Chaos to sense, latent deity to reason

Chaos to sense, latent deity to reason PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 89

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Part 1. The shoreless Ocean of Space is the Light of the Central Sun and First Cause. Space exists whether there is a God, gods or none; whether there is a universe or no universe: during the Maha Yugas, the Pralayas, as well as during the periods of Manvantara. Part 2. Space is Chaos, Unseen and Unknowable Deity that thrills throughout every atom in Boundless Kosmos. Space is filled with darkness, which is primordial matter in a pre-cosmic state. This Abstract Deity is a Single Absolute Omniscience and Intelligence that thrills throughout every atom, and infinitesimal point in boundless Kosmos. The Infinitude of Chaos is the Nest of the Eternal Bird, the flutter of whose wings produces life. Part 3. Space is the Pythagorean Monas, Potential Space within Abstract Space. It is symbolised by the Central Point of the Circle. Space and Universe are synonymous. In Space there is not only Matter, Force, and Spirit, but all that and much more. Space is the Soul of the World, the One Element or Root of Life which, in its eternal, ceaseless motion, like the out- and in-breathing of One Boundless Ocean, evolves only to reabsorb all that lives and feels and thinks and has its being in it. Part 4. Space is the Aether of the Greek philosophers or pre-cosmic Mind. Chaos is pre-cosmic Matter. Part 5. Parentless Space is the incomprehensible Deity, whose invisible robes are the mystic root of all matter, whether seen or unseen. Interplanetary Space is full of imponderable substances, interpenetrating each other. They are the direct cause of natural phenomena manifesting through vibration at the lower end. Part 6. Space is a body of limitless extent, whose Septenary Principles manifest in our phenomenal world only the grossest fabric of their sub-divisions. The septenary constitution of Space will become visible when the so-called “fourth dimension of space,” i.e., the sixth characteristic of matter and harbinger of the Sixth Sense, is fully awakened. Part 7. To the profane, Space is Eternal Darkness; to the Initiate, the Celestial Fountain of the Waters of Life. The Dark Energy of Be-ness is reflected in Chaos. The Waters of Life is the Fifth Principle of Kosmos in the lower septenary, however, they differ from the Waters of Salvation. Only earth and water, when warmed by the Sun, can bring forth a living soul. Part 8. Space is Akasha, Soul of the World: potential energy, whose function it is to evolve all visible things out of itself. Akasha is Aether, the Light of Creative Thought and Causeless Cause of every manifesting intellection, plus the reservoir of all thought because Absolute Thought. Ether is the lowest and grossest from of thought. Part 9. Space is Be-ness: Absolute Subjectivity plus Great Breath or motion unmanifested. Space and Time are forms of the One incognisable Deity. They are forms of That, the Absolute All. Real Time is abstract motion in Space. Part 10. The voidness of the seeming full is the fullness of the seeming void. Chaos is Void to sense, latent Deity to reason. Nature abhors a vacuum because there is no Spiritual Fire in vacuity. Nihil or Non-being in the mind of Ancient Philosophers became No-thing-ness and Emptiness among modern materialists. Vacuum or Voidness is a perception of lower minds. Vacuum is Absolute Deity, eternal and unchangeable. Its vehicle is pure, luminous Aether, Infinite Space. The abyss of Nothingness of the profane is the Infinite Space of the Divine Plenum of the Occultist.

Chaos to sense, latent deity to reason

Chaos to sense, latent deity to reason PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 89

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Part 1. The shoreless Ocean of Space is the Light of the Central Sun and First Cause. Space exists whether there is a God, gods or none; whether there is a universe or no universe: during the Maha Yugas, the Pralayas, as well as during the periods of Manvantara. Part 2. Space is Chaos, Unseen and Unknowable Deity that thrills throughout every atom in Boundless Kosmos. Space is filled with darkness, which is primordial matter in a pre-cosmic state. This Abstract Deity is a Single Absolute Omniscience and Intelligence that thrills throughout every atom, and infinitesimal point in boundless Kosmos. The Infinitude of Chaos is the Nest of the Eternal Bird, the flutter of whose wings produces life. Part 3. Space is the Pythagorean Monas, Potential Space within Abstract Space. It is symbolised by the Central Point of the Circle. Space and Universe are synonymous. In Space there is not only Matter, Force, and Spirit, but all that and much more. Space is the Soul of the World, the One Element or Root of Life which, in its eternal, ceaseless motion, like the out- and in-breathing of One Boundless Ocean, evolves only to reabsorb all that lives and feels and thinks and has its being in it. Part 4. Space is the Aether of the Greek philosophers or pre-cosmic Mind. Chaos is pre-cosmic Matter. Part 5. Parentless Space is the incomprehensible Deity, whose invisible robes are the mystic root of all matter, whether seen or unseen. Interplanetary Space is full of imponderable substances, interpenetrating each other. They are the direct cause of natural phenomena manifesting through vibration at the lower end. Part 6. Space is a body of limitless extent, whose Septenary Principles manifest in our phenomenal world only the grossest fabric of their sub-divisions. The septenary constitution of Space will become visible when the so-called “fourth dimension of space,” i.e., the sixth characteristic of matter and harbinger of the Sixth Sense, is fully awakened. Part 7. To the profane, Space is Eternal Darkness; to the Initiate, the Celestial Fountain of the Waters of Life. The Dark Energy of Be-ness is reflected in Chaos. The Waters of Life is the Fifth Principle of Kosmos in the lower septenary, however, they differ from the Waters of Salvation. Only earth and water, when warmed by the Sun, can bring forth a living soul. Part 8. Space is Akasha, Soul of the World: potential energy, whose function it is to evolve all visible things out of itself. Akasha is Aether, the Light of Creative Thought and Causeless Cause of every manifesting intellection, plus the reservoir of all thought because Absolute Thought. Ether is the lowest and grossest from of thought. Part 9. Space is Be-ness: Absolute Subjectivity plus Great Breath or motion unmanifested. Space and Time are forms of the One incognisable Deity. They are forms of That, the Absolute All. Real Time is abstract motion in Space. Part 10. The voidness of the seeming full is the fullness of the seeming void. Chaos is Void to sense, latent Deity to reason. Nature abhors a vacuum because there is no Spiritual Fire in vacuity. Nihil or Non-being in the mind of Ancient Philosophers became No-thing-ness and Emptiness among modern materialists. Vacuum or Voidness is a perception of lower minds. Vacuum is Absolute Deity, eternal and unchangeable. Its vehicle is pure, luminous Aether, Infinite Space. The abyss of Nothingness of the profane is the Infinite Space of the Divine Plenum of the Occultist.

Gravitation is the Immutable Law of Attraction and Repulsion in Kosmos and Man

Gravitation is the Immutable Law of Attraction and Repulsion in Kosmos and Man PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 27

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Gravity is an obsolete law in starry heaven. Among the materialists, gravity is the king of the all-potent imponderables. But among the students of the Sacred Science, gravity in one of the attributes of differentiation manifested as the law of attraction and repulsion between various states of matter. Newton did not use the word “attraction” with regard to the mutual action of bodies in a physical sense; to him, attractions were impulses; he believed that there is some subtle spirit, by the force and action of which all movements of matter are determined. For Pythagoras, Forces were Spiritual Entities (Gods independent of planets and matter, as we see and know them on Earth), who are the Rulers of the Sidereal Heaven. Light, heat, electricity, etc., are Affections, not properties or qualities of matter. Matter is the prerequisite and vehicle for the manifestation of Intelligent Forces on this plane. Newton had derived his knowledge of Gravitation and its laws from Jacob Böhme, with whom Gravitation or Attraction is the first property of Nature. Newton, whose profound mind had fathomed the spiritual thought of the great Seer in its mystic rendering, owes his great discovery to Böhme, the nursling of the genii who watched over and guided him. The voidness of the seeming full is the fullness of the seeming void. It was from Newton’s theory of a universal void that dates the immense scorn now shown by the moderns for ancient physics. Though the old sages had always maintained that “nature abhorred vacuum,” the mathematicians of the new world had discovered the antiquated “fallacy” and exposed it. More recently, modern Science vindicated, however ungracefully, archaic knowledge having, moreover, to also vindicate Newton’s character and powers of observation at this late hour. And now Father Æther is welcomed once more with open arms and wedded to gravitation. “Look back before moving forward” must become the motto of exact Science, in finding herself itself inexact every leap-year. Rough and up-hill is the path of Science; her days are full of vanity and vexation of Spirit. The metaphysical tenets of Kepler are purely occult. He was not the first to discover the theory of Attraction and Repulsion in Kosmos, for it was known from the days of Empedocles, the two opposite forces being called by him Hate and Love, or Repulsion and Attraction. Kepler also gave a pretty fair description of Cosmic Magnetism. Why should he be denounced then as most unscientific, for offering just the same solution as Newton did — only showing himself more sincere, more consistent, and even more logical? Where is the difference between Newton’s “all-powerful Being” and Kepler’s Rectores, his Sidereal and Cosmic Forces, or Angels?

Madame Blavatsky and George R.S. Mead on the Gospel according to John

Madame Blavatsky and George R.S. Mead on the Gospel according to John PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 25

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Reflections of an ardent apostle of materialism on God

Reflections of an ardent apostle of materialism on God PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 12

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Belief in, and fear of, a human-like god breeds selfishness and sensuality. Where is God? God dwells in the heart of every man; when we wound our brother we wound God. On the brutal foot of materialism bringing out self-adoration and greed.

The Holy Four of Pythagoras is Logos in its latent state

The Holy Four of Pythagoras is Logos in its latent state PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 18

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The Pythagorean Square is the sum of the first numbers, +++, i.e., number , the Tetractys of the Decas. Number is a numerical expression of the mysteries of the whole Kosmos, its microcosmic image or man, and the sum total of all human knowledge. A trinity of Perfect Squares make up the Dodecahedron, a Perfect Number concealed in a Perfect Cube. Thomas Taylor on the eleven faces of the Pythagorean Tetractys: The first tetractys is 1. 2. 3. 4. The second, is the monad, a side, a square, and a cube. The third, is a point, line, a superficies, and a solid. The fourth, is fire, air, water, and earth. The fifth, the pyramid, the octahedron, the icosahedron, and the cube. The sixth, seed, length, breadth, and depth. The seventh, man, a house, a street, and a city. The eighth, intellect, science, opinion, and sense. The ninth, the rational, the irascible, the epithymetic parts, and the body. The tenth, spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Saturn is the dianoetic tetractys. The Pythagorean World is the Root of Illusion.

Narayana, First or Third Logos?

Narayana, First or Third Logos? PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 23

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Narayana is Self-born Spirit, ever stirring the “primordial Ocean of Space” or Akasha, which is Its progeny. Are the “Great Waters” the same as those on which the Darkness moved? Narayana is Androgyne Wisdom, the Sophia of the Gnostics, the Hindu female Nari, vivifying the “waters” of chaos or potential matter from afar, without touching the abyss of darkness; She is unable to do so for Wisdom being purely intellectual cannot act directly on matter. Says Vishnu: “I called the name of water Nara in ancient times, and am hence called Narayana, for that was always the abode I moved in.” (Ayana) The “moist principle” of Space becomes “wet” only after its separation by Narayana’s invisible Flame. · Narayana is Self-created, i.e., Unmanifested Logos (Īśvara is Logos Manifested). · He is the “mover on the Waters” of space. · He is one and the same as Shekhīnah and Daivīprakriti, the Light of Logos. · Not only Narayana makes us all sing and dance around Him in a circle, He is the choirmaster at the centre of our being. · Appearing with every Manvantara as Narayana, He remains ever “Concealed in Akasha and present in Ether.” · He is, and yet He is Not. In terms of the Sacred Word, Nara is A, the Germ, Divine Spirit or Holy Ghost, that fecundates Nari or U, Kosmos’ Virgin Matrix or Waters of Life, which is an emanation of Itself. Narayana is M, the Spirit of God, moving the two into existence. Narayana is The ONE or the Pythagorean Monas, dwelling in solitude and darkness. Says a Master of Wisdom: “Pythagoras had a reason for never using the finite, useless figure 2, and for altogether discarding it. The ONE can, when manifesting, become only Three. The unmanifested, when a simple duality, remains passive and concealed.” Narayana is the Eternal Breath of the Unconscious All, ever arousing the slumbering Waters of Life, which are the Noumenon of Matter also bearing Latent Spirit. He is the ONE and only Cause of Duality. Narayana is the seventh and highest principle of our solar system. He throbs in the heart of every spiritual man, and everywhere. He is Logos Itself. Genesis’ “Heaven and Earth” alludes to the separation of the Primordial Substance to Light in its upper (Spirit), and Darkness in its lower portions (Matter), i.e., to the separation of the invisible from the visible by the Firmament, which is the manifested Universe. Narayana may be plunged in the Waters of Wisdom but He is not the God of the Waters. Varuna is the Vedic God of the Waters of Space, Akasha or “Heaven,” and prototype of the Greek Ouranos. “He who breaks Varuna’s laws is punished by Indra.” For Indra is the Vedic God of the real Firmament, or Mahat-Nous, and prototype of the Illusion of Separateness.

Insights to the occult causes of epidemic diseases:

Insights to the occult causes of epidemic diseases: PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Epidemics in moral and physical affairs are more now more rife than ever. The seeds of vice and crime spring up and bring forth fruit with appalling rapidity and paralyzing succession. The reciprocal relations between planetary bodies and man are as perfect as those between the red blood cells, which float in a common fluid. Each body, whether planetary of human, is affected by the combined influences of all and, in its turn, affects each and all. Pythagoras’ music of the spheres is more than a mere fancy, as certain planetary aspects may disturb the æther of our planet, while others may bring about rest and harmony. Some pathological conditions have a tendency to become rapidly spreading epidemics, influenced by causes unknown to modern science. Plato says that animal man is a son of necessity. A physically pure body will strengthen the soul which, though liable to err, will always side with reason against the lusts and proclivities of the body. The rapid growth of human intellect has paralysed spiritual perceptions. It is at the expense of wisdom that intellect thrives, and mankind is quite unprepared to comprehend the awful drama of disobedience of the laws of spiritual life and those governing natural life. The Sun is the Mind and Heart of our Cosmos. Its bright spots are the blood cells of that luminary. Its coronal changes have no effect upon the earth’s climate, but the sunspots have. The connection between sunspots and epidemics affecting plants is well-established, but the karmic influence of sunspots on the fortunes of man, the living barometer, is not even suspected. The current solar cycle of sunspot activity began in December 2019 and will continue for eleven years. The fact that the current COVID-19 pandemic also began in December 2019 is no coincidence. This is further evidence of the magnetic sympathy between man and the planetary orbs that rule and guide human destinies. In Occultism atoms are called vibrations; also sound, collectively. It is the sound that produces the colour, and not the other way around. By correlating the vibrations of a sound in the proper way, a new colour can be made. Now, if the nerves of the human body thrill in synch with a low form of life, such as a virus for example, the outcome of this abnormal chromatic vibration is likely to be an infection acquired by magnetic affinity. Epidemics such as cholera, are the consequence of man’s sin, though his neglect of hygienic laws, of cleanliness and good drainage, are preventable. But there are also climatic conditions, as those in the outbreak of cholera in 1884, when the epidemic seemed confined to certain areas, following some law of atmospheric currents. Number 9 represents the earth under the influence of an evil principle. It is a digit dreaded by the ancients, for its natural depravity is awful. Influenza epidemics have a mysterious predilection for royalty. That which is now called influenza was known before as the grippe, and the latter devastated Europe centuries before the cholera made its first appearance in the so-called civilized lands. Epidemics of influenza and other respiratory tract infections are often caused by an abnormal exuberance of ozone in the air. The real ozone is the Elixir of Life. Thought is neither less material nor less objective than the elusive germs of infectious diseases — current and continuously emerging — the causes of which are such a puzzle for modern science. Since the mind of a living person can psychologize another mind at will, so can the thought of a person already dead. Mental epidemics are often caused by sorcerers who arouse the earth-bound shadows of the dead to hallucinate the minds of good men. Moral taint is as communicable as the physical. Bad companions will degrade personal magnetism and this is more pernicious than the impressions conveyed to the eye or the ear. The latter may be repelled by avoiding seeing or hearing what is bad; but the moral poison of the former, floating in the air, enwraps the sensitive and penetrates his very being. A negatively polarized man, a man of a susceptible temperament, if exposed to a current of foul emanations from some vicious person will be absorb the insidious poison until he is saturated by it. Likewise, a susceptible body will absorb pathogenic microorganisms. The two best remedies for the sensitive to have his sensitiveness destroyed, is to change his negative polarity to positive, and to avoid passivity at all costs by maintaining full control of his mind at all times. While the fear that the presence of the dead brings pollution to the living is no better than a superstition, the real cause of the religious prohibition not to handle too closely the dead and to bury them without first subjecting the bodies to the disinfectant process of fire, vultures, or nitric acid, was as beneficent in its results as it was wise, since it was the best and most necessary sanitary precaution against epidemics. The Astral Light is no light, it is a huge storehouse of human corruption and degeneracy. It gives out nothing but what it has received; it is the great terrestrial crucible, in which the vile emanations of the earth (moral, psychic, and physical, upon which the Astral Light is fed) are all converted into their subtlest essence, radiated back intensified, and then spread as epidemics — moral, psychic, and physical.

The real Christ is Buddhi-Manas, the glorified Divine Ego

The real Christ is Buddhi-Manas, the glorified Divine Ego PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 67

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The real Saviours of Mankind all descend to the Nether World, the Kingdom of Darkness, of temptation, lust, and selfishness. And, after having overcome the Chrest condition or the tyranny of separateness, their astral or worldly ego is enlightened by Lucifer, the Glorified Divine Ego (Buddhi-Manas), who is the real Christ in every man. Pythagoras, Buddha, Apollonius, were Initiates of the same Secret School. The Sun is the external manifestation of the Seventh Principle of our Planetary System while the Moon is its Fourth Principle. Shining in the borrowed robes of her Master, she is saturated with and reflects every passionate impulse and evil desire of her grossly material body, our earth. Jesus as “Son of God” and “Saviour of Mankind,” was not unique in the world’s annals. The “infallible” Churches made up history as they went along, building up the Apostolic Church on a jumble of contradictions. See how the Fathers have falsified Jesus’ last words and made him a victim of his own success. “My God, my Sun, thou hast poured thy radiance upon me!” concluded the thanksgiving prayer of the Initiate, “the Son and the Glorified Elect of the Sun.” The Baptism in the Jordan is the Rite of Initiation and the final purification, when Christos and Sophia (Divine Intelligence–Wisdom) enter the Initiate by transference from Guru to Chela, leave the physical body upon death of the latter, and re-enter the Nirmanakaya, the Astral Ego of the new Adept. The “baptism” or Initiation of Jesus stands for the “descent” of the Higher Self or Soul (Atma-Buddhi) on Manas, the Higher Ego. And the union of Christos with Chrestos establishes a conscious communication of the Universal Individuality with the transcendent personality (Theophania) — the Adept. Jesus was crucified by his own Church, not by Scripture. The key to the hitherto unfathomable mystery of Jesus is hidden in the paronomasia of Chrestos and Christos. He who will not ponder over and master the great difference between the meaning of the two Greek words (Chrestos and Christos), must remain blind for ever to the true esoteric meaning of the Gospels; that is to say, to the living Spirit entombed in the sterile dead-letter of the texts, the very Dead Sea fruit of lip-Christianity. Jesus was Chrestos, a virtuous man in his trial of life and candidate to initiation. Not yet Christos, as he had not passed the third degree of initiation to become Epoptes. Chrestos, the neophyte, is admitted into the Christos condition at the end of his last incarnation when Manas is fully merged with Buddhi. His real temple is the awakened soul in the sanctuary of the heart. The real Christ is the Serpent or Dragon of Wisdom falling from on high into the hearts and minds of men. Christos is a Ray of Logos: Passive Wisdom in Heaven and Self-Active, Conscious Wisdom on Earth. Though the two are one, the permanent can never merge with the impermanent. It is only when the impermanent begins loving the permanent sufficiently to give up its ephemeral self and being, that a spiritual union of the “Heavenly man” with the “Virgin of the World” is accomplished and a new Saviour of Humanity is born here on earth but “without sin.” Alas, few are they who are fit to join that Holy Brotherhood where each, in order to gain admittance, must be at one with the Christ within him. Deity in Man is symbolised by Tau, a double glyph. Tau is formed from the figure Seven and the Greek letter Gamma, symbols of divine and earthly life, respectively. In its terrestrial attachment, Tau is the Sun shorn of his beams. In Greek Mythology, Tau is the iron lathe of Procrustes, the Attican Vishvakarman. Christos is Prometheus, a personification of the Great Logoic Sacrifice. On sending out its personal ray, Christos or Higher Manas becomes “crucified between two thieves”: the lower, impure tendencies that after death dissipate in Kama-Loka, and the higher aspirations that survive death and reascend the cyclic arc. Vishvakarman, the creator and “carpenter” of gods and men, crucifies Vikartana on a lathe and, cutting off the eighth part of his rays, deprives his head of its effulgence and creates round it a dark aureole. Christos is the “Man-God” of Plato, who crucifies himself for an eternity in the darkness of matter for the redemption of the Spirit of Light from the Kingdom of Darkness. As Deity and Man are One, so Christ is the God in Space and Man’s Saviour on Earth. Christos is the eternal, real Individuality or Universal Altruism, whereas Jesus-Chrestos is the ephemeral, false individuality or Egotism. Man is Deity on Earth, whose body is the cross of flesh, on, through, and in which he is ever crucifying and putting to death Christ, the Divine Logos, who is his benefactor and true friend. Chrest is a Ray made manifest from that Centre of Life which is hidden from the eyes of Humanity for and in Eternity. That Centre is the real Christ, crucified as a body of flesh and bones. The great mystery is at last unravelled: Christos, incarnating in Chrestos, becomes for certain purposes a willing candidate for a long series of tortures, mental and physical. Chrestos is the mortal man who, by crucifying the man of flesh and his passions on the Procrustean bed of torture, is reborn Immortal and leaves the animal-man behind him tied on the Cross of Initiation like an empty chrysalis. Then, his Higher Soul becomes as free as a butterfly.

A ray of Divine Radiance dwells in the heart of every man

A ray of Divine Radiance dwells in the heart of every man PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Cleanthes of Assos, Titus Lucretius Carus, Porphyry of Tyre
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 10

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Madame Blavatsky on the Cross + Fire

Madame Blavatsky on the Cross + Fire PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 37

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Cosmic Fire is Deity in its universality. Hermetic Fire is the Spirit of the Truth. Crux ansata is the true Cross, Arani and Pramantha are its symbols. Swastika is Fire Crucified, the 3 made 4.