Cardiothoracic Surgery Review

Cardiothoracic Surgery Review PDF Author: Kenneth L. Franco
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1451154151
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 4752

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Book Description
Cardiothoracic Surgery Review covers all of the core knowledge necessary to pass the cardiothoracic boards or the cardiothoracic recertification exam. Each topic presents core information in two-to-four pages and concludes with a brief list of the most important references. The topics cover all areas in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, and thoracic surgery. Included with the book is a companion website featuring the fully searchable text and over 60 procedural videos. This topic-based review is ideal for anyone needing to rapidly reference an up-to-date knowledge base in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiothoracic fellows, practitioners studying for recertification, and surgical nurses.

Cardiothoracic Surgery Review

Cardiothoracic Surgery Review PDF Author: Kenneth L. Franco
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1451154151
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 4752

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Book Description
Cardiothoracic Surgery Review covers all of the core knowledge necessary to pass the cardiothoracic boards or the cardiothoracic recertification exam. Each topic presents core information in two-to-four pages and concludes with a brief list of the most important references. The topics cover all areas in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, and thoracic surgery. Included with the book is a companion website featuring the fully searchable text and over 60 procedural videos. This topic-based review is ideal for anyone needing to rapidly reference an up-to-date knowledge base in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiothoracic fellows, practitioners studying for recertification, and surgical nurses.

Cardiothoracic Surgery Review

Cardiothoracic Surgery Review PDF Author: Kenneth L. Franco
Publisher: Lww
ISBN: 9781469880389
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1824

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Book Description
"Cardiothoracic Surgery Review covers all of the core knowledge necessary to pass the cardiothoracic boards or the cardiothoracic recertification exam. Each topic presents core information in two-to-four pages and concludes with a brief list of the most important references. The topics cover all areas in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiac surgery, pediatric cardiac surgery, and thoracic surgery. Included with the book is a companion website featuring the fully searchable text and over 60 procedural videos. This topic-based review is ideal for anyone needing to rapidly reference an up-to-date knowledge base in cardiothoracic surgery, including cardiothoracic fellows, practitioners studying for recertification, and surgical nurses."--Provided by publisher.

Tsra Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Tsra Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery PDF Author: Carlos Mery
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781515072539
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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This review book, edited by the Thoracic Surgery Residents Association (TSRA) and authored by more than 50 thoracic surgery residents from programs around the country, is a summary of the breadth of information...

Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery

Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery PDF Author: Larry Kaiser
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1469831155
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1232

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This volume in the acclaimed Mastery Series delivers clear, how-to guidance on the most commonly performed procedures in adult and pediatric thoracic surgery. As with other volumes in the series, Mastery of Cardiothoracic Surgery delivers expert commentary from master surgeons following each chapter. Invaluable for cardiothoracic fellows, as well as thoracic and cardiac surgeons.

Johns Hopkins Textbook of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Second Edition

Johns Hopkins Textbook of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Second Edition PDF Author: David Daiho Yuh
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071714936
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1470

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THE LANDMARK GUIDE TO ADULT CARDIAC, CONGENITAL CARDIAC, AND GENERAL THORACIC SURGERY--COMPLETELY UPDATED AND REVISED IN FULL COLOR An essential guide for daily clinical practice and a thorough review for the cardiothoracic boards, Johns Hopkins Textbook of Cardiothoracic Surgery is filled with authoritative guidance on surgical techniques and pre- and postoperative strategies for managing cardiothoracic disease. The content of this trusted classic reflects the rapidly changing field of cardiothoracic surgery. In addition to the basic curriculum required for certification, you will find coverage of advanced concepts, controversial issues, and new technologies. Johns Hopkins Textbook of Cardiothoracic Surgery provides an in-depth look at the full-spectrum of disorders and their surgical and medical management options, including congenital, acquired, and neoplastic diseases. Supporting this detailed coverage is an easy-to-navigate design and step-by-step explanations of the most complex operations. THE SECOND EDITION IS HIGHLIGHTED BY: NEW board review Q&A Ten NEW chapters including: Surgical Therapies for Atrial Fibrillation, Management of Adults with Congenital Heart Disease, and Stem Cells for Cardiac Surgical Disease NEW full-color illustrations An increased number of decision-making flow charts that will prove valuable when preparing for cases and examinations Key Concepts that highlight epidemiology, pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnostic and treatment strategies, and outcomes for each topic NOTE: This book was previously known as the Johns Hopkins Manual of Cardiothoracic Surgery but the second edition has been renamed to better reflect its scope and comprehensive nature.

Key Questions in Cardiac Surgery

Key Questions in Cardiac Surgery PDF Author: Narain Moorjani,
Publisher: tfm Publishing Limited
ISBN: 1908986530
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 522

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Winner of a HIGHLY COMMENDED AWARD in the Surgical specialties category of the 2011 BMA Medical Book Competition. Key Questions in Cardiac Surgery will systematically cover all the main topics involved in the current practice of a cardiac surgeon. It will incorporate current guidelines for practice (such as from the American Heart Association and European Society of Cardiology) and up-to-date information based on current literature. The data and body of knowledge presented in this book are strictly evidence-based which makes it ideal as a revision aid for residents/registrars undertaking their Cardiothoracic Surgery Board examinations around the world. Although these examinations vary in format in different countries, this book is applicable to all cardiothoracic surgical trainees. Its concise, yet complete coverage of the important topics, make it the ideal guide to answer the key questions in cardiac surgery that are asked within the confines of an examination. Cardiologists, cardiothoracic intensive care unit specialists, nursing staff, physiotherapists and other professions allied to medicine, both surgical and cardiological, will also find the book useful in terms of the indications and surgical management of these patients, as they are integral to the cardiac surgical process.

The Ethics of Surgery

The Ethics of Surgery PDF Author: Robert M. Sade
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0190204532
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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According to popular belief, technical skill is far more important for surgeons than thoughtful deliberation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Although surgeons must sometimes make decisions rapidly on the basis of incomplete evidence and must respond to unexpected catastrophes in the operating room rapidly, those events are intermittent - most of the time surgeons deliberate on diagnostic problems and thoughtfully manage postoperative care, which is often intellectually challenging.The relationship of surgeons with their patients is, in a real sense, far more intimate and trusting than that of any other professional, a claim that is supported by the fact that patients surrender their bodies to their surgeons in a state of total helplessness and vulnerability when they undergo anesthesia. Because of that responsibility, no other professional group has a greater sense of dedication to the welfare of their patients than surgeons.Surgical culture is deeply steeped in ethics, and surgeons confront and resolve ethical dilemmas as much or more than most other professionals, although they often may not recognize the situations they resolve are problems in ethics - they are just part of the daily routine. This book is a compendium of articles from the recent surgical literature that address ethical issues chosen by surgeons because they are controversial and pertinent to the practice of surgery. The reader will not find a great deal of sophisticated dissection of fine philosophical distinctions in these discussions of ethical conflicts and controversies in surgery. Instead, they will discover differing viewpoints from thoughtful essayists, mostly surgeons, whose feet are firmly in contact with the ground and who have extensive experience in the real world of surgery, medicine, and law.

Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery

Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery PDF Author: Robert M. Bojar
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444318357
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 640

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Extensively revised to cover recent advances in cardiac surgery, the fourth edition of Bojar's Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery remains the gold standard for management of adult patients undergoing cardiac surgery. The easily referenced outline format allows health practitioners of all levels to understand and apply basic concepts to patient care—perfect for cardiothoracic and general surgery residents, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, cardiologists, medical students, and critical care nurses involved in the care of both routine and complex cardiac surgery patients. This comprehensive guide features: Detailed presentation addressing all aspects of perioperative care for adult cardiac surgery patients Outline format allowing quick access to information Chronological approach to patient care starting with diagnostic tests then covering preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care issues Additional chapters discussing bleeding, the respiratory, cardiac, and renal subsystems in depth, and aspects of care specific to recovery on the postoperative floor Completely updated references Extensive illustrations, including NEW figures depicting operative techniques 14 helpful appendices covering order and flow sheets, protocols, commonly used drug dosages, and procedures Practical and accessible, the Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery is the essential reference guide to cardiac surgical patient care.

Robotic Cardiac Surgery

Robotic Cardiac Surgery PDF Author: Changqing Gao
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400776608
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 165

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Robotic Cardiac Surgery is a comprehensive guide to robotic/totally endoscopic cardiac surgery. The book is intended to provide in-depth information regarding the history of robotic surgical systems, their components and principles. It emphasizes patient selection, perioperative management, anesthesia considerations and management, operative techniques and management, postoperative care and results. Extensive, detailed photographs and illustrations of different kinds of robotic surgery are also included. It provides cardiac surgeons, cardiac anesthesiologists, and perfusionists with a comprehensive review of current robotic cardiac surgeries and related knowledge. Changqing Gao, MD, is a professor at the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China.

Cardiac Surgery in the Adult Fifth Edition

Cardiac Surgery in the Adult Fifth Edition PDF Author: Lawrence H. Cohn
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071846026
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1454

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Book Description
The most comprehensive and current full-color cardiac surgery resource – updated by leading surgeons A Doody’s Core Title for 2022! In Cardiac Surgery in the Adult, Fifth Edition, the world’s foremost cardiovascular surgeons deliver thorough, up-to-date coverage of operative strategy, decision making, technique, and pre- and post-operative management for treating the adult cardiac patient. Unmatched in both scope and clinical rigor, this classic text contains 63 chapters that highlight every important topic in cardiovascular surgery. Presented in full color, Cardiac Surgery in the Adult takes readers through the optimal treatment of congenital, acquired, infectious, and traumatic diseases of the heart and great vessels. The book opens with a history of cardiac surgery and basic cardiac science, then moves into all types of cardiac surgery, providing both practicing surgeons and residents with insight into the very latest surgical protocols. Cardiac Surgery in the Adult is logically divided into ten sections: Basics (includes history, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, computed tomography, risk assessment, simulation, and the fully integrated cardiovascular center) Perioperative/Intraoperative Care Ischemic Heart Disease Aortic Valve Disease Mitral Valve Disease Surgery of the Great Vessels Rhythm Surgery Other Cardiac Operations (including congenital heart disease, pericardial disease, and cardiac neoplasms) Transplant and Mechanical Circulatory Support The Fifth Edition has been updated throughout, and includes the latest advances in minimally invasive surgery and simulation.