Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Belgium

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Belgium PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276083368
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Back in 2012, on request of the European Commission, Belgium presented its national strategy for Roma inclusion (NSRI). Moving towards 2020, the time has come to evaluate the efficiency of this NSRI, in terms of its objectives and of their implementation. The present report is the evaluation made by the Belgian civil society and is based on data collected and analysed by the CMGVR (Mediation Centre for Travellers and Roma). The monitoring project of the Belgian NSRI for Roma inclusion takes place over a period of two years. The first Roma Civil Monitoring report was dedicated to three main themes: governance, the fight against discriminations and the fight against antigypsyism. The present document constitutes the second report of policy monitoring, and examines four themes that are central in the national NSRI for Roma inclusion: housing, employment, health and education. All four themes investigated - as well as those the previous report focused on - are closely interrelated, and have a direct effect on one's life conditions, opportunities, and chances for inclusion. It is unsurprising, knowing that most subjects related to social cohesion are deeply connected and have an influence on one another. Consequentially, and to the best of their abilities, the authors of this report attempt to address the topic themes with a transversal perspective. To elaborate this report, the authors started from the commitments of the Belgian NSRI themselves and used them as baseline and references for their analysis. The methodology for this report takes a qualitative approach, and combined an analysis of existing documentation (studies, reports, laws, court cases, websites of services and institutions concerned) to data collection amongst the main stakeholders involved in Roma and Travellers' inclusion (in the civil society, as well as amongst institutions and authorities at the federal, regional and local level).1 Based on the priority issues of this second monitoring report, the authors established separate questionnaires for each identified stakeholder, in accordance with their area of expertise and geographical zone. The questions were open and the interlocutors were free to respond by mail, phone, or in a face-to-face interview. Finally, the authors proceeded to data analysis and to the writing of the report.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Belgium

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Belgium PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276083368
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Back in 2012, on request of the European Commission, Belgium presented its national strategy for Roma inclusion (NSRI). Moving towards 2020, the time has come to evaluate the efficiency of this NSRI, in terms of its objectives and of their implementation. The present report is the evaluation made by the Belgian civil society and is based on data collected and analysed by the CMGVR (Mediation Centre for Travellers and Roma). The monitoring project of the Belgian NSRI for Roma inclusion takes place over a period of two years. The first Roma Civil Monitoring report was dedicated to three main themes: governance, the fight against discriminations and the fight against antigypsyism. The present document constitutes the second report of policy monitoring, and examines four themes that are central in the national NSRI for Roma inclusion: housing, employment, health and education. All four themes investigated - as well as those the previous report focused on - are closely interrelated, and have a direct effect on one's life conditions, opportunities, and chances for inclusion. It is unsurprising, knowing that most subjects related to social cohesion are deeply connected and have an influence on one another. Consequentially, and to the best of their abilities, the authors of this report attempt to address the topic themes with a transversal perspective. To elaborate this report, the authors started from the commitments of the Belgian NSRI themselves and used them as baseline and references for their analysis. The methodology for this report takes a qualitative approach, and combined an analysis of existing documentation (studies, reports, laws, court cases, websites of services and institutions concerned) to data collection amongst the main stakeholders involved in Roma and Travellers' inclusion (in the civil society, as well as amongst institutions and authorities at the federal, regional and local level).1 Based on the priority issues of this second monitoring report, the authors established separate questionnaires for each identified stakeholder, in accordance with their area of expertise and geographical zone. The questions were open and the interlocutors were free to respond by mail, phone, or in a face-to-face interview. Finally, the authors proceeded to data analysis and to the writing of the report.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Belgium

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Belgium PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276199403
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Languages : en
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Following the RCM's previous two reports on Belgium, the aim of this third one is to give a closer focus to issues that have not received proper attention in the current strategic cycle, or to problems for which policy solutions have not been sufficiently conceived or pursued.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Belgium

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategies in Belgium PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279978319
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Languages : en
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In Belgium, there is currently no person of Roma or Traveller belonging directly involved in national and regional politics outside of informal consultations. It makes it very difficult for community representatives to make their voices heard. To this day, the political implication of Roma and Travellers representatives is limited to non-binding consultation processes that are occasionally organised in the elaboration of policies, measures and recommendations targeting their communities. The mainstreaming of Roma inclusion is organised at the national, regional and local level, by public authorities, integration institutions and civil society organisations. There are several civil society organisations and public institutions working on Roma inclusion, though at varying degrees of intensity and at different levels (federal, regional, local). They range from broader institutions focusing on issues of integration and equal opportunity for minorities to field organisations working specifically with both the Roma and Travellers communities, and to Roma/Travellers self-organisations. These different stakeholders formulate recommendations to decision-makers and participate to the evaluation of the strategy for Roma and Travellers’ inclusion. However, these recommendations are not automatically nor effectively integrated into policy decisions. Community representatives, civil society organisations and local services are still not sufficiently consulted in the development of policies concerning Travellers and Roma. At the federal level, the State Secretary for Social Integration is in charge of mainstreaming Roma inclusion measures and of checking upon law implementation amongst public social assistance centres at the local level. In the three Belgian Regions (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels), there are action plans (directly or indirectly) targeting Roma inclusion by promoting, amongst other things, the employment of Roma mediators, participation to a civic integration program (with citizenship and language classes), and coordination between local authorities/services and the civil society. Grassroots organisations and the civil society play a crucial role in mainstreaming Roma inclusion amongst local authorities and services. They raise awareness and provide action tools to local stakeholders through conferences and trainings, as well as through supervision meetings focused on Roma inclusion practices and on the organisation of Travellers' temporary stay. Roma people are involved at the local level as mediators. They support the communication with Roma and their inclusion into the wider society. However, except for one municipality (Amay), no Traveller works as mediator. It should be noted that Roma are no longer represented at the national level because the National Roma Council is no longer effective. However, the National Travellers Committee, a self-organised NGO, is regularly consulted by the public authorities. At the local level, there are several self-organised Roma and Traveller associations. Civil society organisations, such as the CMGVR, support their presence at discussion tables at the national, regional and local levels and transmit their claims to the political spheres. Finally, discrimination against Roma is not tackled in a structural manner: so far, political commitment for Roma inclusion is still mostly determined by personal convictions and willingness to act.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Luxembourg

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Luxembourg PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276199557
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Languages : en
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Following the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies up to 2020 guidelines issues by EC in 2011, Luxembourg has opted for an integrated set of policy measures within broader social inclusion policies for implementing its equivalent of a National Roma Integration Strategy (NRIS). To date, Luxembourg failed to report on the implementation of the NRIS. The EC available assessments from 2012 and 2014 were unable to indicate their impact in education, employment, health, housing, anti-discrimination and funding on Roma specifically. According to the government, ethnic data collection is forbidden and therefore all actions referenced in the integrated set of measures apply equally to all community citizens and their family members without any distinctions. According to the Council of Europe statistics, the Roma community in Luxembourg is very small in size (approx. 300 persons), but diverse and dispersed across the country. There is little to no data about the situation of Roma communities in Luxembourg; there are no registered Roma NGOs or community leaders to represent the interests of Roma communities at national level. When Luxembourg drafted its NRIS, no prior needs assessment or consultation with Roma representatives was conducted. In these conditions, the NRIS adoption appears as a formal compliance with the EU requirements, which cannot produce any real effect for the target group.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Luxembourg

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Luxembourg PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276083689
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Luxembourg has a very small Roma community - about 300 persons (CoE, 2012), among other 170 nationalities. The National Roma Integration Strategy is in fact an integrated set of policy measures applicable to any non-Luxembourgish who wants to live legally there and does not include any targeted policies and measures for Roma. The collection of ethnically disaggregated data is illegal in Luxembourg; therefore, there is a complete lack of data regarding Roma on any of the four policies (education, employment, housing, health). This makes it very difficult to assess the situation of Roma1 living legally in Luxembourg, the challenges they are facing and the possible recommendations/solutions for the authorities. To which degree Roma have access to those policies in Luxembourg? Is this integrated set of policy measures answering Roma needs in Luxembourg? To what degree are Roma integrated in the multicultural society of Luxembourg? These questions will remain unanswered unless contact and dialogue with Roma community and individuals is initiated, which will allow for a thorough assessment of their current situation. As mentioned above, there are no statistics or data on the situation of Roma on employment, housing, education, health or discrimination in Luxembourg, therefore there is a need for the authorities to get in contact with the community, assess their situation and needs and adjust the policy measures accordingly. At this point, it can only be presumed that Roma benefit of all the measures in place as any other non-Luxembourgish living in Luxembourg legally.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Quality of the National Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation in Belgium

Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Quality of the National Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation in Belgium PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789268017883
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This report is part of a larger Roma Civil Monitoring exercise associated with the implementation of the NRSF. Its focus is the assessment of the newly adopted NRSF and more specifically of the following: Participation of the Roma throughout the policy development process of the NRSF; The NRSF's relevance to the needs of the Roma people in their diversity; The NRSF's expected effectiveness; Alignment of the NRSF with the 'EU Roma Strategic Framework'. The purpose of the report is to provide participatory and inclusive monitoring input and reflections on the design and content of the NRSF, by civil society actors, to both national authorities and the European Commission.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Italy

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Italy PDF Author: Donatella De Vito
ISBN: 9789276198925
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In the first two Roma civil monitor reports, we focused our attention on the structural and horizontal preconditions for the successful implementation of the national strategy and assessed the progress of the strategy in key policies areas; like housing, employment, health and education. The analysis underlined that, besides isolated cases, no real improvements can be seen on the ground of Roma inclusion. Despite isolated progress in some regions, many problems still persist and hinder the implementation of the NRIS; and it appears difficult to remove them without a radical change of direction in respect to what has been done so far. This report is aimed at identifying the blind spots that have had and have an impact on the implementation of the National strategy, and the gaps that should be bridged by more effective inclusion governmental policies and measures in order to develop more effective inclusion policies.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Lithuania

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Lithuania PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789276083665
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The monitoring report on the implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Lithuania reviews the current situation and the implementation of NRIS in Lithuania based on the four areas: housing, education, health and employment. It presents the progress achieved as well as the key challenges which need to be resolved for a more efficient implementation of the strategy.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in Slovakia PDF Author: Jarmila Lajcakova
ISBN: 9789276199007
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Languages : en
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The report focuses on access to sports, monitoring and evaluation of large-scale programmes and policies targeting mainstream. We have selected these areas because they either present blind spots in Roma inclusion policies or their importance and/or implementation is underestimated. These areas thus in our view, deserve significantly more attention in the post-2020 efforts to increase the impact of Roma inclusion policies.

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic

Civil Society Monitoring Report on Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy in the Czech Republic PDF Author:
ISBN: 9789279854514
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Languages : en
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Despite the EC’s continuous interest in and support to the Member States for the development of Roma integration policy, this report demonstrates that in the key areas under review the measures adopted by the Czech Government remain insufficient. The ineffectiveness of the adopted measures is particularly evident at the level of municipalities, which tend to promote their own interests in the areas on which the Government measures focus. Nevertheless, despite the general critical tone of this report, some progress can be acknowledged, for example: reforms of education aimed at better inclusiveness, the development of non-governmental organisations, local social housing initiatives implemented by some municipalities, and efforts to combat discrimination in education, housing and employment.