that we've been missing in Norman Rockwell. With each essay, the doing is as important as what's done; the pleasure of reading Dave Hickey lies nearly as much in spending time in his company as in being surprised to find yourself agreeing with his conclusions. -- Description from

Locating Memory

Locating Memory PDF Author: Annette Kuhn
Publisher: Berghahn Books
ISBN: 1782381996
Category : Photography
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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As a visual medium, the photograph has many culturally resonant properties that it shares with no other medium. These essays develop innovative cultural strategies for reading, re-reading and re-using photographs, as well as for (re)creating photographs and other artworks and evoke varied sites of memory in contemporary landscapes: from sites of war and other violence through the lost places of indigenous peoples to the once-familiar everyday places of home, family, neighborhood and community. Paying close attention to the settings in which such photographs are made and used--family collections, public archives, museums, newspapers, art galleries--the contributors consider how meanings in photographs may be shifted, challenged and renewed over time and for different purposes--from historical inquiry to quests for personal, familial, ethnic and national identity.

An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization

An Aesthetic Education in the Era of Globalization PDF Author: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 0674072383
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 624

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During the past twenty years, the worldÕs most renowned critical theoristÑthe scholar who defined the field of postcolonial studiesÑhas experienced a radical reorientation in her thinking. Finding the neat polarities of tradition and modernity, colonial and postcolonial, no longer sufficient for interpreting the globalized present, she turns elsewhere to make her central argument: that aesthetic education is the last available instrument for implementing global justice and democracy. SpivakÕs unwillingness to sacrifice the ethical in the name of the aesthetic, or to sacrifice the aesthetic in grappling with the political, makes her task formidable. As she wrestles with these fraught relationships, she rewrites Friedrich SchillerÕs concept of play as double bind, reading Gregory Bateson with Gramsci as she negotiates Immanuel Kant, while in dialogue with her teacher Paul de Man. Among the concerns Spivak addresses is this: Are we ready to forfeit the wealth of the worldÕs languages in the name of global communication? ÒEven a good globalization (the failed dream of socialism) requires the uniformity which the diversity of mother-tongues must challenge,Ó Spivak writes. ÒThe tower of Babel is our refuge.Ó In essays on theory, translation, Marxism, gender, and world literature, and on writers such as Assia Djebar, J. M. Coetzee, and Rabindranath Tagore, Spivak argues for the social urgency of the humanities and renews the case for literary studies, imprisoned in the corporate university. ÒPerhaps,Ó she writes, Òthe literary can still do something.Ó


Reality PDF Author: Louisa Caroline Tuthill
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 324

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Metropolitan : a Monthly Journal of Literature, Science and the Fine Arts

Metropolitan : a Monthly Journal of Literature, Science and the Fine Arts PDF Author:
Category : Arts, Modern
Languages : en
Pages : 588

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The Complete Works of Elizabeth Gaskell (20+ Books)

The Complete Works of Elizabeth Gaskell (20+ Books) PDF Author: Elizabeth Gaskell
Publisher: BookCaps Study Guides
ISBN: 1610420012
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 2961

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Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell was known for her detailed portraits of influential English figures (such as Charlotte Bronte), and novels of Victorian life. Collected here are over 20 of her works. A table of contents is included to help you quickly find each work. An Accursed Race Cousin Phillis Cranford Curious, if True A Dark Night's Work Doom of the Griffiths French Life The Grey Woman and other Tales Half a Life-time Ago The Half-Brothers Life of Charlotte Bronte Lizzie Leigh Lois the Witch Mary Barton The Moorland Cottage My Lady Ludlow North and South The Poor Clare Round the Sofa Ruth Sylvia's Lovers Uncle Peter Wives and Daughters

Sybil Lennard. A Novel

Sybil Lennard. A Novel PDF Author: Sybil Lennard
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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