Confined Electrons and Photons

Confined Electrons and Photons PDF Author: Elias Burstein
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461519632
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 900

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Book Description
The optical properties of semiconductors have played an important role since the identification of semiconductors as "small" bandgap materials in the thinies, due both to their fundamental interest as a class of solids baving specific optical propenies and to their many important applications. On the former aspect we can cite the fundamental edge absorption and its assignment to direct or indirect transitions, many-body effects as revealed by exciton formation and photoconductivity. On the latter aspect, large-scale applications sucb as LEDs and lasers, photovoltaic converters, photodetectors, electro-optics and non-linear optic devices, come to mind. The eighties saw a revitalization of the whole field due to the advent of heterostructures of lower-dimensionality, mainly two-dimensional quantum wells, which through their enhanced photon-matter interaction yielded new devices with unsurpassed performance. Although many of the basic phenomena were evidenced through the seventies, it was this impact on applications which in turn led to such a massive investment in fabrication tools, thanks to which many new structures and materials were studied, yielding funher advances in fundamental physics.

Confined Electrons and Photons

Confined Electrons and Photons PDF Author: Elias Burstein
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461519632
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 900

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Book Description
The optical properties of semiconductors have played an important role since the identification of semiconductors as "small" bandgap materials in the thinies, due both to their fundamental interest as a class of solids baving specific optical propenies and to their many important applications. On the former aspect we can cite the fundamental edge absorption and its assignment to direct or indirect transitions, many-body effects as revealed by exciton formation and photoconductivity. On the latter aspect, large-scale applications sucb as LEDs and lasers, photovoltaic converters, photodetectors, electro-optics and non-linear optic devices, come to mind. The eighties saw a revitalization of the whole field due to the advent of heterostructures of lower-dimensionality, mainly two-dimensional quantum wells, which through their enhanced photon-matter interaction yielded new devices with unsurpassed performance. Although many of the basic phenomena were evidenced through the seventies, it was this impact on applications which in turn led to such a massive investment in fabrication tools, thanks to which many new structures and materials were studied, yielding funher advances in fundamental physics.

Electron and Photon Confinement in Semiconductor Nanostructures

Electron and Photon Confinement in Semiconductor Nanostructures PDF Author: Benoît Deveaud
Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 9781586033521
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 584

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The purpose of this course was to give an overview of the physics of artificial semiconductor structures confining electrons and photons. It furnishes the background for several applications in particular in the domain of optical devices, lasers, light emitting diodes or photonic crystals. The effects related to the microactivity polaritons, which are mixed electromagnetic radiation-exciton states inside a semiconconductor microactivity are covered. The study of the characteristics of such states shows strong relations with the domain of cavity quantum electrodynamics and thus with the investigation of some fundamental theoretical concepts.

Quantum Confined Laser Devices

Quantum Confined Laser Devices PDF Author: Peter Blood
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199644519
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 433

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The semiconductor laser, invented over 50 years ago, has had an enormous impact on the digital technologies that now dominate so many applications in business, commerce and the home. The laser is used in all types of optical fibre communication networks that enable the operation of the internet, e-mail, voice and skype transmission. Approximately one billion are produced each year for a market valued at around $5 billion. Nearly all semiconductor lasers now use extremely thin layers of light emitting materials (quantum well lasers). Increasingly smaller nanostructures are used in the form of quantum dots. The impact of the semiconductor laser is surprising in the light of the complexity of the physical processes that determine the operation of every device. This text takes the reader from the fundamental optical gain and carrier recombination processes in quantum wells and quantum dots, through descriptions of common device structures to an understanding of their operating characteristics. It has a consistent treatment of both quantum dot and quantum well structures taking full account of their dimensionality, which provides the reader with a complete account of contemporary quantum confined laser diodes. It includes plenty of illustrations from both model calculations and experimental observations. There are numerous exercises, many designed to give a feel for values of key parameters and experience obtaining quantitative results from equations. Some challenging concepts, previously the subject matter of research monographs, are treated here at this level for the first time. To request a copy of the Solutions Manual, visit http: //

Applied Nanophotonics

Applied Nanophotonics PDF Author: Sergey V. Gaponenko
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107145503
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 453

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An accessible yet rigorous introduction to nanophotonics, covering basic principles, technology, and applications in lighting, lasers, and photovoltaics. Providing a wealth of information on materials and devices, and over 150 color figures, it is the 'go-to' guide for students in electrical engineering taking courses in nanophotonics.

Mesoscopic Physics of Electrons and Photons

Mesoscopic Physics of Electrons and Photons PDF Author: Eric Akkermans
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139463993
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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Quantum mesoscopic physics covers a whole class in interference effects related to the propagation of waves in complex and random media. These effects are ubiquitous in physics, from the behaviour of electrons in metals and semiconductors to the propagation of electromagnetic waves in suspensions such as colloids, and quantum systems like cold atomic gases. A solid introduction to quantum mesoscopic physics, this book is a modern account of the problem of coherent wave propagation in random media. It provides a unified account of the basic theoretical tools and methods, highlighting the common aspects of the various optical and electronic phenomena involved and presenting a large number of experimental results. With over 200 figures, and exercises throughout, the book was originally published in 2007 and is ideal for graduate students in physics, electrical engineering, applied physics, acoustics and astrophysics. It will also be an interesting reference for researchers.


Nanophotonics PDF Author: Paras N. Prasad
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471670243
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 433

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The only comprehensive treatment of nanophotonics currently available Photonics is an all-encompassing optical science and technology which has impacted a diverse range of fields, from information technology to health care. Nanophotonics is photonic science and technology that utilizes light-matter interactions on the nanoscale, where researchers are discovering new phenomena and developing technologies that go well beyond what is possible with conventional photonics and electronics. These new technologies could include efficient solar power generation, high-bandwidth and high-speed communications, high-capacity data storage, and flexible- and high-contrast displays. In addition, nanophotonics will continue to impact biomedical technologies by providing new and powerful diagnostic techniques, as well as light-guided and activated therapies. Nanophotonics provides the only available comprehensive treatment of this exciting, multidisciplinary field, offering a wide range of topics covering: * Foundations * Materials * Applications * Theory * Fabrication Nanophotonics introduces students to important and timely concepts and provides scientists and engineers with a cutting-edge reference. The book is intended for anyone who wishes to learn about light-matter interactions on the nanoscale, as well as applications of photonics for nanotechnology and nanobiotechnology. Written by an acknowledged leader in the field, this text provides an essential resource for those interested in the future of materials science and engineering, nanotechnology, and photonics.

Quantum Confined Excitons in 2-Dimensional Materials

Quantum Confined Excitons in 2-Dimensional Materials PDF Author: Carmen Palacios-Berraquero
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030014827
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 125

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This book presents the first established experimental results of an emergent field: 2-dimensional materials as platforms for quantum technologies, specifically through the optics of quantum-confined excitons. It also provides an extensive review of the literature from a number of disciplines that informed the research, and introduces the materials of focus – 2d Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (2d-TMDs) – in detail, discussing electronic and chemical structure, excitonic behaviour and response to strain. This is followed by a brief overview of quantum information technologies, including concepts such as single-photon sources and quantum networks. The methods chapter addresses quantum optics techniques and 2d-material processing, while the results section shows the development of a method to deterministically create quantum dots (QDs) in the 2d-TMDs, which can trap single-excitons; the fabrication of atomically thin quantum light-emitting diodes to induce all-electrical single-photon emission from the QDs, and lastly, the use of devices to controllably trap single-spins in the QDs –the first step towards their use as optically-addressable matter qubits.

Quantum Optics

Quantum Optics PDF Author: Anthony Mark Fox
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0198566727
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 397

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Written primarily for advanced undergraduate and Master's level students in physics, this text includes a broad range of topics in applied quantum optics such as laser cooling, Bose-Einstein condensation and quantum information processing.

Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures

Optical Properties of Semiconductor Nanostructures PDF Author: Marcin L. Sadowski
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401141584
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 443

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Optical methods for investigating semiconductors and the theoretical description of optical processes have always been an important part of semiconductor physics. Only the emphasis placed on different materials changes with time. Here, a large number of papers are devoted to quantum dots, presenting the theory, spectroscopic investigation and methods of producing such structures. Another major part of the book reflects the growing interest in diluted semiconductors and II-IV nanosystems in general. There are also discussions of the fascinating field of photonic crystals. `Classical' low dimensional systems, such as GsAs/GaAlAs quantum wells and heterostructures, still make up a significant part of the results presented, and they also serve as model systems for new phenomena. New materials are being sought, and new experimental techniques are coming on stream, in particular the combination of different spectroscopic modalities.

Spontaneous Emission and Laser Oscillation in Microcavities

Spontaneous Emission and Laser Oscillation in Microcavities PDF Author: Yokoyama Hiroyuki
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0429606745
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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In spite of the increasing importance of microcavities, device physics or the observable phenomena in optical microcavities such as enhanced or inhibited spontaneous emission and its relation with the laser oscillation has not been systematically well-described-until now. Spontaneous Emission and Laser Oscillation in Microcavities presents the basics of optical microcavities. The volume is divided into ten chapters, each written by respected authorities in their areas. The book surveys several methods describing free space spontaneous emission and discusses changes in the feature due to the presence of a cavity. The effect of dephasing of vacuum fields on spontaneous emission in a microcavity and the effects of atomic broadening on spontaneous emission in an optical microcavity are examined. The book details the splitting in transmission peaks of planar microcavities containing semiconductor quantum wells. A simple but useful way to consider the change in the spontaneous emission rate from the viewpoint of mode density alteration by wavelength-sized cavities is provided. Authors also discuss the spontaneous emission in dielectric planar microcavities. Spontaneous emission in microcavity surface emitting lasers is covered, as are the effects of electron confinement in semiconductor quantum wells, wires, and boxes also given. The volume extends the controlling spontaneous emission phenomenon to laser oscillation. Starting from the Fermi golden rule, the microcavity laser rate equations are derived, and the oscillation characteristics are analyzed. Recent progress in optical microcavity experiments is summarized, and the applicability in massively optical parallel processing systems and demands for the device performance are explored. This volume is extremely useful as a textbook for graduate and postgraduate students and works well as a unique reference for researchers beginning to study in the field.