Cockpit Monitoring and Alerting Systems

Cockpit Monitoring and Alerting Systems PDF Author: Paul M. Satchell
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351950770
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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While monitoring of computer-controlled systems is widespread, it is critically important in the cockpit of current passenger aircraft. Such monitoring requires special vigilance for those rare untoward events, which may be new to the pilot and which can have devastating consequences. This book uses a multidisciplinary approach to address this problem of sustaining attention while monitoring. It outlines and explains alternative ways of viewing the processes needed to prevent Human Factors accidents; it examines the use and limitations of cockpit resource management programmes in inducing behavioural and attitudinal changes appropriate for highly automated flight decks. The author’s approach deals rigorously with the physiological mechanisms underlying vigilance, arousal and stress, delineating clearly those that are relevant to the monitoring function. The three parts cover: monitoring problems and processes; monitoring measurement and alerting systems; and monitoring management. In the last part the author details management plans and guidance for monitoring assisted systems based on his understanding of the problems of continued human vigilance. Readership: pilots and training pilots; cockpit resource management groups; monitoring management specialists; university aviation departments; road and rail transport groups; those operating nuclear and large process installations.

Cockpit Monitoring and Alerting Systems

Cockpit Monitoring and Alerting Systems PDF Author: Paul M. Satchell
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351950770
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 230

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Book Description
While monitoring of computer-controlled systems is widespread, it is critically important in the cockpit of current passenger aircraft. Such monitoring requires special vigilance for those rare untoward events, which may be new to the pilot and which can have devastating consequences. This book uses a multidisciplinary approach to address this problem of sustaining attention while monitoring. It outlines and explains alternative ways of viewing the processes needed to prevent Human Factors accidents; it examines the use and limitations of cockpit resource management programmes in inducing behavioural and attitudinal changes appropriate for highly automated flight decks. The author’s approach deals rigorously with the physiological mechanisms underlying vigilance, arousal and stress, delineating clearly those that are relevant to the monitoring function. The three parts cover: monitoring problems and processes; monitoring measurement and alerting systems; and monitoring management. In the last part the author details management plans and guidance for monitoring assisted systems based on his understanding of the problems of continued human vigilance. Readership: pilots and training pilots; cockpit resource management groups; monitoring management specialists; university aviation departments; road and rail transport groups; those operating nuclear and large process installations.

Aircraft alerting systems criteria study

Aircraft alerting systems criteria study PDF Author: J. E. Veitengruber
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 300

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Innovation and Automation

Innovation and Automation PDF Author: Paul Satchell
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 042983201X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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First published in 1998, this book links the forces of innovation and automation positively by shifting the focus on human-machine interactions from the current, technology-centred approach, to one where sharing is evolved and creativity is no longer suppressed. It provides a unique way of understanding innovation in organisations, by using an environmental interaction approach to understand creativity and its translation into innovatory behaviour. The current dampening of creativity in organisations is made meaningful by explaining organisational behaviour in terms of rituals. The author succinctly assembles the current evidence that the prevailing technology-centred approach to automation is in part responsible for the inability of humans to be creative in work situations. Many of the behavioural constraints necessary for this type of automation paralyse the translation of creativity into innovatory behaviour. In producing an antidote to the technology-centred approach, he moves beyond current human-centred thinking, to an approach where humans and machines share by using the same processes that underlie the sharing between humans. This sharing-centred approach to automation is explained and illustrated. Throughout the book the current state of human-machine interactions is illustrated with vignettes from aviation, medicine and from organisations. The book also discusses three pictures of future human-machine interactions of the flightdeck, in primary care medical practice, and in boardrooms of major organisations. The main readership includes all who are interested in innovation and organisational development, especially in the technology based industries and services such as healthcare, transportation, manufacturing and information systems; it provides essential new ideas for senior executives, strategic consultants, specialists in organisational behaviour and human resources, members of regulatory agencies and other government facilities, and academicians and researchers.

Systems Engineering for Commercial Aircraft

Systems Engineering for Commercial Aircraft PDF Author: Scott Jackson
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000109011
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 315

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The key principle of systems engineering is that an aircraft should be considered as a whole and not as a collection of parts. Another principle is that the requirements for the aircraft and its subsystems emanate from a logical set of organized functions and from economic or customer-oriented requirements as well as the regulatory requirements for certification. The resulting process promises to synthesize and validate the design of aircraft which are higher in quality, better meet customer requirements and are most economical to operate. This book is more of a how to and a why to rather than a what to guide. It stresses systems engineering is an integrated technical-managerial process that can be adapted without sacrificing quality in which risk handling and management is a major part. It explains that the systems view applies to both the aircraft and the entire air transport system. The book emphasizes that system engineering is not an added layer of processes on top of the existing design processes; it is the glue that holds all the other processes together. The readership includes the aircraft industry, suppliers and regulatory communities, especially technical, program and procurement managers; systems, design and specialty engineers (human factors, reliability, safety, etc.); students of aeronautical and systems engineering and technical management; and government agencies such as FAA and JAA.

Automation and Human Performance

Automation and Human Performance PDF Author: Raja Parasuraman
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351465058
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 535

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There is perhaps no facet of modern society where the influence of computer automation has not been felt. Flight management systems for pilots, diagnostic and surgical aids for physicians, navigational displays for drivers, and decision-aiding systems for air-traffic controllers, represent only a few of the numerous domains in which powerful new automation technologies have been introduced. The benefits that have been reaped from this technological revolution have been many. At the same time, automation has not always worked as planned by designers, and many problems have arisen--from minor inefficiencies of operation to large-scale, catastrophic accidents. Understanding how humans interact with automation is vital for the successful design of new automated systems that are both safe and efficient. The influence of automation technology on human performance has often been investigated in a fragmentary, isolated manner, with investigators conducting disconnected studies in different domains. There has been little contact between these endeavors, although principles gleaned from one domain may have implications for another. Also, with a few exceptions, the research has tended to be empirical and only theory-driven. In recent years, however, various groups of investigators have begun to examine human performance in automated systems in general and to develop theories of human interaction with automation technology. This book presents the current theories and assesses the impact of automation on different aspects of human performance. Both basic and applied research is presented to highlight the general principles of human-computer interaction in several domains where automation technologies are widely implemented. The major premise is that a broad-based, theory-driven approach will have significant implications for the effective design of both current and future automation technologies. This volume will be of considerable value to researchers in human

Space Safety and Human Performance

Space Safety and Human Performance PDF Author: Barbara G. Kanki
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 0081018703
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 946

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Space Safety and Human Performance provides a comprehensive reference for engineers and technical managers within aerospace and high technology companies, space agencies, operators, and consulting firms. The book draws upon the expertise of the world's leading experts in the field and focuses primarily on humans in spaceflight, but also covers operators of control centers on the ground and behavior aspects of complex organizations, thus addressing the entire spectrum of space actors. During spaceflight, human performance can be deeply affected by physical, psychological and psychosocial stressors. Strict selection, intensive training and adequate operational rules are used to fight performance degradation and prepare individuals and teams to effectively manage systems failures and challenging emergencies. The book is endorsed by the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS). - 2019 PROSE Awards - Winner: Category: Engineering and Technology: Association of American Publishers - Provides information on critical aspects of human performance in space missions - Addresses the issue of human performance, from physical and psychosocial stressors that can degrade performance, to selection and training principles and techniques to enhance performance - Brings together essential material on: cognition and human error; advanced analysis methods such as human reliability analysis; environmental challenges and human performance in space missions; critical human factors and man/machine interfaces in space systems design; crew selection and training; and organizational behavior and safety culture - Includes an endorsement by the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS)

Systems Engineering for Commercial Aircraft

Systems Engineering for Commercial Aircraft PDF Author: Mr Scott Jackson
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 147243921X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 315

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Explains the principles of systems engineering in simple, understandable terms and describes to engineers and managers how these principles would be applied to the development of commercial aircraft.

NASA Reference Publication

NASA Reference Publication PDF Author:
Category : Astronautics
Languages : en
Pages : 934

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Developing the Future Aviation System

Developing the Future Aviation System PDF Author: Rod Baldwin
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351944835
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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The major changes taking place in technology have some of the greatest effect in the world of aviation. Yet, in an industry which started with the concept of 'open skies', each sector has traditionally developed on its own and adjusted to developments in other areas as and when required. The need for integration is particularly important as the skies become increasingly crowded. More intense commercialization dramatically increases the interlocking between technological developments and the size of the financial investments required. For maximum efficiency the aviation system thus has to develop as an integrated whole with a greater awareness of events in other sectors. This book is intended to meet this requirement by addressing the breadth and depth of the aviation system and looking at some areas where significant advances are happening. While following the processes of development, the reader will see where the results might lead in the new century. Its three parts concentrate on areas of great significance - in integration as well as in technological progress - especially for their impact on human and social aspects. The editor and the invited contributors are amongst the foremost experts, researchers and industry leaders in their fields in the global aviation community, many with hands-on experience of massive change. The intended readership includes those who are moving into management functions in air traffic management, airplane manufacturing and airline operations; in training centres, colleges and institutions.

Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-Based Systems

Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-Based Systems PDF Author: Lakhmi C Jain
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540880488
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 325

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Knowledge processing and decision making in agent-based systems constitute the key components of intelligent machines. The contributions included in the book are: Innovations in Knowledge Processing and Decision Making in Agent-Based Systems Towards Real-World HTN Planning Agents Mobile Agent-Based System for Distributed Software Maintenance Software Agents in New Generation Networks: Towards the Automation of Telecom Processes Multi-agent Systems and Paraconsistent Knowledge An Agent-based Negotiation Platform for Collaborative Decision-Making in Construction Supply Chain An Event-Driven Algorithm for Agents at the Web A Generic Mobile Agent Framework Toward Ambient Intelligence Developing Actionable Trading Strategies Agent Uncertainty Model and Quantum Mechanics Representation Agent Transportation Layer Adaptation System Software Agents to Enable Service Composition through Negotiation Advanced Technology Towards Developing Decentralized Autonomous Flexible Manufacturing Systems